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Do you hate Christianity? Why or why not?



Simple answer: Yes I do hate Christianity. And why, because I see it as a waste of life.

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Do you hate Christianity? Why or why not?

No, I don't hate Christianity. To do so would in some sense mean that I hate my own childhood and I don't. Also many of my friends and family remain Christians. I love them and I have little desire to pry them from their beliefs. Perhaps if they were zealots or fanatics I would be compelled to challenge them. I just think they have not yet outgrown their need of it.

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My attitude changes all the time, depending on what I've just read. Sometimes I despise it, sometimes I hate it, sometimes I see it as a complete irrelevance.


It depends on whether I've just read the latest brain fart by Pat Robertson, or watched one of Rid0t's videos on youtube, or read a extimony here of a childhood ruined.

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Do I hate christianity? A simple answer of yes or no will not do. On some levels I do hate it as it wallows in arrocance and seeks to make everyone it touches arrogant. It also seeks to spread intollerance of others and hold them down because of what an archaic book says. I hate it in that form. In it's kinder, gentler forms it isnt as bad. However the arrogance still permiates even the lower levels too. It is like a lot of things, its not perfect all the way through but claims to be. One can hate a aprt of it and tollerate the rest.

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You didn't answer the whole question Nivek. Or should I call you Kevin?


Why do you hate Christianity?

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Yes I hate it.


While some may claim there are sects that aren't dangerous, I disagree. I believe it's an outdated self-hating and human hating evil mindset in general. No matter how 'tame' particular sects may claim to be they still encourage self deceit and delusion. They still also hold people emotionally hostage with the heaven and hell bs.


There are many people whom ascribe to this dogma that I love very much and care deeply for, it doesn't make their fairytale any more true. Pretending that such a dangerous dogma isn't harmful is equivalent to putting ones head in the sand from my own standpoint. My mother grieves for me as she thinks I'll be roasting for eternity, The mindset brain washing that's been done to her is irreversible IMO. It's nothing short of abuse, it's also a way for her to abuse herself IMO. When People get sick or into accidents or something simple as stubbing their toe, they believe the 'great almighty' is sending signs for them to pray or yield to him. As much as I try to convey reason to her, she won't listen. I detest what this does to people. So long as they aren't preaching in or near my face, I keep my distain for the cult out of theirs.

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My disdain for the Xorg and Morg would take up more pages than the services server could publish.


I've lost my immediate family to the religious self immolation that my *rebellion* against the religious proctors, their doctrines and social structure helped cause.


Politically *religion* is something that shackles people to an unerring line of thought that disallows diviance or unallied ideas. "Not for me, that makes you against me' bullshit...


Find that walking a path alone, without hoards of sheepish followers of someone else's "system", is greatly preferable to having to listen to the flocks attempt at bleating you back in line..


Religion today is for me much like the "Black Sack of Doom" just prior to your hanging...



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I wish I could say no. I wish the Inquisition, or the Crusades, or the Salem Witch burnings had never happened. I wish that so many people had never died in the name of christian imperialism. I wish that xianity wasn't used to this day as an excuse for cruelty, bigotry, and attempt to suppress science. I wish that xianity wasn't used to separate vulnerable people from their money or as a means to exert control over the population. I wish that xianity didn't encourage its followers to be judgemental. I wish that xianity was never used to torment gays, women, and non-whites. I wish that xianity didn't thrust whole societies into terribly unhealthy and unrealistic views about sexuality (not to mention the horror stories of individuals). I wish that xianity didn't harshly and arbitrarily prohibit so much other stuff. I wish that xianity encouraged rather than discouraged open minds. I wish that xianity wasn't a tool that throws some already marginally adjusted people over the brink. I wish it wasn't thrust on children, especially of those marginal individuals. I wish I could say no, but the fact is, I have to say yes.

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Yes. I see nothing of value in Christianity. Even the good passages and doctrines about love and helping others are not things that cannot be found elsewhere. It's not even something you are incapable of figuring out entirely for yourself with a little thought applied. Christianity's whole idea is to take away and belittle the capabilities of men and give it all to a volitile god that controls every aspect of your life....badly. It makes no sense, constantly contradicts itself, and in general is a poor guideline to living.

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Do you hate Christianity? Why or why not?


I don't think Christianity is a monolith. There are "brands" of Christianity that I despise and other versions that I am either indifferent to or only slightly annoyed by. I could say the same about different atheist groups as well--e.g. Objectivists and Buddhists.


I guess this is true of any group which holds beliefs very unlike my own. I, for one, am annoyed by Republicans and Libertarians and there are groups within them that I could say I truly hate, but I couldn't say of the whole movements that I hated them. At the same time, I can be annoyed by groups who share many of my own beliefs (e.g. certain types of Democrats and Green Party-types).

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Most of the time, yes, I do hate Xianity. I hate its history, its justifications, and sometimes even its adherents, for the general cruelty and asshattery so many of them have been involved in. I hate what it's doing now, to things like science education and family planning and women's reproductive rights.


