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The Most Nauseating "christian" Tv Programme


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TBN, no doubt! There is also a local guy Ernest Angley that is rather annoying to watch. His slogan is, "You are special to God, you really, REALLY, are!" *puke* Plus he wears a BAD hair piece.. lol To boot, he would go to Africa to have a healing line...well, there would be a lot of deaf and dumb kids there to be healed. Mind you, some since birth. Well, one time I was watching it and this boy came up for prayer. He had been deaf and dumb since birth.... so Ernie boy prayed over him and voila! He could hear! Well, Ernie has this rattle that he rattles in their ear to test to see if they could hear. He took the rattle and rattled it in his ear. He asked the boy, "Do you hear that?" and the boy shook his head yes. Now, HOW could he understand the question, if he has never heard anyone speak before???

Here is a link to his site...



When I was in high school my friends and I used to tune in for the last 10 minutes of Ernest Angley just to laugh at his healing routine. Slapping people on the forehead, popping their ears with his fingers (I'd think "Ewww" every time he wiggled his fingertips into someones hopefully clean ears), testing the formerly deaf with exclaimations of "Praise the Lord" and "halleluja" behind them...it was a riot. Someone painted a slogan under a bridge in my town that was visable for years, which said "Ernest Angley says there's a sucker born every minute, why don't you be one of them?"


My mom used to watch Rex Humbard. I don't know if he's on anymore, or even if he's still alive. I thought he was boring, and my mom always complained that he showed off his grandkids by having them sing the same thing all the time. It was a sappy song called "You are loved". I remember the big to-do he caused back in maybe the late 70's/early 80's. He had some sort of conviction to stop asking so often for donations, I guess to let the Lord provide. But his ministry income dropped so dramatically that he went on tv, and sobbing the whole time, said he had sinned for not asking God's people to support him, and sharing his needs with the saints, and that the ministry was in trouble, blah, blah, blah.


My biggest years of watching Christian TV was in the early to mid 90's. I watched a variety-Kenneth Copeland, Rod Parsley, Joyce Meyer, Billy Joe Daugherty- but after a while, I became disillutioned over things like the repeated requests for money, God wants you healed (implying that if you weren't it wasn't God's fault but yours), speaking in tongues, etc. I think I listened to Christian radio more, but in the end it was all the same claptrap.


And what is it about the state of Ohio? Ernest Angley, Rex Humbard, and Rod Parsley all have their church ministries based there. Is there something in the water?

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Guest Emerson

oh yeah tv evangelism is a huge money maker and people are so gullible, why didn't I think of going into that instead of telemarketing hell? Then again I think I'd get diabetes, just like Varky said.

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One of my relatives used to do a kid's show on TBN. Can't remember the name of the show but she would sit with some little kids and they would watch a religious cartoon together. They would show about five or so minutes of the cartoon, then the camera would show the group of kids with her and they were comment on what was happening in the cartoon. Sometimes she got a bit too sweet in her voice almost sounding like Barney the dinosaur. Even when I was a kid I couldn't stand watching the show because it was like she talked as if the kids had half a brain. Like when one of those David and Goliath claymation toons came on she would be asking the kids "So should Davy be doing that?" as if the kids didn't already know that wondering off from your parents in public can lead you into danger. Some of those poor kids seemed frightened of being on camera and she would try to cajole them the best she could though they would burst out in tears ( I wonder if it also had to do with the Tammy Baker style of her makeup) Most of these kids seemed immature to me and too old to be on a show like that. :lmao:


Then once she even hosted a sex ed show for teens on the same station. She was asking teens from 13 to 18 about sexual matters, and one of the guys said he was a virgin but still thought (and dreamed) about sex. After the show came back on from the commercial break she took out her Bible and started quoting scripture to the blushing( and I could see on the verge of tears) teenage boy about how God knows all his lustful thoughts and he needs to ask Jesus for forgiveness as Satan was giving him those thoughts. She sounded more like a nagging mother than a hellfire and brimstone preacher, but I could see her preaching was embarrassing the other teens so much they were giggling nervously. I think they probably were wanting to ask more questions about sex but made up their mind from hearing how she got onto the poor young man about satan giving him "those sickening thoughts and dreams." At the end of the show she said to the kids a "real virgin" doesn't dwell on sexual thoughts, and when they feel sexual feeling they call upon Jesus to get rid of them as those feelings should only be felt in the context of marriage along with the sex act itself. I'm so glad I was too busy with sports and school to ever be on that teen show as I think she would have been really hard on me as I had a crush on a few celebrities when I was in my teens.

