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Goodbye Jesus

Christianity Invades Fast Food

Neon Genesis

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I was watching the local news earlier today when I saw that our local Hardee's restaurant was going to host gospel singing tonight. What the fuck is up with that? I used to think that fast food restaurants were the last safe haven that I had from religion around the bible belt, but now it seems Christians want to take over our food, too. I mean, seriously, who in the hell honestly goes to fast food restaurants to hear praises to Jebus? Don't these addicts get enough of that from church? This wouldn't piss me off nearly as much if it wasn't for the double standard that you know if a group of atheists got together and started singing anti-Christian rock songs at a local Mcdonald's, all the Christians everywhere would be calling for them to be burned at the stake. This may be a possibly dumb question, but are fast food chains like Hardee's allowed to endorse religion or are only private businesses allowed to endorse religion? And would hosting a gospel singing count as an endorsement? Someone remind me never to go to Hardee's or at least not at night and remind never to work at a Hardee's restaurant.

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That is crazy! Seriously people cannot get enough huh? Sometimes I want to leave this country for a while and go somewhere where religion is not so in your face.


FYI....Chick Fil-A is also a SUPER Christian chain. They play Christian music inside and are closed on the sabbath. Last time we ate at one I realized that worship music was playing over the speakers....now that would make me lose my appetite.

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FYI....Chick Fil-A is also a SUPER Christian chain. They play Christian music inside and are closed on the sabbath.

Never noticed the music but it's funny they're closed on Sunday isn't it? They say it's so their employee's can be with family and some other crap but the founder seemed to be some religious type nut when you read between the lines. I didn't think the food was all that great so I wasn't that upset...I just went to all the other OPEN restaurants (too bad for them losing my business).



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So Neon, I guess you don't know about the In & Out burger joint? Turn the soda cup upside down and look for the magical John 3:16.


Or, does anyone watch American Idol here? Well, it's clear that last weeks Dolly Parton theme was an attempt of evangelizing the Jesus cult to Americans.

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I agree Hans. The wife is hooked on idol and I usually don't mind so much. Last week, I thought a revival was going to break out, between Dolly and the Clark bros. :sing:

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I agree Hans. The wife is hooked on idol and I usually don't mind so much. Last week, I thought a revival was going to break out, between Dolly and the Clark bros. :sing:

What was the song the Clark's sang again? Was it "This little light of mine?" All I can remember was that it was beyond stupid. One of all those old songs, in new arrangement, but still very silly and hence quite stupid. Or Dolly's Jesus and gravity... I almost puked... so frigging mind-numbing... Please don't tell me they can't use the media to promote their religion, considering I haven't heard anyone even mentioning the word "atheist" (unless as a derogative) in a long time...

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Jesus loves the wee hamburgers

All hamburgers of the world

Red and yellow black and white

He grabs all the condiments in sight

Jesus loves the wee hamburgers of the world.

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Guest Net Eng
Jesus loves the wee hamburgers

All hamburgers of the world

Red and yellow black and white

He grabs all the condiments in sight

Jesus loves the wee hamburgers of the world.


Verse 2:

Jesus even loves the french fries

Crispy salty fried pataters

ketchup red from colored dye

He blesses every little fry

Jesus loves the french fries of the world

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He got the whole burger... in his hands, he got the whole burger... in his hands, he got the whole burger... in his hands, he got the whole burger in his hands


He got the french fries, in his hands, he got the french fries, in his hands ... (You get the picture :HaHa:)

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I've got the fast food burger, down in my butt (where?!), down in my butt (where?!), down in my butt (where?!), today!

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Oh, when the Burgers, go marching in, oh, when the burgers go marching in. Oh Lord I want the next to be my order number. Oh when the burgers go marching in.


Amazing Grease, how sweet the fries.

That sav'd a I wretch like me.

I once was hungry, but now I'm full,

Was starved, but now the food I found.

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That is crazy! Seriously people cannot get enough huh? Sometimes I want to leave this country for a while and go somewhere where religion is not so in your face.


FYI....Chick Fil-A is also a SUPER Christian chain. They play Christian music inside and are closed on the sabbath. Last time we ate at one I realized that worship music was playing over the speakers....now that would make me lose my appetite.

