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Goodbye Jesus

Does Anyone Ever Go Back?


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I always notice on the main testimonial page of this site witnessing Christians always chime in as if they are going to spread this never before seen ray of light, thus reconverting the so called ex-Christian. I must say I can't even begin to express my appreciation to all those who have done the intellecual Biblical footwork to expose the great book of fiction for what it really is. There is no way I could ever get though one page, let alone the entire book many times over as some here have. I just don't think there is any way humanly possible I could ever be a believer again after all I have learned at this site, and I wouldn't see how anyone ever could. Has anyone ever gone back after armed with all the information on this site? There just seems to be no fucking way. This site changed my life forever. I am free..........

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We've had a couple reconversions that I can remember. One was "Lissa's Mom" about a year or so ago; another was some chick who became a crazy Catholic.


I still wonder sometimes; I often get paranoid about the Bible, esp. with end times stuff, but then I come to my senses. It's all in my head; God, Satan, etc. are all in my mind.

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I was a reconvert, but that was years ago, before PCs even. :twitch:


Madame M went back for awhile.


Michael went back.


And a lady that loved Godzilla, I don't remember her screen name. Godzilla maybe?

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I've experienced a couple of brief reconversions courtesy of my bipolar illness. They didn't last long, and I came back to my senses.

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And a lady that loved Godzilla, I don't remember her screen name. Godzilla maybe?


That was her name, Godzillabless! She's the one who turned into a crazy Catholic.

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I personally could never go back. It would be like believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny.

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While I don't know anyone personally who reverted to Christianity, I know that there are people who do. For example, people who have near death experiences frequently return to the faith of their childhood.


The way things stand now for me, I hope I don't go back to Catholicism. Ever. The longer I'm out of it, the more disgusted I am with the system. But who knows what the future will bring. :shrug:

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I always notice on the main testimonial page of this site witnessing Christians always chime in as if they are going to spread this never before seen ray of light, thus reconverting the so called ex-Christian. I must say I can't even begin to express my appreciation to all those who have done the intellecual Biblical footwork to expose the great book of fiction for what it really is. There is no way I could ever get though one page, let alone the entire book many times over as some here have. I just don't think there is any way humanly possible I could ever be a believer again after all I have learned at this site, and I wouldn't see how anyone ever could. Has anyone ever gone back after armed with all the information on this site? There just seems to be no fucking way. This site changed my life forever. I am free..........



I know a man, who's name I'll keep to myself, who suffers from Bipolar Disorder. Whenever he gets his attacks, he reconverts. It's happened several times now. I guess in his altered state, Christainity, the religion of his past, starts to make sense again.


I've experienced a couple of brief reconversions courtesy of my bipolar illness. They didn't last long, and I came back to my senses.



Hey! I was just talking about you and trying to keep your name anonymous. lol...

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I've experienced a couple of brief reconversions courtesy of my bipolar illness. They didn't last long, and I came back to my senses.


Theoretically then if you happen to die manic, you will go to heaven.

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Guest Emerson

I was a reconvert, but that was years ago, before PCs even. :twitch:



how did you ever survive? THE HORROR!!! THE HORROR!!!!



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It would be hard to reconvert, I think. It's kind of like escaping the Matrix.


I could only reconvert if I were lobotomized.

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Same here, I don't think I could ever still the doubts you devils put in my mind... :wicked: thank you!

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I was an athiest as a child and went back to religion during my teens. Took me a long time to come back to atheism again. Funnily enough, my psychiatrist thinks I may have bipolar (it's going to take a long time gradually kinda experimenting with my medications to find out). :shrug: I intend to stay athiest as I think it is more conducive to mental health than any religion.

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I was an athiest as a child and went back to religion during my teens. Took me a long time to come back to atheism again. Funnily enough, my psychiatrist thinks I may have bipolar (it's going to take a long time gradually kinda experimenting with my medications to find out). :shrug: I intend to stay athiest as I think it is more conducive to mental health than any religion.


I think so, too. If you're mental health has been compromised and you start introducing all kinds of imaginary friends and worlds into the mix, you're asking for trouble. Stick with reality. It's much simpler and easier to deal with. I can only imagine the trouble a schizophrenic could get into if indoctrinated into fundamentalist Christianity!!!

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I don't believe I could ever go back. The only way I would go to a church is a rummage sale.. lol


I do know of someone (from years ago) that goes back and forth that has mental problems....usually when he is not on a "trip" he doesn't believe. When he is in a manic mode, that is when he believes. Come to think of it, I believe he has bipolar as well, but not very good at keeping up with his meds.

One day he was praising Jesus, the next day he told his neighbor "fuck Jesus and the horse he came in on..."

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There's A.S.A Jones, who has a website called "ex-atheist.com". Her story makes a really interesting read. You can see it here, and a right load of nonsense it is too!



HERE is the same story again, but this time with a sane person listening (check it out, very funny!):



And here is Farrell Till neatly ripping Jones to shreds:


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I've heard of many ex-atheists. However, they are generally not people going into Christianity or some other monotheistic, hard-lining religion, but people who formerly believed that absolutely no spiritual thing existed, and now believe that it does. They don't typically belong to a religion.

