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Christianity 100% Airtight


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i was listening to dan barker the other day and he brought up something i never thought about. christianity solves a problem that IT created on its own. I never realized that there literally is NO WAY out of christianity (100% of people are accountable). Later I heard someone mention that Romans explains that if you haven't heard the gospel the way that life ccording to your conscious will be what determines if you get in heaven. therefore, your doing someone a favor by NOT sharing the gospel because not they have to accept your silly premise with no evidence or burn in hell.


1.Everyone MUST except the gift of salvation or burn

2.You must live by faith....not evidence. we wouldnt need faith if all the answers were here.

3. If you discover a truth contrary to the bible, you are misinterpreting also remember the world belongs to satan so things arent always what they seem.


to cap it all off, as i was drilling a minister about skepticism and logic on this earth he said this (im paraphrasing)

Remember that satan was there at creation me more than likely had a front row seat to how creation was done where he could mislead people by the millions by making things within his realm point AWAY from god. I just about hit the floor. Its all mind control.

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to cap it all off, as i was drilling a minister about skepticism and logic on this earth he said this (im paraphrasing)

Remember that satan was there at creation me more than likely had a front row seat to how creation was done where he could mislead people by the millions by making things within his realm point AWAY from god. I just about hit the floor. Its all mind control.


Denial at it's finest. What a moron.Wendybanghead.gif

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How the hell could Satan be at creation if he was CREATED? oh riiiight, he was a part of the pre-creation creation. I guess he grabbed some popcorn and coke, and took notes in his 5 star.

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This is why it is so difficult to deconvert.

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That's the hell of Christianity (no pun intended). It can't really be proven, but it can't be completely disproven either, and Christians use the fact that it can't be disproven to their greatest advantage (hell). As long as they can keep people paranoid by fear of invisible forces, they can control you.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

Proving christianity false is about as hard as proving to a codependant person that their abusive spouse is a bad guy/girl, they always make excuses for the abuser until and unless they come to realize what it is they are actually dealing with in reality, leave denial, and move on without the abuser/religion.

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That's the hell of Christianity (no pun intended). It can't really be proven, but it can't be completely disproven either, and Christians use the fact that it can't be disproven to their greatest advantage (hell). As long as they can keep people paranoid by fear of invisible forces, they can control you.


nice description

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How the hell could Satan be at creation if he was CREATED? oh riiiight, he was a part of the pre-creation creation. I guess he grabbed some popcorn and coke, and took notes in his 5 star.


The whole Satan problem is one of the main logical problems in christianity. There are only 3 possible scenarios:



Scenario 1. God can't do anything about Satan. (which implies that Satan is more powerful) or God could only stop Satan at a certain time/certain way, meaning that Satan is basically running the show until the right opportunity comes along. Either way, God is not omnipotent as is claimed.


Scenario 2. God could stop Satan at any time but doesn't want to. (which makes God directly responsible for all the problems in the world and makes us little more than pawns in some sick game) In such a situation, God would not be benevolent as is claimed.


Scenario 3: Neither God or Satan exist so there really is no problem at all.

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That's the hell of Christianity (no pun intended). It can't really be proven, but it can't be completely disproven either, and Christians use the fact that it can't be disproven to their greatest advantage (hell). As long as they can keep people paranoid by fear of invisible forces, they can control you.


I beg to differ. Christianity if falsifiable in many ways. There are plenty of claims in the bible that have been refuted.

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i was listening to dan barker the other day and he brought up something i never thought about. christianity solves a problem that IT created on its own. I never realized that there literally is NO WAY out of christianity (100% of people are accountable). Later I heard someone mention that Romans explains that if you haven't heard the gospel the way that life ccording to your conscious will be what determines if you get in heaven. therefore, your doing someone a favor by NOT sharing the gospel because not they have to accept your silly premise with no evidence or burn in hell.


1.Everyone MUST except the gift of salvation or burn

2.You must live by faith....not evidence. we wouldnt need faith if all the answers were here.

3. If you discover a truth contrary to the bible, you are misinterpreting also remember the world belongs to satan so things arent always what they seem.


to cap it all off, as i was drilling a minister about skepticism and logic on this earth he said this (im paraphrasing)

Remember that satan was there at creation me more than likely had a front row seat to how creation was done where he could mislead people by the millions by making things within his realm point AWAY from god. I just about hit the floor. Its all mind control.


Satan is the great deceiver. He has been deceiving innocent people by manipulating pastors into preaching guilt and fear. Satan's hold on people is 2.1 billion Christians strong.

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How the hell could Satan be at creation if he was CREATED? oh riiiight, he was a part of the pre-creation creation. I guess he grabbed some popcorn and coke, and took notes in his 5 star.


Truth is whatever the pastor says it is. Isn't it? ISNT IT!? This week's schedule of truth is as follows:


Monday: 2+2 = 4

Tuesday: 2+2 = 5

Wednesday: 2+2 = 6




The important thing is having a short memory and make sure everything is accepted without question.

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i was listening to dan barker the other day and he brought up something i never thought about. christianity solves a problem that IT created on its own. I never realized that there literally is NO WAY out of christianity (100% of people are accountable).

This is exactly why I stopped looking at apologetics when I was in the questioning phase. It seems like there's an asinine answer to every question against christianity, but apologetic answers never really answer the question, they beat the question to death and restate the question in a thousand different ways, but never provide an intellectually satisfying answer for the question.

Arguing with a strong believer is pointless.

2Honest posted this thread http://www.ex-christian.net/topic/51685-dissonance-understanding-why-we-hold-on-to-beliefs/ about cognitive dissonance.

Basically, people will find a way to justify their beliefs rather than change their beliefs because dissonance is uncomfortable. Interesting stuff! But it is super annoying when you get christians who will debate you, but their entire argument is a verbal vomit of what they've been force-fed from the pulpit because the debate goes in pointless circles.

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to cap it all off, as i was drilling a minister about skepticism and logic on this earth he said this (im paraphrasing)

Remember that satan was there at creation me more than likely had a front row seat to how creation was done where he could mislead people by the millions by making things within his realm point AWAY from god. I just about hit the floor. Its all mind control.


my dad believes (as undoubtedly told to him by some preacher or book) that ghosts are actually demons who impersonate dead people. and they can do this so well because they have been around for millenia and know everything about everyone, including (apparently) how to look like a dead person and be spooky etc. I used to actually believe this.

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