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Bible Science - LMFAO


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From: http://www.churchofreality.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=149


Haha, just kidding! Very Happy


I wanted to post some more science that people outside of the bible held. Helpfully, Christian and skeptic alike can see the stark difference between the ambigious bible science and the very factual greek science.


Since christians like to claim that the bible has to be the word of god, because of there supposed science facts, since they said there is no way that man could have known this informayion except through god. I have a question to propose to christians.


If you truly believe that only God could reveal scientific facts, then I guess the greeks were more blessed then the jews, since there scientific facts and discoveries CRUSHED the jews discoveries.?


The Greek philosopher Thales (624-546 B.C.) is considered to be the first philosopher, as he was the first man in history to ask questions such as "Of what is the Universe made?", and to answer without introducing gods and demons. In later centuries, when the Greeks made up lists of the "seven wise men", Thales invariably was placed first.


The Lydians (allies of the Greek Spartans) and the Medes (dominated by Cyrus the Persian) had been locked in a five-year war in Asia Minor in 585 B.C. On May 28th, the two armies were preparing for a crucial daytime battle when a solar eclipse occurred, one that is believed to have been predicted by Thales, a Greek mathematician. When the Medes and Lydians observed the eclipse, they ceased fighting and signed a peace treaty. Incidentally, this is the earliest event in human history that we are able to assign an exact date to, due to the eclipse.


The first person we know who realized the Earth couldn't be flat was the Greek philosopher Anaximander. Around 560 B.C., he suggested that the Earth had a cylindrical shape. By 350 B.C., the concept of a spherical Earth was so satisfying and free of paradox that it was generally accepted by scholars even in the absence of direct proof. Eighteen more centuries were to pass before that direct proof occurred - the lone surviving ship in an expedition once commanded by Ferdinand Magellan sailed completely around the globe.


The true size of the Earth was known seventeen and a half centuries before it was first circumnavigated. In 230 B.C., the Greek philosopher Eratosthenes worked out its circumference of 25,000 miles by studying shadows cast by the sun in both Alexandria and Syene on the day of the summer solstice.


In the sixth century B.C., a half-mile tunnel was dug on the Aegean island of Samos under the supervision of the Greek architect Eupalinus. Though the tunnel was started at both ends and worked toward the middle, the two halves met only a couple of feet off centre - a stunning achievement for those days.


When Greek mathematicians first proved the the square root of two is an irrational number, they celebrated by sacrificing 100 oxen.

In 435 B.C., the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras suggested that the sun was not just a small glowing circle of light. He maintained that it was a glowing rock larger than the Peloponnesus. For maintaining such beliefs (and, to be fair, for political reasons too), he was exiled from Athens.


Euclid is the most successful textbook writer of all time. His Elements, written around 300 B.C., has gone through more than 1,000 editions since the invention of printing.


The greatest contribution of the seafaring eastern Mediterraneans - the name "Phoenecian" was given by the Greeks to the Canaanites who lived on the seacoast - was an alphabet later adapted by the Greeks. [


The Greek scientist Aristarchus believed that the motions of the heavenly bodies could easily be understood if it were assumed that all of the planets, including Earth, revolved around the sun and that the stars must be infinitely far away because they seemed motionless. Copernicus knew of Aristarchus' views and mentioned them in a passage in De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium that he later eliminated, as though not wishing to compromise his own originality.


Back about 340 B.C., Aristotle observed that dolphins gave birth to live young that were attached to their mothers by umbilical cords. For this reason, he considered dolphins and related creatures to be mammals.


The first Greek astronomer to suggest the sun was the centre of the solar system was Aristarchus of Samos, around 290 B.C. No one took him seriously, and his writings no longer exist. We know of him today only because Archimedes (whose writings do exist) referred to Aristarchus as holding this apparently nonsensical notion.


The first Greek to observe ocean tides, in the Atlantic in the early third century B.C., was the navigator and astronomer Pytheas, who also produced the correct explanation for them. He was 2,000 years ahead of his time, for it took that long for tides to be attributed (by Newton) properly to the influence of the moon. Until Newton's time, most scholars refused to believe that the moon could have any effect on the ocean, especially because one tide each day took place when the moon was not even visible in the sky.


The best-known story about Archimedes is that when he discovered the principle of buoyancy in the bathtub, he ran naked through the streets of Syracuse, shouting "Eureka! Eureka!" ("I have found it! I have found it!"). That was not a very astonishing thing for him to have done. The Greeks habitually exercised in the nude, and the sight of a naked male figure meant little to them.



