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Goodbye Jesus

Just My Thoughts...

Guest GodzPoet

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Guest GodzPoet

Hi. This is my first time posting here and just found this site this morning. I have read a lot of the pages on the website and a few of the threads here. I wasn't sure how I wanted to do this or what the reaction would be but I had a couple of things I wanted to say, so here goes:


First off I want to say that I am sorry for the way that many of my fellow "christians" treat other people. Whether someone is saved or not doesn't mean we have the right to step all over them.

I am the first person to admit that I am not perfect and I also admit that at one time... I would have been a troll or sniper here. That was just how I perceived things then and I deeply regret my past treatment of others. One of the things about the group of people I worship with is that they fully realize the kind of things that many "christians" have done to others, both christians and non-christians alike. I just wish that there were more churches/christian groups that understood this.


Second... I also wanted to say that it kinda blew my mind to read some of the stories of the ex-christians here. The sincerity found in many of the stories is not much different than what you would expect find in any other type of ex-lifestyle (didn't know what else to call it... sorry if it sounds offensive). But it really surprised me... and I am very difficult to surprise that way.


I have learned how to agree to disagree and let it be. I have many non-christian friends. One is a stalwart atheist who is more like a brother to me and my family than a friend. Sometimes we talk about our different beliefs and he knows I just talk about it cuz I love him. He even answers his phone "God speaking!" when he sees that its me on his caller ID.


All kidding aside tho, I commend you all for making a place where there is some kind of support network for those that aren't comfortable with being/pretending/believing Christianity. Good luck and I hope that everything goes well for you all and your website here.


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Welcome GP!


You've made a good start around here and I encourage you to read and participate as much as you feel comfortable. Please be aware, however, that many of us didn't leave christianity because of the actions of others (those "other" christians you mentioned) but as the result of our own, personal, spiritual journies.


Again, welcome!



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I have learned how to agree to disagree and let it be.


That's a good way to live life. Welcome!

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Thanks for coming on with a very commendable attitude & character.


I'm sure you'll be welcomed by most everyone around here with a mindset like yours.

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Welcome Poet!


To re-enforce what Skanky said, don't think that most of us deconverted because of how we were treated. I was treated just fine.


It was my investigation of the origins and formation of the NT caused me to doubt it was authored somehow by God. I think it's a WORTHY GOAL to try to get more knowledgable and educated on the history of the early church, and to get as much evidence as possible to understand and defend the bible and Christianity. Unfortunately, the more you learn, the weaker the foundation becomes. It was a hard thing to realize my whole belief system was based on man-made stories, myths, lies, errors, and misunderstandings.


Many here have undergone similar experiences. If you WANT to remain a strong Christian, don't go poking around history, archeology, the early church beliefs, or do any serious bible studies.

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This is the BEST hands down first post by a christian in this Forum that I've seen so far. I wish we could put it somewhere as an excellent example for other christians, of the courteous way to enter a "room".


Very well done!


I hope your future posts live up to the honor, respect, and politeness of this one!



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Welcome Poet!

To re-enforce what Skanky said, don't think that most of us deconverted because of how we were treated. I was treated just fine.


Welcome aboard, GodzPoet!


And with me, as well. Bored to tears, but treated fine. I also researched Christianity from the beginning until now, and came to the same conclusions. And the more I learn, the more convincing the evidence that Christianity is simply false.


Please stick around-- your decency and attitude are refreshing!

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This is the BEST hands down first post by a christian in this Forum that I've seen so far. I wish we could put it somewhere as an excellent example for other christians, of the courteous way to enter a "room".


Very well done!


I hope your future posts live up to the honor, respect, and politeness of this one!




I second that - and welcome to the forum! th_hb.gifth_blackmetalhead.gifth_trooper.gif

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I don't know about the rest of you, but when I saw that there was a post made by someone called, GodzPoet with the title, " Just My Thoughts...", I expected it to read like something along the lines of :

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Jesus is God

And the Holy Spirit is too





Welcome to ExC, GP. :grin:

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First off I want to say that I am sorry for the way that many of my fellow "christians" treat other people.

no need to apologise for the actions of others. Every is responsible for themselves. That's one of the things we strongly believe here.


Whether someone is saved or not doesn't mean we have the right to step all over them.

When ideas of self righteousness and feeling one of god's chosen people goes through ones head. That is bound to happen



All kidding aside tho, I commend you all for making a place where there is some kind of support network for those that aren't comfortable with being/pretending/believing Christianity. Good luck and I hope that everything goes well for you all and your website here.

Do stick around. Kindness and open attitude are always welcome here.

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This is the BEST hands down first post by a christian in this Forum that I've seen so far. I wish we could put it somewhere as an excellent example for other christians, of the courteous way to enter a "room".


Yes - I forgot to comment on that; this post should be pinned as an example to all Gawd Warriors on how to actually show courtesy and respect on this board. If more Xians were like GodzPoet, I think we'd have less trouble overall.

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Welcome Poet!


Wow! I have to say I am very much impressed. I had thought, as the others did, when I opened the thread, it would be yet another Fundy attack. I was pleasantly surprised.


As far the Christians who come here and attack us, I feel that they are unfamiliar with their own religion knowing only what they have been spoonfed. They automatically go on the defensive because what we say is so contradictory to their mindset. They see only black and white without any room for gray.


We have Christians on the board who I have a lot of respect for and now there is one more. I beleive that spirituality is a human experience and each person's path is very individual. Choosing a Christian path is but one form of spirituality, but it shouldn't diminish or condemn another persons right to their own journey.



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That's a good way to live life. Welcome!


What? Bullshit! That way sucks!






