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This Is Going To Sound Racists But......


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Why is it that when black people moved into my neighborhood things have gone to shit? I have my loaded pistol out next to me for the first time in years and have taken one of my shotguns out of the closet to keep near my bed. There has been almost NO trouble till several black people have moved in. Now, my (white woman) nieghbor's house was broke in a couple days ago. A matress, yes a matress, was dumped in my yard mysteriously, and tonight they were shouting up and down the street at each other about "which nigger owns this street and nobody better fuck wit a nigger or they gonna get killed" All sorts of that macho gangster talk. A month and a half ago there was some car stealing and shooting going on (yes blacks involved in that) and someone ran my mailbox and a couple others (owned by white, korean or latinos) over. The nieghborhood was fine with the latinos, Koreans, whites....but as soon as black people moved in this shit starts up? I don't even feel safe in my house any more. Now I don't feel all or even most black people are like this but it is pretty ironic that shit has turned bad as soon as a few have started moving in.

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Damn it, Legion! You beat me to the punch. :HaHa:


Vixentrox, it doesn't sound like you're being racist, just a realist.


Speaking from experience, and AS a black man, in my youth, growing up in Chicago, MY neighborhood went totally to shit as soon as the niggers from the West Side moved into my South Side neighborhood. These ill-bred monsters just couldn't WAIT to fuck things up and throw their weight around. Vandalizing everyone's property and turning my peaceful neighborhood into a mirror image of their former hell hole. And the South Side of Chicago was no paradise to begin with! Yet these niggers managed to make it worse.


So it sounds like things haven't changed a damned bit. Which is why I'm glad I got out of there and have no intentions of ever going back. I feel your pain.


Maybe you can move out of the Big City (where mentalities seem to be more fucked up) and into a more rural area? I live in Montana and we have all races living in near peace and harmony. It may be slow and dull out here, and it's not perfection, but I don't have to lock my doors, nor sleep with a gun under my pillow either.

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Damn it, Legion! You beat me to the punch. :HaHa:

:grin: It seemed the only thing to say Checkmate.

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Damn it, Legion! You beat me to the punch. :HaHa:


Vixentrox, it doesn't sound like you're being racist, just a realist.


Speaking from experience, and AS a black man, in my youth, growing up in Chicago, MY neighborhood went totally to shit as soon as the niggers from the West Side moved into my South Side neighborhood. These ill-bred monsters just couldn't WAIT to fuck things up and throw their weight around. Vandalizing everyone's property and turning my peaceful neighborhood into a mirror image of their former hell hole. And the South Side of Chicago was no paradise to begin with! Yet these niggers managed to make it worse.


So it sounds like things haven't changed a damned bit. Which is why I'm glad I got out of there and have no intentions of ever going back. I feel your pain.


Maybe you can move out of the Big City (where mentalities seem to be more fucked up) and into a more rural area? I live in Montana and we have all races living in near peace and harmony. It may be slow and dull out here, and it's not perfection, but I don't have to lock my doors, nor sleep with a gun under my pillow either.

I live in Colorado Springs, and not in inner city (if you can even claim the Springs to have such a thing), just suburbs. It makes me feel dirty for thinking these bad thoughts about black people but when confronted with this stuff....geesh.

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Chris Rock makes a distinction... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7b2oCYgfik

Yes,quite funny this bit and seems true too. I never had a much of problem with a black person when I was in the military and I even shared an apartment with a really nice black person so I have been sort of shocked at the turn things have taken.

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Growing up in the midwest, I thought most stereotypes were very mean things to say about people since the few people of those races didn't seem to ever fit those descriptions. Then I moved to CA, and saw a whole nuther side of certain groups of people.


It's obviously not the color of their skin - one of my best friends in school is "black" and a great guy - but the sub culture some of these people develop and promote leads to these stereotypes...and the actions you are experiencing. I've seen plenty of white kids start to think that sub culture is cool and emulate it. Basically, I think it really boils down to the parents, how they raise the kids, and if they keep tabs on them or not. In my experiences (which are obviously limited) there were fewer Asian decent kids who got into those types of groups because traditionally mom and especially dad made life a living nightmare if their kids were even close to pulling some of that crap. Unfortunately, it seems most prevelant in the black-based sub cultures and we see a lot of it in the 2nd and 3rd generation hispanics out here (almost never 1st generation).


So it's not racist to see that a group of people are doing certain things...it becomes racist when you assume ALL people of that orientation are that way, which I certainly don't think you are! I also sleep with a loaded gun right by my head, and hubby has one on his side of the bed, we've had to install alarms on all the vehicles, the house, etc because of these groups of people. It really makes me sad that it is often people of a similar skin color(s) doing these things, because it really does promote the negative stereotypes, especially when it sometimes becomes a majority of the people in a certain area or complex.

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Guest GodlessRant

Damn it, Legion! You beat me to the punch. :HaHa:


Vixentrox, it doesn't sound like you're being racist, just a realist.


