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Goodbye Jesus

God Is Punishing America.


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I was at my crocheting class today with a few god-fearing ladies, and someone mentioned the West Nile epidemic in Texas. Another old lady next to me said god is "trying to get our attention. So much of this country has turned away from him." Unbelief is killing the US. She said something about "homosexual marriages."


I wanted to stab something with my crochet hook. So people are dying of

a horrible disease because of teh ho-mo-seck-shoo-ulls. At least 20 people in Texas--probably some of them straight Xians--are dead because New York has lifted its ban on gay marriage. Texas still bans gay unions, and their citizens are suffering because god had to direct his righteous wrath somewhere--tough. All of us Ex-Cs are responsible for American tragedies; we have cursed our country with our apostasy. LORD HOW I HATE THIS PETTY MENTALITY FOR TINY BRAINS.


The Lard yer Gawd is punishing this sinful nation! We must stop killing unborn people or more innocents will fall by the Lard's angry hand--ignore the illogic! Stop the sex industry or Gawd will execute more AIDS babies!


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Goodbye Jesus

Kinda funny how an omnipotent God only deliver messages by killing people, why not just be direct? What is he scared of?

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He can't talk to us anymore. It's not the Old Testament, so folks will just have to keep dropping like flies until we get the message of his love and mercy.

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  • Super Moderator

We are being punished, but by our own stupidity and sloth. Oh yeah, and religion doesn't help either.

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I typically laugh and say how I appreciate the parody, and isn't it just so astounding that - in this day and age - there are still people who think like that! What ignorant fools they are! *giggle*


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So who is the big kahuna NOT pissed at? I'll move there.

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The Lard is punishing America for eating pork rinds and going to NASCAR races on the sabbath.

He's also upset about divorce among Christians.

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Why the hell is he always trying to "get our attention"? Why doesn't he just imbue us all with Adderall if he wants our attention do bad?

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Ah nothing like a bunch of gossipy old used, tired, worn out Christian battle axes in a sewing circle.


Pass the prune juice and praise the Lard! jesus.gif

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Gawd has terrible aim lately. Maybe he's ready for the old folks' home, where he can terrorize the old bitches and leave the rest of us alone. :P

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This is exactly what generates hate towards gay people. Because people are made believe that gay people marrying directly affects their lives and negatively. The whole Sodom and Gomorrah BS.

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I think I figured it out, how god actually talks to us. It's a little like crop circles mixed with the technology to make photo mosaics.


You see when god punishes us, someone dies, you then take a picture of the dead body. Next you add it all the other photos of dead bodies and make a photo mosaic out of it. It will then show you the text of the memo that god is sending us.


It's about patterns (like crop circles) that get entered into a code decipher (photo mosaics) and wah-lah! Instant god memo, direct from heaven and all that.Wendywhatever.gif


Who knew it was that simple? Wendyshrug.gif

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So "god" gave up getting our attention with AIDS? (and swine flu, bird flu, 9/11, two wars, Katrina...) Quitter.



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I think I figured it out, how god actually talks to us. It's a little like crop circles mixed with the technology to make photo mosaics.


You see when god punishes us, someone dies, you then take a picture of the dead body. Next you add it all the other photos of dead bodies and make a photo mosaic out of it. It will then show you the text of the memo that god is sending us.


It's about patterns (like crop circles) that get entered into a code decipher (photo mosaics) and wah-lah! Instant god memo, direct from heaven and all that.Wendywhatever.gif


Who knew it was that simple? Wendyshrug.gif


And here I always assumed it was through schizophrenics bearing signs on street corners.

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Ah, now the West Nile hype makes sense. Scott Lawn, etc... wants deregulation.

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God is an intentionally mute attention whore? Seems counter-productive.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

Sorry God, it's my fault. I stood outside the capital at my state to make sure that bill got passed. Didn't mean to hurt your petty little feelings.


What has happened in New York? We had a hurricane after the first time gay marriage failed under patterson, that must've been Ishtar's punishment for us not being nice to her people. Because we haven't seen a hurricane since.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

Sorry God, it's my fault. I stood outside the capital at my state to make sure that bill got passed. Didn't mean to hurt your petty little feelings.


What has happened in New York? We had a hurricane after the first time gay marriage failed under patterson, that must've been Ishtar's punishment for us not being nice to her people. Because we haven't seen a hurricane since.

O wait, that was after. O no, he was punishing us! I'm sorry God!



Wait a minute... we were overdue for that hurricane for a long time, scientists had been saying this for a long time,.

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Sorry to the mods, but every time BO just goes for the blatant personal attack, I've decided to report the post.

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Ah, now the West Nile hype makes sense. Scott Lawn, etc... wants deregulation.


What do you give a shit....you don't even live here?

As a moderator of this site I'm am really done with people personally attacking individual members here. This is a discussion forum, not an "I think you suck" forum. Knock it the hell off.

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It's their mentality. They have a real inner need to be bullied by someone. Look at how they relate to each other in their churches- it's a lot of kissing up and smacking down. God is viewed as a bully- it's why they love Him so.


BTW, I have been around longer than many of you and I remember ths 'God's judgement' BS being applied to stuff way back in the 1950's. Then it was deaths from the Asian flu being blamed on rock n' roll- or something.

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Do a search on homosexuality and aids using Google. First entries that come up www.catholicnewsagency.com and www.jesus-is-savior.com




Its crazy how Google can clear up some subtleties :) The impact on society of homosexual behavior is very important to Catholics because it matches their teachings and condemning views on the matter.


Without a judgmental god, the entire house of corrupted cards blows away.

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I think I figured it out, how god actually talks to us. It's a little like crop circles mixed with the technology to make photo mosaics.


You see when god punishes us, someone dies, you then take a picture of the dead body. Next you add it all the other photos of dead bodies and make a photo mosaic out of it. It will then show you the text of the memo that god is sending us.


It's about patterns (like crop circles) that get entered into a code decipher (photo mosaics) and wah-lah! Instant god memo, direct from heaven and all that.Wendywhatever.gif


Who knew it was that simple? Wendyshrug.gif


And here I always assumed it was through schizophrenics bearing signs on street corners.


Remember what the xians tell us Vigile, "god changes over time" and "god works through mysterious ways". I'm just sure that god communicates through the dead bodies because "I feel it is true" and "I just know it in my heart".



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