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Most nauseating for me has to be that guy who tries to sell the "miracle spring water". I can't remember the name of the show but every now and then I see it on again and think "he's still selling that scam? How can people be so stupid?" Its sad really.

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Aaah, G'Kar. Glad to see you again.


Now, for our unfinished business... What do you want? :lmao::fdevil:

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Definitely anything pertaining to "TBN" and "Daystar."


Since I live with my mom(for the time being)I have no choice(unless I lock up in my room and watch my own television)but watch that garbage...


I don't know who is more annoying: TD Jakes, Jan and Paul Crotch, Joel Osteen, Kirk Cameron, or that television news reporter evangelist who believes that every natural disaster is foreshadowing Jesus Christ's return.


They are so self righteous and it's all a scam. They milk people out of their money to keep that god forsaken(pun totally intended) station on the air. It really annoys the hell out of me. It seems like every pastor has a television show now and they are all espousing the same bullshit...




Gimme a break...


The Day Star network, down here in Texas, is TBN only with more money and hair spray. All of the women have hair helmets...and they spend the bulk of their time trashing the usual suspects: Gays, Abortion, and Harry Potter.


I sit down and watch when I need some good comedy though.

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And how 'bout that series, Touched by an Angel? I don't think it was doctrinaire and it avoided the "turn or burn" bullshit that is the heart of all Xianity, but still, what sickeningly-sweet Jeezus-Lite that was. It's a wonder people didn't get diabetes just by watching it :ugh:


***taking my insulin shot as I type***


Oh my god, I am embarressed to say that I watched that show religiously(no pun intended). In the 12 years it ran I never missed an episode...lol.


It was so sickeningly saccharine that I want to slap myself for having watched it. When I was a fundie I thought it was prerequisite that I enjoy it(because if I didn't enjoy it apparently I wasn't saved). I remember watching it and just being really bored...But tearing up whenever Roma Downey revealed she was an Angel, and the person being saved started whimpering, "God loves me...God loves meeeee..."


It was so pretentious and obnoxious. And Della Reese looked like a Pekinese.


I actually prefered Joan of Arcadia. Atleast that one had some attitude.

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Most nauseating for me has to be that guy who tries to sell the "miracle spring water". I can't remember the name of the show but every now and then I see it on again and think "he's still selling that scam? How can people be so stupid?" Its sad really.


Peter Popoff!! His name alone cracks up the 12 yr. old in me.


And in making sure I was spelling his name right - look what I found.




I've not read the site - I tend to find these debunking sites as bizarre and out of touch as the people they are trying to debunk, but still...

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Peter Popoff!! His name alone cracks up the 12 yr. old in me.


And in making sure I was spelling his name right - look what I found.




I've not read the site - I tend to find these debunking sites as bizarre and out of touch as the people they are trying to debunk, but still...


That link is hilarious. I'm glad someone took him on!





Aaah, G'Kar. Glad to see you again.


Now, for our unfinished business... What do you want? :lmao::fdevil:


Thurisaz - the question is, who are you? lol - good to see a fellow B5 fan! I'm afraid a good chunk of my current views on the universe are borrowed from that show.

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  • 7 months later...

What about I think his name is John Hagee..... He drive me crazy...Van Impe and his wife too.. my grandmother useto have him on all the time. How about The Hour of Power... with Kenneth Copeland jr.. ( I think) Oh and Bernice Gerarde..though I don;'t know if she is still on or alive... useto bore me to tears when I was kid having to watch her... though she was a women pastor so we didn't watch her that often.


