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Annoying Bible Verses.


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I have a lot, but I have a few I remember at the top of my head. Of course I can't remember the exact verses and all that jazz...


"If they hated you, remember, they hated me first" The 'persecuted' Christians LOVE to throw this verse around when challenged by the 'evil secular world' which wants to preach tolerence of other philosophies. They see themselves as superior to everyone else because they are preaching the 'truth' (don't get me started on their use of the word 'truth', that warrents a whole different thread) and those that are annoyed by them will end up paying for their hatred of Christ in the lake of fire. I feel for this one hook, line, and sinker which is why even in the midst of everyone telling me the fundies were full of shit, I still stuck with the beliefs.


"Does the potter have right over the clay" used to justify eternal torment, comparing human beings with clay pots. In other words, we are god's property and he can do whatever he wants with us whether we like it or not. This to me, is the most cruel, abusiving concept I have ever heard and was one of the many things which cut through me like a sword.


"His ways are not our ways" Translation "We're right no matter how much reality disagrees with us".


These are just three, but I know there's much more.

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Guest Clueless
I have a lot, but I have a few I remember at the top of my head. Of course I can't remember the exact verses and all that jazz...


"If they hated you, remember, they hated me first" The 'persecuted' Christians LOVE to throw this verse around when challenged by the 'evil secular world' which wants to preach tolerence of other philosophies. They see themselves as superior to everyone else because they are preaching the 'truth' (don't get me started on their use of the word 'truth', that warrents a whole different thread) and those that are annoyed by them will end up paying for their hatred of Christ in the lake of fire. I feel for this one hook, line, and sinker which is why even in the midst of everyone telling me the fundies were full of shit, I still stuck with the beliefs.


"Does the potter have right over the clay" used to justify eternal torment, comparing human beings with clay pots. In other words, we are god's property and he can do whatever he wants with us whether we like it or not. This to me, is the most cruel, abusiving concept I have ever heard and was one of the many things which cut through me like a sword.


"His ways are not our ways" Translation "We're right no matter how much reality disagrees with us".


These are just three, but I know there's much more.


I´m feeling you Jack. They have a little pat answer for everything. I always hated "there is a way that seems right to a man but the path therein leads to death." You mean if it seems right, makes sense, holds water etc that it leads to death. WTF Over. They use that one when you present a logical argument against their dogma. It cant be right, it makes too much sense!

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John 3:16 hands down. Seen everywhere on everything, And they act like it's the most profound thing ever said, when in actuality it makes absolutely no sense.

Gawd so loved the world that he (who is his own son) sent himself to earth to be killed, so in some magical way that makes up for us being fucked up, although he created us in the first place so he should'a known that we were fucked up. And if you don't believe this convoluted fairy tale, he'll fuck you up for ever and ever.

Amen. I didn't believe in gawd before but since that guy in the clown wig and no shirt behind the goal posts held up a John 3:16 sign, I'm ready to send my SS check to Benny Hinn now. :banghead:

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John 3:16


I mean, come on! From what I read in the Bible, I came to a conclusion, that God definitely does NOT love the world.

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Yeah, I don't hate the John 3:16 one as much, but really, seeing it in the context, it's not wonder this belief made no sense to me. Hell, even as a kid, when I remembered stories in church about god approving Jesus's death to 'open the doors to heaven', I was like, "WTF, god can do anything, what does he need Jesus to die for?". The idea of an all powerful god who can do anything was always intriguing to me, but the Christian god doesn't fall the 'omnipotent' category. Same goes with the Noah flood and all the other instances where god cursed villages and ordered the deaths of his creation. If one could do anything, why be so limited?

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So many I can't narrow it down. The entire book of Romans -- especially that part "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

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People always forget John 3:17, which is even more fucked up:


"for God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."


OK, So the WHOLE WORLD is saved? Or potentially saved? If we're all saved through Jebus and not of our own works, then I never have to go to church anymore... it makes no difference.


If we are only POTENTIALLY saved, then how come Jebus doesn't have the power to do the job all the way? He's gawd, ain't he?


