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Goodbye Jesus

This Has Got To Be The Stupidest Fundie Of All Time

Apostate called Jimmy

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I've seen my fair share of stupid fundies but this guy takes the cake. He goes by the username LoneWolf1984. Here's the link:




I must warn you, reading his posts for long periods of time will give you the urge to take a long hot shower to wash all the stupid off.

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Oh dear God/Goddess, whomever!!! Please tell me this guy is only 8. Because if he is any older than that without a mental disability, our entire society is DOOMED! Where there is one, there is more. It would be interesting to know if he is a product of our public school system. Just a thought.



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He is special. Dumber than a brick, duller than a knife, short two cards of a full deck. In other words, this guy is one friggin moron.

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In addition to the fact that he can't seem to rub two brain cells together, his (I hesitate to call it) art sucks, too.

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Bless his heart.

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Religion and Christianity isn't the same thing At all.

And yet he thinks that the big bang and evolution are the same thing.

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Does big bang mades cars?

Does big bang mades Buildings?

Does big bang mades Songs?


Do big monkey brain do be make crap art, wit do wittle bwrain in him head?


Bet understand speak as I may, he will...

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"...gonna wash that stoooopid right outa my hair.. and send it on its wayyyy!"


Wait! I was BALD before I read that.. Fuck! What's going down brain???






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"I'd feel sorry for you and my follow human race that doesn't believe in my God. I'd die for any one. That's a promise to show my love for them." :Doh:


This guy seems to have confused himself with the god he is trying to proselytize about...

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Oh my gawd!!! My chest hurts from laughing at that crazy shit. I especially liked this:



I'd spell evolution wrong for a reason. I don't believe in it. If I don't believe in it. I'd don't need this crappy word evolution. If there's no evolution in my Dictionary. To me the evolution is a made up word. So I can spell it anyway I want to.


Other things he spelled wrong and therefore must not believe in:


"God the Fatger"- guess he doesn't believe in God the Father.

"Even and Adam"- he believes in Adam, but not that Eve person.

"Grabel and Micheal"- doesn't believe in the archangels Gabriel and Michael.

"knowage"- doesn't believe in knowledge either but that was a given.


Thanks for the laugh! I had to chuckle when I read that he isn't going back to school because he doesn't want to be brainwashed by evolutionary theory. I guess he'd like to keep his current brainwashed braindead status instead.


Also, his crappy paintshop artwork of a demon monkey was pathetic.



He didn't misspell evolution on purpose, obviously. That driveling goon probally didn't realize he did that until I called him on it. Then we went back and added that "I did that for a reason". Bullshit. He's an illiterate shit-for-brains asshat and just didn't want to admit to it.

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I think the '1984' part of his name must be his birthyear. Unless it's a reference to the George Orwell (which I highly doubt).


If it is his birthyear, he is waaaaay too old to be so dumb. And I mean, it wouldn't matter if he was dumb, if only he was so fucking arrogant about it.

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Jesus say that, "Only God the Fatger knows the day and the hour. When he will return."




Well isn't that. Wonderful. That he's the only one. Who knows. Glory!

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They guy HAS to be drunk....there is no other explanation....SERIOUSLY.... :o

He's drunk in the SPOOK, Brother! Glory!

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I've seen my fair share of stupid fundies but this guy takes the cake. He goes by the username LoneWolf1984. Here's the link:




I must warn you, reading his posts for long periods of time will give you the urge to take a long hot shower to wash all the stupid off.


Wow. Now that was horrific. Ouch.


There's really no excuse for this. The Naruto reference is probably what sent me over the edge. Check the guy's bio out:

* Current Age: 23

* Current Residence: Ohio

* Interests: Trikkes, Dogs, drawings, TNA wrestling

* Favourite movie: Christmas Carol, Aladdin, Grease and Grease 2

* Favourite band or musician: DC: TALK and Carmen

* Favourite genre of music: Christian, Country, Rock, Rap and Irish folk dance.

