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Goodbye Jesus

I Think I'm Spoiling For A Fight...


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So I was at the laundromat today. Innocently folding my clothes and this guy comes in.


The first thing I overhear him saying to the owner, "Hey, do you go to church?"


A mild conversation ensued and I found myself salivating. Senses tingled. I thought, "Oh man, come on. Ask me. ASK me, you fucker! Come and try to preach to me. I DARE you!"


He didn't. I was rather disappointed.


I think I have issues... :D

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So I was at the laundromat today. Innocently folding my clothes and this guy comes in.


The first thing I overhear him saying to the owner, "Hey, do you go to church?"


A mild conversation ensued and I found myself salivating. Senses tingled. I thought, "Oh man, come on. Ask me. ASK me, you fucker! Come and try to preach to me. I DARE you!"


He didn't. I was rather disappointed.


I think I have issues... :D


I climbed into the shuttle from Vegas airport to my hotel- to be greeted by a crucifix hanging from the driver's rear view mirror, and hard core christian music playing! I felt the same way! But luckily as she buckled into the seat to hit the road to the motel she asked "You guys wanna listen to something else?" And somebody hollered "Yes!" and she changed the station :)

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I figured I wasn't alone, but one can never be too sure of these things. haha

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I figured I wasn't alone, but one can never be too sure of these things. haha


What up with the name change? And I think "Evil Light" would've been cool :)

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My husband (who was still employed as a youth pastor) and I discovered a christian youth conference was going on in the convention center right outside our hotel during our anniversary trip. So, instead of chuckling and moving on like normal people, we dedicated an ENTIRE afternoon to finding the perfect prey to practice on before we went public with our deconversion. One lucky youth pastor in Starbucks got the conversation of his life that day. The whole place was swarming with xtians, but we wanted a specific type... older, experienced youth pastor, alone or in a pair, bible out, clearly ready for coffeeshop evangelism. We found him talking to a somewhat addled (probably homeless) buddhist, and inconspicuously parked in the next table. We hid our atheist books and waited for a convenient moment. When the time was right, we innocently asked if he knew much about the bible...


Two hours later, he left with more questions than answers. My favorite part was when he claimed, with that misty spiritual look, that he didn't believe this meeting was a coincidence. I assured him that it was not, as we had chosen him rather carefully. Perhaps that was cruel.


It was a good anniversary. Happy hunting!

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If that happened to me I think I would turn into an incoherent blubbering mess. When people ask me why I am no longer a christian, I still can't string two sentences together to explain why. It is still a jumbled mess in my brain. All I can relate is the feelings I have of why I no longer believe, not necessarily the one main reason why I left. I have to keep my guard up around fanatical people and be strong. Your world must be so different over on that side compared to us Aussies over here. It would be extremely rare for anyone of us to walk around and just ask a stranger or whoever if they go to church. Then again, our country isn't ruled by fundamentalist fanatics on every corner. Phew. Our population is a lot smaller too,...so less cults and less weirdos I guess in comparison.

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My husband (who was still employed as a youth pastor) and I discovered a christian youth conference was going on in the convention center right outside our hotel during our anniversary trip. So, instead of chuckling and moving on like normal people, we dedicated an ENTIRE afternoon to finding the perfect prey to practice on before we went public with our deconversion. One lucky youth pastor in Starbucks got the conversation of his life that day. The whole place was swarming with xtians, but we wanted a specific type... older, experienced youth pastor, alone or in a pair, bible out, clearly ready for coffeeshop evangelism. We found him talking to a somewhat addled (probably homeless) buddhist, and inconspicuously parked in the next table. We hid our atheist books and waited for a convenient moment. When the time was right, we innocently asked if he knew much about the bible...


Two hours later, he left with more questions than answers. My favorite part was when he claimed, with that misty spiritual look, that he didn't believe this meeting was a coincidence. I assured him that it was not, as we had chosen him rather carefully. Perhaps that was cruel.


It was a good anniversary. Happy hunting!


Great story! LOL :)

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If you're spoiling for a fight, just wear an atheist t-shirt and a fight will find you. :)


On the other hand, when I saw this Heavy Metal-type guy in an atheist t-shirt in my neighborhood this summer--a black t-shirt with the word "atheist" in huge white letters--I greeted him with a smile and said "Great t-shirt" even though I did not know him. He smiled back.


Although I live in New York City, my apartment is in the most Republican, most Christian neighborhood in the borough of Brooklyn. When gay friends who live in the pricier more pro-gay/liberal neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Manhattan visit me here, I have to make sure they don't hold hands in public so that they will survive walking through my neighborhood. People really will chase them with bats. I have to be quiet about being gay and being an atheist where I live even though I am very open at work and in my friends' neighborhoods.


