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Goodbye Jesus

The Holy Quran

Guest Parsa

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OOh. I learned a new diety's name: AHAD.


I thought all Mohammedans worshipped the big sky papa Allah?


Now I gotta go see what the hell AHAD is.


Curious minds have to know these things.


Can't argue with a religionist without knowing the particulars of their delusion.


(not that this head-cheese will ever be back)

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Dude: you're with American Hindus Against Defamation???? :bounce:

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Oh, here we go. AHAD: Arabic - "one who is indivisible"




Five little worship guys for the five times a day facing Mecca.

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Hmm... okay, in which order did Allah create the Heaven and Earth again?

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The word "ahad" sounded familiar to the Mesopotamian/Semitic part of my DNA, reminding me of the Hebrew Shema, so I did a quick search. Arabic. Comes from "Al Ahad", literally "The Only" or "The One".


(polytheistic valkyrie makes rude noises at Parsa) I. Don't. Think. So.


BTW, I have it on good authority that the silver-bound black rock on the corner of the Kaaba is actually sacred to Grandma Tiamat. :woohoo:

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Read the Quran online:



Download the "Quran Auto Reciter":



What, you think one book full of lies, bullshit and inhuman atrocities isn't enough? :banghead:


Just to point out before you ask, yes I've read your book. I never thought I'd one day find something that's even more disgusting than da wholly babble, but the koran made it.

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I read that "holy book" before. It's a pile of steaming shit, just like the bible.

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If anyone wants this spammish thread locked or deleted, let me know. I'll get rid of it.

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Hmmm... Choices, choices....


1. Choose a local Canaanite deity blended with other local deities who became Jehovah?


2. Choose the blended Jehovah god who got blended with Greek and Roman mystery religions in the Jesus the Christ, 2nd person in a 3-headed god?


3. Choose an Arab version of the above two blended gods, all blended together with local Arab gods?


Oh choices!! I'll just reject them all and be done with it.


BTW, it used to be a favorite pastime of mine to dream of time travel into the past, seeing the amazement of the ancient people with the level of knowledge and technology we have achieved here in the future. That fantasy is before us everyday when confronted with this medieval world of biggest god, true god, etc, etc. It sucks. Fantasy over. They would just want to get rid of knowledge, not embrace it.

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The Holy Hitchhikes Guide to the Galaxy is better. And we know from that Holy Book that God is gone, gone in a puff of smoke (through the proof of the babblefish), and he's very sorry for all the inconvenience he's caused us.

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Hmmm... Choices, choices....


1. Choose a local Canaanite deity blended with other local deities who became Jehovah?


2. Choose the blended Jehovah god who got blended with Greek and Roman mystery religions in the Jesus the Christ, 2nd person in a 3-headed god?


3. Choose an Arab version of the above two blended gods, all blended together with local Arab gods?

Ohhh, that almost sounds appetizing.


:yum: Pureed gods with a little splash of ice cream and a touch of whipped cream with lots of nuts on top. :yum:

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a little splash of ice cream and a touch of whipped cream with lots of nuts on top. :yum:
The nuts come as standard equipment. :mellow:
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a little splash of ice cream and a touch of whipped cream with lots of nuts on top. :yum:
The nuts come as standard equipment. :mellow:

:HaHa: I knew that comment would get your attention.


I do want them chopped, just not blended. :twitch:

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Oh, here we go. AHAD: Arabic - "one who is indivisible"




Five little worship guys for the five times a day facing Mecca.


These guys are facing Alabama on my computer.

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If anyone wants this spammish thread locked or deleted, let me know. I'll get rid of it.


Nah! We may as well blaspheme God in all its guises.


"I read Satanic Verses, and Liked it."


Lets say that we are tired of the world being run by guys with temporal lobe epilepsy! That includes The Prophet (blessed be his name).

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If anyone wants this spammish thread locked or deleted, let me know. I'll get rid of it.


Nah, man. Let us bat it around like a cat playing with a ..







sorry, fwee.

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These guys are facing Alabama on my computer.


I think mine points pretty much towards the epicenter of spirituality for America.



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Funny thing about this thread is, I actually need these sources.


I'm directing a play that is about a Muslim family. So I've been looking for resources like this.

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Oh, here we go. AHAD: Arabic - "one who is indivisible"




Five little worship guys for the five times a day facing Mecca.

These guys are facing Alabama on my computer.
Hmph! They're facing the men's room on my computer. :shrug:


I shit you not. My desk is directly next to the men's room. My desk is even touching the wall. :HaHa:

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If anyone wants this spammish thread locked or deleted, let me know. I'll get rid of it.
Nah, man. Let us bat it around like a cat playing with a ..







sorry, fwee.















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Oh, here we go. AHAD: Arabic - "one who is indivisible"




Five little worship guys for the five times a day facing Mecca.

These guys are facing Alabama on my computer.
Hmph! They're facing the men's room on my computer. :shrug:


I shit you not. My desk is directly next to the men's room. My desk is even touching the wall. :HaHa:


It must be a SIGN from whatever deity we're talking about! The little dudes are facing the men's room in my office, too.


Oh my freakin' God. Can it be? Is it real?


Coincidence? No way. It's proof that the deity in question must be TRUE.


Finally we have the answer. And I can thank the muslim Parsa for bringing us The Truth.


Do you think the world's one billion muslims are ready for this New Revelation from Parsa?


Parsa, are you ready for your new role as The Mouthpiece of the Almighty?

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