* Favourite artist: I don't have one

* Favourite poet or writer: I don't have one

* Favourite photographer: I don't have one

* Favourite style or digital art: I don't have one

* Operating System: I don't have one

* MP3 player of choice: I don't have one

* Shell of choice: I don't have one

* Wallpaper of choice: I don't have one

* Skin of choice: I don't have one

* Favourite game: WCW/NWO Revenage

* Favourite gaming platform: PS2 and X-Box

* Favourite cartoon character: Disney Characters, Looney Toons, Rapheal{TMNT], Kakshi{Naruto]

* Personal Quote: I don't have one

* Tools of the Trade: I don't have one

Ahem. If the date at the top is correct, this person is 23.


On top of that, he's got an idea for a wrestling game. Yes, a card carrying member of the 'Christian Moral Nazi's Zombie Hunger Force' {tm} really wishes someone would make a video game. This is from his main page, it's just too funny to miss, so I'll post it here. Note the 'weapons list'.



I'm trying do make up two things right now.


One of them is Prowrestling Video Game storyline.

I'd need some help with my Video Game.


This what I'm think off called it "Your Wrestling Federation"


Wrestling Empire is like WWE.

Dangerous Den is like TNA.

Extreme Wrestling Empire is like the OLD ECW.

World Championship Empire is like WCW.

Wrestling Federation is like WWF.


Could you create fake wrestlers base off of WWE wrestlers?

Could you create fake wrestlers base off of OLD WCW wrestlers?

Could you create fake wrestlers base off of TNA wrestlers?

Could you create fake wrestlers base off of OLD ECW wrestlers?

Could you create fake wrestlers base off of WWF wrestlers?


In this game you can edit the fake wrestlers to match the real wrestlers from the real world of Prowrestling.



You have to create Championship belts.





Tag Team

Triple Threat

Tribulation X (Ultimate X match)

Tribulation Cage(Lethal Lock-down Match)

Nightmare match (Hangman's Horror match)

Elevation Tribulation (Elevation X match)

Handicap match

Hardcore Match

Iron man match

Submission Match

First Blood match

Last Man Standing match

No Disqualification match

Parking Lot Brawl

Ladder match

Lord of the Castle (King of the Mountain match)

Dangerous Rumble Match (Royal Rumble)

Being Knighted (Fight for the Rights)

Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match

(Object) on a Pole match

Strap match

Hair vs Hair

Champions Battle

Electrified Cage match

Tribulation Chamber( Elimination Chamber match)

Any other matches that I fought to put up?



Baseball bat (All colors)







Bowling ball



and etc.


Options for the Owner:

You could sell your Federation to your completion.

You could buy your completion Federations



David vs Goliath



Jealous Girlfriend

Rookie Problem


Family Problem

Slibings feuds

Champion Challenge

Create a Faction


Do you have any suggestion for Storylines?













Any other entrances Ideas?



What should I renamed the Finishing moves & the some of the favorites?


You can edit Stables.


Dude, if this guy isn't closeted and being slapped around by his own beliefs because of it I'll eat my copy of my favorite World Series.


This is a case of Jesus being used to cover up huge emotional issues the way I'm reading it. I'm sorry for the poor guy, stuck in his parents home forever.


Still, in a disgusting You Tube sort of way it's entertaining on some level. That's the strange part.

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This guy has a HUGE persecution complex. Every time someone makes fun of his shitty grammar he cries "your making funs of me cause . I is a christian." He thinks people are making fun of him just because he's a xian, no matter how many times we tell him it's because he's an illiterate baffoon.

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:lmao: Sheesh! My atheist classmate from drawing class in community college draws much, much better than this freak! Now this guy's art kicks ass, especially that of Lone Wolf 1984. This guy, a former classmate of mine, has some awesome Cthulhu artwork: :HaHa:



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I've seen my fair share of stupid fundies but this guy takes the cake. He goes by the username LoneWolf1984. Here's the link:




I must warn you, reading his posts for long periods of time will give you the urge to take a long hot shower to wash all the stupid off.


Sorry but unbelieveably I'll have to disagree.


I nominate this guy as the dumbest fuck in all of Christendumb.