Welcome GP, good to have a christian we don't have to yell at.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest GodzPoet

Thanks to the comments from everyone. Sorry I haven't posted sooner... I don't get to use the internet very often as we don't have a phone or cable... but I will stop by here if just to say "Hi" when I can. There are a few more things that I do wanna say tho.


First of all... I figured if I was gonna post here... I was going to use the same name I use everywhere else that I post or chat with. To do otherwise would have been two-faced and hypocritical in a major way.


Second... I do still believe that there is only one way to heaven... but I am not going to try to cram it down anyone else's throats. It's their choice to believe or not believe. And if they don't wanna believe... I can't change that.


Third... as far as archaeology, history, and early church beliefs are concerned... I am an avid reader of both Christian authored and secular authored materials on those subjects. Here is my opinion on that... there are always gonna be antagonists in both camps trying solely to prove the other wrong. So let them keep trying to prove each other wrong. There are other reasons for my faith that go much deeper than book knowledge can go. I will not back down from stating my beliefs when the situation demands it. And to those who are offended because I am "preaching" I deeply apologize. I don't usually jump on the soapbox... but I felt it necessary to clarify those things that could otherwise be misunderstood.



Thanks again to everyone.


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First of all... I figured if I was gonna post here... I was going to use the same name I use everywhere else that I post or chat with. To do otherwise would have been two-faced and hypocritical in a major way.


I wouldn't have thought so, but that's your choice. No matter your nick, we welcome you.


Second... I do still believe that there is only one way to heaven... but I am not going to try to cram it down anyone else's throats. It's their choice to believe or not believe. And if they don't wanna believe... I can't change that.


Again, pity more Xians don't think like that. Live and let live - whatever happened to that?


Third... as far as archaeology, history, and early church beliefs are concerned... I am an avid reader of both Christian authored and secular authored materials on those subjects. Here is my opinion on that... there are always gonna be antagonists in both camps trying solely to prove the other wrong. So let them keep trying to prove each other wrong. There are other reasons for my faith that go much deeper than book knowledge can go. I will not back down from stating my beliefs when the situation demands it. And to those who are offended because I am "preaching" I deeply apologize. I don't usually jump on the soapbox... but I felt it necessary to clarify those things that could otherwise be misunderstood.


No need to apologize - I don't see any "preaching" here, just good, rational discourse. Again, most commendable. And you've got an open mind, which is the best thing you can have. Yes, I disagree with your religious choice but am not going to try to convince you into accepting mine or anyone else's. But the fact that you avail yourself of the "other side's" opinion and don't dismiss it just because "ungodly heathens" or whatever wrote it. You display good intellect and wisdom, and there can never be enough of that around.


Drop by whenever - we aren't going anywhere :)

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I don't get to use the internet very often as we don't have a phone or cable...



Just curious, where are you from? :scratch:

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This is the BEST hands down first post by a christian in this Forum that I've seen so far. I wish we could put it somewhere as an excellent example for other christians, of the courteous way to enter a "room".


Very well done!



Hey Poet


Even though I don’t share your belief in Jesus – thanks for being a great example. And I personally don’t think that you should take it on yourself to apologize on behalf of all Christians.



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Third... as far as archaeology, history, and early church beliefs are concerned... I am an avid reader of both Christian authored and secular authored materials on those subjects. Here is my opinion on that... there are always gonna be antagonists in both camps trying solely to prove the other wrong. So let them keep trying to prove each other wrong.

[/size][/font] :thanks:


Well, it's entirely irrelevant regarding archaeology, history, and early church beliefs in regards to God's existence...so I don't generally argue it.

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Guest GodzPoet

I don't get to use the internet very often as we don't have a phone or cable...



Just curious, where are you from? :scratch:


I am from NY state originally... now residing in KY. My husband and I are both out of work right now and we are relying on both food stamps and HUD to get us thru for now. Not much fun, but we have most of what we need... and when we need something food stamps won't buy... we either ask our church or donate plasma.


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I don't get to use the internet very often as we don't have a phone or cable...



Just curious, where are you from? :scratch:


I am from NY state originally... now residing in KY. My husband and I are both out of work right now and we are relying on both food stamps and HUD to get us thru for now. Not much fun, but we have most of what we need... and when we need something food stamps won't buy... we either ask our church or donate plasma.



Your husband should whore himself out to 50 fat chicks for 1000 dollars each. Or 500 really fat chicks for 100 dollars each.


Hey...fat chicks need lovin, they just gotta pay.

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Hey...fat chicks need lovin, they just gotta pay.
Dude, that ain't even right. What if she is a fat chick?


You didn't even think of that, did you? :Hmm:



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Guest GodzPoet

Well... um... thanks for the um... interesting advice... ah... umm... I think I am just gonna keep donating plasma. Would be a LOT less painful.


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Guest GodzPoet

Um... I AM a "fat chick" and believe me... there are somedays when I pay DEARLY for my lovin' but it is well worth it to me. We are going to celebrate our 7th Anniversary this May. We are very happily married and our faith is what has brought us together and kept us together.

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I don't get to use the internet very often as we don't have a phone or cable...



Just curious, where are you from? :scratch:


I am from NY state originally... now residing in KY. My husband and I are both out of work right now and we are relying on both food stamps and HUD to get us thru for now. Not much fun, but we have most of what we need... and when we need something food stamps won't buy... we either ask our church or donate plasma.


Ok, I was thinking you lived in some remote backwater villiage where phones and cable were new inventions that hadn't made it to your area yet. Just checking :)


Your husband should whore himself out to 50 fat chicks for 1000 dollars each. Or 500 really fat chicks for 100 dollars each.


Hey...fat chicks need lovin, they just gotta pay.

Is this what you did? :wicked:

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