The Greek engineer Hero invented a primitive steam engine in the first century A.D. The principle behind it is still used today in the rotating lawn sprinkler.



Hypatia (who lived from around 370 to 415 A.D.) was a soaring figure of beauty, eloquence, and learning, and the last recorded member of the great Library of Alexandria and the only noted woman scholar of antiquity. She taught Neoplatonism (hence, she was a pagan) and helped to demonstrate Euclid's ideas. Although Christian bishops were among her pupils, she was the subject of violent antagonism on the part of zealots. She was murdered in 415 by rioting fanatic monks, under the leadership of bishop Cyril, who brutally sliced her body to pieces with oyster shells gathered from the Alexandrian harbour.


Twenty-three centuries passed between the Greek philosopher Xenophanes' surmise that mountains on which seashells were found must originally have been covered by the sea and the Scottish genologist James Hutton's scientific deduction that made sober sense of what had seemed lunacy.



This is just a sampling for you. Care to explain how the greeks would have known this, if God never blessed them with divine knowledge, as you say about your jews?


Visit here for a list of inventions. http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Inventions.htm



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  • 2 weeks later...
Goodbye Jesus


If you truly believe that only God could reveal scientific facts, then I guess the greeks were more blessed then the jews, since there scientific facts and discoveries CRUSHED the jews discoveries.?


The Greek philosopher Thales (624-546 B.C.) is considered to be the first philosopher, as he was the first man in history to ask questions such as "Of what is the Universe made?", and to answer without introducing gods and demons. In later centuries, when the Greeks made up lists of the "seven wise men", Thales invariably was placed first.


Lao Tzu is the earliest known philosopher.


The God of the Bible blesses whoever pays the wisest attention to reality.

Not merely presumption of what appears to be and the immediate, but also what CAN be and the distant consequences of today’s actions.


The Jewry proclaims that it is they who will pay the wisest attention and thus will be the last standing when all others have fallen to internal arguing.

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Ssel, what's with all this crap about "the jewry"? Outside of documentaries about national socialists and christian identity morons, I have never heard that term used to describe the jews. Your references to "the jewry" in other threads are less than flattering. So, why not just come out and tell us all what you think of the jews? It sounds like you might even be able to recommend some local organisations devoted to a final solution of this problem of "the juden".

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Ssel, what's with all this crap about "the jewry"? Outside of documentaries about national socialists and christian identity morons, I have never heard that term used to describe the jews? Your references to "the jewry" in other threads are less than flattering. So, why not just come out and tell us all what you think of the jews? It sounds like you might even be able to recommend some local organisations devoted to a final solution of this problem of "the juden".



I almost said this in another thread Ssel was on, except that there,

the post was so incoherent, I wasn't sure what to make of it.


BTW, JPD, your latest avatar has got me ROTFLMAO. :HaHa:

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:lmao: Im not an Anarchist...a guy with a STAR upside down on his T-Shirt...


i have a Cross right side up...in my heart.


Science v Bible






C'mon! :Wendywhatever:


i have been to many meetings and Historical teachings about Science proven false by the BIBLE.


& yet the bible is dusted by the years dirt on top of shalves yet to be thrown away by ex-christians who have fullfilled prophecy...(hopfully not)...2000 years ago by Paul the apostle who wrote: "And they shall...fall away from the FAith giving heed to sedduccing Spirits"...


Theres an insect that fires and propels a liquid that is like a missile...Science cant prove that for one.


The Eye ball...still science cannot prove how the technicality of the eye ball came into being in the first place let alone they cannot make an invention close enough to it!!


Freedom from REligioN? - more like freedom from Sloth. (how ironinc)


Freedom from the God called religion.


Not my God, Hes Alive!...how? i should v died in 2001...


but NO the extrodinary happened. :ugh:

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:lmao: Im not an Anarchist...a guy with a STAR upside down on his T-Shirt...


So guys who wear stars upside down on T-shirts are all anarchists? What about gals who wear them?


i have been to many meetings and Historical teachings about Science proven false by the BIBLE.


Do these meetings involve the science of Ron Wyatt?


& yet the bible is dusted by the years dirt on top of shalves yet to be thrown away by ex-christians who have fullfilled prophecy...(hopfully not)...2000 years ago by Paul the apostle who wrote: "And they shall...fall away from the FAith giving heed to sedduccing Spirits"...


Thinking for ourselves and understanding the truth is a "seducing spirit"?


Theres an insect that fires and propels a liquid that is like a missile...Science cant prove that for one.


The Eye ball...still science cannot prove how the technicality of the eye ball came into being in the first place let alone they cannot make an invention close enough to it!!


