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Goodbye Jesus


Guest Zoe Grace

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Guest Zoe Grace

I just was browsing exwitch.org...wow...offensive.


Despite the fact that I think calling oneself a 'witch' is silly, and despite the fact that most of the people i've ever seen at a pagan gathering have been so fruity and bizarre as to cause me to create my own entire set of views and practice whatever i practice as a solitary...


This site is just fucking offensive.


One of the categories in the forums deals with why ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE pagans/witches/occultists beliefs are dangerous.


A. NO ONE who isn't a Christian CARES what the bible says about their current beliefs. The bible is not an authority on anything. I'm not going to play the "they weren't a true pagan" card if they went to or went back to Christianity, I'm just going to say "they were gullible" but then a lot of pagans are. In my experience dealing with other pagans, it seems they for the most part cling very easily to what other stronger personalities tell them. THey can go on all day long about how they are "individuals" but they just joined a new subculture and are frolicking around the bonfire...that's not individualistic. (and before someone says I'm painting with a broad brush...i've had a LOT of dealings with many different pagans both online and offline. I think that many pagans ARE individuals...and have very interesting beliefs...but the grand majority are just following something "new and trendy" Paganism is very "commercial" right now and there are more fluffies than serious practitioners.)


As is always the case...those who leave their religion for another or none at all, are usually the weakest links. (there is always the exception to the rule...but moderates in anything are more likely to leave than die hard believers) I find it interesting that Christians create sites like this with the underlying subtext of "see all these people LEFT those religions to join ours...we MUST be right" then they ignore the existence of things like Ex-C. Since paganism on a whole is a "trendy" religion right now...a lot of people who join it and leave it are following trends. Most of them weren't raised on it, then left through solid reasoning skills.


B. The REAL threat of things like Paganism is that, although many individual pagans ARE "followers", Many "pagan type beliefs" encourage NOT TRUSTING ONE BOOK AS YOUR ONLY SOURCE OF INFORMATION. THis is a threat to Christianity.


In addition though some might think the concept of "spells" even as a metaphorical construct is "hokey" the underlying teaching is...YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE YOURSELF. You dont' wait on a higher power to do shit for you. THAT is threatening to Christianity.


Saying: Trust yourself, you have the power to affect and change your own life, don't trust everything you read or everything someone else tells you...these are precepts that are considered a threat to christianity with good reason.


While pagan practices/religions may be dealing with their own problems including a subset of trendy "followers", there is a reason why "the atheists" and "the witches" are the biggest threats.

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I've only browsed that forum a couple of times but had no interest in actually reading much of anthing there.


The Pagans I know/have known for the most part are very spiritually self sufficient, fun, intelligent, and even kooky in a good way.


I agree with your assesment of the threat to christianity Zoe along with the Pagans I know have developed their beliefs pretty much on their own by reading and studying many, many books with very few sweeping 'must' statements.


I love spending time with Radical Faries and Wiccan Womyn they are 2 groups that know how to have fun for the sake of having fun. Which for me brings it's own freedoms. :woohoo:


Although I did have an experience of bringing medium rare hamburgers to a gathering that made me feel out of place :eek: Kinda like dragging a sacrificial goat to a christening :lmao:



Blasted Be :magic:


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They are a bunch of pompus, know it all assholes that think that they and they only hold the corner on truth. Like all christians they will ignore their own bible teaching if it doesn't fit. They will degrade anybody who doesn't think like they do. The people who run the board are two faced, self asorbed, and are not capable of looking at simple logical thought.


More than one person has come into the site just to leave a year or less later broken. That is what they do to those who dare point out some truths to them. I have a good friend who (like me) has gone through more hell in his life than most people would in 5 lifetimes. BUt he has a good heart and still tries to see the good in people. He has a heart of gold. I left ew because I couldn't take the illogic any longer. I would point things out logically and they did their best to convince me that I was "mentally challenged". I am still trying to figure out where logical thought turned in to "crazy".


