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Goodbye Jesus

Vulgar Display of Ignorance

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About this blog

One man's way of reaching out to what is his.

Entries in this blog

A report on last night, a perspective on today...

Well, I don't think we had many visitors last night. Our candy bowl was barely touched. That's just not right... even if we're out in the middle of BFE, the least these kids can do is come out and take some candy. Jeez, we had some of the best candy bars ever, even.   Anyway, today's November 1. I have a free-floating hatred for November, mostly because it's a drab, miserable, cold month, even though I'd rather have it than and summer month. Maybe it's just because its one redeeming feat



I apologize.

I have been posting in the shoubox under two assumed names - Genis Sage and Presea Combatir. These names are both taken from the Gamecube and PS2 game Tales of Symphonia, which I have been playing a lot of.   I use these names solely to bait, though. I will stay as Vulgaris Prime for most of my shoutbox postings, and all message board posts.



Permanent External Links.

The Vulgar Display Network Vulgar Display of Foolishness Vulgar Display of Mediocrity Vulgar Display of Anger   These journals will be updated more frequently, and along with my website (the first link), make up the Vulgar Display Network in full.   However, this weblog will be put to occasional use on appropriate topics.



One can only wonder.

Now that I have this, I must wonder immediately, what is to be done with this? Am I to use it as another station for reposting of other journal entries I find to be of quality? Am I to use it as another place to let my basest anger be loosed? Or am I merely to figure out the purpose later on?



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