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If there is an afterlife?


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This is just me being purely curious as to what people's ideal afterlife would look like if there was one. 


(Edit: this is completely a hypothetical question. If there was an afterlife what would your ideal afterlife be. Kinda like dreaming about what you would do with lottery winnings. Odds are it ain't gonna happen but its nice to think about right?)


We've all heard about heaven of course being ExChristians and all. But now when I think about heaven it doesn't even sound appealing. Pearly gates, streets of gold, mansions, perpetual worship to God the father, blah blah bleh yuck 🤮 


Since deconversion I've thought that reincarnation to human life would be a nice option. Just to live again. And experience all the wonders life has to offer would be great. 


But talking to @RankStranger about his reconversion made me think about there just being an alternate realm where we all go afterward would be nice as well. Being able to meet all the great people we were only able to read about through history. Even the man behind the Jesus myth, or the writers who claimed to be the apostles. Just to be able to sit down in the afterlife, tell them how the religion advanced and hear what the original ideals were behind the faith before everyone made it into what it is now. 


Or have a drink with Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Hamilton, and Abraham Lincoln. Talk about all their exploits during the revolutionary and civil wars.


Meet Sir Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla And Thomas eddison. Talk about their discoveries and how they changed the world. 


And then to top it all off exist forever with everyone you loved and meet ancestors you never knew existed. 


That would probably be my Ideal afterlife with Reincarnation being a second best option. There would be no end to the people I would want to meet in that scenario!! 


Hell! I would even want to meet Ghangis Kahn, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy, just to ask them what the Hell was up with that? 🤣 Hopefully in the ideal afterlife they are no longer batshit crazy maniacs.


So what would y'all consider the Ideal afterlife if an afterlife were possible?


Best Regards,


Dark Bishop

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I think these after-life celebrities are going to need agents and managers to keep us curious peasants... at a distance.  I'm not sure what Mohammad will do about the press in a next life where deadly force is some kind of moot point.


I don't have any vision of the afterlife that I can defend rationally.  But the idea that you'll re-join your ancestors in a better place after death, in some form, is a pretty common human theology.  It's sorta true enough in biology.  Beyond that who knows.  But it's not a bad premise, just as a working idea.


If it's not true... then what's the better idea?


If it is true, then Praise Jesus :jesus:



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6 minutes ago, RankStranger said:

I think these after-life celebrities are going to need agents and managers to keep us curious peasant... at a distance.

By now most of em have been there for hundreds of years. Hopefully the rush to meet them is over and the lines are shorter 🤣 🤣 🤣 




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Some people say we're living in a simulation.  I imagine that God could code if he wanted to.

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1 minute ago, RankStranger said:

Some people say we're living in a simulation.  I imagine that God could code if he wanted to.

Yeah those alternate consciousness and reality theories like that make my head hurt. If we are in some kind of "matrix" type reality then I guess we better just enjoy it because its all we got. 


I like to keep a level head and accept that the reality we see is real. But if it isnt.... what does it matter? Its the only reality we'll ever know.



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Sure.  But Pascal's wager could be applied to a lot of things.  What if we do in fact have some choice in the nature of our afterlife?  Would you want to end up in a different place than your ancestors?  Of your own free will?  I don't think I would.


Or would I choose to step onto that Jesus Bus, given the choice?  And take my chances on whether the destination will in fact be better.  That's not really in my control, ultimately.  And I'd rather hang out with my ancestors, at least some of the time.

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9 minutes ago, RankStranger said:

Sure.  But Pascal's wager could be applied to a lot of things.  What if we do in fact have some choice in the nature of our afterlife?  Would you want to end up in a different place than your ancestors?  Of your own free will?  I don't think I would.


Or would choose to step onto that Jesus Bus, given the choice?  And take one's chances on whether the destination will in fact be better.  That's not really in my control, ultimately.  And I'd rather hang out with my ancestors, at least some of the time.

I would like to hangout with all my ancestors. The good, the bad, the ugly, and get to know them all. Life throws people for a whirl sometimes and they make bad mistakes. I like to think in an ideal afterlife everyone would be there. And all trespasses would be forgiven. Truly forgiven. No hell, no purgatory, No heaven. Just existence.


Like I said. I would even like to meet serial killers or even the Evil Adolf Hitler. The problem with that type of afterlife would be the victims of those people. They probably wouldn't be to happy about that. But these guys had some serious mental issues that had to be affecting them in life. Wouldn't it be interesting to sit down and even talk to them and find out what was going on in their heads while living?


If I'm not mistaken in Norse mythology all the warriors battle each other every day in Valhalla. Doing what they did in life. And then set down at night and feast. Just to do it all over again the next day. Even mortal enemies sit at the same table and dine together.


On the Jesus bus only a select few would be there so fuck that. 😆 🤣 Thats no fun!



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25 minutes ago, RankStranger said:

Or would choose to step onto that Jesus Bus, given the choice?  And take one's chances on whether the destination will in fact be better.  That's not really in my control, ultimately.  And I'd rather hang out with my ancestors, at least some of the time.


So what would your ideal heaven be rank? Would it just be believers on the Jesus bus. Or would Jesus and the whole bus be with everyone else as well? I mean face it. If the Jesus bus only has the believers on it. And the saved. You wouldn't be able to meet "All" of your ancestors. 



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I remember when I was looking into Wicca when I was a teen there was talk in the books I read about a spirit realm where everyone's spirit went until they were ready to live again. A never ending cycle of life seemed to be a theme there. The creation stories were so much worse than the Bibles tho 🤣 lmao. 


