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Goodbye Jesus

I'm Your Enemy Now?


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This poem just flowed out of me in the last few minutes. It's a reaction to hearing a former xian friend tell all my other former xian friends from the pulpit about "allies that are now enemies"




if ally to enemy

is what you see

simply because

my mind is free


and you shut the door

because you're afraid

of the different

path that i have laid


then my heart breaks

for the lonely prison

that you're in

for lack of reason


to guard yourself

against a danger

like you would

against a stranger


but i'm no stranger

i'm just the same

a fact that's lost

in this fucked up game


keep telling yourself

that you're doing well

ignore the smoke

ignore the smell


of the rotting bodies

you leave unburied

and the stranded dreams

you leave unferried


in your own life

that you protect

in your tiny world

in your tiny sect

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otherwise, im blown away, its very um, poetic.


that dude is a douche. do you really need friendship from people like that?

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otherwise, im blown away, its very um, poetic.


that dude is a douche. do you really need friendship from people like that?


Yeah, it sucked hearing the tape of him saying that. This is a guy we gave thousands of dollars to for his traveling healing ministry. This is a guy that we ministered with on stage. This was one of the nicest xians you would ever meet...the ideology just fucked his brain. I never expected that from him.

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otherwise, im blown away, its very um, poetic.


that dude is a douche. do you really need friendship from people like that?


Yeah, it sucked hearing the tape of him saying that. This is a guy we gave thousands of dollars to for his traveling healing ministry. This is a guy that we ministered with on stage. This was one of the nicest xians you would ever meet...the ideology just fucked his brain. I never expected that from him.


You cheated on his boyfriend. Youre a meanie.

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This is a guy we gave thousands of dollars to for his traveling healing ministry. This is a guy that we ministered with on stage. This was one of the nicest xians you would ever meet...the ideology just fucked his brain. I never expected that from him.


Wow, this poem really moved me. I'm not sure for what I weep more: that we lose so much when we leave the faith, or that I was such a loser as a Christian. (You sound way less fundy than I was, but OMG, I cringe to look at the way I used to treat people Wendyloser.gif ).


Beautiful and painful poem that captures so well the 'friendship with infidels' issue.

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Enemies against WHAT? It seems the only thing in their world you threaten is inspiring another of their flock to turn their brain on, too. The shepherd is blindfolding the sheep after a smart one got out.

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This is a guy we gave thousands of dollars to for his traveling healing ministry. This is a guy that we ministered with on stage. This was one of the nicest xians you would ever meet...the ideology just fucked his brain. I never expected that from him.


Wow, this poem really moved me. I'm not sure for what I weep more: that we lose so much when we leave the faith, or that I was such a loser as a Christian. (You sound way less fundy than I was, but OMG, I cringe to look at the way I used to treat people Wendyloser.gif ).


Beautiful and painful poem that captures so well the 'friendship with infidels' issue.


I let my new beautiful friends like you ease the pain away. I don't know what you did or didn't do back then, but right now, in this place, you are a healing force.

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Enemies against WHAT? It seems the only thing in their world you threaten is inspiring another of their flock to turn their brain on, too. The shepherd is blindfolding the sheep after a smart one got out.


And no doubt will shear them while he's at it.


Pray to the Lard you don't fall into J's ebil trap! And while you're at it, TITHE!!!! GAWD LOVES A HEAVY TITHER!!

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If one goes away, then others will too. That's the danger for the clergy. We only see what is on the surface of the person, generally speaking. It takes tough times to see what they are really made of.

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Guarantee you one damn thing- your public exit is causing other flockers to at least *consider* why you really left. Especially the younger ones.

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From their perspective, you really are an enemy now. Probably one of the most dangerous kinds. Exposure to you could be a real threat to their beliefs. Never mind that this shows just how fragile their belief is -- xians are not very good at logic and self-examination.

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It's like the four minute mile.


No one in the flock has probably ever considered leaving. Now that they've seen someone ACTUALLY DO IT, have the bravery to flip off god's "ordained" (metaphorically) and survive, will have them considering that they also can do so. Like the sheep that are afraid to cross the river because they don't know how deep it is. Until one or two just DO IT. Then the rest realize it was only six inches deep.


