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The Most Nauseating "christian" Tv Programme


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What is it for you? If you ever look at them?


In the UK, "Songs of Praise" does it for me. Nothing but a feel-good program brimming with sentimentalism and a lot of people singing songs you can see they don't really give a s*** about. Awful hypocrisy.


It's nauseating. One of these days I'll write to the BBC with some strong words and ask them to take it off the air.

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I'm not aware of any German TV feature promoting fundyism (aside from some 4th-reich-imported bullshit that seems to raise its ugly head from time to time on Sun's day morning...), but I did check out the realplayer streaming of the TBN 4th reich brainwashing station... and I'm as disgusted as (probably) everyone expected. :Hmm:

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What is it for you? If you ever look at them?


In the UK, "Songs of Praise" does it for me. Nothing but a feel-good program brimming with sentimentalism and a lot of people singing songs you can see they don't really give a s*** about. Awful hypocrisy.


It's nauseating. One of these days I'll write to the BBC with some strong words and ask them to take it off the air.


I don't know why they haven't given it the axe yet. Nobody really watches it, do they? Well, there's you I suppose... :grin:

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7th Heaven... Good Riddens....

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7th Heaven... Good Riddens....



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Guest Emerson

I used to watch 7th heaven back in high school. Does any1 even watch it anymore? Its the show that goes on forever but nobody watches it, they're finally thinking of not renewing it. I hope it goes off air.


But the worst show is the one with Michael English (some dude who's a singer has his own talk show) and "the way of the master" (so that's what happens when has-been actors want to make a living in tv land).

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Did 7th heaven ever have a plot at all ?

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TBN does it for me. I never watch it anymore, but I remember all of the hypocritical bullshit, the "health & wealth" "name it and claim it" crap they preach. There used to be a show featuring "Dean & Mary" on TBN. They would sing songs and then of course TBN would plead for money. Nauseating stuff now, though I actually enjoyed it when I was a fundie... Everybody at TBN is in it for the money. :ugh:

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And how 'bout that series, Touched by an Angel? I don't think it was doctrinaire and it avoided the "turn or burn" bullshit that is the heart of all Xianity, but still, what sickeningly-sweet Jeezus-Lite that was. It's a wonder people didn't get diabetes just by watching it :ugh:

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Guest Emerson

I didn't get diabetes Var :lol: when I only watched a few episodes when it was on. Why is it that xtians always produce sugarey cotton candy entertainment? After all god isn't sugarey. :lmao:

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Here's one: Jack van Impe Presents


Stupid paranoid idiot with his rapture crap and conspiracy theories. What a load of bull. :loser:

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Personally, I'd go for any of those crappy fundy movies they air.

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TBN does it for me. I never watch it anymore, but I remember all of the hypocritical bullshit, the "health & wealth" "name it and claim it" crap they preach. There used to be a show featuring "Dean & Mary" on TBN. They would sing songs and then of course TBN would plead for money. Nauseating stuff now, though I actually enjoyed it when I was a fundie... Everybody at TBN is in it for the money. :ugh:


Heh, the most blatant hypocrisy I've seen there so far was an ad saying (quoting from memory) "Are you in financial trouble? Then buy this carpet with all the names of jehoover on it to blah yadda blah..."


Yeah right. You're dead broke? Then go out and spend even more money you don't have. Aaaah, fundie "logic"... :vent:

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Here's one: Jack van Impe Presents


Stupid paranoid idiot with his rapture crap and conspiracy theories. What a load of bull. :loser:

Yeah, that's the guy who came to my mind. Though he's pretty funny (unintentionally, of course) when edited down a bit by Jimmy Kimmel. And his wife is named "Roxzilla" or something really strange (not really relevant -- just strange.)
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Here's one: Jack van Impe Presents


Stupid paranoid idiot with his rapture crap and conspiracy theories. What a load of bull. :loser:


That guy cracks me up. The last time I watched him and Cruella I laughed harder than I do at South Park.


Tilton is pretty funny as well. He's obviously a fake. I saw an expose on him once (NBC or one of those news mags). He was a marketing major who went to a tent meeting for shits and giggles. He and his buddy had a lightbulb pop up over their heads and they pooled their money and bought a tent. The rest is history. If he wasn't such an asshole for ripping off those who can least afford it you would have to commend him on his ingenuity.

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Ooooh, man, TBN. When I was a housekeeper at the nursing home, the old people had that shit on constantly in their rooms. It's really quite sad when you think about all these gullible old people giving away their life's savings and children's inheritances, toiled over for over fifty years to these people, because they promised Jesus would give them millions back.


