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So The Phelps Are Crossing The Ocean?

R. S. Martin

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Listed under "Love Crusades," Westboro Baptist Church announces plans to picket City Hall of Treviso, Italy at noon, Monday, Sept. 3. That's tomorrow. Can these people speak Italian? Will the Italians even know what they're up to?


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They're going to be ripped apart by Italian media. And I don't mean in a bad way. They have some hilarious news spin over there, something like John Stewart, and they are going to be the laughing stock. The only problem is it's probably going to give Americans an even worse name as Italians will think "what the hell is wrong with that country if they can produce these silly geese?"


What I would like to know is how does this clan get the money to travel and protest in the first place? Do they actually have a support base that sends money?

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I've read that they sue anybody that they can and that's where their money comes from.


Hopefully laws in Italy aren't as protective in giving idiots the right to say whatever they want and they get abused.

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Did ya check out the other links? "God caused that bridge to fall down because whorehouses were on either side" and such.

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If only customs would refuse to let them back in. They could be classified as terrorists under Dubya's scheme of things, couldn't they?

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If only customs would refuse to let them back in. They could be classified as terrorists under Dubya's scheme of things, couldn't they?


Uh, uh, uh, no-No-NO!!!! Then they would come to US! Because we take political refugees. Let's hope God speaks to them through the Italians and tells them they had been listening to the devil all this time and that women should stay home and cook and bake and clean and spin. And men should plow the fields and eat their bread by the sweat of their brow. All this globe trotting and suing at the law and minding other people's business is really very sinful and unbiblical and displeasing to god. Maybe they will get an audience with the pope and there will be thunder and lightening and hail and an unscheduled sun eclipse so that they know it really is god telling them this. Because all these things are in the Bible.


The horse and buggy people have it in their articles of faith that suing people at the law is forbidden for Christians. And the group I come from discourages pleasure trips or travel because they are pride of life and lust of the flesh, or just plain worldly. Air travel is forbidden. The Bible also teaches that Christians should be known for their love for each other, and that they should be the quiet in the land. That hardly allows them to picket popes and monarchs. Thus, god can rightfully tell them via whatever method he wishes that they have tresspassed big time.


Let's hope they over-look and breach some kind of security law so the Italians keep them. Problem is, they will get sick and tired of them and will just want to get them off their hands. But the problem is, only one of them is going--right? And there's quite a large family of them. Isn't it a woman named Susan who is going? How does this fit in with the biblical passages against women telling men what to do? Even the RCC won't take kindly to a mere woman telling its pope where to go. They are so traditional and biblical. Isn't it weird that the people they are preaching to are more biblical than they are???


Something is just plain twisted and wrong.

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The only problem is it's probably going to give Americans an even worse name as Italians will think "what the hell is wrong with that country if they can produce these silly geese?"


That occurred to me, too. But I don't think they could care less. They already think God hates America, Canada, and Sweden. So what do they care what Italy thinks of America?

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If only customs would refuse to let them back in. They could be classified as terrorists under Dubya's scheme of things, couldn't they?


Uh, uh, uh, no-No-NO!!!! Then they would come to US!

I'm beginning to see parallels between them and the New York garbage barge. Can't we just shoot them off into space?

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I'd like to see that whole bunch go over to the Middle East and protest and in that way some good Muslim might cut their heads off and we would be done with them once and for all. The Italians won't put up with that crap from them and more than likely they might end up in jail on some charge or be accused of being heretics and tried by the Catholic church and burned at the stake as witches or Satan worshipers. :wicked:

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Iran is nice this time of year...

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Since you're on the right side of the ocean for the task, can you see to it that they get there??? Maybe just pick them up at the airport....you know...let them think you were the guy to take them to their destination...They'd be too smart for most of us but you're one darn bright guy....

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I'm too pretty to go to the Ottoman Empire or Persia!

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Hopefully they meet the right type of Italians...the kind that'll teach em to shut up with a baseball bat and a revolver.

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Phelps Senior is reputed to reckon himself handy with both implements so that might be an interesting meeting.


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Uh, uh, uh, no-No-NO!!!! Then they would come to US! Because we take political refugees.

I'm not so sure about that... Canada's hate crime laws are moderately tough. If they did manage to get in here, they might find themselves facing a delightful five-year timeout in various prison cells.

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Uh, uh, uh, no-No-NO!!!! Then they would come to US! Because we take political refugees.

I'm not so sure about that... Canada's hate crime laws are moderately tough. If they did manage to get in here, they might find themselves facing a delightful five-year timeout in various prison cells.


Oh thanks! I didn't realize we had another Canadian reading this. Glad you know more about our laws than I do.

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I hate to say this, but I knew that if the Phelps set foot in Canada and opened their mouths about anything other than the weather or Baseball they'd be deported or imprisoned (Problem is Canada isn't noted for it's hell hole jails)

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I hate to say this, but I knew that if the Phelps set foot in Canada and opened their mouths about anything other than the weather or Baseball they'd be deported or imprisoned (Problem is Canada isn't noted for it's hell hole jails)


Hmmm....you don't think the Canadians could not be convinced to open up a prison above the artic circle and fashion it after the old Soviet Gulags do you? Or at least one just for guys like Phelps?....... :scratch:

We could just encase him in a big block of ice and dump him off in some remote frozen area of Nunavut, sort of like "Iceman." That way, we could pawn him off on future generations thousands of years from now. And it might have the side benefit of providing incentive to get really serious about addressing global warming.

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I hate to say this, but I knew that if the Phelps set foot in Canada and opened their mouths about anything other than the weather or Baseball they'd be deported or imprisoned (Problem is Canada isn't noted for it's hell hole jails)


Is this why we don't have the overt culture wars the American Bible Belt is so famous for?


So anyway, it's noon here in Ontario. That means it's way past noon in Italy. Anybody know how things came off for the Phelps-Italian meeting?


P.S. He can talk about hockey if he needs more variety than the weather and baseball give him.

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I have a sincere request for any good European folks who may be in Italy at the time Fred Phelps shows up....PLEASE DROWN THE FUCKER IN THE MEDITERRANIAN SEA....PLEASE,....You really would do the world a favor by getting rid of his hatefull highness....PLEASE.... :twitch:


I'm afraid I'll not be there in time. :fdevil:


If I should miss the announcement, do contact me if you ever hear the phelps pack comes to Germany. I'll try to arrange something :pureevil:

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I hate to say this, but I knew that if the Phelps set foot in Canada and opened their mouths about anything other than the weather or Baseball they'd be deported or imprisoned (Problem is Canada isn't noted for it's hell hole jails)


Hmmm....you don't think the Canadians could not be convinced to open up a prison above the artic circle and fashion it after the old Soviet Gulags do you? Or at least one just for guys like Phelps?....... :scratch:

We could just encase him in a big block of ice and dump him off in some remote frozen area of Nunavut, sort of like "Iceman." That way, we could pawn him off on future generations thousands of years from now. And it might have the side benefit of providing incentive to get really serious about addressing global warming.


You think he'd follow his lord's example if his block of ice thawed and come back to life??? Normal people need to be careful not to get frozen because if they do they die never to be heard of again.....Nunavut is haunted with their ghosts.

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Phelps just needs to be dragged out into the street and shot. He is a total waste of atoms.

Why waste a good bullet? just bury him... dead is a nice option but not a necessity since he'll do that one day all on his own.

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