It's New York, but it might as well be the Bible Belt. We have more churches per square mile than anywhere else in Brooklyn (and also more bars and nightclubs per square mile)... Think John Travolta and Saturday Night Fever. It was filmed in my neighborhood, and I can point out every location.


Anyway, it takes guts to wear that kind of t-shirt around here... I have no doubt that brave young man found trouble--but he looked like he could handle it.


Score... US: 1. THEM: 0.

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What up with the name change? And I think "Evil Light" would've been cool :)


Dammit! I forgot about your brilliant term for me! That would have been cool...of course I could still do it...hmmm...

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All I can relate is the feelings I have of why I no longer believe, not necessarily the one main reason why I left.


Hey, the feelings you have are valid enough on their own. I don't think anyone NEEDS to have a "reason" to leave.


Most of my "reasons" for leaving are experience and emotion based feelings. The "logical" components were simply icing on the cake that made me say, "why the hell am I still part of this fucking mess???"


On a side note, I just watched a news report on faith healing. Wow...I was SOOO embarrassed to watch those nuts and realize I used to act just like them...shivering and shaking and crying and babbling and falling down... *barf*

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All I can relate is the feelings I have of why I no longer believe, not necessarily the one main reason why I left.


Hey, the feelings you have are valid enough on their own. I don't think anyone NEEDS to have a "reason" to leave.


Most of my "reasons" for leaving are experience and emotion based feelings. The "logical" components were simply icing on the cake that made me say, "why the hell am I still part of this fucking mess???"


On a side note, I just watched a news report on faith healing. Wow...I was SOOO embarrassed to watch those nuts and realize I used to act just like them...shivering and shaking and crying and babbling and falling down... *barf*


Thanks for that. Oh my goodness, I can totally relate to the faith healing gizmo...I was soooo into that as well. Just a few months ago when I was teetering on the edge of walking away, I was at a school helping out with the kids club, and the other xtians were praying and I felt embarrassed. I knew then that I just wasn't into it all anymore. What a weight has lifted. I just want to be normal now, and never in a million years go anywhere near anything faintly resembling xtianity, or anything that will take away who I am and box me in. I am only just discovering who I am after so many years of forgetting me.

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...we dedicated an ENTIRE afternoon to finding the perfect prey to practice on before we went public with our deconversion. One lucky youth pastor in Starbucks got the conversation of his life that day. The whole place was swarming with xtians, but we wanted a specific type... older, experienced youth pastor, alone or in a pair, bible out, clearly ready for coffeeshop evangelism. We found him talking to a somewhat addled (probably homeless) buddhist, and inconspicuously parked in the next table. .....

Two hours later, he left with more questions than answers. My favorite part was when he claimed, with that misty spiritual look, that he didn't believe this meeting was a coincidence. I assured him that it was not, as we had chosen him rather carefully. Perhaps that was cruel.


It was a good anniversary. Happy hunting!


Hi Prysm,


I've been away from ex-c for a bit, but your post here has invigorated me! Thanks for sharing!



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I am only just discovering who I am after so many years of forgetting me.


Again, I can relate. I think we share a brain! haha


I'm going through that now and finally at the point where I am stable and ENJOYING THE HELL OUT OF IT!


You'll get there. Do whatever it takes to find that self that you lost. It's worth it.

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....I then pretetend to innocently ask a really tough question and what is sooooo funny is that it slowly works on them like an acid. Actually it is more like a timebomb in their head.


What kind of tough questions?

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What kind of tough questions?

Tone it down in this section of the forums KC. We have no need or wish to have conflicts about everything and in every place on the site. Try to keep that in the Lion's Den or Rants.

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I have to show restraint every day at work. My employees babble on and on about church and god, etc. They are good workers and good people. They are just misguided and pitiful, really. I know the bible much better than all of them combined. I guess that's why I started questioning the whole thing.

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What kind of tough questions?

Tone it down in this section of the forums KC. We have no need or wish to have conflicts about everything and in every place on the site. Try to keep that in the Lion's Den or Rants.


Tone what down? I want to understand what tough questions she asked. She brought it up, not me.

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Tone what down? I want to understand what tough questions she asked. She brought it up, not me.

It comes off as you want to instigate another heated debate, that's all. We've had several upheavals lately, and this section Ex-Christian Life is a spot where we try to nices. I didn't stop you from asking. I was only advising you to take it easy here.


Btw, your question was forwarded to Burnout's comment, and he says he asks tough questions to Christians. (He's a he) And I'm sure you know a bunch of tough questions to ask Christians yourself, so there's no need to ask Burnedout what questions he's asking them.


But if your intention was to ask what kind of tough questions Christians are asking when they're out to evangelize, then it might be more interesting.