Anyways, I popped back in to ew in order to copy some of my posts and what do I see? My good friend who was a mod, just losing it. I e-mailed him and find that he in the hospital for a suicide attempt. He had the same thing happen to him that had happened to me. We are not alone. There are two others, that I know.


See, they fool you into taking down your defenses then they take your weaknesses and exploits them.


They are cancerous from with in, but are purposly dense about it. This was one of the reasons I posted the thread. They need to be taken down a notch or two. They are typical christians and wish them harm.


Sorry if my reasons for posting the site offends anybody.

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In many ways I feel like modern paganism is going through an "adolescent" period.  And right now it's really attractive to "rebelling teenagers" and "trendoids"  Hopefully it'll grow and evolve and the "faces of paganism" will be the more mature people, rather than the fluffies.


well said. When I first became interested in Paganism, I felt uneasy with how most other people my age handled it. A lot of people thought I was simply interested in in it because i was in the "rebellious phase of life" :ugh:

So in the end I opted for solitary also.

I just dont find it a good idea to associate with peole on the basis of belief. Helps avoid a lot of problems.

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I, being the shit disturber that I am, have joined exwitch.org.

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Can I say "Loooooove that expression!"




It has multiple meanings....


:wicked: I ain't called Assimov for nothing!



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NOTE: We are not in any way affiliated with Robby Rush of ex-witch.com, and do not endorse his website as a resource. See Miklat Library in the forum if you'd like more details.


Well... that's good enough for me to go check out THAT site. =) I love to run amok! Now I can run amok at exwitch.org and check out this other site also.

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As is always the case...those who leave their religion for another or none at all, are usually the weakest links.  (there is always the exception to the rule...but moderates in anything are more likely to leave than die hard believers)


I don't know about that, seems there's plenty of ex-die-hard believers of christianity here. :scratch:


Probably the pagans get scared easily back into christianity with tales of how their gods are really demons and they're doomed to hell for worshiping them.


Funny how Christianity is really just paganism in denial too. :grin:

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They are also given tales of how the "god/dess" possessed them before they went to xtianity. One even said that she found Jesus in a pagan ritual.


I agree it is just a bunch of BS

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if anyone posts anything onto exwitch.org...send me a link in PM i'd be interested to see it.  But i'm too busy to keep scanning a site i have no personal interest in.


When I do, it wont be about paganism...I think that's silly too



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roflmfao!  i dont' care if you think paganism is silly or not poophead ;)


Just let me know if you post anything.  :loser:   :grin:


Okey dokey, smokey.


I'll probably stick to the debate section and the "Questions about ze Bible and God"


Cuz, LORD knows I gots question.

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lol.  k.  let me know if ya post something, i'll hop over there and read it.  :grin:


p.s. i'll pray for you  :vent:   HA!



I was reading some of the threads....and I don't see much of anything relevant there.


I signed up yesterday, and my profile is STILL not active....UUUURRRRGGGGHHHHH.

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While your at it, could I pretty please have a link as well?

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Ah, the fluff that I ran into in the first 30 seconds there. A closer investigation is required...heh. I may have to go there to disturb things myself.

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From their home page:




Hypothetical situation: Once I accidentally drank something poisonous and it made me very sick. I was so sick that I could have died from it. Suppose for a moment that I witness another person about to drink this same substance. They really don't know that it's harmful. In fact, someone told them that it's good to drink! What should I do?

A) let them drink, because their truth might be different from mine...maybe they'll be fine...

B) let them drink, because we all need to discover the truth for ourselves.

C) do everything I possibly can to prevent them from dying a horrible death.

Jesus said that we're to love our neighbor as ourselves. How could we not do this work? How could we sit idly by? . . .


They use this to give themselves the reason to prevent people to de-convert from christianity and become pagans or wicca.


But the sick fact is that the Bible told them to drink poision, and it wouldn't hurt them... so which way is it?


Drink, cause you're safe according to the Bible?

Or don't dring, because it's poison and the Bible was wrong?

