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Goodbye Jesus

Has anyone read this book on a-holes?


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I just ran across this on Amazon while looking for something else (no, not what you're thinking) and wondered if anyone had read it.




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Yes. @Orbit I just finished it two weeks ago.


it's a quick read and, mostly, self-help relating to what battles you should fight and which ones to let go. Mr. James identifies several types of assholes - my favorite being the self-aggrandizing asshole - because I not only work for one but I have encountered a few of Mrs. MOHO's fundy friends who fit that caricature as well.


The last 100 pp or so is the author's rant about what he feels is asshole capitalism. He does not appear to be anti-capitalist in general but feels there are many who spoil the concept.


After reading the book I took an account of my own behavior and identified at least one area where I need to take an accounting. Like my response to newbies here when I get the feeling that their only reason for visiting us is to dump their religious diatribes on us. I'm sure I have come off as an asshole to one or two.

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  • 1 month later...

Huh. I've run into plenty of unsavory people; maybe I'll read this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Haven't read it, but stumbled across the updated version in a bookstore a while back. It looked interesting.

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