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Tone what down? I want to understand what tough questions she asked. She brought it up, not me.

It comes off as you want to instigate another heated debate, that's all. We've had several upheavals lately, and this section Ex-Christian Life is a spot where we try to nices. I didn't stop you from asking. I was only advising you to take it easy here.


Btw, your question was forwarded to Burnout's comment, and he says he asks tough questions to Christians. (He's a he) And I'm sure you know a bunch of tough questions to ask Christians yourself, so there's no need to ask Burnedout what questions he's asking them.


But if your intention was to ask what kind of tough questions Christians are asking when they're out to evangelize, then it might be more interesting.


ok.. what kind of tough questions are Christians asking? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

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ok.. what kind of tough questions are Christians asking? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

Yeah. Something like that! :grin:

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I was in Portland, Oregon, on business last April. Portland is perhaps more godless than even Sin City, where I live. Well, we were walking along and there they were... a big gang of street preachers.


My friends, who grew up insulated from that kind of thing and seemed to see it as a curious novelty, stopped to talk with them... just as if they were anthropologists trying to understand some bizarre exotic culture. I grit my teeth in rage and went "god dammit!!! Don't talk to these people!!!" I fucking picked up and walked a whole block away to escape the scene. After, like, 45 minutes, they texted me and said it was safe to come back.


And then as we continued walking to where we were originally headed, they bitched for the next half hour about what obstinate, rude, idiot jerks the street preachers were. And they were shocked, as if they'd been expecting a rational, polite, academic discussion. And I was seething away, thinking "well, I coulda fuckin' told you about that ahead of time...."

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On Halloween a group of us got... driveby evangelized? This guy just walked up to us and handed us chick tracts in the sort of way that you are compelled to accept whatever paper is coming toward you to avoid actual contact. Then he zoomed off on a cloud of good deeds. I nearly chased him down just to have a few words but I was too surprised, unfortunately. Next time, though...

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Prysm, I LOVED your story about that youth pastor. Ex-evangelists practicing on an evangelist--there's something really satisfying just thinking about that. I really liked that you chose your prey with such careful consideration. I can't imagine that you need to feel guilty since you were so careful in choosing an older person who was so obviously mature and practiced enough for the task. The fact that he figured out after two hours what was up proves that he probably wasn't harmed by it--emotionally, that is. If anything can ever make a person like him think, I'm guessing that conversation might.

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I figured I wasn't alone, but one can never be too sure of these things. haha


You're not alone. I've been wondering if it's a stage one goes through. So far, I had no desire to talk to local Christians about my deconversion. I just kept it to online forums. But the other day, suddenly I felt a real desire to write an email to a person in the modern Mennonite church who had made a half-hearted effort to welcome me into his church. He seemed to want me in his church but he seemed to want me to be satisfied without real answers. Well, the other day I was thinking about this and I realized that he doesn't know about my deconversion. You know what?


I wanted to look him up, send him an email and inform him that, because he and his church failed to answer my questions, I have now been an atheist for more than two years.


A little voice in the back of my head warned me that doing so would upset my life so I put it off for the time being. As I write it out in this post, I realize that he would probably tell me what all the Christians say on the William Lane Craig forums--the problem is not their lack of answers but my lack of desire to accept them.


Because he knew my fervent questioning at the time (there was more than one face-to-face meeting and some emails), he might be somewhat taken aback at first but he would probably resort to this kind of pat answer in the end. I dunno. :shrug:


Anyway, the idea of a fight was appealing for a bit there. But he knows me and it might get more personal than I need at this point in my life. But with a stranger....now that makes sense!


Except for when they are as stupid as VC describes. YUCK! I met such a creature at the bus stop one day. Fortunately the bus came just as it started getting too crazy. I know very few such creatures. She bragged about believing every word of the Bible and that all of it was exactly true. She was getting baptized on Sunday and she was just brimming over with joy or whatever it was. In my estimation, what she demonstrated was not joy but some foolish substitute of joy. When I could get a word in edgewise, I asked about her mestruation hut.


"Huh?" She didn't understand what I asked. I suppose I used too big words. Her vocabulary indicated a minimum education. The bus was coming but I managed to clarify my meaning and that Leviticus commanded women to observe such a rule. (I wasn't sure in which book of the Bible it was and I worried about being wrong. I need not have worried.)


As we mounted the bus steps she informed me that she does not observe such a rule and that "If we kept all the rules we'd be perfect and then we wouldn't need salvation" or something along those lines. *shudder* Minutes earlier she had insisted she believed every word of the Bible. The intellectual dis-integrity was so overwhelming that it nearly made me barf. Fortunately there were not many passengers on the bus so that I did not have to sit close to her. I could not have handled much more conversation with her.

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