But that was a pretty cool afterlife concept. Reminds me of the movie "what dreams may come". I think that's what it was anyway. With Robin Williams.



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I just added this edit to the original post:


Edit: this is completely a hypothetical question. If there was an afterlife what would your ideal afterlife be. Kinda like dreaming about what you would do with lottery winnings. Odds are it ain't gonna happen but its nice to think about right?


And want to add that I know my ideal afterlife with everyone in it probably wouldn't be popular. It takes out all the punishment for anyone who was a vile person in life. And that wouldn't be ok for others I'm sure. Thats cool. I'm just throwing that out there because it would make for an interesting afterlife. 


But, Surely there is someone else that has an idea of what an ideal afterlife would be for them. Possibly exploring the cosmos and visiting other galaxies? Haunting a house? Walking the earth exploring the world? The possibilities are only limited by the imagination once the shackles of religious indoctrination are broken. 





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8 hours ago, DarkBishop said:


But, Surely there is someone else that has an idea of what an ideal afterlife would be for them. Possibly exploring the cosmos and visiting other galaxies? Haunting a house? Walking the earth exploring the world? The possibilities are only limited by the imagination once the shackles of religious indoctrination are broken. 


I want something new going on all the time.  A new book.  New project, etc.   I can't think of any one thing I would like to do forever. 

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1 hour ago, Weezer said:

I want something new going on all the time.  A new book.  New project, etc.   I can't think of any one thing I would like to do forever. 

Thats a good one! Simple but true. And could involve an infinite number of possibilities. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

To me, the direct (and moderately pithy) answer to the question is: 'I don't know since most folks who talk about an afterlife are currently alive."

If we are speculating, an ancestral plane might be a cool thing. Hanging out and learning about what the world was like ages ago. Until I find out for certain, I'm pretty content with the thought that what I call "self" will dissipate but the process of life will continue like waves on the ocean.

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5 hours ago, Rev R said:

If we are speculating, an ancestral plane might be a cool thing. Hanging out and learning about what the world was like ages ago. Until I find out for certain, I'm pretty content with the thought that what I call "self" will dissipate but the process of life will continue like waves on the ocean.


Oh yeah, this is all complete speculation. As you suggested, the only ones that know aren't talking to us lol 😆 For me I know the odds are that our "self" will dissappear completely from existence. But there are those things that have happened to me and things have happened to others that makes me hope there is more. 


So when I die, I hope I will be embarking on a new Journey of discovery. But if it is only a loss of consciousness it will still be a journey of discovery until it stops I guess. Then I know what will happen to my remains afterward. So I'm at peace with it either way. I just hope it is a long time before I find out. Both options are better than Christianities Hell or Heaven. 



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12 hours ago, Rev R said:


 but the process of life will continue like waves on the ocean.


And eventually evaporate and become a cloud.  Then it rains and becomes the ocean again.  Proof of reincarnation!!   😁

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10 minutes ago, Weezer said:

And eventually evaporate and become a cloud.  Then it rains and becomes the ocean again.  Proof of reincarnation!!   😁

Good as anything I guess lol 😆 

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Sometimes a goofy ghost takes control of my mind.

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On 2/8/2023 at 11:01 PM, Weezer said:

And eventually evaporate and become a cloud.  Then it rains and becomes the ocean again.  Proof of reincarnation!!   😁

What is it that would reincarnate?

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12 hours ago, Rev R said:

What is it that would reincarnate?

Water??  Life??  It was intended as a joke.  Off the top of my head I thought, If water goes through cycles coming to earth in various forms, hanging around a while, and makes its way back to "the heavens" as vapor, then falls ro earth again, over and over, perhaps life in similar fashion does the same thing.  Vapor being a form of a "spirit" ascending to heaven.  Then returning to earth as a "physical" entity.   Like I said, some times the goofy ghost takes over.  You can't always take me seriously.  But, hey!  Maybe there is something to this reincarnation thing!!  😁

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22 hours ago, Weezer said:

Water??  Life??  It was intended as a joke.  

I figured the goofy ghost would have had a blast with the question. :D

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  • 3 months later...
On 2/10/2023 at 11:44 AM, Rev R said:

What is it that would reincarnate?

Ideally your spirit, consciousness, soul if there was one. It would be nice. But being free to live on a separate realm of existence as a free spirit sounds better. Its nice to think about and I really hope that I am pleasantly surprised with an afterlife.  But I'm not gonna base my life decisions around the prospect. 



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On 6/3/2023 at 12:11 PM, DarkBishop said:

Ideally your spirit, consciousness, soul if there was one. It would be nice. But being free to live on a separate realm of existence as a free spirit sounds better. Its nice to think about and I really hope that I am pleasantly surprised with an afterlife.  But I'm not gonna base my life decisions around the prospect. 




I find it interesting to think about an afterlife. 

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So what kind of afterlife do you envision? 

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1 hour ago, DarkBishop said:

So what kind of afterlife do you envision? 


Well, I dont want to turn 80 years old and get scared like my parents and start talking to the Jebus after claiming he isnt real for most of my life. 


Reincarnation would be a good choice. Just come back as someone else. I think it's a possibility. 

The other would be to spend time in the Summerland, some sort of pagan heaven with forests and lakes and naked women. As long as there is something to do. 


Reincarnation would probably be better because people dont generally remember their past lives. If living was just continual awareness we might get super bored. 

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5 minutes ago, midniterider said:


If living was just continual awareness we might get super bored. 


I agree.  Variety is the spice in life!  Especially if it was for eternity.

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