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Goodbye Jesus

Does Hell Scare You....It Does Me

Guest end3

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I post these things here because this place offers a place to discuss without being castigated by "friends" on FB.  I'm normal, not crazy....just saying. 


Dad's 6th wife had his memorial today.  He died a several weeks ago.  He originally was a believer but died a non-believer.  He was cremated.  Many of his past co-workers and students were there.  He was a chemistry professor, department head, and wore many other hats in his day.


My son was here this weekend for visitation.  He still sleeps with me as he is pretty young.  Last night he woke up and kept looking at me and saying, "help me, help me, help me please" in a voice that was not of his personality or age.  I realize you think this might be crazy, but I am just trying to relate the story/feeling.  So this morning I asked him if he had a bad dream.....to which he said no, he didn't remember waking up or dream nor conversation.  I had asked him while he was dreaming if he was ok...to which he replied yes.


So now this morning I keep having feelings that this was my father in hell trying to convey a message.  I've also had feelings after my grandmother died that she returned in my dreams to let me know things were ok.


Certainly I can rationalize this away, but it just feels like it would be a deliberate rationalization.  Idk.





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Nope. Hell doesn't scare me any more than the boogeyman.


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I personally have no fear of Hell.  Of course in my opinion the only real hell is the one we create anytime humans wage war.  I feel sorry for those who have to endure that suffering, but I digress.


Perhaps you should talk to your pediatrician about night terrors.  I know that doesn't fit your truth view but give it a shot for your son's sake.  Extending Grace and all that.  Night terrors are usually not a big deal and clear up on their own but your pediatrician can give you some tips on how to help and comfort.







Upon reflection, I realize there are natural disasters that can also generate enough suffering to be on par with war.  So I would say those qualify as hell too.   

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1 hour ago, end3 said:

I post these things here because this place offers a place to discuss without being castigated by "friends" on FB.  I'm normal, not crazy....just saying........................


Certainly I can rationalize this away, but it just feels like it would be a deliberate rationalization.  Idk.


"Does Hell Scare you, It Does Me"

Matthew 10:28

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

Matthew 25:41

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

Revelation 14:10-11

He who does not heed the word of God, upon judgment “…will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and will be tormented with fire and sulfur …And the smoke of their torment will go on forever and ever….”

Revelation 20:10

And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.


No castigation, just advice: Don't believe in the BS of the Bible or of any religion. Just follow a good life of your own moral conviction. Believing in a God of any religion, heaven or hell, is not rational thinking based upon serious intellectual considerations over time IMO. Such a life can be very happy and generally fearless in the absence of ridiculous beliefs.

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No, hell does not scare me. There is no reason at all to think that it exists. The fear of hell is the very definition of an irrational fear.

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You said you thought maybe your father was calling to you via the dream, but when asked if he was okay, he said yes. Would that be the response of someone talking to you from Hell?

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3 minutes ago, florduh said:

You said you thought maybe your father was calling to you via the dream, but when asked if he was okay, he said yes. Would that be the response of someone talking to you from Hell?


I don't think that's what he meant. It was the son saying that he himself was ok.


Regardless, there's no reason to think that the kid's muttering was channeling a dead person. It was probably just caused by a dream. We all forget dreams we have and things we mutter while asleep or half awake. There is absolutely no logical reason to think that this was some magical event.


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1 hour ago, end3 said:

I had asked him while he was dreaming if he was ok...to which he replied yes.

So I take it that "Dad" was speaking at that moment since the boy had no recollection of any of this. Correct me if I got it wrong.

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8 minutes ago, florduh said:

So I take it that "Dad" was speaking at that moment since the boy had no recollection of any of this. Correct me if I got it wrong.


Oh. Maybe. He'll have to answer that. I saw the placement of that statement as meaning he asked after the fact, but I guess I missed the little word "had," which does seem to mean earlier. In that case, you raise a great point. "Dad" wouldn't be "ok" in "hell" if it was someplace to fear.


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No, there is no evidence hell does exist. I don't spend my time fearing that which does not exist.


Do you fear Hades, Tartarus, the underworld or any other imaginary place humans have invented?


End3 it was probably just a bad dream, of which we have many, and he was 'acting it out'. Your cognitive functions would have done the rest to create some explanation outside of what actually happened.


My brother in law tells me my sister carries on full conversations with him while she is sleeping.... but has no recollection of it.


Our brains are amazing and complicated and does really random stuff at times.


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4 hours ago, end3 said:

I post these things here because this place offers a place to discuss without being castigated by "friends" on FB.  I'm normal, not crazy....just saying. 