Anyway, it's a good thing it's all just one big fucking ha-ha fairly tale... would give me one major headache over the cognitive dissonance with reality.

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The Golden Rule [Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31]. Because they're all smug about it and think it's the most clever thing ever said, yet you can find it in almost every religion's teachings (21, to be exact). And yet it still doesn't work. Ah, irony.


I don't think I've ever seen John 3:16 anywhere. I'm not around the fundies that often. To be perfectly honest, I find the entire book annoying, but I'm not going to quote the whole thing.

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Probably the one that sticks with me the most is one my mother clings to as she watches her children and grandchildren all slipping out of xtianity. "Bring up a child in the way he should go, and he shall not depart from it." Oops! Wrong again!



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Yeah, I don't hate the John 3:16 one as much, but really, seeing it in the context, it's not wonder this belief made no sense to me. Hell, even as a kid, when I remembered stories in church about god approving Jesus's death to 'open the doors to heaven', I was like, "WTF, god can do anything, what does he need Jesus to die for?". The idea of an all powerful god who can do anything was always intriguing to me, but the Christian god doesn't fall the 'omnipotent' category. Same goes with the Noah flood and all the other instances where god cursed villages and ordered the deaths of his creation. If one could do anything, why be so limited?

That question bothered me as a kid in church too: how did jebus on a cross change anything? Everyone I asked said I'd understand when I was older. I'm 50 now and I still don't get it. :Old:

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How about the entire book of leviticus? Especially for the next freak of the week who decides that 'pagans' sacraficed animals and that proves why their beliefs were bad. I mean come off the high horse people that entire book (leviticus) is a how to on animal sacrifice. Followed by Exodus 22:18 "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" um ya..goes well with "thou shalt not kill" right?

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Any verses that says "Jesus loves you" because it's so completely contradicted by the rest of the book.

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Matthew 7:7


Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.


Hah! Anyone received or found or opened anything lately?

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Most annoying verse? John 3:16 : "4 gawd so luvd da werld, dat he gaev his only bgotted sun so dat who-eva beleevz n him wil not parishh butt hav eva lastin lyfe"


Backed up by Romans 3:23: "4 all hav sind an fallin shawrt of da glori of gawd."


Yeah, God loved us all so much that he gave himself up to die to save us from a problem he started, and we don't even deserve his love in the first place.

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Guest eejay
Probably the one that sticks with me the most is one my mother clings to as she watches her children and grandchildren all slipping out of xtianity. "Bring up a child in the way he should go, and he shall not depart from it." Oops! Wrong again!



I'm living proof of that one being false. LOL

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'Judge NOT lest ye be judged likewise!' That about always made me puke.

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I'm not sure the answer lies in the sugar-coated verses that they have you memorize or use as the carrot to suck you in (e.g, john 3:16), although those are incredibly annoying, given all the not-so-nice parts of the bible. A second category, more annoying, I think, are the ones like romans 3:23 which tell us what vile, unworthy scum we are. Toss in the threats of punishment and that constitutes the stick. Then toss in the arbitrary restrictions on sexuality, orientation, diet, working on the sabbath--this sort of thing is liberally represented in the OT, but it has its place in the NT as well. Or how about the entire book of Revelation, or to a large extent Daniel? John trips out on acid and we still get to watch the opposing sects slug it out as they try to interpret it 2000 years later. But worst of all, perhaps are the passages describing the horrid, vengeful god who throws god-sized temper tantrums at the drop of a hat. The same god that goes on these genocidal rampages in some passages is the ultimate god of love in others. There's just so much to choose from, when it comes to most hated verses! At least if it was just a sugary god of love it wouldn't screw the world and its inhabitants up so much, even if it did leave people believing fairy tales.

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There's so many to choose from.


The Leviticus one always pisses me off: "Do not lie with another man as you would lie with a woman. God hates that." Surely God has more important things to worry about than consensual sex between two adult men!


The New Testament's no better.


"If you look at a woman lustfully then you have already committed adultery with her in your heart" Oh, so I can't even fantasise about a beautiful woman now!


