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Goodbye Jesus

Wife Listening To Creationist Preacher Now


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I told my wife I don't believe in god a couple of nights ago. Everything has been going as well as could be expected. I asked her to challenge her faith, because if she is truly right she will be able to prove it. This is not what I had in mind:



This is painful to listen to, I apologize in advance.

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Gah fuck, Kent Hovind is such a loon. I went to a Creationist seminar a while back, funniest yet saddest thing ive been too.

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I apologize for the profanity in advance, but holy shit, this guy really is a fucking whack-job. Circular logic at its best.

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Hoover is a joke. He does have a style that can be funny, that much I'll grant him, but the crap he sells more than makes up for it.

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Is that two and a half hours of retarded, mind numbing nonsense I see at the bottom of the video!? I apologize in advance for not clicking on it!

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Yeah hoover's crap "seminars" are long.


I've listened through all the audio versions of them.


Sometimes I so damn fucking hate my effort to be fair... vent.gif


Edit: But at least now I know that all those hours of hoover babble exist on youtube in a much shorter version, with just as much reason and sound argumentation:


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He got his "education" from a non accredited diploma mill school IIRC.


Noone with a real scientific background takes him seriously. I'm pretty sure thunderf00t has lots of vids ripping him up.

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Isn't Hovind still in jail for some kind of fraud?

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This one's good. In short it shows that Hovind does in fact believe in evolution.

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Isn't Hovind still in jail for some kind of fraud?

Some sort of tax fraud. The IRS got him good.

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He got his "education" from a non accredited diploma mill school IIRC.


Noone with a real scientific background takes him seriously. I'm pretty sure thunderf00t has lots of vids ripping him up.


Feels like about two thirds of what thunderf00t rips apart in his "Why do people laugh at creationists?" youtube series is specifically about hoover's babble. I remember very well that the AiG cretinists had a specific page - no idea whether they still have it - called "Arguments we think creationists should NOT use"... everything on that page was from hoover.


You need to be a totally hopeless case for even other cretinists to disown you :fdevil:

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Yes, Kent Hovind is still in jail. They had a "Dinosaur Park" here in Pensacola for years. My kids used to want to go there because they had these awesome giant dinosaur figures and it looked really cool. I had heard too many horror stories of families taking their kids there and before they would let ANY of the kids do any of the fun stuff they had to sit through a lecture and video and profess Christianity!!!! It was that park that people were paying money to have their kids indoctrinated in that he wasn't paying any taxes on and they got him!


Unfortunately his son now has a "creation store" instead. Not so easy to indoctrinate the kiddos anyway.


We also have a lovely non-accredited college here, Pensacola Christian College. They publish their own curriculum for their grade school, Pensacola Christian Academy where you can take your children to be indoctrinated there or just purchase their curriculum and indoctrinate them from the comfort of your home.


Many homeschoolers world-wide send their children to PCC to get a very expensive non-diploma issuing "education".


The good thing is, I know of many young adults that went through that and are now atheists.

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Thanks for the videos, and yeah I apologize for the length. I listened to the first 15 mins of it before I had to turn it off because I couldn't stand it. Not in the "oh he's so right I'm so stupid" kind of way, more of the "I can't believe people are actually listening to this" kind of way.

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Hehe indeed.


I guess you can only stand it if you either


1. are a weirdo like me who wants to know what he's ranting about




2. are already convinced that the moron on the stage is speaking the perfect truth anyway.

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Yes, Kent Hovind is still in jail. They had a "Dinosaur Park" here in Pensacola for years. My kids used to want to go there because they had these awesome giant dinosaur figures and it looked really cool. I had heard too many horror stories of families taking their kids there and before they would let ANY of the kids do any of the fun stuff they had to sit through a lecture and video and profess Christianity!!!! It was that park that people were paying money to have their kids indoctrinated in that he wasn't paying any taxes on and they got him!


Unfortunately his son now has a "creation store" instead. Not so easy to indoctrinate the kiddos anyway.


We also have a lovely non-accredited college here, Pensacola Christian College. They publish their own curriculum for their grade school, Pensacola Christian Academy where you can take your children to be indoctrinated there or just purchase their curriculum and indoctrinate them from the comfort of your home.


Many homeschoolers world-wide send their children to PCC to get a very expensive non-diploma issuing "education".


The good thing is, I know of many young adults that went through that and are now atheists.

His son is so embarrassing. He parrots his father's ideas with far less effect, but way more annoyingly. He's certainly far less charismatic than his daddy.

