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Goodbye Jesus

Gay Wrath (Angriest Rant Yet)


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I'm coming out swinging today (pun intended) and I'm gonna give my two cents on the subject of ex-gays... and some other fun stuff. I kind of deviated from that topic and just began getting some stuff out of my system. This topic is very sensitive for me because I could've ended up like that. I might be a bit more heated than usual with this one. I think my Angry Atheist (or Agnostic) Phase™️ is reaching a peak... maybe.


Ex-gays are one of the most infuriating things for me when I think about the Christian religion. It's a topic that whenever I hear about it, I can't help but feel a mixture of intense anger and sadness. Angry because they're essentially repressing themselves until they die. Sad because, despite my resentment towards that sort of crap, I can't help but feel sorry for them. 


Ex-gays piss me off so much. When I was closeted as a teen, I could've gone down that path and it hurts to see people that did end up doing that. I fucking despise Christianity for robbing me of years that I could've spent loving and accepting myself and my sexuality. I used to force myself to watch straight porn in order to "fix" what was never broken in the first place. I got so caught up in the opinions of others, that I attempted for so long to repress and change myself just to make others feel comfortable around me. Do you know how fucking exhausted I was? Do you know how much pain I was put through? I could've been like those ex-gays. I could've repressed myself just to fit the Christian mold and make others comfortable. I wasted years treating my sexuality and myself like parking lot trash. Christianity and is fucking poison. All those people who were gay or lesbian or whatever, told that they were sinful or disgusting or whatever. Made to repress themselves until the day they died just for some stupid God that doesn't exist. Fuck you. All of those people wanting happy, healthy relationships and just because it's with someone of the same gender, you feel the need to make them feel like shit about themselves. I can't stand it anymore. I could've been one of them. 


You know how fucking exhausting it was watching straight people couple up, hold hands and kiss each other in public and all that shit? I wanted that, but because I wanted that with another guy, I felt shame and guilt and so much self-hatred. This goddamn religion is fucking disease. I don't want to even apologize for that, because I don't need to. I was told that because I loved another man, I was sinful. I was an abomination. I was wrong. I attempted to change myself as those fucking Christocunts saw fit and all I got were years of religious trauma, anxiety and all this other bullshit. I hope that fucking religion drops even more in numbers as the years go by. I really, really don't want to be resentful, but fuck you. Fuck your stupid religion for putting me through all of that. I don't care if you say they're nOt rEaL ChRiStiAns. I couldn't love myself for years because I thought I would end up in Hell with people that did shit like murder and rape and all this shit because all I fucking did was want to be with a man. Screw your God and narrow definition of marriage. The fact you pieces of shit think that marrying two people of the same gender is a gateway to fucking pedophilia says a lot more about you than it does us. Go shove your Bible up your ass you fucking horrible, horrible people. I wasted so much time suffering alone, wanting to die, to end it all just for your stupid God and your stupid Heaven and just everything in your "good book".


I'm so tired of hearing even non-Christians here where I live too say we're pushing an agenda or whatever. What agenda??? Fuck off. Is my presence an agenda?? I am irritating you because I exist in the same space as you? Does me breathing the same air as you make you uncomfortable? Does me bringing up my sexuality for more than 00000.1 seconds make you feel like I'm mAkiNg iT mY enTiRe perSonALiTy??? JESUS FUCK. Deal with it then. I wish I didn't even have to come out. Straight people are so fucking lucky it makes me feel so upset when they can just talk about their partners or hold hands with their partners or literally show any form of PDA while I remain single because the area I live in is absolute shit and rife with Christianity and homophobic people. I have to hide who I am just to not deal with this shit. I can't even imagine what it would be like if I grew up in a place like Saudi Arabia or Uganda. I would die, like actually because you can be put to death or jailed. While I'm still lucky in some ways, it's still just so upsetting. Even in supportive and more progressive areas, people like this still exist and will continue to exist. I can't stand it right now. I cannot wait for the day that being LGBT isn't a problem to people anymore and religion becomes a thing of the past.  I'll probably be dead by then, but I'm remaining hopeful.


Well, I deviated from the original topic a bit, but getting all of that out of my system really helped. Let's hope this is my last crazy rant for a while lol. I don't want to be aggressive like this towards Christians and religion, but I gotta heal somehow sooooo... 


Edit: I've calmed down. Hooray for mindfulness and tea lol. But seriously, it works. I mean there's more too it than that, but yeah.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sometimes its just good to vent. Just remember it will get better, your life will improve and Christianity will continue its slow spiral down the toilet of history.


I was watching a video from Mythvision where they talked about Christianity treating gays terribly. The OT says its a crime worthy of death, even though its victimless. They pointed out that there were tons of OT laws that do not get followed now; slavery, stoning sabbath breakers, killing rowdy children, adulterers, worshippers of other gods or witches. Christians are quick to say "that was old covenant" or "that was specific to that time, place or only for Israel" But when it is pointed out that the laws against gays are in the very same sections, they want to say "that one still counts". Its blatant cherrypicking.

If you're a Christian willing to work on the Sabbath then you can't say being gay is wrong without being a massive hypocrite. 

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7 hours ago, Wertbag said:

Sometimes its just good to vent. Just remember it will get better, your life will improve and Christianity will continue its slow spiral down the toilet of history.

Haha yeah. I do like my venting. :) It helps a lot. I'm holding out hope for a brighter future as Christianity slowly dies.


7 hours ago, Wertbag said:

I was watching a video from Mythvision where they talked about Christianity treating gays terribly. The OT says its a crime worthy of death, even though its victimless. They pointed out that there were tons of OT laws that do not get followed now; slavery, stoning sabbath breakers, killing rowdy children, adulterers, worshippers of other gods or witches.

I'm gonna check out Mythvision later. Looks like interesting an interesting channel. Can you point me to the specific video you watched? That would be very much appreciated! 😁


7 hours ago, Wertbag said:

Christians are quick to say "that was old covenant" or "that was specific to that time, place or only for Israel" But when it is pointed out that the laws against gays are in the very same sections, they want to say "that one still counts". Its blatant cherrypicking.

If you're a Christian willing to work on the Sabbath then you can't say being gay is wrong without being a massive hypocrite. 

Yeah, Christians just want to justify being homophobic and such by cherry cherrypicking Bible verses to however they see fit. Then, when called out on their bigotry, they can cry persecution like they didn't just hurl slurs at them or tell them they're sinners or something moments earlier.


Homophobia in all forms is complete shit. It doesn't make sense to me. Why are you so pressed about what other people are doing with their lives if it's not effecting you? If two people who happen to be of the same sex are in a relationship, what's the big deal? Yeah sure, in the Bible it's not really tolerated, but why should we be expected to follow those rules when we don't abide by them? I'm just sick of homophobic people bitching and moaning all the time about shit that really doesn't matter. If I want to date and get married to a man, in what way is that going to ruin your life... or anyone's life? It's always something with these people. "They stole the rainbow from God; it's not natural; they're destroying the nuclear family and the traditional definition of marriage; Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve; yadda yadda yadda". I'm so done lmao.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/8/2023 at 11:26 PM, Casualfanboy16 said:

I'm gonna check out Mythvision later. Looks like interesting an interesting channel. Can you point me to the specific video you watched? That would be very much appreciated! 😁


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