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Goodbye Jesus

Help Needed with ex-Christian Life

Guest freeatlast

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yeah, it's like what Thomas Paine said about how a revelation is only a revelation if you had no prior knowledge of it.  yet christians only consider it a true revelation if it matches the bible (NT, mainly).  so it basically means nothing new can be revealed?



Yeah, he also says that a revelation from god ceases to be a revelation when its shared with someone else, because they didn't hear it from God, they heard it from another person. Just because someone says god said something to them doesn't mean squat. Charles Manson said that god spoke to him, David Koresh said that god spoke to him, christians have no problem calling both of them loons, Just because someone says that God told them something doesn't mean anything.


When I was in college I thought I heard God telling me to be a music major, even though I had a very limited background in clasical music, so I did it...and guess what I flunked out of my 2nd term of music therory even though I studied my ass off. So much for God's voice.

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I can very much relate to your situation. During my junior year at a Christian (Assemblies of God) University I started questioning Christianity, and after about 6 months, could no longer believe what I once believed. For my whole senior year I considered myself agnostic/atheist. I only told one person of my change in belief...a very understanding person luckily.


It was a very hard year! I felt very detached from people, and wouldn't let myself get too close (I didn't want people to know about me not being a Christian, because I knew what would come of that...) ...I stopped going to dorm prayer groups, and other "Christian" events that those around me were participating in. I had 3 required chapels a week. I think I used all my skips during my last 2 semesters. The whole experience did make me so much stronger in many ways though. I won't go into much more detail, but if you want to know more or talk about it more feel free to email me!




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I felt very detached from people, and wouldn't let myself get too close (I didn't want people to know about me not being a Christian, because I knew what would come of that...)


I can really relate to this part of your post, seeing as I currently go to a Christian high school.

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