Freedom from REligioN? - more like freedom from Sloth. (how ironinc)


Freedom from the God called religion.


Start thinking for yourself and stop listening to this drivel.


Not my God, Hes Alive!...how? i should v died in 2001...


but NO the extrodinary happened. :ugh:


Lots of people should have died, including me at one time. What is your point?

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:lmao: Im not an Anarchist...a guy with a STAR upside down on his T-Shirt...


i have a Cross right side up...in my heart.

Someone actually stabbed you with a cross? In your heart, and you're still alive? Did they do it because they thought you were a vampire or what?


Science v Bible




C'mon! :Wendywhatever:

Yeah, hmm, you should grow up.


i have been to many meetings and Historical teachings about Science proven false by the BIBLE.



Watch out! The Flat Earth Society is coming back!


& yet the bible is dusted by the years dirt on top of shalves yet to be thrown away by ex-christians who have fullfilled prophecy...(hopfully not)...2000 years ago by Paul the apostle who wrote: "And they shall...fall away from the FAith giving heed to sedduccing Spirits"...

Did you just say that you're hoping the "prophesies" are not going to be fulfilled? Are you wishing against you faith? Why?


And what seducing spirits? There's no seducing spirits that took away my faith... Your religion is seductive though...


Theres an insect that fires and propels a liquid that is like a missile...Science cant prove that for one.

Can't prove what? You're saying this insect is a supernatural insect?


The Eye ball...still science cannot prove how the technicality of the eye ball came into being in the first place let alone they cannot make an invention close enough to it!!

That is not true. You need to research a bit more, outside your supportive network of apologetic teachers that can't think further than their asses. There are information about this subject out there, and you haven't studied it. That proves to me that you haven't read anything but your own religions approved literature. How can you get the truth by filter away the full spectrum of information?


Freedom from REligioN? - more like freedom from Sloth. (how ironinc)

I would say that you have been freed from intelligence and knowledge. For you it rather should be called freedom of ignorance.


Freedom from the God called religion.


Not my God, Hes Alive!...how? i should v died in 2001...


but NO the extrodinary happened. :ugh:

If you didn't die, then it wasn't time for you to die, so how can you claim "should've died..." when you didn't? You didn't die, so then you didn't die. If you didn't die, then you shouldn't have died. If you should've died, then you would be dead. Or do you claim precognition of something that didn't come true? Did God the almighty give you a prophecy about the truth of the future, but then it didn't happen? Then it wasn't the truth about the future, was it? If God told you that you'd die, and you didn't, then God lied!


Was this incident related to the cross that was stabbed in your heart? You mean you survived the stabbing? Pretty impressive, but not a miracle.


Can you prove that the purpose was for you to die, but then you didn't? How can you prove your fate was to die, but a miracle happened?

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Creation Science view of the Earth:


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Creation Science view of the Earth:

That's a cool picture!

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i have a Cross right side up...in my heart.

That must hurt.

i have been to many meetings and Historical teachings about Science proven false by the BIBLE.

Well, you've been to many meetings anyway.

Theres an insect that fires and propels a liquid that is like a missile...Science cant prove that for one.

One bombardier beetle coming up.

The Eye ball...still science cannot prove how the technicality of the eye ball came into being in the first place let alone they cannot make an invention close enough to it!!

With a side of eye evolution.

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I have the Best quotes of the day.



and quotes cost $6.66 + gst...



with me its for free.



Thanks for answering my answers.


One bombardier beetle coming up.


its called ....the One bombardier beetle.


The insect that mocks quotes.


Shouldnt i squash Gods creation rather than put it in a jar throw it around and past bible verses on the side of the JAr to make it fire its special weapon?


i think i just did.[/b :twitch::ugh: ]


????? :scratch:

One bombardier beetle coming up.


its called ....the One bombardier beetle


The insect that mocks quotes


Shouldnt i squash Gods creation rather than put it in a jar throw it around and

paste bible verses on the side of the JAr to make it fire its special weapon?


i think i just did. :nono:

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WTF? What are you trying to say? Shouting doesn't make incomprehensive language easier to understand, make it coherent instead!

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Hey didnt the Terms and Conditions say:



No Copy right citations allowed ..???


I think Bombardier beetle fly too? :wicked:


Shouting is, in my Scientific knowledge, a means of expressing

the preacher when he says...


God is an aggressive lover. Some kids walk away with bombardier beetles in there lives and find another God called the Computer...


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Did you read the Forum Guidelines?


Quote mining/Information Pirating



Quote mining is when text from different sources are used excessively and the person is not adding any input or opinion of his own, while at the same time pretending the quote is something he or she made up.