Silly sheep. It's okay, the water is fine.

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From their perspective, you really are an enemy now. Probably one of the most dangerous kinds. Exposure to you could be a real threat to their beliefs. Never mind that this shows just how fragile their belief is -- xians are not very good at logic and self-examination.


What's stupid is that they know I could bring the church down if that's what I wanted to do. I know how much the pastor and his wife dislike the other elders and why. I know where the bodies are buried. It's been 10 months and I haven't done it because it's not in my character. I don't have anything in me that wants to damage them and I proved that by not going after them or any of their sheep.


So, apparently it's logical to them to demonize a person for what they might do even though he obviously hasn't done it because he's a good guy. Freaking stupid.


I chose to walk away quietly without saying anything knowing full well that I would be misunderstood and misrepresented. It was the adult, mature way to do it. Ugh.

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Of course you would not want to lower yourself to their level. I know this is hard, but in the end, you will not regret being magnanimous and kind to these people.

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From their perspective, you really are an enemy now. Probably one of the most dangerous kinds. Exposure to you could be a real threat to their beliefs. Never mind that this shows just how fragile their belief is -- xians are not very good at logic and self-examination.


What's stupid is that they know I could bring the church down if that's what I wanted to do. I know how much the pastor and his wife dislike the other elders and why. I know where the bodies are buried. It's been 10 months and I haven't done it because it's not in my character. I don't have anything in me that wants to damage them and I proved that by not going after them or any of their sheep.


So, apparently it's logical to them to demonize a person for what they might do even though he obviously hasn't done it because he's a good guy. Freaking stupid.


I chose to walk away quietly without saying anything knowing full well that I would be misunderstood and misrepresented. It was the adult, mature way to do it. Ugh.


It's not your motivations that make you a danger to them though. It's the fact that you raise questions in their minds that they are afraid of asking. This is why their response isn't logical. I know it's difficult to not take it personally, but you really shouldn't take it personally as your friends/former friends are reacting the way they are due to cognitive dissonance.


It's things like this that make the xian faith so despicable. It separates friends and family over nonsense and 99% of the separation comes from the believer, not the non believer.

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Jblueep, are you the one who gave your church like $20,000 or so and did all sorts of building/construction for them as well, or am I thinking of someone else? Either way, the fact that you donated any money to them and now they're talking shit is pathetic, especially since you walked away quietly.


You're a better person than me because after that I would've been revealing everything I knew (yes, I'm a vindictive bitchrolleyes.gif , but only because there's no god to teach assholes a lesson.)

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From their perspective, you really are an enemy now. Probably one of the most dangerous kinds. Exposure to you could be a real threat to their beliefs. Never mind that this shows just how fragile their belief is -- xians are not very good at logic and self-examination.


What's stupid is that they know I could bring the church down if that's what I wanted to do. I know how much the pastor and his wife dislike the other elders and why. I know where the bodies are buried. It's been 10 months and I haven't done it because it's not in my character. I don't have anything in me that wants to damage them and I proved that by not going after them or any of their sheep.


So, apparently it's logical to them to demonize a person for what they might do even though he obviously hasn't done it because he's a good guy. Freaking stupid.


I chose to walk away quietly without saying anything knowing full well that I would be misunderstood and misrepresented. It was the adult, mature way to do it. Ugh.


It's not your motivations that make you a danger to them though. It's the fact that you raise questions in their minds that they are afraid of asking. This is why their response isn't logical. I know it's difficult to not take it personally, but you really shouldn't take it personally as your friends/former friends are reacting the way they are due to cognitive dissonance.


It's things like this that make the xian faith so despicable. It separates friends and family over nonsense and 99% of the separation comes from the believer, not the non believer.


Agreed. I'm rarely angry, sometimes frustrated, but mostly sad for these people.

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Jblueep, are you the one who gave your church like $20,000 or so and did all sorts of building/construction for them as well, or am I thinking of someone else? Either way, the fact that you donated any money to them and now they're talking shit is pathetic, especially since you walked away quietly.