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I was a reconvert, but that was years ago, before PCs even. :twitch:


Madame M went back for awhile.


Michael went back.


And a lady that loved Godzilla, I don't remember her screen name. Godzilla maybe?

I had a brief flirtation with going back also..around the same time as Madame M..didn't last long though..

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Honestly, there truly IS no going back........ anyone who claims otherwise is really good at self deceit. And why would you trust the wisdom of someone capable of deceiving themselves?



I had a cold moment of pure terror a few months ago. The plane I rode was attempting to land in Athens Greece, and there was a horrendous lightning storm raging. The turbulence was.....memorable.

And I was terrified, and enraged too. The rage came from realizing my "safety blanket" really was gone. It was the first time since abandoning my religion that I'd felt on the brink of my own mortality. And I was furious (because it wasn't like I could DO anything about it). The plane dropped.......and caught itself a couple of times. Some folks screamed.


And I realized with cold certainty that every movie I'd ever seen when a life threatening situation "turned" a person back to their culturally acceptable faith, was a total lie.


Though I also admit, much of my rage came from a mild envy. Because turbulence on a plane used to make me quite placid. Awaiting the "inevitable". I realize now that is correct sheeplike behavior, and is not something to admire.


At the end of the flight (people clapped), the airport closed to outgoing flights (gives you an idea of the severity we went through). I walked to the Metro contemplating my emotional state, and I asked myself......could I or would I ever trade my knowledge and understanding for the peace and comfort (though false) offered by religion?


I realized the answer was a resounding NO. Which....actually made me feel pretty good.

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While I don't know anyone personally who reverted to Christianity, I know that there are people who do. For example, people who have near death experiences frequently return to the faith of their childhood.




I always heard the opposite concerning the NDE. The people who came back after talking to 'the Supreme Being' were more at peace and did not go running to the nearest church. I knew someone that had an NDE and he was very content with life and never had any fear even though his ticker was running in overtime. He had his NDE during heart surgery and was very vivid in the descriptions.


For me, it is comforting as I would hate to think that when I die 'THAT'S ALL FOLKS'. Having been a fundie for so long I looked forward to riding the celestial omnibus one day.

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I've noticed, too, that people that have NDEs usually come back saying that individual religion doesn't matter. I was fascinated by that stuff as a kid, and read lots of books describing experiences in order to "prove" my Christian faith true, by coming across Christians going to the other side and having God or whomever tell them that they were "saved" and non-Christians being told they were being given "one last chance to find Christ", or whatever. I was horribly disappointed.


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Honestly, there truly IS no going back........ anyone who claims otherwise is really good at self deceit. And why would you trust the wisdom of someone capable of deceiving themselves?



I had a cold moment of pure terror a few months ago. The plane I rode was attempting to land in Athens Greece, and there was a horrendous lightning storm raging. The turbulence was.....memorable.

And I was terrified, and enraged too. The rage came from realizing my "safety blanket" really was gone. It was the first time since abandoning my religion that I'd felt on the brink of my own mortality. And I was furious (because it wasn't like I could DO anything about it). The plane dropped.......and caught itself a couple of times. Some folks screamed.


And I realized with cold certainty that every movie I'd ever seen when a life threatening situation "turned" a person back to their culturally acceptable faith, was a total lie.


Though I also admit, much of my rage came from a mild envy. Because turbulence on a plane used to make me quite placid. Awaiting the "inevitable". I realize now that is correct sheeplike behavior, and is not something to admire.


At the end of the flight (people clapped), the airport closed to outgoing flights (gives you an idea of the severity we went through). I walked to the Metro contemplating my emotional state, and I asked myself......could I or would I ever trade my knowledge and understanding for the peace and comfort (though false) offered by religion?


I realized the answer was a resounding NO. Which....actually made me feel pretty good.



That was an amazing post(I'm proud of you). After an experience like that many people would've gone running back into the comforting arms of religion. I might've contemplated doing so myself. Having your own mortality staring you the face is not an easy thing. But what is more couragous is the fact that you wouldn't let yourself become a hypocrite. I feel like the road to truth is definately the road less travelled - and its got way more uncertainties than the one that calls for being lobodomized by a particular religion.


However, at the same time - what if that experience was going to be your last? I couldn't criticize you for going back. I'm sure it makes death easier to handle "believing" that you'll come out on top. It would be like taking a shot of morphine or having an orgasism right before you die - your mind focusing on anything else except your emment demise.


OK enough talk about death.... Whats for dinner? :wicked:

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There's A.S.A Jones, who has a website called "ex-atheist.com". Her story makes a really interesting read. You can see it here, and a right load of nonsense it is too!



HERE is the same story again, but this time with a sane person listening (check it out, very funny!):



And here is Farrell Till neatly ripping Jones to shreds:




My face hurts from laughing at the Nutwatch articles. Holy crap, that chick is really funny. Reminds me of MST3000, how I miss that show. :(

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