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All I can say is, if those stupid magic spells actually worked, I immediately join the pagan bandwagon. I could use some Telekinesis to smite my enemies.


But of course non of that shit actually works, so I'm just stuck here only wishing I had magic powers to smite people with.

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Guest ElGuapo

Magic is bullshit.


Let the stupid pagan monkeys cast their spells and pretend they're druids. Then when they're finished they can go to work at the local Orange Julius.

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Magic is bullshit.


Let the stupid pagan monkeys cast their spells and pretend they're druids. Then when they're finished they can go to work at the local Orange Julius.



Buddy...shut up, honestly. I would PREFER to speak with ignorant christians and hippy pagans than speak with a genocidal maniac.

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From their home page:



They use this to give themselves the reason to prevent people to de-convert from christianity and become pagans or wicca.


But the sick fact is that the Bible told them to drink poision, and it wouldn't hurt them... so which way is it?


Drink, cause you're safe according to the Bible?

Or don't dring, because it's poison and the Bible was wrong?


Can't you just see this playing out?


No, No, No, Not THAT poison! Here! Take this one, it goes down much easier... there. doesn't that make you feel better?  :grin:


I'd ask if they know what they are really saying... but they don't.



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Guest Son of Belial
They are also given tales of how the "god/dess"  possessed them before they went to xtianity. One even said that she found Jesus in a pagan ritual.


I agree it is just a bunch of BS


Actually quite a bit of Ceremonial Magic uses Jesus, Yahweh, angels, etc. Especially the type used by John Dee, &c.


My favorite "black magic" is the type that summons a demon using a magical blade inscribed with the name YHWH then basically tell it "If you don't do what I tell you, I'll call Jesus here to kick your ass," at which point the demon will supposedly shake with fear at the name Jesus and do your dirty work.


It's wrong on so many levels. First of all, you're going to threaten a being that supposedly lives in hellfire with what, more hellfire? Jesus is going to be mad at him? Boo fucking hoo! Secondly, I have my doubts that if there was a Jesus, he or his angels want to help me control a demon into doing my evil will.


The kind of "evil sorcerer" that casts "black magic" by calling on angels and Jesus... erg.

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Guest Son of Belial
Magic is bullshit.


Let the stupid pagan monkeys cast their spells and pretend they're druids. Then when they're finished they can go to work at the local Orange Julius.


Or the people hiding behind their computer screen pretending to be tough guys, but secretly crying at night because a bigger kid at school stole their lunch money.

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****Actually quite a bit of Ceremonial Magic uses Jesus, Yahweh, angels, etc. Especially the type used by John Dee, &c. ****


True. BUt the difference was that she was in a coven ritual and Jesus showed up and told her to "get out of witchcraft and return to christianity". That this was why she converted "back" to christianity. There is a difference. OH, on a side note, her husband who is was and will be a pagan contradicted her in the same thread that she had posted this. He was there.

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Guest Son of Belial
****Actually quite a bit of Ceremonial Magic uses Jesus, Yahweh, angels, etc. Especially the type used by John Dee, &c. ****


True. BUt the difference was that she was in a coven ritual and Jesus showed up and told her to "get out of witchcraft and return to christianity". That this was why she converted "back" to christianity. There is a difference. OH, on a side note, her husband who is was and will be a pagan contradicted her in the same thread that she had posted this. He was there.


Just shows how they will lie to support their agendas. Yeah, you're right, traditional or typical witchcraft rituals certainly do not use Jesus and so forth, although I can see how they could, in a way. After all, the whole god/goddess thing is just a placeholder, I guess you could use any god and goddess. Especially if you create some form of gnostic Wicca, since the gnostics certainly had a very different view of Jesus.


btw I'm Matjupaweru on the Pagan Unity forum :grin:

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Cool!! Love the site! I was just sitting here trying to figure you who you were, I didn't want to ask not knowing if you were keeping it private.


You also know why I hate that forum so much. (EW, not yours). I admit, I am trying to stir up trouble there.

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