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Goodbye Jesus

Stupid Bigots


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I am sick to death of all the stupid bigots in this world! From Christians who hate other Christians because they're Catholic or some other denomination, to people who hate African Americans, Asians, Hispanics...etc., to homophobes, to sexist idiots, to people who hate just for the sake of hating...I am just so fucking sick of all the bigots!


To the Christian fundies: The Bible says Love thy Neighbor. It does NOT say love only your white male rich neoconservative fundy, or WTF-ever. Loving thy neighbor includes everyone!


So quit being fucking hypocrits and start practicing what you preach!!!



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So quit being fucking hypocrits and start practicing what you preach!!!

Well, if theywould take that passage too literal and see that love as the 'physical' form...


You'd wish you'd never said that!

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I've felt the same. All the A T Thunderbirds of this world makes me puke.


Begone with them, I say!

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So quit being fucking hypocrits and start practicing what you preach!!!




To Term their over used, rarely thought about by Christen phrase..


You will know them by their fruits.


Seriously, over on political boards " Fanatical Christians" are being the most hateful fkn idiots posting. Dancing on American graves for a host of reasons!


Today I associated the fanatics and zealots with battered wives syndrome, I truly believe a large majority of Christian have that. They call Abuse love and excuse all sorts of atrocities with sick twisted logic for who knows what reason. :Wendywhatever:

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I know plenty of atheist bigots.


Well, yeah. I know not all Christians are bigots, and not all bigots are Christian. Which is why I'm including people in general. But I'm just so sick and tired of them.

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Guest Unborn Again
You will know them by their fruits. 


Seriously, over on political boards " Fanatical Christians" are being the most hateful fkn idiots posting.  Dancing on American graves for a host of reasons!   



I remember a song from church which I now find ironic: "They will know we are Christians by our love."


I've thought about this song--and its message--for a long time, especially when I'd hear Christians saying love but meaning hate (Love the sinner, but not the sin: pity and condemn the sinner, condemn the "sin").


Loving thy neighbor--but with conditions--is not loving thy neighbor.

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Guest Pastor Buck
Well, if theywould  take that passage too literal and see that love as the 'physical' form...


You'd wish you'd never said that!


I found out how to get over that

Hate all them

If you hate everyone equily are you being a bigot?

Hate your neigbor as yourself. get it? it by example is the Christian thing to do.

I can't get into the hating it takes up too much energy I guess I don't like anyone enough to hate them.

If there were not bigots we would be out of a bitchen job.

You can see the world the way you think it should be and go about to make it so or see the world as it is and deal with it.

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Let me say right now, please don't take this as me getting after anyone, I'm just overly sensitive considering how much love I've witnessed first hand coming from my community.


I'm not lumping anyone who's not a bigot in with this rant. I do hope the whole opening your homes to the hurricane victims effort does put a dent in prejudice in general. The majority of those people who were evacuated from the dome are African American and poor. And I bet there are some non-Christians among them. So I hope the people who house them will learn a few things from this mess.

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I frankly am appalled at the atheists in a thread or two at IIDB that are complete racists, or uncaring assholes. I know that humans want to blame someone for tragedy. A tragedy such as hurricane Katrina could not have been prevented. Hindsight is 20/20 and armchair guarterbacking does nothing to help. Those who hated Bush before hate him more, those that loved him, think he has done a good job. It's either the looters fault, or the governments for what is happening in NO, or its those "stupid people" who stayed. Why must we blame someone? Why do some people make it a race issue?


I just scratch my head.

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I know human bigots.

I think your answer is the best one. Also I believe most people do not even know what a bigot even really is.


Rational discimination is NOT bigotry.


With rational discimination the INDIVIDUAL tries to make sensible decisions; to judge wisely on another individuals flaws and merits. This is hard to do for many people, because of all the different gods and religions that exist. To many, its not an individual's or a groups flaws or merits that may or may not be harmful or beneficial to humans, but simply what pisses of a particular god. I think many religions are bigoted, but perhaps not all of them. I hope there are some religions that are not bigoted.




"The attitude, state of mind, or behavior characteristic of a bigot; intolerance."




"Inclined to tolerate the beliefs, practices, or traits of others; forbearing. See Synonyms at broad-minded.

Able to withstand or endure an adverse environmental condition: plants tolerant of extreme heat. "


Is pointing out harm or harmful attitudes that potentially can, or do promote harm bigoted? Being open minded while pointing out intolerance, flaws or merit, based on evidence of what is harmful or beneficial, with the attitude of being able to change your mind based on evidence; is NOT bigotry.