One time, I got sooooo offended, I was steaming for days. They had a person of every color sitting in yet another one of their butt-ugly tasteless sets, with the solid-gold furniture and overstuffed pink velvet pillows, etc. They were all on their knees, crying and weeping and rocking back and forth like you hear about schizophrenic patients doing. First the white guy went, and prayed that God would bless His special land, America, and bless the American people, and their goal to spread the Word to all peoples, etc. Then the woman (the one that looks like Crack Whore Barbie with pink hair) starting praying, Thank You Jesus, and let all the women of the world know that Jesus loves them, and their husbands love them, and their children love them, so stop the spread of "liberal womanhood" throughout the world. Then the Asian guy went. This pissed me off most of all. Thank You Jesus for saving him, and in His Holy Name, turn "his" people away from their "ugly idols" and "idolatry" and "satanic traditions" and let them know the love of Christ. Then the African guy. Thank you Jesus, and please, please, turn "his" people away from their "false prophet" and "devilish book". And of course, they're all whispering "Amen" during each others' prayers, and keeping up the Bellevue-patient act.


Fucking disgusted me.

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TBN, no doubt! There is also a local guy Ernest Angley that is rather annoying to watch. His slogan is, "You are special to God, you really, REALLY, are!" *puke* Plus he wears a BAD hair piece.. lol To boot, he would go to Africa to have a healing line...well, there would be a lot of deaf and dumb kids there to be healed. Mind you, some since birth. Well, one time I was watching it and this boy came up for prayer. He had been deaf and dumb since birth.... so Ernie boy prayed over him and voila! He could hear! Well, Ernie has this rattle that he rattles in their ear to test to see if they could hear. He took the rattle and rattled it in his ear. He asked the boy, "Do you hear that?" and the boy shook his head yes. Now, HOW could he understand the question, if he has never heard anyone speak before???

Here is a link to his site...




Another one I could not stand even in my fundie days was Benny Hinn....him and Peter Popoff.... what dorks!

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I'm out of the loop and don't watch those programs any more.


I did watch The 700 Club a few months ago because, figure this one out - coincidence? The Holy Spook? - I was eating dinner one night, glanced at the TV schedule in the newspaper, and noticed that gospel harpist Greg Buchanan was the guest on that night's program. He and I had the same harp teacher. So, I watched. Pat Robertson and company gave the same BS as before but it was nice to see Greg after all these years.


I didn't know Michael English had a TV show. I may have the wrong person in mind here, but I remember back when Michael English had a Xian song hit with "Mary, Did You Know", there was a scandal some time later because he had a baby with a woman he wasn't married to. I seem to recall, but could be wrong, that she was married to someone else at the time. Maybe he has rehabbed his career. I haven't kept track.

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I watched The 700 Club and TBN shows (whos that lady with the crazy hair and pink lipstick?) for pure entertainment value as a Christian. Although, I took Pat Robertson somewhat seriously. I just love those infomercials for quack Godly vitamins and stuff. They get me really bad, too. It's like watching QVC.

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And his wife is named "Roxzilla" or something really strange (not really relevant -- just strange.)


I believe it's spelt "Rexella". Though "Roxzilla" is funnier. Reminds me of "Godzilla". :lmao:



That guy cracks me up. The last time I watched him and Cruella I laughed harder than I do at South Park.



That's a good name for her! :lmao: She's even nuttier than Jack, IMO. She always has this possessed look in her eyes.


You want a good laugh? Watch televangelists/faith-healing ministers. They're so whacked it's hysterical.

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One that really annouyed me was this teen rally where this one woman played the "evil" diversity teacher who called Christianity a sham. In one part the diversity lady was talking about her guests, one being a "Native American shaman whose going to teach us to make a spirit-catcher" (I wanted to yell, "It's called a dream-catcher, dumbass!"). The other part I noticed was when they showed the "Teaching Diversity" screen, there was a rabbi in there. 50 years ago, people who were the wrong skin color or from the wrong part of the country (eastern europe) who actually embraced some of their roots were bullied due to this kind of thinking. I just don't want to see some poor Buddist kid or one who embraces some of their forgien roots get beat-up by assholes like that.


Then the woman (the one that looks like Crack Whore Barbie with pink hair) starting praying, Thank You Jesus, and let all the women of the world know that Jesus loves them, and their husbands love them, and their children love them, so stop the spread of "liberal womanhood" throughout the world.


I saw her once (and I thought Tammy Fae was horribly made-up) and I just couldn't help but to laugh.

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dude, what is the deal with tammy fae, doesn't she know that she looks like a clown?


Aaah, but she looks like a clown for jeebus! Don't you understand that this makes all the difference there need be you filthy heathen satanic evilutionist atheist?!!!!1111!!!



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