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Did The Bible Come From Drug Users?


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i was thinking about it when i was reading my blasphemous poetry i wrote drunk last night in the creative writing section lol. maybe this is how religion started lol.

first drugs werent illegal in ancient times so you could do drugs, get drunk what ever.

and all threw the bible we have stories of drunk people like (i think it noah im not sure) he was laying drunk when cannan found him also his daughters slept with him drunk.

i think its very possible a drug addict could see a snake talk, donkeys talk, jesus floating in the air and probally when genesis said of ever herb you shall eat he meant ever herb lol

now im sure somew christians going to say this is a sin the bible talks about it lol.

i know drug addicts and drunks who will preach and tell you its wrong while drunk that was just one of their drunken rampages lol.

no one knew when they did drugs they were hallucinating back then so it might of been thought to be real. i think its possible.

but im not sure how it got written down i guess some people can write good under the influence lol.

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Ever read Revelations? Whoever wrote that definitely had some kind of trip.

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Guest Emerson

Yes. Maybe some of the writers had schizophrenia or took hallucinogen mushrooms. lol.


I'm so sick of the xtians, their talk of sin and hell. Blech!

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Nonsense, the writer of Relevations wasn't on drugs!

He were getting a shower of relevations straight from God and Jesus themselves.

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i didnt think about that they might of had mental problems too. back then no one wouldve known about that so they probally thought it was prophecy or something.



Yes. Maybe some of the writers had schizophrenia or took hallucinogen mushrooms. lol.


I'm so sick of the xtians, their talk of sin and hell. Blech!


A.t. the books of revelations is redicoulous its got a seven headed dragon and all sorts of other nonsense. do you really believe in that. show me a seven headed dragon do you got one?



Nonsense, the writer of Relevations wasn't on drugs!

He were getting a shower of relevations straight from God and Jesus themselves.

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The seven headed dragon is the symbols of the heathen people which is woes before the actual end of the world. But I take it literally in the sense that these are people who are trying to pave the way to annoy the Supreme God who reigns over all.

Yes of course, I do take The Holy Bible literally (Most of the time except for these crazy metaphorical armageddon symbols.)

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Nonsense, the writer of Relevations wasn't on drugs!

He were getting a shower of relevations straight from God and Jesus themselves.



Yeah, a golden shower. Followed by lots and lots of golden showers.....



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Relevations is the best book of The New Testament! Lots of godly revenge in it.

Of course, hell too.

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A T, stop being so freudian.

You know these puns only makes you look bad, my dear.

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A T, stop being so freudian.

You know these puns only makes you look bad, my dear.



Yeah, all that "revenge" stuff looks pretty S&M to me.....And

burning in hell forever? Only a cosmic pervert could enjoy


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No, he was a ex atheist communist gay who converted to superhardcore Christianity but he was a backsliding Christian who threated to leave Christianity but he's back to Christianity only this time, he's just a vanilla liberal literalist Christian.

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Not just a liberal Christian but a liberal Christian who takes the bible mostly literally.

Except for the doomish parts of the bible.

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where is this supreme god?








The seven headed dragon is the symbols of the heathen people which is woes before the actual end of the world. But I take it literally in the sense that these are people who are trying to pave the way to annoy the Supreme God who reigns over all.

Yes of course, I do take The Holy Bible literally (Most of the time except for these crazy metaphorical armageddon symbols.)




Relevations is the best book of The New Testament! Lots of godly revenge in it.

Of course, hell too.


where is hell?

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Nonsense, the writer of Relevations wasn't on drugs!

He were getting a shower of relevations straight from God and Jesus themselves.


Yeah, hearing voices is a sign of schizophrenia, all right. Mix in the magic mushrooms and wine, and you've got John's wacky revelations!


Too bad Jesus lied about coming back soon. Makes Revelation look even worse.

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i bet buddha had some intense trips too

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i bet buddha had some intense trips too


Buddha fucked up his body (and hence, his mind) up pretty bad before he sat down under the bodhi tree and make his shit up. His followers hallucinated a few things as well-- I remember some story about Buddha's twirling in the air and then spouting out light.


Still, John's hallucinations are the most vivid I've come across. Muhammed, founder of the cancer known as Islam, hallucinated seeing an angel's face everywhere he turned, and rode up to heaven on a freaky beast. Maybe John took more hits of acid than Muhammed.

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Guest The_Prophet_ZEKE

When I read this i litterally puked on my keyboard.

The bibles not from nut jobs and drug addicts

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yes it is no sane person would say snakes talked, jesus walked on water and a man could part a red sea.

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I've even heard some say Jesus encouraged the use of Mary Jane.


Most scholars don't think so, but I think it's a possibility.

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When I read this i litterally puked on my keyboard.

The bibles not from nut jobs and drug addicts


Because you say so?


The psychotic god in the Old Testament has all the earmarks of being made up by psychopaths. God *loves* killing, even children.


The bizarre hallucinations experienced by people in both testaments are either psychotic episodes or are the result of drug-induced visions. Revelation sounds all the world like a mushroom trip.


Don't worry, though. Jesus lied to his followers about coming back soon, and Paul (who suffered a heat stroke and hallucinated the voice of Jesus), was also *sure* that Jesus was coming back soon. Idiot or lunatic? Probably both.


Just for the record "soon" does not equal 2,000 years.

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The Buddist "Nirvahna" and the Scientologist "Clear" sound an awful lot alike.


The Prophet Zeke has five posts saying pretty much the same thing all posted within a minute or two of each other, which means he must have used another screen name to read them and knew where they were and what they were about before they posted. No one could come here and navigate the topics that fast, considering he makes it sound like this is his first reation to reading the posts. He's a spoof.



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Guest Shiva H. Vishnu

The Buddist "Nirvahna" and the Scientologist "Clear" sound an awful lot alike.


The Prophet Zeke has five posts saying pretty much the same thing all posted within a minute or two of each other, which means he must have used another screen name to read them and knew where they were and what they were about before they posted. No one could come here and navigate the topics that fast, considering he makes it sound like this is his first reation to reading the posts. He's a spoof.




It's obviously willy.

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