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What Language Did Adam And Eve Speak?


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Must have been been that terrible Fall that either happened when the serpent tempted Eve, or the one that happened after Harold was hit by an arrow from a Norman archer at Hastings, or more likely, cut down in the shield wall he and his House Carls formed as a last stand ...



Obviously the imperfection of the English language is proof the tower of Babal story is real and God confused our language even though God is not the author of confusion.

Yeah obviously - like ... duh. And also when people finally started writing the rantings of their Shamans down they were obviously the inerrant Divinely Inspired Perfect Word of God. Obviously - why don't we get it I wonder?

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I'm sure the answer from a babbleman would probably come down to ancient Hebrew. Gawd's people, gawd's language.

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I'm sure the answer from a babbleman would probably come down to ancient Hebrew. Gawd's people, gawd's language.

Ah but Rev.Dr. Brother - the Hebrews weren't the original. They got their story from the Egyptians, who got theirs from another ancient civilization, who got theirs from ... and so-forth. The Hebrews were actually quite far down the line, and the story can probably be traced back to mid-Africa where humanity originated (as far as we know at this point). We know enough, though, to state that the original language of the Biblical stories (okay, around 60% of them) was definitely not Hebrew.

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They certainly didn't speak Proto Indo-European because no one ever spoke it because the earth is 6,000 years old and the early humans didn't exist to speak a language as ancient as that. School shootings happen because we teach EVILution and banned "One Nation Under God"! *FACT*

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Guest I Love Dog

I don't think they talked at all, just got down and dirtied all the time. They didn't even have to be babies or children and go through all that growing up stuff, they didn't even learn to talk, no parents or school to teach them. Just two instant adults, fumbling around, grunting, discovering all the naughty bits of each other.

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What Language did Adam and Eve Speak? Was it a God language that was perfect? If it was a perfect god language, why would it have ever changed? Why would God choose to confound his perfect god language over the Tower of Babel? What would be the point of Adam naming all of the animals if only his family was able to understand him.

How did the snake learn A & E's language? Did god teach it to him?

Did A & E have to invent a new imperfect human language after the fall? How long did that take, who invented it Adam or Eve?




Whoa!! If god had a perfect god language, why isn't the bible written in it? I mean, the perfect god language would be perfectly clear to all humans, as it was to Adam and Eve right?

Whoa, this is great! Good questions. Good thoughts!


Our language is to create symbolic representations of interpretations of the world, because, for one thing we are not plugged in directly, or at the least we perceive it in dualistic terms (subject/object). Clearly if we were plugged in directly, at least on a fully cognizant level, there would be no need for words at all. It would be simply 'being', in full, undiminished state. It would be pure awareness, and no language would be necessary at all. Perfect and absolute union with God would mean zero separation from infinite knowledge and awareness, and therefore no need for language.


But that fact that the writers of the myth of the Garden in Genesis describe this world of A&E prior to the Fall, the beginning of the awareness of dualism, where Adam names things, etc, it is clearly a mythological construct to describe that state of being that perceives the disconnect between subject and object, that sense of separation, and that sense of connectiveness that the spirit of man struggles toward against the perception through our created language of that subject/object dualism.


Tell me you followed that? :) To me this makes a great deal of sense on many levels.


To me it is obvious the Garden of Eden story is expressively mythological in nature, but your points about language really resonated with me. That is my candy-stick, you know...

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Tell me you followed that? :) To me this makes a great deal of sense on many levels.


To me it is obvious the Garden of Eden story is expressively mythological in nature, but your points about language really resonated with me. That is my candy-stick, you know...

I followed your reasoning - brilliant. In fact language and communication played a huge role in my becoming an atheist. My wife (at the time, now the ex) had a post-operative stroke which removed her ability to understand language, either spoken or written. My Christian (back then) mind wondered, "If communication is a function of the BRAIN, then how will we communicate one day in Heaven?" I concluded that comm would be spiritual - like a kind of instant "plug-in" to God and everyone else in Heaven - a sort of Heavenly language that didn't use words (then we could communicate with Christians of other languages, it's all soooo logical, right?).


Okay - I ended up studying neurology to answer my questions, and found out that everything we are is a function of the brain (including consciousness) which made me realize that there cannot possibly be an after-life. This got me into how the hell religion gets off telling us about Heaven in the first place - the carrot of eternal life - which led to me studying more and ultimately becoming an atheist.


Nice post Antlerman.

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Notices the conspicuous absence of Christians in the thread.

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Notices the conspicuous absence of Christians in the thread.


I think we may have lost them when we started speaking sense :HaHa:

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Notices the conspicuous absence of Christians in the thread.


I wouldn't really look upon it as being that significant, they probably just think of Adam and Eve's language as being a completely inconsequential point, something which is pretty much tangential to the bibles main message, much like what color was the donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on? who cares.

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There are actually fundies who believe that Jesus spoke the English of the King James Bible.

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There are actually fundies who believe that Jesus spoke the English of the King James Bible.

That would explain why the Pharisees didn't understand his message.

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What Language did Adam and Eve Speak?


LOLspeak. I can haz apple?

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  • Super Moderator

We haven't even addressed the Muslim Adam and Eve.



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We haven't even addressed the Muslim Adam and Eve.



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There are actually fundies who believe that Jesus spoke the English of the King James Bible.

That would explain why the Pharisees didn't understand his message.



We haven't even addressed the Muslim Adam and Eve.



Absolutely brilliant - :funny:

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There are actually fundies who believe that Jesus spoke the English of the King James Bible.


Not that surprising actually.

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There are actually fundies who believe that Jesus spoke the English of the King James Bible.

Wasn't there a governor or someone who said that if the King James bible was good enough for Jesus, it was good enough for them?
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Wasn't there a governor or someone who said that if the King James bible was good enough for Jesus, it was good enough for them?


In their defense, they might just think that the ascended Jesus endorsed the King James translation, after all, is it really that big a jump from this particular religious manuscript is endorsed by God, too, this particular translation is the endorsed translation of God?


That said most people who say such stuff, either actually believe that Jesus spoke ye olde english, or really haven't thought about the issue.

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