Dad's 6th wife had his memorial today.  He died a several weeks ago.  He originally was a believer but died a non-believer.  He was cremated.  Many of his past co-workers and students were there.  He was a chemistry professor, department head, and wore many other hats in his day.


My son was here this weekend for visitation.  He still sleeps with me as he is pretty young.  Last night he woke up and kept looking at me and saying, "help me, help me, help me please" in a voice that was not of his personality or age.  I realize you think this might be crazy, but I am just trying to relate the story/feeling.  So this morning I asked him if he had a bad dream.....to which he said no, he didn't remember waking up or dream nor conversation.  I had asked him while he was dreaming if he was ok...to which he replied yes.


So now this morning I keep having feelings that this was my father in hell trying to convey a message.  I've also had feelings after my grandmother died that she returned in my dreams to let me know things were ok.


Certainly I can rationalize this away, but it just feels like it would be a deliberate rationalization.  Idk.






No. There is no hell. And your dad's body is gone, so there's nothing to burn any more even if there were. Hell was elaborated in the Middle Ages to scare the peasants.

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Maybe ‘you’ had the bad dream, End.


Sorry to hear about your Dad, Sir.

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Could be a number of things....none being my father in hell.  My son turned up sick today....high temp.  Could have been me partially dreaming as well.  No telling. 


I read a book when I was younger about a lady theoretically visiting hell.  Seemed very real to me.  Obviously it has had an affect.  But with that said, I have watched the Long Island Medium with scrutiny and can't seem to discount her talent/show.  Perhaps there is something I am missing. 


I guess if there is a hell, I certainly wouldn't want anyone there.  Not a good thing from the "accounts".


Thanks for listening.

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I hope your son gets better soon. 


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1 hour ago, end3 said:

Could be a number of things....none being my father in hell.  My son turned up sick today....high temp.  Could have been me partially dreaming as well.  No telling. 


I read a book when I was younger about a lady theoretically visiting hell.  Seemed very real to me.  Obviously it has had an affect.  But with that said, I have watched the Long Island Medium with scrutiny and can't seem to discount her talent/show.  Perhaps there is something I am missing. 


I guess if there is a hell, I certainly wouldn't want anyone there.  Not a good thing from the "accounts".


Thanks for listening.


I used to wake up to the doorbell ringing...yet nobody was there. Neither my wife nor the dogs heard it either. Probably just sleep hallucination. Sometimes my wife says  my name ... and I look over and she's asleep and didnt really say anything at all. :)


Long Island Medium is interesting. Paranormal stuff is interesting.

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Humans often experience pattern recognition errors, mistaken associations between two or more events and robust cognitive biases.  Being under natural emotional stress can enhance these phenomena.

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End, Hell is only a tool that has been used for thousands of years now to control people. The old testament didn't even reflect a hell as we know it today. That didn't come along until the assholes that wrote the new testament. 


So NO I dont fear Hell as it doesn't exist. However if you put yourself in the shoes of someone who lived back in that time and was influenced by greek mythology and their Hades then it is easy to accept Hell under a monotheistic religion. Obviously hell which is supposed to be beneath the earths surface is a fiery pit, i'm sure most people in the area knew what a volcano was. and that molten hot lava flowed from them. These are all just Stories and myths that evolved over time. 


I am not one that has totally turned my back on some sort of supernatural possibility or that there may be a soul. The odds are that there isn't. I hope that there is. But what I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that the bible is a book of lies, half truths, and filled with deception. It is filled with ancient political motivation. They used the power of belief and tweaked these stories to rally the people behind them for various purposes just as they do with us today with the news. And scripture for that matter. Even after thousands of years preachers still interpret the scripture in whatever way they see fit to push their personal beliefs on the congregation. Early in the deconversion process I realized that if there was one God and he wrote one book then there shouldn't be millions of different denominations all preaching different doctrines from the same book inspired by the same God. Now that I am an outsider looking in at the scripture I can see it for what it really is now. 


I hope this helps. 


Good luck my friend.


Dark Bishop


edit: I should also add that if there is anything after death then no man made religion knows what that thing is. guess we will know for sure when we embark on that great last journey of death ourselves.

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On 22/01/2018 at 3:41 AM, end3 said:

I post these things here because this place offers a place to discuss without being castigated by "friends" on FB.  I'm normal, not crazy....just saying. 


Dad's 6th wife had his memorial today.  He died a several weeks ago.  He originally was a believer but died a non-believer.  He was cremated.  Many of his past co-workers and students were there.  He was a chemistry professor, department head, and wore many other hats in his day.


