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Goodbye Jesus

Brother Jeff the Alaskan Atheist

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Religion is bullshit and so is the Bible. Glory!

Entries in this blog

How To Get Slaved!

You need to be slaved, and I praze GAWD that the Spook of Kryasst who is also somehow magically Him has magically convinced you of that fact! Glory! Here’s how to get slaved! Let’s walk the Romans Road together, shall we? You’ll notice that all of the following verses are from the glorious Book of Romans, which is why our journey is said to be on the metaphorical Romans Road!   The first verse on the Romans Road to slavation is Romans 3:23, “For all have done shit that pisses Jesus off, and co

Brother Jeff

Brother Jeff

The Downside To Fundamentalist Religious Belief

Sometimes I feel some nostalgia for my younger days of extreme Christian religious belief. And it is true that when I was very religious I had many good Christian friends, and we had some really fun times together. But, other times, such as today, I am reminded of how awful it was to be locked into that narrow worldview as well. I spent years being terrified that I was not really saved and that I was going to end up in Hell, and I had the same fear for my "unsaved" family and friends. I annoyed

Brother Jeff

Brother Jeff

Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Bless the Lard, my brothers and sisters in Kryasst! I've gone back to church! Glory!   Not just any church, though. I've attended the Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship twice now, and enjoyed it both times!   http://www.anchorageuuf.org/   There is no religion in the services, just very liberal and generic expressions of spirituality. The minister and a few other folks commented on my glorious "Praise the Lard" t-shirt today. They loved it!     There isn't any particular cree

Brother Jeff

Brother Jeff

What Makes People Think There Is A God?

What makes people think there is a God? My nonreligious father asked me that question a while back, and it has stuck with me. As a former fundamentalist Christian, I have a very religious past, and most of my relatives (whom I now generally have little contact with) are very religious. What made me believe? Well… it was a combination of things and a single reason would be hard to pin down. My mother is not religious but she believes in God. I had some interesting conversations about God and the

Brother Jeff

Brother Jeff

The Journey From Christianity To Atheism

I have tried a number of times over the years to explain to people who have never walked the path from Christian –> ex-Christian –> Atheist what that journey is like and what it means to me and to others like me. It is not an easy path to travel at all. The journey from devout Christian religious belief back to the real world is one filled with doubts and questions and a great deal of strong emotion. As I explained it to my high school band director a couple of years ago or so:     Hav

Brother Jeff

Brother Jeff

The Doctrine Of Substitutionary Atonement

This glorious article is on the doctrine of substitutionary atonement, which of course, is absolutely crucial to the Christian religion. In simple terms, it is the claim that one man’s sacrifice paid the price for the sins of many and satisfied the judgment and justice of God. But, is this doctrine actually true, does it make sense and, separated from its religious context, how should it be viewed by modern 21st Century people?   I firmly believed for 15 years of my life that Jesus Christ had

Brother Jeff

Brother Jeff

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