Speaking from experience, and AS a black man, in my youth, growing up in Chicago, MY neighborhood went totally to shit as soon as the niggers from the West Side moved into my South Side neighborhood. These ill-bred monsters just couldn't WAIT to fuck things up and throw their weight around. Vandalizing everyone's property and turning my peaceful neighborhood into a mirror image of their former hell hole. And the South Side of Chicago was no paradise to begin with! Yet these niggers managed to make it worse.


So it sounds like things haven't changed a damned bit. Which is why I'm glad I got out of there and have no intentions of ever going back. I feel your pain.


Maybe you can move out of the Big City (where mentalities seem to be more fucked up) and into a more rural area? I live in Montana and we have all races living in near peace and harmony. It may be slow and dull out here, and it's not perfection, but I don't have to lock my doors, nor sleep with a gun under my pillow either.


i totally know what you mean. i grew up in chicago and lived there till 1995.


I worked in security from 1989 to 1991 at Truman College and most of the security and police there were black. They told me they hated the "niggers" (their words) and i often saw them openly despising these punks when they came into the building.


What kills me is them using the word "nigger" when the people in the civil rights movement fought and often died to stop being called that. It's a damned disgrace!

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Notice folks, it's usually the young cats that provide the "entertaining moments"?


Kids from about 10 on up to late 20's with little to do and much time to do it in get all kinds of excitable trouble.


My area has similar problems. Only peace that is enforced is by those who insist on it.


Two blocks around haciendaFatman pretty well quiet until the hyper bass electronic polka gets blasted by little winged and skirted cars go cruising by.

Thievery, tagging, blatant vandalism met with catching any one of the "gang" whose marks they are, compelling them to clean it.

If that doesn't work finding the nearest adult male in that family and "esplain' the Rules" to them usually helps that shit from happening again.


Free market solutions work pretty well my area.



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I gotta say, it's not just the young ones. Now, the older ones are less inclined to violence and vandalism, but that doesn't mean they don't have an affinity for lowering property values. That said, black people, even myself, tend to know the difference between "blacks" and "niggers" as it has been so artfully put. If you're black and don't know the difference, chances are... So to Vixentrox, it's not so much that black people have migrated, it's which black people have migrated which is the problem.

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I live in Colorado Springs, and not in inner city (if you can even claim the Springs to have such a thing), just suburbs. It makes me feel dirty for thinking these bad thoughts about black people but when confronted with this stuff....geesh.

Colorado Springs, huh? Yeah, I visited there once when I attended NCO Academy at Peterson AFB. Not exactly "Big City" then. But still..."There goes the neighborhood."


Then again, with Focus on the Family right there, the "neighborhood" pretty much sucked already! :lmao:


Seriously though, don't feel bad for thinking your thoughts. So long as you can make the distinction between those that hurt you, and those that don't. IOW, don't make sweeping generalizations about ALL blacks. THAT would be racist.


If it makes you feel any better, certain types of people make ME uncomfortable, too. All that "urban gangsta" crap (be it minorities or not) makes my asshole tighten.

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Sounds like some bullies moved into your neighbourhood. Only way to fight it is for you and all your neighbours to unite and put all of your differences aside (religious and otherwise), and start watching out for each other. Video surveillance is a good thing. I hated their pop-up ads back in the day, but x10.com provided me with an affordable solution when I lived in a bad neighbourhood. Once they see the cameras going up everywhere, you can bet they'll start to change their tune.

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Exactly! Bullies moved into your neighborhood. What difference does it make what color their skin is?

Have you been to their house? Have you welcomed them to the neighborhood? Have you met any of them? It's much easier to give and get respect if you know someone.

I agree with Nivek, if you've got a problem with what the kids are doing, go to the parents or better yet, the grandparents, 9 times out of 10 that will work.

All of that yelling up and down the street is for show. It's meant to scare you and apparently it does, it's called intimidation. If you'd go outside and tell them to shut the hell up or you'll pop a cap in somebody's ass, they'll shut up, although it works better if you fire a shot or two in the air before you say it. :grin:

Or you could call the 5-0, but you'll lose respect if you do that.

Bullies live by different rules than you do.

I'm astounded at the way this thread has been answered so far, I live in Alabama and I've always been told that this is the most racist place on earth. Somebody lied.

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Exactly! Bullies moved into your neighborhood. What difference does it make what color their skin is?

Have you been to their house? Have you welcomed them to the neighborhood? Have you met any of them? It's much easier to give and get respect if you know someone.

I agree with Nivek, if you've got a problem with what the kids are doing, go to the parents or better yet, the grandparents, 9 times out of 10 that will work.

All of that yelling up and down the street is for show. It's meant to scare you and apparently it does, it's called intimidation. You can laugh at it, because it is funny, or you can go outside and tell them to shut the hell up or you'll pop a cap in somebody's ass, they'll shut up, although it works better if you fire a shot or two in the air before you say it. :grin:

Or you could call the 5-0, but you'll lose respect if you do that.

Bullies live by different rules than you do.

I'm astounded at the way this thread has been answered so far, I live in Alabama and I've always been told that this is the most racist place on earth. Somebody lied.

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oh for crying out loud!!!! read the second one. I'm going to post on every thread on this site so I can work my way up to an "edit" button, because this is really annoying. I'm sorry for the double post.