My son was here this weekend for visitation.  He still sleeps with me as he is pretty young.  Last night he woke up and kept looking at me and saying, "help me, help me, help me please" in a voice that was not of his personality or age.  I realize you think this might be crazy, but I am just trying to relate the story/feeling.  So this morning I asked him if he had a bad dream.....to which he said no, he didn't remember waking up or dream nor conversation.  I had asked him while he was dreaming if he was ok...to which he replied yes.


So now this morning I keep having feelings that this was my father in hell trying to convey a message.  I've also had feelings after my grandmother died that she returned in my dreams to let me know things were ok.


Certainly I can rationalize this away, but it just feels like it would be a deliberate rationalization.  Idk.





There you go end3


Jeremiah 7:31 31

They have built the high places of Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire-something I did not command, nor did it enter my mind.


You should all sleep well tonight.

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26 minutes ago, theanticrash said:

There you go end3


Jeremiah 7:31 31

They have built the high places of Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire-something I did not command, nor did it enter my mind.


You should all sleep well tonight.


Good point. Yet, how could it have not entered the mind of a supposedly all-knowing being?


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1 minute ago, Citsonga said:


Good point. Yet, how could it have not entered the mind of a supposedly all-knowing being?


It's a term of phrase I think.

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4 minutes ago, theanticrash said:

It's a term of phrase I think.


I suspect so, too, but many Christians take the Bible as literally true.


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19 minutes ago, Citsonga said:


I suspect so, too, but many Christians take the Bible as literally true.


I know, aren't they dumb. Boy they're going to feel mighty silly when they met the Lord Brahem.

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On 1/28/2018 at 3:23 PM, theanticrash said:

There you go end3


Jeremiah 7:31 31

They have built the high places of Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire-something I did not command, nor did it enter my mind.


You should all sleep well tonight.

thats a damn good verse anticrash!!!! next time someone says im going to hell im gonna quote that and say "see god didnt want them to burn their children how could he burn his own in an everlasting fire?" and if they say that it changed. Then I'll have to pull out the old "I am the Lord thy God I change not." 'so it couldn't change. Jesus must have just been a poser and wasn't really Gods son b/c if he was and he knew the fathers will he wouldn't have come up with all that Hell bullshit to scare people into believing in him :-) LMAO

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25 minutes ago, DarkBishop said:

Jesus must have just been a poser and wasn't really Gods son b/c if he was and he knew the fathers will he wouldn't have come up with all that Hell bullshit to scare people into believing in him :-) LMAO



:jesus:  Dude, you don't need to obey Yahweh anymore.  Cuz . . . yeah like I'm his son and Yahweh sent me to give you a . . . new covenant.  You don't need that old bargain you made with Yahweh.  Yahweh doesn't expect you to keep the promises you made to him . . . so make new promises to me . . . and in my name.  And also you can pray to me instead of Yahweh.  He is totally cool with that.  I'm going to be the new middle man between you and Yahweh.  Just think of me as a barrier.  Nobody should contact Yahweh except if they go through me.  And you can stop offering Yahweh sacrifices for forgiveness.  From now on I do all the forgiving.  I'm sure Yahweh won't miss your sacrifices.  In fact you guys can totally stop calling yourselves the name of Yahweh's religion.  From now on our religion will be named after me.  Yahweh doesn't mind.  He is totally fine with having other gods before him.  Trust me.  Take it on faith.


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1 hour ago, mymistake said:



:jesus:  Dude, you don't need to obey Yahweh anymore.  Cuz . . . yeah like I'm his son and Yahweh sent me to give you a . . . new covenant.  You don't need that old bargain you made with Yahweh.  Yahweh doesn't expect you to keep the promises you made to him . . . so make new promises to me . . . and in my name.  And also you can pray to me instead of Yahweh.  He is totally cool with that.  I'm going to be the new middle man between you and Yahweh.  Just think of me as a barrier.  Nobody should contact Yahweh except if they go through me.  And you can stop offering Yahweh sacrifices for forgiveness.  From now on I do all the forgiving.  I'm sure Yahweh won't miss your sacrifices.  In fact you guys can totally stop calling yourselves the name of Yahweh's religion.  From now on our religion will be named after me.  Yahweh doesn't mind.  He is totally fine with having other gods before him.  Trust me.  Take it on faith.


Totally and completely wrong.  jesus didn't come to abolish the law; but to fulfill it.  Same with the covenant.  You'd know that if you had ever been a True Christian(TM).  ^_^

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