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Goodbye Jesus

Knowledge: The True Enemy of God


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A recent revelation I had is that the Bible, from the very beginning, instills within people a fear of gaining knowledge. The story of Adam and Eve, for example. The tree itself is called the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, God told them not to eat from it for they will surely die. The gaining of knowledge is taught as something to be feared and pretty much sinful. As when they ate of the fruit, it caused the downfall of all of humanity. It's rather odd. It's almost as if you're expected to remain blind and obedient, as anything outside of that could destroy your faith and devotion. Hmm, that's a bit cult-like. I think that's why and how a lot of churches try to keep you in the fold under the guise of leading you in the right direction and not to trust the things of this world. Knowledge is power, after all. Not to mention that Bible verse about not leaning on your own understanding and submitting to god (I forget the verse. It's been a while and I don't want to go find it because trauma reasons). It's as if the Bible paints the gaining of knowledge outside of God's word as untrue and inherently evil. Because when you stop fully relying on God and leaning on your own understanding instead, after a while you start truly seeing the many holes that you were previously blind to. The true enemy isn't Satan, sin or the demonic forces of hell. It's knowledge and gaining understanding. Adam and Eve were blind until they could finally see, but when they saw and realized, God didn't take it too kindly and then we were punished for it. Makes you think.


To the Christian faith, gaining knowledge seems to be the key to taking off the blindfold and truly seeing. Faith alone can only keep you held back for so long. This also makes me realize why some Christians are all for homeschooling and against public school education and college. Not all of them, but again, it makes you think. Knowledge is power and the key to fully breaking out. It's easy to keep people in with fear of the unknown and the threat of eternal torment if you leave and other things. So, in short: I was blind, but now I see.

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