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I would like to put forth the theory that lonewolf1984 is a clever parody of a fundie. Listing "Grease 2" as a favorite movie seems like a dead giveaway to me...

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I get a feeling he's not real too. Just that sneaking suspicion.

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Lol. I actually engaged in an argument with this devianTARD. (lonewolf1984)


Check out the comments on his pic. lol

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Lol. I actually engaged in an argument with this devianTARD. (lonewolf1984)


Check out the comments on his pic. lol


I am a member there because I dabble in art, though never have posted. I hate the way the comments are laid out, its very hard to zip to the most recent.

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Lol. I actually engaged in an argument with this devianTARD. (lonewolf1984)


Check out the comments on his pic. lol


I am a member there because I dabble in art, though never have posted. I hate the way the comments are laid out, its very hard to zip to the most recent.


Heh. I replied to this guy. This is what I wrote him.

Well, I was pointed to this by another site.


Yes, they were making fun of you, your bad spelling, and overall lack of tact.


After going through your comments and posts, I've come up with a few theories.


1. You are not 23. Your interest fit the profile of a 12-15 year old, and I'm being generous there.


2. Other Christians don't like you. You've got a huge persecution complex. Everyone is out to get you it seems. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news.

The majority cannot be persecuted, most people are christian.


3. Either English isn't your first language, or you are incapable of using spell check.


4. Yes, I am making fun of you, but not because your art sucks, or because you're christian. No, I am making fun of you, because you're a moron. You're still living at home I'll bet.


There is one other possibility. This page is a joke, and you're having as much of a laugh over it as I am.


Really? A Christian that listens to Metallica, wants to make violent video games [with weapons], while watching violent anime shows, playing satanic RPG games with magic spells and monsters? You don't seem much like a christian. If you are, I imagine you ride the short bus to school. No way are you an Adult if this is a serious web page. I'm hoping it's a joke.


Besides, how is being made of dirt worse or better than being made out of primordial ooze anyway? You're an overly sensitive and prudish person with no supporting evidence for his claims.


Epic fail.


This was his response, in it's entirety.


I am 23.



The rain drops are God's tears crying for your souls.

If you are picking on me cause I'm a christian. You are actully helpping me getting richer in Heaven. Every time you call me dumb or anything like that. You are really create a crown for me in Heaven.


I couldn't resist leaving the signature in.


I'm of a mind this isn't a joke, and some poor sap is sitting at a computer somewhere in the mid west, fearing the horrible Atheist army congregating along the eastern and western shores, without even a word processor to aid him. Threatening Amer-Jesus as foretold in prophecy.

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Normally, I would just point and laugh......but this guy has to have down syndrome or FAS or something. Not kidding. His username has "1984" in it, but he types and thinks like a 6 year old that just had a bible shoved up his ass. In his case, it's more sad than funny. This poor retarded kid has been taken advantage of by fundies.

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Normally, I would just point and laugh......but this guy has to have down syndrome or FAS or something. Not kidding. His username has "1984" in it, but he types and thinks like a 6 year old that just had a bible shoved up his ass. In his case, it's more sad than funny. This poor retarded kid has been taken advantage of by fundies.


It's possible this kid has some sort of syndrome. I doubt it though, I think this is more, stuck at home forever because he's stupid, and Mom and Dad can't arrange a marriage for him anymore. Seems more like a case of extreme isolation to me. I don't think the people at his church like him much either.


'Special' children are usually treated well by congregations in general. Where I went to church, other children would jump to their defense if they were being teased, and the adults wouldn't stand for it. It's been like that most any place I've visited, not just within my own faith. Special children are given special treatment.


I suppose it's possible it isn't like that where he's at. I kind of doubt it though, seems like a real loser. His art, while unappealing, seems coordinated. He's got issues and a disorder of some type. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call him 'special' either.


I've met this before. As a military brat, I spent time in a lot of parishes. I do feel bad for him, but it's probably a problem he can fix if given the right prodding and attention.


I'm not speaking in relation to his Christianity either, though that could use a bit of work as well.

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