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From the Main Blog: On Living Virtuously


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On Living Virtuously
By Webmdave ~ 
As a Christian, living virtuously meant living in a manner that pleased God. 

Pleasing god (or living virtuously) was explained as:  

  • Praying for forgiveness for sins
  • Accepting Christ as Savior
  • Frequently reading the Bible
  • Diligently memorizing the Bible
  • Being properly baptized (subject to church rules) 
  • Attending church services 
  • Partaking of the Lord’s Supper
  • Tithing
  • Resisting temptations to lie, steal, smoke, drink, party, have lustful thoughts, have sex (outside of marriage) masturbate, etc. 
  • Boldly sharing the Gospel of Salvation with unbelievers

The list of virtuous values and expectations grew over time. Once the initial foundational values were safely under the belt, “more virtues'' were introduced. Newer introductions included (among others) harsh condemnation of “worldly” music, homosexuality and abortion

Eventually the list of values grew ponderous, and these ideals were not just personal for us Christians. These virtues were used to condemn and disrespect from the pulpit the lives of non-Christians who ignore various so-called Christian virtues. Of course, for us Christians, acceptance of the teachings of “the church” held the promise of unending bliss in heaven. Conversely, rejection of certain popular doctrines received threats of God's punishment now and perhaps with hellfire. For today's Christian, religious practice is mostly about keeping a head full of approved religious opinions and their associated pious feelings.

In contrast, Stoic Virtues, which predates Christianity by several hundred years, promoted just four virtues:  

  1. Wisdom (prudence)
  2. Zeno-Purpose-of-Life-is-Happiness.png
    Justice (honesty)
  3. Courage (fortitude) 
  4. Discipline (temperance, self-control, moderation)

Stoic virtues placed less emphasis on feeling pious or religious, focusing instead on living virtuously, in harmony with the rest of society. In short, it was about trying to be a good and noble person, not for any promised private reward after death, but to have a good flow of life and help make the world better by having lived well.   

The happiness and unhappiness of the rational, social animal depends not on what he feels but on what he does; just as his virtue and vice consist not in feeling but in doing.“ —  Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book IX, 16  

When I enlisted in the United States Air Force, I was taught the Three Core Values:

  • Integrity First
  • Service Before Self, and 
  • Excellence In All We Do

Not unlike the Stoic virtues, these Core values have practical expression only when interacting with others. Integrity, Service and Excellence have little application if stranded alone on an island. 

Also, to  have Integrity includes having justice and courage. Service includes discipline. And excellence requires wisdom. Although I didn’t realize it when I enlisted, it seems obvious now that Stoic principles underpinned my military basic training. 

Christian beliefs and ethics are failing worldwide because they are built on a foundation of superstitious rewards and punishments. When the masses were ignorant or less informed,  threats and promises held sway. These days people are better informed and many are seeking something else. Something noble and honorable. Something un-miraculous and real. 

Some, like me, are finding concepts in Stoic and other Western Philosophies useful and beneficial. Others are finding encouragement from Eastern Thought. As I continue to build my life outside of Christianity, I intend to keep this anonymous wisdom front and center:

Being raised right doesn’t mean you don’t drink, party or smoke. Being raised right is how you treat people, your manners and respect. – Anonymous

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