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Goodbye Jesus

Stealth Bombed By A Witless


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So, I was at the car dealer today having my oil changed and my brakes checked. In comes this lady with her son. We had a decent enough conversation about cars, break-ins, how she is settling here (Katrina evacuee), and a few other things. She seemed like a nice enough lady.


As she leaves, she drops me a pamphlet/booklet titled "You can be God's Friend!" This is a JW publication.


What is it that compels a witless to just stealth bomb these things on unsuspecting and friendly people they've just met and are likely to never see again? I mean, is it just too difficult for them to act like normal people when meeting someone new instead of dropping their shite as they leave?

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Heh - I got that once at work. A nice lady thanked me for what I did, came back, and left me a card with "thank you" on it. I thought she was just being exceptionally nice, until I read the card and it was about "now I'm going to do something nice for you - I'm going to tell you about Jeezus™" or some shit.


It was at the end of my day, so it was a good laugh, to say the least. I think I made a paper airplane out of it and chucked it at one of my co-workers.

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(Katrina evacuee) leaves me a pamphlet/booklet titled "You can be God's Friend!"


Ah, with friends like that...

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Notice how often these "kindly" strangers just drop a tract in your hand and then skedaddle away? It seems they want to do their part to earn brownie points for evangelizing, BUT they don't actually want to have a discussion with someone when they're not sure that person shares their christ fantasy. I think they know somewhere deep inside that their religion is a lie and they're afraid that fact might be pointed out and thus jar them out of their comfortable state of mind-numbness.

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Makes you wonder if she would have been so friendly and talkative if she didn't have a pamphlet to drop on you at the end.

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I still have the bloody thing. If I can get access to a scanner sometime soon, I'll see about scanning some of it and dropping it here for a few good laughs.

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"Look how much God loves me. He put my house under 6 feet of water. But it's really a blessing. I don't have to water my plants for years."


Maybe not the best bet to try and convince somebody of a loving God.

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I used to work near the cable car turnaround in San Francisco, which has been a street preacher hangout for many years.


I grew very tired of being handed pamphlets, so I made one of my own (see attachment). Just print, trim to 6" and tri-fold. Unfortunately I never seem to have one in my pocket at the appropriate moment.


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I used to work near the cable car turnaround in San Francisco, which has been a street preacher hangout for many years.


I grew very tired of being handed pamphlets, so I made one of my own (see attachment). Just print, trim to 6" and tri-fold. Unfortunately I never seem to have one in my pocket at the appropriate moment.




Yes, the inspired Word o' Gawd :lmao:

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Tracts are the vector for the mental infection of Christianity: "There are divine penalties for sin that you can be pardoned of only if you believe that they exist."


Thus, somebody giving you a tract is like someone sneezing in your face, spreading viruses. It is appropriate to be put off if someone sneezes in your face, and it is appropriate to be upset when somebody tries to contaminate your brain with these thoughts of God.

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ChristiaNazi- I showed your tract to my sister-in-law, and she took the liberty of modifying it a bit. We could come up with a whole line of these. I'm thinking of printing a few copies to leave in random books in the university library just like the christians do.


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ChristiaNazi- I showed your tract to my sister-in-law, and she took the liberty of modifying it a bit. We could come up with a whole line of these. I'm thinking of printing a few copies to leave in random books in the university library just like the christians do.



Thanks for the new graphics. The cover is especially appropriate with all the Da Vinci Code stuff going on (I exchanged tracts with the two Xian groups at the theater yesterday).


I agree that we should come up with some more of these. In particular, I've always wanted a scathing anti-Mormon tract to put inside the books of Mormon that they put in all the Mariott Hotel nightstands. There are some expecially good quotes from Joseph Smith about beheading white men who have children with black women. Just what every potential Mormon convert needs to read.


- Christianazi

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ChristiaNazi- I showed your tract to my sister-in-law, and she took the liberty of modifying it a bit. We could come up with a whole line of these. I'm thinking of printing a few copies to leave in random books in the university library just like the christians do.



Thanks for the new graphics. The cover is especially appropriate with all the Da Vinci Code stuff going on (I exchanged tracts with the two Xian groups at the theater yesterday).


I agree that we should come up with some more of these. In particular, I've always wanted a scathing anti-Mormon tract to put inside the books of Mormon that they put in all the Mariott Hotel nightstands. There are some expecially good quotes from Joseph Smith about beheading white men who have children with black women. Just what every potential Mormon convert needs to read.


- Christianazi



You guys are amazing! I'm seriously going to print some of these out and have them on hand incase someone tries to hand me a tract :-D

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