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where i live it's not that issue it's the stupid redneck "gangsta" wannabee's in my neighborhood who does all this crap. they sit there and their house goes to shit and they do nothing about it. arugh, that it's i'm moving out of this crap and into the suburbs.

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Thank you for the support all. These people were not like young teens either. They were adults. I'm definitly getting a security system put in ASAP.

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Thank you for the support all. These people were not like young teens either. They were adults. I'm definitly getting a security system put in ASAP.


The problem I had in my bad neighbourhood happened to be a white male; he was an alcoholic and was also a bully. Bullies come in all colours, both sexes, and in every size, age and shape. Video surveillance not only serves as a deterrent, it also provides you with the all-important evidence when it comes to pressing charges. Let me tell you, bullies hate living in a neighbourhood where they can find themselves under constant video surveillance as soon as they go onto a neighbour's property. The bully I dealt with actually complained to the police about my cameras! When the cops told me that, I told them to tell the alkey he's welcome to take me to court over them.


Co-ordinate with your neighbours if you can. When the bullies see cameras going up everywhere, I guarantee you they'll start looking for another place to live. Also, make sure there's lots of lighting going on around your house; front and back yards. Motion sensor flood lights are minimum; I went with high pressure sodium lights, front and back. Bullies hate being seen and recorded, because they know what they're doing is wrong, and they depend on the lack of evidence to keep on terrorizing people.


Oh, and don't worry about losing respect with regards to calling the cops. Clearly, these bullies have respect for nobody and have demonstrated that already. Just make sure to back up your calls with hard evidence.

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Guest ephymeris

In my experience, I think it's not so much black, white, or whatever but that horrible "gangsta" culture that rejects education and societal responsibility while embracing entitlement mentality, ignorance, anger, and violence. While this culture seems to be most popular with black youths, I've seen it represented in whites, latinos, and even asian people. I totally understand the OP's anger at these types of people moving in and turning everything into crap. There is an awesome melting pot, bohemian part of town I love that is quickly being overrun by the violent gangsta types. It's the same part of town that Obama's favorite pizza place, Pi, is. It's a shame, the ever increasing police presence seems unable to keep these gangstas from terrorizing the general public. Last October, my friends and I were eating at a restaraunt and when we came out there were cops making a perimeter around the restaraunt, apparently a gangsta walked up to a parked police officer in his car and shot him for no reason that night. It's definately getting scary down at the Loop.

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And the joy continues. 4 AM there was some loud banging down the street. No idea what it was but by the time i decide to peek outside a car drove off. Could be innocent but....the way things have been going everything seems suspicious.

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Too bad the city of Chicago does not like the Second Amendment, I guarantee if those assholes had an idea that the majority of people they might want to jack had guns, they would be much more tentative. Also, it would be tempting to put up a "Wanted Dead or Alive" poster for the shits that did that or have a posse of private citizens hunt the animal down and publically hang him.


Are lynch mobs your answer to everything?

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I find the term "Gangsta" culture to be a contradiction, as the only culture those thugs and bullies might ever have would be from yogurt.

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I have flat asked the older young men in the thug life lookalike clothing and attitudes this:


"If the LA life is so fucking good, why don't you boys go down there and try to be tough?"


No answer..


They know that if they tried their shit around the big city "colors" they'd be like bait fish, cutup and sunk..


*I* enforce the peace on my part of this neighborhood. Call it the fuck what you might want. No one young or older complains, no one calls the useless po-po report writers unless there is blood left on streets that requires cleaning up.


Want "peace"? Prepare to keep it.


Dislike with a passion having to be DonFatman.. But it works for my neighborhood. My neighbors appreciate the effort.


Soon enough with things going as they are, the screaming possibility that you won't have "9-1-1" to come clean up your messes may happen.


I have preached long and hard about taking up the dire responsibility of your own protection.


Whatever "color" of skin or clothing the folks are wearing when they enter your space, incumbent on self to protect.


"Guns Save Lives".



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You and your neighbors need to present a united front. That's what'll make a difference if anyhting.


I've been in a similar situation except with Hispanics. I'm part Hispanic myself, grew up in Hispanic society most of my life, and often times now I can barely stand to be around other Hispanics. I do still have friends who are, but I have little tolerance for stereotypical behavior.

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Though I've never had an unfortunate experience with neighborhood bullies, based on what I have read I can say with confidence that sticking up for one another, and keeping tabs on both the good guys and the bad guys, is indeed the best way to fight neighborhood crime. That's why neighborhood watch programs DO work when the people involved in them participate well.


To the OP, I would suggest talking with as many of the neighbors that you do trust. There's a good chance that at least some of them feel exactly as you do, and it will be good for all of you to come together with common ideas and concerns. Even if you all don't come up with a workable plan of action, the simple act of coming together will serve at least somewhat of a deterrent.


That said, based on a few things I read in the OP, I would *not* suggest marching up to the annoying neighbor's front door just yet, even if with the best of intents. If they're as aggressive as they sound, this could just stir the pot.


Good luck. I'll be praying for you.


...kidding!!! :wicked:

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