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It's A Circular Argument, Ironhorse.


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i answered this already in another thread


Yes, and you can see my response to it there, A1.


Copy and paste


lol do you sovle all math problems the same way?


This is not a math problem, so your question is irrelevant.


God had a specific reason why does his action for each event, it would be inaccurate to project his response and reason for one event and say that should be the cornerstone response to all events that he responses to.


(See below.)


in This Sauls scenario yes God didnt Kill him, but do you think he got away Scott free? haha i dont think so...1 Samuel 16:14


Saul then reconciled with David later on, so perhaps there was a PURPOSE to why God didnt kill him 1 Samuel 16:21–23


This is wrong, A1.

The massacre of the 85 priests and the all the people of the village of Nob by Doeg the Edomite (at King Saul's command) happened AFTER 1 Samuel 16, in chapter 22. So the torment Saul suffered and his reconciliation with David cannot be the reasons why God allowed those innocent Israelites to be slaughtered.

(Copied and pasted A1, as per your request.)


so let me go further on this Saying God did something for ONE thing is the same way he handles EVERYTHING is call fallacy of division. Which you should know better.


Then YOU were guilty of using the fallacy of division here... http://www.ex-christian.net/topic/66227-subjective-morality-a-case-in-point/page-5#.VM6EXp2sUuk ...in post # 86, when you introduced the example of the Amalekites to answer the RedNeckProf's questions about Oskar Schindler.  If the genocide of the Amalekites is a one-off, stand-alone example of God's morality in action - then how can you possibly use it in another context and draw comparisons from it?


If I can't use the example of how God acted against the Amalekites in other contexts, then neither can you.  PageofCupsNono.gif


 i ask again where does God draw the line if he has to kill to stop killing? does he kill because of a bad thought that could have manifested into killing like a school shooting, maybe the kid wanted to shoot the school because he was bullied, would God kill the kid who was going to shoot the school or kill the bully who prompted the kids thought to go on a shooting range, or should he kill the bullies parents or grandparents?......again where does God draw the line.


I'm not the one who claimed that God kills to prevent further killing.  

That was your line of argument, A1.  I've simply asked you about this and posited some questions, based on your line of argument.  It's not my place to answer questions about what you believe is true.  The person who is best qualified to do that is yourself.


IF God is real why dont he JUST FORCE you to belive him right now, if he wanted to be worshipped so bad?


Yes indeed A1!  

Why doesn't he do to me what he did to Adam and Eve - that is, take away my ability to freely choose?





Even the very worst of criminals may live long and prosperous lives might be asked ‘Why does not God kill more people, or even all people, like in the days of Noah? But God’s postponement of justice is not the absence of justice, delayed justice is still justice.


That is an article of faith on your part.  

What you believe will happen in the future A1 is faith.


herod died a horrible death

"Herod had died in a most dramatic fashion. Josephus the jewish historian states that a loathsome disease descended upon the ruler as a judgment from God on account of his sins. He describes the horrible details —burning fever, ulcerated entrails, foul discharges, convulsions, stench, etc. (Antiquities 17.6.5)."


So what?


i see how you nicely doged my questions were they too hard to answer?

i said them for a reason

why didnt God kill hitler(replace hitler with Herod) it could be ANYONE.

If God had stepped in and intervened and stopped Hitler, He would have had to stop every sinner in the World from doing his sin and wickedness! He would have had to interfere with the power of choice and the free will of man and man's choice in determining his own fate


I'm not the one who claimed that God kills to prevent further killing.  

That was your line of argument, A1.  I've simply asked you about this and posited some questions, based on your line of argument.  It's not my place to answer questions about what you believe is true.  The person who is best qualified to do that is yourself.


what about adam and eve

He would've had to forcibly prevent them from eating of it! But in order for them to have free will and choice, to demonstrate what would happen if man could have his own way and choose to do evil, for the whole plan of God to succeed in showing the awful consequences of evil and the blessings of doing good, He had to let them go ahead and have their own way. He's let man go ahead and have his own way and do as he pleases ever since, in order to especially save and bless those who voluntarily choose to love and serve Him forever!


Adam and Eve's so-called free choice was negated by God's plan of entrapment.




God conspired to give them no free choice when it came to eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


Nobody can have free choice if they do not understand that they have it.


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Interesting, 1AcceptingATheist1. I had a Xtian friend who stated that fear is the most motivating force in people becoming Xtians. That is god's plan. Yet you cite John to show how there's no real love in fear. In this case my friend is right and so is the Gospel of John. So there is no love in the conversion of Xtians. Only fear. After  all love doesn't work since the Gospels  are myth. But  fear works. The Evangelists know this. That's why they use fear rather than love. Xtiaity would have never gotten a foothold were it not for fear. Using just love would cause evangelists to lose one hell of a lot of money. There not that stupid.  Rip

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While you are sleeping, dream about how you would get rid of Evil.


If that's your motivation to stay in the cult, you better think about what good to expect from an entity that, according to its own "revealed word™", created that very same evil.

Case closed.

Oh snap!
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It doesn't bother me when people like Ray Comfort mock atheists.  I simply consider the source.


However it would seem that Ray Comfort does not know his own Bible.  Proverbs 1:26-27 doesn't say mockery is a legitimate form of debate.  


It says that God will mock unbelievers on the day that they die in order to punish them for not fearing God.


So when the tsunami killed a quarter of a million people in 2004 according to the Bible God was laughing at all the dead sinners.  


God laughs at all the suffering and death of unbelievers.


What a good and loving God!

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It doesn't bother me when people like Ray Comfort mock atheists.  I simply consider the source.


However it would seem that Ray Comfort does not know his own Bible.  Proverbs 1:26-27 doesn't say mockery is a legitimate form of debate.  


It says that God will mock unbelievers on the day that they die in order to punish them for not fearing God.


So when the tsunami killed a quarter of a million people in 2004 according to the Bible God was laughing at all the dead sinners.  


God laughs at all the suffering and death of unbelievers.


What a good and loving God!

That's interesting food for thought in relation to whoever it was that started the "Thanking god" thread (I honestly can't remember who it was, since lately that all seem to look alike to me).

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Back to the OP, Ironside is simply saying (whether he recognizes it or not) he puts his faith in the bible despite its many contradictions. But if as Xtians say, you can't have faith without a relationship with jesus and you have to have a faith in the bible to have faith in jesus.then you have a circular argument without a doubt. You have proved nothing. But if  faith in the bible is required  for a relationship with jesus, that means that faith in the Koran is needed for faith in Muhammad and the same principle for all other religions revealed by a holy book, what standard do you use to select the "right" holy book? How do you choose?


Oh, get it. You choose the revealed religion that is most prominent in your own culture. Thank you for clarifying that, Ironhorse.  Rip

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Here's something to piss you off




Lol, "evil men" who "refuse his moral judgment".




I'd be pissed off if this wasn't so stupid that it was funny. FrogsToadBigGrin.gif

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