Also 100 Huntley Street... and It's a New Day.... and I once useto like those shows.. :twitch: those hour long xitan talk show type with a message like the 700 Club...UGH...

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Anybody saw Bibleman? Most hilarious over acting I ever saw in a kids show and the most shocking G rated TV series ever. (That Hippy stereotype, oh man, that is SO prejudiced!)


Go see it for untentionally funny acting!

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I almost responded to this one again! haha...

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This is the last season of "7th Heaven." Thank God. No pun intended.



Yeah, but they brought to back from cancellation for an 11th season (I think on a different network?). What I really don't like about that show is it is so damn out of touch with reality, the characters do not react to situations like any normal human would. The most recent 'plot' development (if you can call it that, they don't really have much of a plot in this series) is that Rev. Camden is dying from heart problems. Yet they do not show the other characters crying or really being all that upset or worried; instead they are all really perky and happy. I think the producers of the show think they are portraying the 'family' being courageous and having lots of faith, but to me, it just makes them look like cold hearted cardboard cut out characters. (Which I find is typical of Christian TV shows.)


Touched By an Angel is another show that I find nauseating. Not so much the idea of Angels per se (I like fantasy/sci-fi) but like with 7th Heaven, the characters are so corny, stupid, and unrealistic and so too were the plots. Oh yes, and any Christian cartoon.


What is it with Christians that they seem incapable of making a decent show? They are too obsessed with portraying their stupid morals that any show they make is so out of touch with reality it's almost funny.

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I remember when I was a kid my family had to live for a while in a trailer in the back of some preacher's house. His daughter, who was a few years younger than me, was only allowed to watch kids' shows on TBN. For a whole month I had to watch shitty stuff such as Davy and Goliath as this preacher thought Smurfs were "little demons" and even Superman was considered evil to him. After a month at that hellish place my grandmother, though she's a Christian, said "Let's just get out of here as this preacher is nuts!" as he got very upset when my mother hugged his daughter as he believed too much affection towards a child was going to spoil them. I wonder what ever happened to that poor kid as I felt very sorry for her that she had such an asshole for a sperm donor. :(

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I have to cast my vote to the 700 Club.


Every time I see that smarmy bastard Pat Robertson talk, my blood boils because he is always twisting the facts to gullible people.


I don't so much mind preachers who stick to the fantacies about Jebus and the holy spook blessing us and such but Robertson regularly makes personal attacks against all those with opposing views.


He has a serious lack of moral fiber and absolutely no intellectual integrity whatsoever.



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It was not a Christian show - I think it was something like Extreme Makeover - but it still made me want to throw up.


It was playing in the break room at work. Somebody was trying to raise money to build somebody a new house, or a new garage, or a playroom or something. The woman on the show, with full warpaint streaming down her cheeks, cried as she read a little from Little Virginia: "I only have twelve dollars but I hope that this money will help you reach your goal......" Oh please. It was so sappy and saccharine it was nauseating.

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I never seem to have a hard time avoiding all that stuff on TV. I'm not that much of an indignation junkie, I guess. (Don't get me wrong, I AM an indignation junkie, but I do have my limits) :close:


From what I've seen on E! and Bravo shows, though, my votes have to go to Kirk Cameron >echh!< and Stephen Baldwin. It's sickening to see bad boys go God. :Wendywhatever:

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Another UK show was about the alpha course called "Alpha - will it change their lives?" I don't know if it did change their lives because I only watched one episode.

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Aaah, G'Kar. Glad to see you again.


Now, for our unfinished business... What do you want? :lmao::fdevil:


Thurisaz - the question is, who are you? lol - good to see a fellow B5 fan! I'm afraid a good chunk of my current views on the universe are borrowed from that show.



The Vorlons asked "Who are you?"

The Shadows asked "What do you want"



And anything on TBN is horrible, I can't believe I used to watch it.

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I don't watch them anymore either.

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