Yeah, that is truly a pain as I LOVE their chicken nuggets. Still hate their religion though.

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Great....as if I wasn't hungry before....

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Great....as if I wasn't hungry before....

Meh, but I'd rather go to Burger King. The one near the Auraria Campus LRT station has Wireless Internet now.

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Guest Net Eng
Oh, when the Burgers, go marching in, oh, when the burgers go marching in. Oh Lord I want the next to be my order number. Oh when the burgers go marching in.


Amazing Grease, how sweet the fries.

That sav'd a I wretch like me.

I once was hungry, but now I'm full,

Was starved, but now the food I found.


You lowered the bar so I'm gonna limbo !! :HaHa:


Verse 2:

T'was Grease that clogged

My heart with goo.

But hunger was relieved.

How yummy was that Greasy food

That occludes my arteries

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Guest eejay

You must all remember the guy who used to own Domino's Pizza. He is the fruitcake putting together that catholic town in south Florida, near Naples.

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I was watching the local news earlier today when I saw that our local Hardee's restaurant was going to host gospel singing tonight. What the fuck is up with that? I used to think that fast food restaurants were the last safe haven that I had from religion around the bible belt, but now it seems Christians want to take over our food, too. I mean, seriously, who in the hell honestly goes to fast food restaurants to hear praises to Jebus? Don't these addicts get enough of that from church? This wouldn't piss me off nearly as much if it wasn't for the double standard that you know if a group of atheists got together and started singing anti-Christian rock songs at a local Mcdonald's, all the Christians everywhere would be calling for them to be burned at the stake. This may be a possibly dumb question, but are fast food chains like Hardee's allowed to endorse religion or are only private businesses allowed to endorse religion? And would hosting a gospel singing count as an endorsement? Someone remind me never to go to Hardee's or at least not at night and remind never to work at a Hardee's restaurant.



It's just not enough they get the afterlife, is it? They just got to have this world too. Assholes.

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That's why I usually go to a tavern for burgers. The food is normally better, and most tavs in my town are decidedly NON-JEWSUS.


Hardees does have good nuggets, though... <_<

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It's those goddamned Dominionist christians trying to take over the world. First they will get our burgers, then our tacos! :angry:


Seriously though, is it me or does it seem like the U.S. is getting more and more jesus crazy? Moreso it seems after my deconversion! Maybe I'm just being overly sensitive to the mind virus. I also watched the Idol show with Dolly. I thought they were going to have an altar call. I bet Simon is an atheist. You could tell he was very uncomfortable. Can't blame him, I would have been puking on Paula! :puke:


One more tune for the newly created christian burger genre:


Bless the burger lord, oh my soul, and all the onions and ketchup, bless his greasy name! :HaHa:

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This is old news...


I don't know what issue it was. Nor do I remember how long ago it was.


But I remember reading a National Geographic magazine with an article near the back that showed a few "old folks" (I think it was a guy and two ladies), with a keyboard and singing gospel tunes at a McDonald's. This, too, took place somewhere in the bible-belt.

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I was watching the local news earlier today when I saw that our local Hardee's restaurant was going to host gospel singing tonight. What the fuck is up with that?

It's all about the money $$, no doubt. The economy is slow, so what better way to boost sales than to pimp Jebus out to bring in a bunch of Christians. If Jesus is good for nothing else, Christians can at least whore him out to increase their profits :wicked:

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I was watching the local news earlier today when I saw that our local Hardee's restaurant was going to host gospel singing tonight. What the fuck is up with that?

It's all about the money $$, no doubt. The economy is slow, so what better way to boost sales than to pimp Jebus out to bring in a bunch of Christians. If Jesus is good for nothing else, Christians can at least whore him out to increase their profits :wicked:

Yes, praise the lord and pass over the cash and credit cards!

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Maybe I'm just being overly sensitive to the mind virus. I also watched the Idol show with Dolly. I thought they were going to have an altar call.
Perhaps they're trying to make people forget all about the Paula sex scandal rumors with some good 'ol Jebus?
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Well, without the fast food industry helping with the gas crisis, the preachers like below would get no fuel:



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