"If you right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better to go into heaven with one hand than to have both hands and be thrown into the fires of hell. And if your right eye causes you to sin, gauge it out and throw it away. It is better to go into heaven with one eye than to have both eyes and be thrown into the fires of hell, where their worm does not rot... blah, blah, blah"


All that talk of cutting of hands and eyes because they cause you to sin, didn't half make me frightened as a child that I might be required to cut off my penis because of masturbation!


Those are just a selection of some very ethically repressive and damaging passages from the bible, remembered from memory rather than from any particular translation (though I may have remembered a particular translation).

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"But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise"


"Professing to be wise, they became fools"


These two are favorites among fundies when trying to debunk anything scientific that contradicts their world view. They are willing to admit that they're stupid if means that they're right. Probably their absolute favorite verse of all is:


"The fool says in his heart there is no God"


They always say it with such a smugness as if it this proves that atheists are the morons. When ever one these window lickers throw that verse at me I just say back "only a fool would think that".

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I couldn't get past all the begats... in Genesis, so I never bothered with the Buy Bull or the BM (book of Mormon). ha ha ha.

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"The fool says in his heart there is no God"


They always say it with such a smugness as if it this proves that atheists are the morons. When ever one these window lickers throw that verse at me I just say back "only a fool would think that".

But wait, if God thinks the wise are foolish and everything is opposite for God, but he calls atheists fools, does that mean God is actually calling atheists wise and complimenting atheists? Besides, I thought it was a sin in the bible to call people fools, so didn't God just commit a sin?
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How about the entire fucking book?

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There's so many to choose from.


The Leviticus one always pisses me off: "Do not lie with another man as you would lie with a woman. God hates that." Surely God has more important things to worry about than consensual sex between two adult men!


The New Testament's no better.


"If you look at a woman lustfully then you have already committed adultery with her in your heart" Oh, so I can't even fantasise about a beautiful woman now!


"If you right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better to go into heaven with one hand than to have both hands and be thrown into the fires of hell. And if your right eye causes you to sin, gauge it out and throw it away. It is better to go into heaven with one eye than to have both eyes and be thrown into the fires of hell, where their worm does not rot... blah, blah, blah"


All that talk of cutting of hands and eyes because they cause you to sin, didn't half make me frightened as a child that I might be required to cut off my penis because of masturbation!


Those are just a selection of some very ethically repressive and damaging passages from the bible, remembered from memory rather than from any particular translation (though I may have remembered a particular translation).


Oh man, if that second verse was true, those pedopriests would be in a lot of trouble!


I should have added the 'adultery in your heart' one to the list as well because that is up there for sure. I couldn't even be angry without being guilty of murder, and many other sins. As an introvert like myself, I felt as if all my rights were being stripped away from me.

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The one where it says you have to be like a child to enter Heaven.


BUT isn't it better for the whole world if we become fully functional, responisible adults. I don't see how staying helpless as children gets us anywhere. Except as easy to manipulate sheep, of course.

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I think what amazes me about Bible apologists is when they say the Bible is the word of God, believing their invisible man wrote a book, and that book is the irrefutable perfect answer to all questions yesterday today and forever.

So my question has been, where are those Unicorn fossils?! Or, in lieu of that, why aren't there any "Free Unicorn colts to good home" ad's in my local paper?! Where are the Unicorn rescue charities?! I've seen Greyhound rescue and adoption sites on the net. But thus far no horned horsey saviors. Man, does that tick me off.



Deuteronomy 33:17

Psalms 92:10


Not to mention those verses about the Earth being flat and resting on pillars in space, while planets are suspended on what is it?! strings?! From the vault of heaven. And then there's those giants that were all over the place in the Old Testament. I think of these verses, those mentioned that I can not recall chapter and verse, when I enter into discussions with people that laugh at Darwinism but praise Creationism. I always ask them; where are the Unicorns then!? Oh the looks I get. But still, no baby horned horses are ever up for adoption. Why is that do you suppose!?

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