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Is Christianity An Insult To God?

The Sage Nabooru

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I was just thinking about this, and it might interest any Deists, pantheists, panentheists, pagans, polytheists, or anyone else who believes in God.


Christianity holds that God, who knows all, created mankind knowing that he would sin. He created the Tree of Good and Evil knowing that Adam and Eve would sin by eating the fruit of it; yet he still warns them not too, so that he can place the blame on them.


So, he creates mankind knowing that he will condemn him. God then condemns not only Adam and Eve, but all of their offspring and their offspring's offspring and their offspring's offspring's offspring, forever. Not fair, but God makes the rules even if they're not good ones.


So God sends all of his creation to burn in hell for all eternity, for not only their sins, but the sins of their forefathers (mankind after Adam and Eve are just "born dirty"), with one exception. He creates a list of rules and orders a select group of his creation to follow them (I guess the rest of his creation just wasn't good enough). If they screw up even once, off to an eternity in hell they go. The only possible way to get out of it is to sacrifice another piece of God's creation - a live animal - to him and earnestly beg for forgiveness. And God does this knowing that his rules are impossible to follow for an entire lifetime and that all humans will invariably sin. And, God makes life for the descendants of Adam (that is, all mankind) very difficult on purpose, to punish them for Adam's sins; God then demands that after all the toil of farming and tilling the soil, the best and/or first of the crop goes to him. This again is offered not only in thanks but also to appease him due to humanity's sins. God is really big on sin and emphasizes to his creations that they are worthless clods.


God decides to make salvation easier, and decides the only way to do this is to put himself into the form of a man on earth and kill himself to appease himself for humanity's sins. But only certain of humanity - humanity willing to die themselves and give their lives up, with total blind faith, to not only God, but now God in his human form. One cannot merely be a Jew now; one also has to be Christian. Even Jews who still follow the old laws God set down are not good enough. Anyone who does not believe that Jesus is the Son of God and is God, and believes that God sacrificed himself to appease himself of their sins, and agrees that they are worthless clods who aren't worthy of the sacrifice, goes to hell for all eternity. Even if a person dies before they have a chance to hear the Gospel - tough shit.


However, God still demands that his puny creations beg him for forgiveness for every sin they commit. They must show total allegiance and devotion to Christian God. The slightest lack of faith on the part of even the believer is a grave misdeed indeed if a believer dies with it; for only total believers will go to heaven. All others will go to hell. Even though God offered himself up as sacrifice for the sins of those select humans who believe the Gospel, they still must not sin. Or at least not without a good deal of ass-kissing to God.


The Christian God is sadistic, eager to kill and condemn for eternity. He is childlike in the way he sets his creation up and then knocks them down. Is it an insult to God to imply that the Divine could be so cruel and immature?

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Damn good post Sage.


Maybe it's time for Deists, Theists etc to take back the copy-right of the concept of God?

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Sage, didn't you know that the bible god is just the devil in disguise tricking/threatening people into worshipping him?

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Sage, didn't you know that the bible god is just the devil in disguise tricking/threatening people into worshipping him?


Oh, you poor misled heathen! Don't you know that the mere idea of a more reasonable, accomodating and loving God is merely a RUSE planted in your brain by SATAN who drives you away from the Real, Damnation-Happy Bible God by making you feel GOOD and WORTHWHILE and CONFIDENT?

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God is love. No give backs!!!



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I have thought about this many times and the more I think the less sense it makes.

It makes no sense that a creator would create something it didn't like and create it a sinner then throw it into hell for all eternity. like lisa simpson said on the simpsons 'you can't create a monster then blame it when it smashes buildings'

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Is it an insult to God to imply that the Divine could be so cruel and immature?


Well, I won't officially speak for whatever Divine forces may or may not exist, but I find it damn hard to imagine that any decent deity would not be totally pissed if humans claimed it's such a fucking moron... :lmao:

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Is it an insult to God to imply that the Divine could be so cruel and immature?


Well, I won't officially speak for whatever Divine forces may or may not exist, but I find it damn hard to imagine that any decent deity would not be totally pissed if humans claimed it's such a fucking moron... :lmao:


One of the N.T little gems of wisdom is the mind crushing "blasphemy against the holy spirit" for which many a poor soul is tortured daily in this life for fear of having erred. I think the real blasphemy is believing that a God who is described as love could ever have spoken such a thing. When I was xtian it was explained to me the critics whom Jesus was speaking to at the time had known or seen the miracles he had carried out and therefore it was evil in their hearts that lead them to reject Jesus.


I think the reality is the average xtian transported back in time, minus all the inherited religion he has been raised in, would most likely, at the very least, have grave doubts about this man teaching that we should hate our father and mothers, whilst their hearts and the commandments of God told them this was very wrong.


If, as xtians claim, what the pharisees said and thought revealed the evil in their hearts then what does belief in the doctrine of hell and its manifest injustice say about them?

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I have always considered the Bible to be the result of the Hebrews trying to wrestle with the concept of God and all the implications that produces. I can find the original inspiration, God, somewhere behind the writings, but there is a lot of chaff and dross which must be sorted and removed to leave a little truth about God. The problem is that the Hebrews came with their own biases and needs, the most important need was to explain why the omnipotent creator of the universe, who was not properly worshipped by anyone but the Hebrews, would allow the Hebrews to have the history that they do. If God would allow the Hebrews their history, God obviously would have mankind suffer, and for the majority of people, that suffering would have to take place after death, since God is not making them suffer more than the Hebrews in this life.


The NT place a slightly different spin on things. I see the NT as the grafting of the OT onto a mystery religion by the Gnostics. The founding of Christianity was when the Notzri followers of Yeshu ben Pandera joined with these Gnostics led by Paul into one group. The Christianity which is formalized in the fourth century bears only a superficial similarity to either of the founding threads.


One can see God and even a path to salvation dimly in the Bible, but to see the Bible as THE TRUTH is to make a major mistake. Christianity is not an insult to God, but rather an insult to those who believe it to be truth.




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If I had any god-belief, the only one that seemslike it would be relatively reasonable would be Deism.

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Oh wait, I forgot to add one more thing: God creates sex so that mankind can reproduce. He makes sex feel incredibly great and exhilarating, but he orders mankind never, ever, ever to have anything to do with it unless it's for having children, and even then only begrudgingly.

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Is Christianity An Insult To God?


No but it is an insult to human intelligence to submit to such a superstitious belief system.



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It could be.


It certainly is to me. My conscience "broke" last year. Another way of describing "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit". Every day my mind is crushed by it. Every time I look at a fire or turn on the hot tap, my mind thinks about eternity. The best I can do is try to forget it and enjoy life.


Christianity can get you in a nasty hole.

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"Is Christianity An Insult To God?"


In a way, you'd think it would be. A "Christian" viciously murdered 6 million people.

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Damn good post, Sage. When I was drifting away from and questioning Xianity, I read some great articles on how Xianity was an insult to God, and they really resonated with me. The position that there is a pissy, damnation-happy, bloodthirsty tyrant like the one depicted in the OT or the deranged cult leader of the NT are both highly insulting things to ascribe to any god. They would be horrific things to ascribe to any human being, so to think that a god which we should worship would be like that is a truly disgusting thought.


Someone ought to pin this one.

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