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Happy Thanksgiving 😊!!!


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Just wanted to wish all the Americans here a Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you all have a good time with Family and Friends today!!



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Happy Thanksgiving, DARK Bishop!

I’m thankful for you and for this community.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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Now, today is Friday following Thanksgiving, called Black Friday in the US -- black meaning good buys for customers and big profits for businesses.

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We had a lovely dinner with East Indian friends, and always a wonderful discussion about all kinds of things. One thing that stood out was the observation that in all of the religions, the believers tend to forget the basics of being kind, generous, and hospitable, especially to the poor. They told us of how cruelly widows and many other women are treated even by their own family, but that they choose to give because it is what a good human does regardless of religion. 


(One caveat about the poor, I work around a lot of homeless and some of them are batshit crazy and violent. Keep yourself and yours safe first. A Florida woman was just murdered by a guy they let stay at their house.)

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On 11/25/2022 at 1:03 PM, pantheory said:

Now, today is Friday following Thanksgiving, called Black Friday in the US -- black meaning good buys for customers and big profits for businesses.


They didn't get 1 penny from our household.  Ha!  waiting on after Xmas, reduce the inventory sale.

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On 11/27/2022 at 9:42 PM, Weezer said:


They didn't get 1 penny from our household.  Ha!  waiting on after Xmas, reduce the inventory sale.


Yeah, a month-in-advance shopping for Christmas is more of a family thing, not my thing. For a long time I just handed out gift cards to non-family for Christmas -- don't recall that black Friday was ever a part of annual shopping for our family.  Upon looking it up on Wiki I see that Black Friday, meaning the day after Thanksgiving shopping, didn't catch on until the 1980's -- so I wasn't interested in such new fangled ideas.


Hanging out the Christmas lights early didn't cost me any more. But I also used to joke with my ex-wife by saying let's buy a Christmas tree the day after Christmas and celebrate Christmas on New Years day: we'll get a lot more for our money. As a atheist that was fine for me, but my wife and kids didn't like the idea much :)

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I'm old enough to remember there not being a black friday, and even old enough to remember not putting up Xmas decorations until a week before Xmas.  And we were very happy if we got toys along with clothes for presents.

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