You're a better person than me because after that I would've been revealing everything I knew (yes, I'm a vindictive bitchrolleyes.gif , but only because there's no god to teach assholes a lesson.)


I wish it were 20k! Add another 100k to that :o.


But to be fair, it was my idea to do the church expansion. It was my free choice. I did it out of love, and I refuse to let them ever take that away from me.

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Wow, so raw, so real, love it.....

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What's stupid is that they know I could bring the church down if that's what I wanted to do. I know how much the pastor and his wife dislike the other elders and why. I know where the bodies are buried. It's been 10 months and I haven't done it because it's not in my character. I don't have anything in me that wants to damage them and I proved that by not going after them or any of their sheep.


So, apparently it's logical to them to demonize a person for what they might do even though he obviously hasn't done it because he's a good guy. Freaking stupid.


I chose to walk away quietly without saying anything knowing full well that I would be misunderstood and misrepresented. It was the adult, mature way to do it. Ugh.


Sounds like they know you're a nice guy who wouldn't be vindictive, so they feel safe demonizing you. Seems to me that if they were afraid of you lashing out they wouldn't be taking pot shots at you from the pulpit.


They sound like manipulative bastards to me, but then, that's how a lot of church leaders roll, in my (admittedly limited) experience.

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Bravo, bravo.

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Jblueep, are you the one who gave your church like $20,000 or so and did all sorts of building/construction for them as well, or am I thinking of someone else? Either way, the fact that you donated any money to them and now they're talking shit is pathetic, especially since you walked away quietly.


You're a better person than me because after that I would've been revealing everything I knew (yes, I'm a vindictive bitchrolleyes.gif , but only because there's no god to teach assholes a lesson.)


I wish it were 20k! Add another 100k to that ohmy.png.


But to be fair, it was my idea to do the church expansion. It was my free choice. I did it out of love, and I refuse to let them ever take that away from me.


WOW!eek.gif Are you in debt from this or was it money you already had? Sorry I'm being so nosey, it's just that it blows me away how a "church" can be so disrespectful and talk badly about someone who went above and beyond to help them, even if they decided to leave. What jerks!


It's sad when you do something out of love to help someone and people don't even have the decency to appreciate it.

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Jblueep, are you the one who gave your church like $20,000 or so and did all sorts of building/construction for them as well, or am I thinking of someone else? Either way, the fact that you donated any money to them and now they're talking shit is pathetic, especially since you walked away quietly.


You're a better person than me because after that I would've been revealing everything I knew (yes, I'm a vindictive bitchrolleyes.gif , but only because there's no god to teach assholes a lesson.)


I wish it were 20k! Add another 100k to that ohmy.png.


But to be fair, it was my idea to do the church expansion. It was my free choice. I did it out of love, and I refuse to let them ever take that away from me.


WOW!eek.gif Are you in debt from this or was it money you already had? Sorry I'm being so nosey, it's just that it blows me away how a "church" can be so disrespectful and talk badly about someone who went above and beyond to help them, even if they decided to leave. What jerks!


It's sad when you do something out of love to help someone and people don't even have the decency to appreciate it.


It was financially devastating. They were very grateful at the time. Theres no excuse for their behavior, especially toward people like us. Oh well, lessons learned :)

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They are obviously acting out their insecurities, perhaps trying to prepare their congregation for a reaction from you. I commend you for staying on the up and up.

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Jblueep, are you the one who gave your church like $20,000 or so and did all sorts of building/construction for them as well, or am I thinking of someone else? Either way, the fact that you donated any money to them and now they're talking shit is pathetic, especially since you walked away quietly.


You're a better person than me because after that I would've been revealing everything I knew (yes, I'm a vindictive bitchrolleyes.gif , but only because there's no god to teach assholes a lesson.)


I wish it were 20k! Add another 100k to that ohmy.png.


But to be fair, it was my idea to do the church expansion. It was my free choice. I did it out of love, and I refuse to let them ever take that away from me.


jblue, I am really impressed by your strength of character and ethics. You were obviously very serious and sincere in your faith and I admire that.

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