There's nothing wrong with quoting sources, but it's extremely important to make a note that it is in fact a quote, and also include the reference from which the quote was taken, and preferably a link to a web page with the full article.

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Instead of being an arrogant ASS, why don't you seek to understand and ask questions, sincere questions?

Otherwise you are just an idiot like every other Fundy who comes on here.



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The Eye ball...still science cannot prove how the technicality of the eye ball came into being in the first place let alone they cannot make an invention close enough to it!!




Multi-eyed jellyfish helps with Darwin's puzzle


So which science doesn't prove the technicality of the eye balls evolution? You're unintelligent design science?


Levi, you should start reading books, magazine and other literature to learn about reality instead of living in your little dreamworld. Wake up, smell the coffee, and realize it was all a little daydream you head, and now you have to start living in the world of the reason instead.

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God is an aggressive lover.

Yeah, but he never stays in the handcuffs like he promises.

Some kids walk away with bombardier beetles in there lives and find another God called the Computer...

Actually, I named my computer "God."

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Theres an insect that fires and propels a liquid that is like a missile...Science cant prove that for one.


Cretinist nonsense, debunked a gazillion times.


The Eye ball...still science cannot prove how the technicality of the eye ball came into being in the first place let alone they cannot make an invention close enough to it!!


More long-debunked nonsense.


Congratulations - you successfully made a fool out of yourself and provided still more reasons for thinking people to reject your idiotic death cult. :lmao:

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i have been to many meetings and Historical teachings about Science proven false by the BIBLE.


Well, that's all I need brutha! Jus' tell me when to hold my breath, I'm ready for a dunkin'!



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I figure this is where I should post the e-mail I got today.


This is originally from www.carm.org


Scientific Accuracies of the Bible

Many people doubt the Bible for various reasons. One of them is that the Bible is not accurate scientifically. But this just isn't so. The Bible is not a book about science, but when it does speak scientifically, it is accurate. In fact, it was far ahead of any other writing of its time. Please consider the following.

1. The Shape of the Earth

A. "He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in" (Isaiah 40:22, NIV).

i. This may or may not be construed to support the spherical shape of the earth. The horizon is a circle and a circle is flat.

2. The Earth is suspended in nothing

. "He spreads out the northern [skies] over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing" (Job. 26:7, NIV).

0. This is particularly interesting considering that the cosmology of other cultures at that time did not have the earth suspended in nothing, but rather upon pillars, or people, or animals.

3. The Stars are Innumerable

. "He took him outside and said, "Look up at the heavens and count the stars -- if indeed you can count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be" (Gen. 15:5, NIV).

4. The Existence of Valleys in the Seas

. "The valleys of the sea were exposed and the foundations of the earth laid bare at the rebuke of the LORD, at the blast of breath from his nostrils" (2 Sam. 22:16, NIV).

5. The Existence of Springs and Fountains in the Seas

. "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month -- on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened" (Genesis 7:11, NIV). See also Gen. 8:2; Prov. 8:28.

6. The Existence of Water Paths (Ocean Currents) in the Seas

. "O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!...When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,...You made him [man] ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet...the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas" (Psalm 8:1,3,6,8, NIV).

7. The Hydrologic Cycle

. "He wraps up the waters in his clouds, yet the clouds do not burst under their weight" (Job. 26:8, NIV).

A. "He draws up the drops of water, which distill as rain to the streams; the clouds pour down their moisture and abundant showers fall on mankind" (Job. 36:27-28, NIV)

B. "The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again (Ecclesiastes 1:6-7, NIV).

8. The Concept of Entropy

. "In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. Like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded" (Psalm 102:22-26, NIV).

9. The Nature of Health, Sanitation, and Sickness

. The listing for this section is too large for this page. But the scriptural references are Leviticus 12-14.

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Regarding the first one, last time I checked, the earth was a spheroid not a circle.


The circle of the earth it refers to, is actually the ancient belief that the earth was surrounded by a cylinder upon which the stars were fixed, with the circle being the center of the cylinder that the sun traveled across.


Magic eight ball says, "Ask again later."

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Regarding the second one, there's a few verses in the Bible that mention the Earth on pillars...



Can we say "ooops"?

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Anyway, back to the OP - one thing I always liked about the ancient Greeks was they were able to put aside their gods and religion in order to achieve greater understanding. It's almost as if they actually understood that the gods were just fairy tales trying to explain things people didn't understand.


Same thing with many Eastern cultures - they knew where to draw the line between fables and reality.

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