It sucks how they'd attract children with dinosaurs only to shove Jesus and fake science down their throats.

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yawn.... and that was after only 2 or 3 minutes of watching this crappola...

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All looney Creationist theories aside, that guy sounds like a real scumbag regarding that IRS garbage.

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Yes, Kent Hovind is still in jail. They had a "Dinosaur Park" here in Pensacola for years. My kids used to want to go there because they had these awesome giant dinosaur figures and it looked really cool. I had heard too many horror stories of families taking their kids there and before they would let ANY of the kids do any of the fun stuff they had to sit through a lecture and video and profess Christianity!!!! It was that park that people were paying money to have their kids indoctrinated in that he wasn't paying any taxes on and they got him!


Unfortunately his son now has a "creation store" instead. Not so easy to indoctrinate the kiddos anyway.


We also have a lovely non-accredited college here, Pensacola Christian College. They publish their own curriculum for their grade school, Pensacola Christian Academy where you can take your children to be indoctrinated there or just purchase their curriculum and indoctrinate them from the comfort of your home.


Many homeschoolers world-wide send their children to PCC to get a very expensive non-diploma issuing "education".


The good thing is, I know of many young adults that went through that and are now atheists.




of the dinosaur park. The wife and I lived in Pensacola for about 3 months immediately after we got hitched. I don't remember the xian indoctrination session, so maybe it's not the same place? But you could drive your car thru this place, and there were all kinds of plaster dinosaurs you could look at, touch, hell, I took a pic of my bride hanging off the neck of a brontosaurus IIRC....at 23 years old....in a little white dress....excuse me while I step in the men's room.





Ok. Where was I again?

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6 minutes in.....he brings up Genesis and the talking snake......that's enough for me to know he's stupid.......

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6 minutes in.....he brings up Genesis and the talking snake......that's enough for me to know he's stupid.......


Lol, exactly. I have 8 pythons and none of them can talk. If they could, while they were in a shed cycle they're pretty moody so they'd probably tell me to pisssssss off :lol:

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Yes, Kent Hovind is still in jail. They had a "Dinosaur Park" here in Pensacola for years. My kids used to want to go there because they had these awesome giant dinosaur figures and it looked really cool. I had heard too many horror stories of families taking their kids there and before they would let ANY of the kids do any of the fun stuff they had to sit through a lecture and video and profess Christianity!!!! It was that park that people were paying money to have their kids indoctrinated in that he wasn't paying any taxes on and they got him!


Unfortunately his son now has a "creation store" instead. Not so easy to indoctrinate the kiddos anyway.


We also have a lovely non-accredited college here, Pensacola Christian College. They publish their own curriculum for their grade school, Pensacola Christian Academy where you can take your children to be indoctrinated there or just purchase their curriculum and indoctrinate them from the comfort of your home.


Many homeschoolers world-wide send their children to PCC to get a very expensive non-diploma issuing "education".


The good thing is, I know of many young adults that went through that and are now atheists.




of the dinosaur park. The wife and I lived in Pensacola for about 3 months immediately after we got hitched. I don't remember the xian indoctrination session, so maybe it's not the same place? But you could drive your car thru this place, and there were all kinds of plaster dinosaurs you could look at, touch, hell, I took a pic of my bride hanging off the neck of a brontosaurus IIRC....at 23 years old....in a little white dress....excuse me while I step in the men's room.





Ok. Where was I again?

I thought that was you in the next stall... LOL Seriously, no need to explain - we've all done stupid shit under the cult's influence. I could share some things with you and others over here but then I would NEVER leave the bathroom. LOL
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6 minutes in.....he brings up Genesis and the talking snake......that's enough for me to know he's stupid.......


Lol, exactly. I have 8 pythons and none of them can talk. If they could, while they were in a shed cycle they're pretty moody so they'd probably tell me to pisssssss off icon_lol.gif

Oh, here we go with those freaking house pets of yours again! ROFL

I was just talking about what you and I spoke about weeks ago regarding them but I'd forgotten your name - sorry.

So, how's it going? Anybody get consummed lately? LOL

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6 minutes in.....he brings up Genesis and the talking snake......that's enough for me to know he's stupid.......


Lol, exactly. I have 8 pythons and none of them can talk. If they could, while they were in a shed cycle they're pretty moody so they'd probably tell me to pisssssss off icon_lol.gif

That's Parssssssel tongue... and it's of the debul!

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