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Goodbye Jesus

What To Do About A Jesus Freak Professor?


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I wrote a page about offering my room mate a hit off my bong that was filled with high quality Canadian weed, and kindly accepting the door-to-door religion salesman's literature, rather than tell them how the Bible is filled with lies and it is Jesus, not Satan, who is the great deciever, and that Satan is actually a very good role model.

LMAO!!! :lmao:

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I haven't had this problem, fortunately. I took separate classes on the Old and New Testaments at the Community College here when I was still a xtian. They examined the Bible from a literary and historical point of view and the professor was very good, and impartial. I remember a week or two after the start of the OT class he took one woman out into the hall for a chat because she kept trying to preach in class. :HaHa: She dropped the class. I guess I never really was a fundy, even when I was still a xtian I thought it would be highly inappropriate to espouse a religious point of view in a public institution.

I had the exact same experience in my OT & NT classes at Baylor. It was actually the first realistic view of the bible I'd ever seen (even though they obviously avoided the most problematic parts). I was pretty astonished that they were so non-fundy, & at a baptist university. In fact, some students were pretty upset about what was taught in those classes, LOL. For myself, even though I was still a believer at the time I relished a more open & honest look at the bible - people had been avoiding MY questions since I was 5 years old.


The one thing that bothered me about those classes, though, was that they were required classes at Baylor, which is where the pastor at the church I grew up in got his degree. So it made me wonder why he'd been shoving that fantastical & nonsensical view of the bible at us for all those years. It solidified my suspicion of other christians even more, and helped further isolate me from the hypocrites. At that point I'd never met a non-believer, so everyone was either a "true christian" or a hypocrite, and my experiences were causing me to lump more & more people into the 'hypocrite' category every day, to the point where I wondered if there were more than a handful of people that WEREN'T hypocrites.

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I'm back!


Long story short the Jesus freak had to issue a formal apology to the class! :woohoo:


My dean got back to me and said that her proselytizing was against policy and that she had NO business doing it.


He didn't give the name of the student but--since I walked out the course oneday(and I always debate her)--I'm pretty sure she knew it was me.


My dean thanked me for writing the letter as well. So, the last two class sessions have been her giving misinformation...as usual. I just sleep in the class and study at home. :thanks:

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Right on, did you also address how she doesn't even know anything about the subject matter? She certainly shouldn't be allowed to continue teaching a class when she can't get any of the facts right.

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I'm back!


Long story short the Jesus freak had to issue a formal apology to the class! :woohoo:


My dean got back to me and said that her proselytizing was against policy and that she had NO business doing it.


*sniff* I love a happy ending!

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Yeah,happy ending-i like it

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Wow, that was very interesting, LMR. I'm glad it worked out well for you. It reminded me of something embarassing I did back about 11 years ago while still a dedicated fundy Baptist and taking a few classes at the community college. One was anatomy & physiology and I was part of a team doing a presentation about blood. I thought up a few neat visual ideas for blood types and certain cell types, but I also wanted to use an old Moody Science Film (anyone seen those?) about blood that ties in a gospel message. The teacher let me know privately after she reviewed it that she couldn't allow it because they weren't allowed to have talk about Jesus in case someone in the class would be offended by it if they didn't believe, or something along those lines. I was disappointed because I thought it would be a good chance to get a "plug" in for Christianity. I was more likely to try something more subtle than outright witnessing by that time in my life.


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