The abrahamic holy books are bigoted, yes even the xers bible. With these three religions there is no rational discrimination to distinguish merits or flaws of an individual, group or religion. Any one, regardless of how mean and nasty or loving that believe the same as the bible writers are bigots, because there is no rational discrimination. Some bigots are loving people, but in thier sickness endorse harmful attitudes and slander of other people. They are not villians, they are stuck in a bigoted superstition, victims of indoctrination. Aside from that some of them can have MANY virtues. This fact does not make bigotry any less damaging though.


We do not believe in gods, but do we bag on people just because they believe in invisible beings? No. We tolerate it, because some people are devoted to nonbigoted religions. Not all religions naysay science either.


When it comes to bigotry a person can't be open minded to or tolerate different beliefs and opinions irregardless of whether or not the different opinions and beliefs really injure them. The bible is a classic example of bigotry. With these three religions there is no rational discrimination and there is no tolerance. Converting people to your way of thinking without any rational diolague is bigotry. This goes for any ideology that does the same and not just religion. Yes humans can be bigots in a lot of ways, but believing in an ancient bigoted mythology book with only faith; is an extreme form of bigotry because there is no evidences for descrimination only hard headed faith.


We can be tolerant of other opinions or actions that we disagree with, so long as no harm can be shown to exist, as well as favor opninions and actions that can be shown to do no harm or are actually beneficial. If we are going to bitch about bigotry we should make sure we know what it is. Bigotry is based on what you believe and actions are different from different kinds of bigots. If we want to avoid being bigots we must discriminate based on reason and evidence, which many of us forget to do from time to time. In the the case of religion the individual is stuck in his/her bigotry and can not grow past that until they exercise rational inquiry.

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Rational discimination is NOT bigotry.


Really? You don't consider it discrimination to hate someone because their skin is a different color? This is what I am talking about.

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Really?  You don't consider it discrimination to hate someone because their skin is a different color?  This is what I am talking about.

Just to do away with any confusion of some atheists being bigots. There are many who do not know what bigotry is believe it or not. My post was for those people.



I don't know any atheists so far that discriminate based on skin colour. I guess I should not be suprised, racism can exist in any person.


I am sick to death of all the stupid bigots in this world! From Christians who hate other Christians because they're Catholic or some other denomination, to people who hate African Americans, Asians, Hispanics...etc., to homophobes, to sexist idiots, to people who hate just for the sake of hating...I am just so fucking sick of all the bigots!


To the Christian fundies: The Bible says Love thy Neighbor. It does NOT say love only your white male rich neoconservative fundy, or WTF-ever. Loving thy neighbor includes everyone!

So quit being fucking hypocrits and start practicing what you preach!!!


What you were saying here is not just racism. Bigotry covers a lot of things and so I was on topic.

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I don't know any atheists so far that discriminate based on skin colour. I guess I should not be suprised, racism can exist in any person.


Very true.

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You haven't met my stepfather, nor my step brothers.



My post was to head off any who might think rational descrimination is bigotry. Sorry for not making that clear.


I think there is by far less chances of finding racism in groups consisting of free thinkers. Atheists do not have a monoploy on free thought and after hearing what you pointed out, atheists are not automaticaly free thinkers. Its good to break the stereo types of atheists.


When it comes to atheism or deism there should be no spin either way because atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods and deism is simply a naturalistic belief in god no more no less.

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When it comes to understanding the need/purpose of discimination you have also the understanding of what bigotry is; in seeing that with one there is a rational need which uses a rational method and bigotry is narrowmindedly sticking to what you are comfortable with and holding intolerant views of others, regardless of whether or not YOU are being injured by anothers beliefs or actons.

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I don't know any atheists so far that discriminate based on skin colour.

Ooh. I have. You just haven't met enough people yet my friend. :)

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Ooh. I have. You just haven't met enough people yet my friend. :)

Hans. This is very depressing. Another stereotype that I favored was that atheists are not racists. I will get over being crushed with the truth of it though. hehe.

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Hans. This is very depressing. Another stereotype that I favored was that atheists are not racists. I will get over being crushed with the truth of it though. hehe.

You'll see that people can be categorized in other ways than what they believe in or have opinions about. It's more of how they are as persons. Open minded and willing to debate, or closed minded and refuse to hear your point. And I want to believe that there are more of the open minded kind in the atheist fold, and it seems that there are more closed minded people in the religious fold. But there's always exceptions...

