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"the Secret," "think And Grow Rich," And Other Mind-Based Claims


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Best-Seller "The Secret" and "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.... Are these just another form of deception that promises something we all want and uses wishful thinking to keep us hooked??

I've been reading "Think and Grow Rich" and was rather enjoying it, as I simply thought it was a good way to program myself in such a way that would put me in more situations and opportunities to make money. I thought it was nothing more than something akin to learning about body language at a job interview and how it can help greatly.

Well, in chapter 4, the author wrote something along the lines of, "This method never fails. If a person tries it and doesn't succeed, then it was the person, not the system, that failed." That immediately made me think of how churches will tell someone that if they have any doubts or conitued struggles that it just means they haven't prayed hard enough and that they are the problem, not Jesus.


So, to the basis of my question which kind of feels like I answered above... 


What are your thoughts on "positive thinking," "law of attraction," "energy released into the ether," "getting what you demand of the universe," etc. etc.. Is it as simple as positive thinking = prayer and the universe = god.. or has anyone experienced anything different?

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You want to get rich?  Here it is for free:


Live below your means. 


It's isn't a get rich quick scheme.  If you make $1,000 a month then spend a lot less than that.  Do whatever you have to in order to cut back.  If you make $10,000 a month then spend a lot less than that.  Start putting the extra in the bank.  When you have enough extra then invest some of it in a bigger risk.  Slow and steady wins the race.


Live below your means.




As for those books you mention I wouldn't waste my time or money on either.

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Thanks mymistake! That totally makes sense.

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Just another snake oil con. Same crap, different label. 

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My mom buys into that crap...

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I owe my deconversion to "The Secret".


From about a year before the final video was released portions of it were available online.  At my first viewing I thought it was piffle and very unchristian and so I rejected it.  But something stuck and I started to realise how my own thoughts affected how I felt,  and that I could change that by less negative thinking.


I tried a few things, like drawing pictures, telling myself that I would succeed with things which brought on anxiety attacks,  things I needed and/or desired seem to come to me.  I lost weight, found the courage to remedy my dental problems, became more socially active. (Changing my balance on my bank statement to $500,000  did NOT work though, lol)  A friend of mine also reported successes using the law of attraction, and I was pretty much sold on it.   I found more on the internet, read some books, discussed with other people.


Over time I started to analyze the changes in my life, noticing that my successes were due to having a different attitude, and being more open to what was around me.  That was "the Secret" in my opinion, not some outside magic process granting my wishes.


I also realised that 'prayer'  was really the same thing.  Positive thinking, believing, recognising those things around that would be useful.


The seeds of doubt about xtianity were sown. 


To make a long story short, I eventually said goodbye to my old reliance on the magic invisible sky daddy and his imaginary begotten love-child, and I recognised  the 'holly spritzer' as my own inner self.


I know that "The Secret" was primarily a commercial venture, but I do have to say that it did change my life.Wendymagic.gif



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This is one of those things that seems partially true if you give it a serious effort. I wouldn't pay for any of it though, there's plenty of free material on youtube and what-not to give you a basic idea of what they're trying to sell. I watched the secret for free years ago and became slightly interested in testing the law of attraction even though the presentation was very corny. I wound up reading Robert Colliers old book "The Secret of the Ages" which is basically what the new genre is based on. I never got rich, but I did see dramatic change unfold directly following  my change of focus. You just have to try and sift through the BS and what can be beneficial...

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You want to get rich?  Here it is for free:


Live below your means. 


It's isn't a get rich quick scheme.  If you make $1,000 a month then spend a lot less than that.  Do whatever you have to in order to cut back.  If you make $10,000 a month then spend a lot less than that.  Start putting the extra in the bank.  When you have enough extra then invest some of it in a bigger risk.  Slow and steady wins the race.


Live below your means.




As for those books you mention I wouldn't waste my time or money on either.


I agree with this for the most part; however, something can be said for playing the wealth game.  If you think of yourself as wealthy and your time as valuable you might be able to charge more for your time and services with others who are doing the same.  If you can mingle with the wealthy and convince them that you are worth it they can help you to build wealth.  Books like "Think and Grow Rich" can help in an endeavor like that.  It's a game.  Just don't fool yourself into believing that it's something magical.  And always live below your means.  Spend money where you need to (even if it's just playing the game), but think about your priorities, your integrity, and your reputation.

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The thing with snake-oil salesmen and those who buy their wares, there is a grain of truth to what they say, but it is bastardized and repackaged into something the undiscerning will buy. Sheep and their fleecers. The then undiscerning with then assume anything even remotely that is the same thing.

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I have read a lot about this issue of concentrating on your wishes. I'm not sure if I fixate all my thoughts, strongly imagining the new Red car I want, if it will magically appear in my driveway or not, so right now I am taking all the (hopefully) right steps, so that within two years I will have that Red car parked proudly in my driveway. LOL

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I have a wish-fulfillment/opportunity-recognition method that works for Me more often than not, and it doesn't need a book to explain it.  Here it is:

  1. Be very, very specific about you want.  Don't just say "I want a guitar" when what you actually want is a '59 cherry sunburst Les Paul.
  2. Phrase the desire in positive terms, editing out any words like "not" or "no."

