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Goodbye Jesus

Do You Think There A Lots Of People In The Church


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People who just can't let go, but really know there is no way it's true? It would be kind of comforting to know there were lots of poeple like this.

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I certainly do because I was one of them.


It got to the point where I was going to church solely out of habit. I was getting nothing out of it and I thought every pastor was a moron.


So I quit going, but I didn't quit believing in Jesus. But as I began to just live real life and realize how the bible pertained to me I could no longer believe in the bible.


I know so many people who are completely illiterate when it comes to the bible, but they are in church every Sunday(after partying hard in the club on Saturday night). Some will even come in with a hangover.


We are so conditioned to going to church that we feel like we have to be there....Even though it is total bullcrap.

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Hardly anyone in church believes in Christianity as defined in the Bible. I think a lot of people would do themselves a favour by giving up on church and starting to live normally.




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I suspect there are far more people who keep going and stay in the meme because they just don't bother to think about it.

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My wife is one. She agrees that it's all untrue but doesn't understand why that stops me from going to church. Her theory is that most of her friends just zone out half the time.

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I used to imagine myself jumping up in front of the preacher with my electric guitar and pulling off such awesome shreddery that everybody's mouth would drop. :eek:

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Yes. Mostly in liberal, mainline churches. If they attend a more evangelical, conservative church, they may not truely believe yet deny their disbelief out of fear, probably becoming more fanatic in the process.

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i think many young adults and teenagers are still going to church for the acceptance and feeling like they are part of a group. I think alot of them havent cracked a bible in months.

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People who just can't let go, but really know there is no way it's true? It would be kind of comforting to know there were lots of poeple like this.


I used to be one of them. My parents are them. Most Christians I knew in church were like that. They just clung to religion as if it was some kind of security blanket and they couldn't let go of the label, just in case it was true. My parents don't understand why I don't want the label anymore. I wish they would just be honest with themselves, but as long as their friends are in church, they'll keep going. *Sigh.*

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I live in Canada, the land of tolerance.


When I was looking for "the perfect church," I visited all kinds of them, and I found that only because it was, say, a pentecostal church, it didn't mean everyone there believed in the gift-of-tongues doctrine.


Conversely, I visited many baptist-like churches and found several pentecostals.


I suppose everyone thinks you have to believe in the most basic "truths" and after that everything is fair game. It all gets swept under the rug in the name of tolerance.


It became so bad that in the last church I attended, it was better not to talk about specific doctrines, lest you'd become involved in a controversial conversation. It was well known that many people attended this church because of the great music programs.


In Canada, about 25%* of the population goes to church. Of the 25%, very few adhere strictly to the tenets of the particular church.


We stand in guard for thee, Oh Canada. :sing:


* This statistic is ifi. Some say it is as high as 37%, so who knows.

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I used to imagine myself jumping up in front of the preacher with my electric guitar and pulling off such awesome shreddery that everybody's mouth would drop. :eek:


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So it does appear that many will attend a church merely for the purpose of fellowship. At this stage in the game, I'd be bored stiff by sitting around and listening to some bloody sermon. It would remind me too much of the staff meetings at my workplace where people will talk waaay longer than they should resulting in a meeting going well over its allotted time.


Hell, I get my fellowship from hanging out with my rollerskating buddies and skating at Mission Beach :grin:

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I believe alot of people still go to church and consider themselves christians simply because its convienient. They're the buffet christians, who casually pick and choose the good parts of christianity, and "forget" about the bad; then proclaim christianity is the greatest religion on the planet. (or that "its no a religion, its a relationship" bullshit)


Really, if you openly proclaim stuff like "I love the lord; Jesus set me free!; etc, you'd be generally looked about as a good, decent person.


Proclaim that you're an evil god hating athiest or agnostic, and people get kinda creeped out.

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