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Goodbye Jesus

Brief Testimony

Guest ChrisJ

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Guest ChrisJ

I have joined a couple of inter-faith forums but have been disappointed! Let me say, "I LOVE THE AGGRESSIVE SPIRIT OF THIS SITE!" My spiritual journey is not unusual or distinct from other members. I came from a conservative/fundamentalist christian heritage...YUK, I'm feeling Nauseated! Anyhow.....I accepted Christ as a 9 year old and was Baptized and become fervently christian for many years until...UH...OH! I realized that I had same sex attraction. This obviously created many conflicts including but not limited to spiritual, emotional, psychological... etc. I heard the same damn Old Test. quotes of condemnation over and over and over and OVER! I had my family convinced I was "Called" to the ministry but I sufferred such DEEP depression that I realized I needed professional counseling. I finally realized that my life had a "Calling", not to the ministry but to being "Truthful, honest to myself and others regarding my Sexual Inclination." To my shock, amazement, dismay my family because of their denial defended and made excuses until to live a "Hetero-lie" could have been very easy! Instead I chose the HIGH ROAD and stuck to my guns...I was not going to live a lie for anyone including the church and this SCREWED UP culture. This is the first time I have shared my story, needless to say, it is therapuetic. My journey lead me from christian to agnostic in college to deist at present. I am very open to ideas and other opinions and value REASON. I am now 39 years old and am happier than I have ever been. I have a LIFE PARTNER of 3 years and am blessed with a great life. I still feel the deep wounds and damage inflicted by ORGANIZED RELIGION. I now attend a Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. My belief/suggestion to anyone questioning the "faith"....If it sounds unreasonable then question and research it! If it does not strengthen/nourish your individuality and specialness as a creation in the "image of God"....Then END YOUR ABUSE by exercising your POWER OF PERSONAL CHOICE! Take the POWER from the ABUSER ....VOTE with your FEET and GET OUT! God is not a control freak but christianity is all about CONTROL, POWER, and getting your MIND, MONEY and ALLEGENCE. It is a "RELIGION" more often than not that is devoid of LOVE, UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE and GRACE! Instead of follow the PATH OF JUSTICE, it appeals to the BASIC INSTINCTS of FEAR and PREJUDICE. In conclusion of my RAMBLINGS...I feel at home in the company of you guys and appreciate a SAFE PLACE! Peace, ChrisJ

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Welcome! How did the interfaith forums react that made you shy away from them? I am just curious. :)

Hope to hear more from you.

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Welcome to the mix, ChrisJ :)


Indeed, the aggressiveness of this board is to be appreciated. It's not wishy-washy like other places on the net, and still not full of assholes like other, really hardcore anti-xian sites (like evilbible.com). There are lots of great folks here, and always good food for thought available.


I turned to Deism as my escape hatch from Xianity. Even now, as a Heathen, I still retain my Deism and it's "Reason First" attitude. It's a great little philosophy that encourages the precise things escapees from Xianity usually need to focus on - self-reliance, critical observation, facts over fiction, etc. You won't be sorry going down that road :)

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Guest ChrisJ

I have nothing against the inter-faith forums I was apart of except that the info. and debating was not interesting. I guess "I've done it and got the T-shirt!" Peace, ChrisJ

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I used to post at dynamicdeism.org. There are nice people there, but usually I don't see a lot of gusto. Especially about Xianity; I recall once I criticized something about Xianity and I was met with a lot of whining and protests about all the "good" Xianity has done for the world and how the Heathen world was insufficient.


Excuse the fuck out of me, I thought, but no one here is a Deist because Xianity did so much good for the world. It was like a big circle jerk with Jeezus™ party. I was fed up with how spirituality was always being cast in a Xian-flavored light and heaven forbid anyone gets too critical of something that has truly earned it.


Perhaps I'm being a bit harsh on them, but their lack of balls isn't going to suppress my testicular fortitude. That's why I like Dave's house :)

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