If religion were just a nice thing that people did as a hobby on Sundays, that would be one thing. But it isn't. For devout adherents it colors everything they do, from their way of thinking to their behaviors. It leads people to shoot abortion providers and fly buildings into airplanes. I am no friend to religion.

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Hmmm, not sure if I give a simple Y or N to this very simple question.


On the one hand, I hate the agony that religion caused me last year. And I hate the doctrine of hell and some of the garbage in the bible.


But, on the other hand, Christianity can make someone a better person and also has a good set of morals to follow (but so do all religions as long as ultra fundamentalism doesn't come into it). I still have some good friends who are Christians.


So in some ways I hate it, in other ways I don't. :shrug:

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Not really. I hate some things its followers do, but the belief system itself is only an idea which can't directly hurt me. It keeps lots of people in line to some degree, and it certainly hurts people, but it hasn't ever hurt me which is the only thing that makes me hate something.

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Yes, yes, yes and yes, I hate Christianity with a passion.


All you have to do is read the Lion's Den to see perfect examples of what people on Christianity are like.

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Guest Bellatrix

Yes, it's a terribly anti-intellectual religion that encourages bigotry and hypocrisy among its' followers. I do not, however, hate christians. I just pity them.

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Yeah. I have to say I hate it. For everything it has done to humanity over these long centuries. For the way that it steals away people's hearts and minds and individuality. For the way it leads people away from recognizing the incomprehensible pricelessness of life - by diverting their focus to a mythical afterlife.


I hate it for the guilt that it tries to lay on people. Simply for being normal.


Most of all, I hate it for the fear by which it perpetuates itself.


It will never rule me again.

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I didn't use to actually hate christianity, but that's changing. I used to say, live and let live, it's their right, if they want to chase after wind, let them. But I am beginning to hate it, for the silly superstitions it continues to foment in vulnerable people: a lot of them still believe in demons and evils spirits, for Pete's sake! I'm beginning to hate it for that sect of them that wants to force their medieval beliefs on an America that was created to be secular, and impose an Iranian-style theocracy on the rest of us. I'm beginning to hate it on account of those who insist on confounding the minds of American school kids by overlaying ridiculous biblical creation "science" on real scientific knowledge of life, the earth, and the universe. I'm beginning to hate it for the way it has siphoned off the hard-earned money of its adherents to enrich itself as an institution and glorify its own self. I'm beginning to hate it for the way its leadership exploits its members to accumulate personal wealth and luxury at the expense of unsuspecting adherents. I'm beginning to hate it for the way it sanctions the teaching of its superstitions and fears to the young, thus procreating itself for the next generation. I hate its scare, shame and guilt tactics to ensnare proselytes in times of their desperation.


Yeah, I hate it. It's rotten to the core.

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I'm one of the haters. I hate it for all the BS it has caused not only in my life but through out history. I wish I could speak my mind in public but I have to suppress my feelings........most of the time.

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Do I hate Christianity? For the most part, yes I do.


Christianity centers around an ancient belief system created by ignorant people. It's a "Do as these dead people say or you will be punished" system.


I hate most of its followers. They are ignorant in their thinking. They lack critical thinking skills. They are so out of touch with reality. Most of the time, talking to them is like talking to a brick wall. They have such a narrow mind set and are so set in their ways that they can't see anything else.


Not to mention how judgmental they are. That gets me angry. They think they are so great, when they're not. They aren't above anyone. They criticize people who have things in life, just because they don't. They subject themselves to a life of poverty for an imaginary friend, and get angry when rational thinkers won't do the same.


I think a lot of their teachings is a lot of crap.

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I don't know about hate.. but strongly resent yah.. I did have some hate this evening for xianity....

I more hate how people think it is the way and the only way... and how the fear of hell is so instilled in kids... I am dealing with that right now.. I hate it that fear is used so much to keep you in the fold..that yah I am afraid what if I am wrong and hell does exsist with the rules that I was told exsist...


I hate the fact that people feel they have no control over their lives that god does

The complacency of what ever is gods will... never mind using reason or logic and making choices for yourself.

Mostly I hate the magic all cure that jesus will make everything all better... or if not you don't have enough faith or you are holding back..

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It varies. Some days when I feel like I'm completely surrounded by brainwashed people, I hate it. Most of the time, I don't. I feel sorry for the people still in it mostly.

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I like some people who happen to be Christians because they are decent people. But I hate what Christianity does to them. It makes them put a cap on thinking no matter how good they are otherwise. And for the indecent people, it seems to just make them that much more secure in their indecent behaviour.

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Do you hate Christianity? Why or why not?


The doctrine and the wholly babble, yes, with raging passion.


The fundie morontheists, yes.


The moderate/liberal believers, no. I disagree with them on certain things, but as long as they don't bother me I won't bother them.

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