I liken it to setting and baiting a mousetrap, and listening for the *SNAP* when an appropriate mouse wanders by.  Essentially, I program My mind to be on the lookout for anything that matches the stated parameters.

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^ Interesting. 


Did anyone happen to catch the follow up to The Secret, called The Moses Code?




"I am that, I am"


They tried to double back and put more attention on the spiritual side of things because people were complaining about the heavy emphasis on materialism. 

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Bullshit! New age is evan worse that Christianity....

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Tom Robbins positive thinking is along the same lines.. and it is effective to set goals this way... but I think the key is, as stated earlier, it's just a tool... it's nothing magical or outside of yourself (let's not get into metaphysics  lol)


Others along that line, Wayne Dyer, Og Mandino, even Leo at ZenHabits  etc...


If you believe you are worth something and it's possible to achieve, then you are less likely to sabotage yourself and maybe more open to recognizing opportunity.


Unfortunately the way this is packaged twists it and people get the wrong idea. There's no genie in a bottle.

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If wanting something made you get it then there would be no restraining orders against stalkers.

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The product being sold as the "Law of Attraction" comes in many flavors, but they have one thing in common. They are like every miracle weight loss pill or potion - the disclaimer always says that it works when used in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program.


So the Secret is that there's no secret. While you may expect the magical laws of the mystical universe to bring you what you desire, your focus, effort, and perseverance are still required for success. Duh.

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I have always hated this shit. Usually works on greedy bastards who haven't a clue. Don't believe it for a second.

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Look up Barbara Ehrenreich if you want to see a professional rip this bullshit to shreds.


I'm beginning to think that New Age is worse than Christianity-- there's no explicit religious belief, or belief in any specific god, there is no single holy book, but it's still a goddamn cult and New Agers will use this to their advantage while being smug assholes.  


There's nothing wrong with realizing that your mindset may not be the healthiest one, and that you might want to stop selling yourself short.  That is helpful and something that's helped me in the last few years.  But of course these assholes peddling "the secret" and other THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS!!11eleventy! bullshit just want you to sit down, shut up, and hand over your wallet.  That's it.  They're all wannabe cult leaders who take advantage of those already weak and vulnerable.  It's a new religion unto itself, and it's bad for you just like any other religion.  If you're not happy, then you don't matter.  You have to be happy, and if you have a good enough reason to be unhappy, like if you have cancer or something, you have to be 'inspirational' instead.  Blech.  


Thinking happy thoughts didn't get me out of that geographical cult I was trapped in for 13 years. 

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Yeh, Galien!! 2000 posts :)

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Yeh, Galien!! 2000 posts smile.png

hehe thankswoohoo.gif

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While there are definitely benefits to positive thinking, relaxation techniques and goal setting, I think most of what the "Law of Attraction" crowd sells is bullshit.


Christians have it, too. My mom used to drive by a nice house she liked and would "claim" it, and have us cut pictures out of magazines of stuff we'd like to have. "Name it and Claim it" didn't work.


But there are plenty of people out there profitting from others by selling books and lining up speaking engagements to preach the prosperity gospel.

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One very old book on the subject is Claude M. Bristol's "Magic of Believing."  http://www.amazon.com/Magic-Believing-thINKing-Classics/dp/1907590064


I liked it. If you follow through, persevere and prepare, the belief in success is not unfounded. It's all about focusing energy on the goal and becoming immune to discouragement. Confidence really does breed success. The bullshit part of "success thinking" is expecting success to come with little or no effort. If you think you can't do it because you're too old, too uneducated, physically handicapped, it's a tough market, etc. you will accept any setback as proof of your inadequacies and bad luck. Success thinking realizes that external forces have little to do with you achieving your goals.

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Positive thinking is powerful, but not in a crazy magic way.  You just need to use positive thoughts to give you the drive and confidence to reach your goals.  

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I owe my deconversion to "The Secret".


From about a year before the final video was released portions of it were available online.  At my first viewing I thought it was piffle and very unchristian and so I rejected it.  But something stuck and I started to realise how my own thoughts affected how I felt,  and that I could change that by less negative thinking.


I tried a few things, like drawing pictures, telling myself that I would succeed with things which brought on anxiety attacks,  things I needed and/or desired seem to come to me.  I lost weight, found the courage to remedy my dental problems, became more socially active. (Changing my balance on my bank statement to $500,000  did NOT work though, lol)  A friend of mine also reported successes using the law of attraction, and I was pretty much sold on it.   I found more on the internet, read some books, discussed with other people.


Over time I started to analyze the changes in my life, noticing that my successes were due to having a different attitude, and being more open to what was around me.  That was "the Secret" in my opinion, not some outside magic process granting my wishes.


I also realised that 'prayer'  was really the same thing.  Positive thinking, believing, recognising those things around that would be useful.


The seeds of doubt about xtianity were sown. 


To make a long story short, I eventually said goodbye to my old reliance on the magic invisible sky daddy and his imaginary begotten love-child, and I recognised  the 'holly spritzer' as my own inner self.


I know that "The Secret" was primarily a commercial venture, but I do have to say that it did change my life.Wendymagic.gif


THis is pretty much it.   Having read think and grow rich many times as well as the richest man in Babylon.  Is that there are certain attitudes that prompt certain behaviors.  But that ultimately taking action to change those attitudes and behaviors is up to you. 


You still have to do the work and do it consistently.  

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