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Hans. This is very depressing. Another stereotype that I favored was that atheists are not racists. I will get over being crushed with the truth of it though. hehe.



Go over to Internet Infidels in the politics forum and you will find bigots, racists, whatever you want to call them. You will also find alot of finger pointing and armchair quarterbacking. Not alot of solutions, however.

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Go over to Internet Infidels in the politics forum and you will find bigots, racists, whatever you want to call them. You will also find alot of finger pointing and armchair quarterbacking. Not alot of solutions, however.

Well, I privately held the belief that atheists arent racists based on my experience, until today. I should have known ANYONE can be a racist if they are narrow mindedly comfortable with that kind of discrimination without really using reason.


As I said what is the purpose for a human being to descriminate? We descriminate because of human needs....but some of us don't. Some of us descriminate based soley on our irrational fears or dislikes. Bigotry is a hard headed hold to a belief without rational inquiry on whether or not your discrimination is truly accurate. I actually nursed the belief that all atheist are not racists till now.


Since people tend to act on what they believe they should know the difference between rational discrimination and narrow minded prejudice. I was hoping people who consider themselves free thinkers would use empathy and human need as thier compass in objectively meeting the goals of human need.


Politics and relationships are based on discrimination. We need to be on the same page more often in order to get things done a lot of times, but we also need to stop villifying folks who are different, yet are people who do not condone or cause harm.

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dc, maybe explanation is that not all atheists are freethinkers?


You became an atheist from being in a religious environment, just like me, and I see it as a benefit and a privilege in a sense, because people that grow up in an atheist setting have nothing to compare to.


Let me explain it a bit.


I met some atheists, that have no clue about religion, and I spent some time talking to them. I realized they were in a bigger risk of being fooled by a religious ploy, or buy into a scam or urban legend, much easier than me. I became very sceptical and critical (somewhat pessimistic) in my view of facts and information I heard or read. While these friends would buy into most things they read or heard. Many times I had to debunk their invalid opinions that were based on false information.


So, maybe, I can't say for sure, but maybe some atheists are atheists of the same reasons I was a Christian. You grow up in it, and you never really thougth about it. But you have never set your mind free, to think freely and independent.


What say you?

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dc, maybe explanation is that not all atheists are freethinkers?


You became an atheist from being in a religious environment, just like me, and I see it as a benefit and a privilege in a sense, because people that grow up in an atheist setting have nothing to compare to.


Let me explain it a bit.


I met some atheists, that have no clue about religion, and I spent some time talking to them. I realized they were in a bigger risk of being fooled by a religious ploy, or buy into a scam or urban legend, much easier than me. I became very sceptical and critical (somewhat pessimistic) in my view of facts and information I heard or read. While these friends would buy into most things they read or heard. Many times I had to debunk their invalid opinions that were based on false information.


So, maybe, I can't say for sure, but maybe some atheists are atheists of the same reasons I was a Christian. You grow up in it, and you never really thougth about it. But you have never set your mind free, to think freely and independent.


What say you?

I say aye. You make sense here. This has never came to my mind as a possibily till now. I am glad you told me.


And yes it makes sense that some people who say they are atheists are not really atheists but are god haters getting back at god, as well as there being atheists that were born into it without earning it. These possibilities never crossed my mind till this thread with what yall have shared here.

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And yes it makes sense that some people who say they are atheists are not really atheists but are god haters getting back at god, as well as there being atheists that were born into it without earning it. These possibilities never crossed my mind till this thread with what yall have shared here.


Technically those god haters would be atheists too. As would the racist ones. They're just not nice atheists, or smart athiests for that matter. :HaHa: All you need to be athiest is not believe in god(s). However as it was said, they wouldn't really be freethinkers, with their minds still locked up by too much hate and/or ignorance. :Doh:

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Technically those god haters would be atheists too. As would the racist ones. They're just not nice atheists, or smart athiests for that matter.  :HaHa:   All you need to be athiest is not believe in god(s). However as it was said, they wouldn't really be freethinkers, with their minds still locked up by too much hate and/or ignorance.  :Doh:

Well, as far as the god haters go I was implying that some might call themselves atheists just to piss off thier xian families and...perhaps god. Its possible. I think what I'm pointing out here about god haters might seem to be bordering on flamebait, even though I don't mean it to be. hehe.


As far as freethinkers go I don't believe atheists have a monopoly on free thought and I no longer believe anything about atheism aside from a lack of belief in gods, as you have said here.

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