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Goodbye Jesus

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Hello everbody!

I come back with some other curious questions to ask you.


When you die what do you think will happen to you?


Not gonna go into the Heaven/Hell thing. Just wondering what you believe in






Thank you!

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Goodbye Jesus
Hello everbody!

I come back with some other curious questions to ask you.


When you die what do you think will happen to you?


Not gonna go into the Heaven/Hell thing. Just wondering what you believe in






Thank you!


I believe that presuming to actually know what's going to happen to me after I die is foolish arrogance & wasted time.


I certainly don't believe that I'm going to hell for doing a few bad things in comparison to all the good things I've done.


As for what is to come, I'll enjoy that journey when I get to it. For now, I'm a bit too busy enjoy and making use of life.

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I believe we will cease to exist. By ceasing to exist, I mean not existing any more, and by not existing, I mean the same level of existence we had before our mothers conceived us in their wombs. All our memories, experiences, personality traits will cease to exist. Irrecoverable.


Of course, that is just a belief, and I don't apply belief to real life.

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^^so do you think we'll be conceived again?

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I believe that when I die I'll be too busy being dead to worry about all the hoopla surrounding the meaning of death. Just like right now, I'm usually too busy living to worry about all the hoopla surrounding the meaning of life.


I figure that when I was born I got the hang of living pretty quickly. So when I die, I'll get the hang of being dead pretty quickly as well. Why worry until then?

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^^so do you think we'll be conceived again?

Officially, I do not know.



However, if there is such a reincarnation, I think it is likely that our memories and personality traits will be forever erased when we die. Think of it as the ultimite amnesia. If we are reborn again, we are newborn babies with no trace of any past life whatsoever.


But it is also possible that the lives we have are unique. I am not a brain surgeon, but I have heard that it has demonstrated that knowledge, memories, and experiences a physical change in our brains. So maybe who we are is a physical state, and not a spiritual state.

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Guest Euthyphro

I have no idea what will happen. And God has never told me anything about anything and I have no means to know while I'm alive. At least so far. I am open minded about an afterlife I guess, but an afterlife is not important to me right now. Living is.

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I personally believe we face truth.



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I like to think there is an afterlife..but whether there really is or not, some days I believe there is, fully convinced..other days not.


So, I don't know what I believe. I don't know.


I know what I don't believe, and that is an eternal torment in hell for those who don't "believe" just the right thing. I think that's total crap, fear-based belief to get the masses to follow the "church" or some man..and make them walk in line with whatever the agenda of the day is.

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Same thing that happens to all the rest of the mammals on the planet.


Or as Mark Twain is attributed to have said: "I was dead for millions of years before I was born and it never inconvenienced me a bit. I expect that after I am gone I will be equally inconvenienced."


Epicurus; “Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?”


The scientist/philosopher Carl Sagan wrote, “For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.”

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I like to think there is an afterlife..but whether there really is or not, some days I believe there is, fully convinced..other days not.


So, I don't know what I believe.  I don't know.


I know what I don't believe, and that is an eternal torment in hell for those who don't "believe" just the right thing.  I think that's total crap, fear-based belief to get the masses to follow the "church" or some man..and make them walk in line with whatever the agenda of the day is.


Same here. :grin:

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Guest Arria

Probably for all of you this is a new idea, you may think about it, you might dismis it, its your choice...


"disengage (“death”)



Disengagement of physical focus, as you are most probably aware, is that moment that you choose, which you DO choose, to be disengaging of this manifestation, or what you commonly address to be death. I do not choose to engage the word death, for there is no death. There is merely emergence, which is birth. Therefore, at the moment of disengagement, you are birthed, not ‘deathed.’ (Grinning, obviously pleased with the word ‘deathed.’ Elias is full of himself tonight!)


But within this action of being birthed and an emergence, you enter into an action which is termed to be a transition. This transition is to be shedding completely of the objective awareness and the belief systems held within the objective awareness, that you may re-emerge – not newly emerge, but re-emerge – yourselves into non-physical focus and move into whatever direction you choose to move within, for you are within a continual state of becoming, and that is what you are. Therefore, if you inquire, ‘What am I?’ or ‘Who am I?,’ you are essence and you are within a continual state of becoming. This is consciousness. This is essence. This is you


Who is Elias?


Elias describes himself as a nonphysically focused “energy personality essence,” or what has been commonly termed a “spirit” or an “entity.” However, he defines the word “essence” as an action rather than an entity. He says that he has experienced many physical lifetimes or “focuses,” but is not physically manifest in this present time framework. Presently, he chooses to focus his awareness in nonphysical areas of consciousness in which he holds the intent of teaching, or more specifically, of offering information within the least amount of distortion.


ELIAS: “I am what you are. I am the same as you. I am an energy personality essence, in like manner to yourself. You also are an energy personality essence, but you choose to be focusing your attention within the exploration of physical dimensions. I choose not, presently. I hold a remembrance and you have forgotten, and this is the difference, and beyond this, what I am is the same as what you are.”





There is nothing unusual or unnatural about for many of us who project, explore and experience many case with validations, different areas of consciousness, contact disengaged personalities... it just depend on our intent and desire, and understanding who we really are...

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"Whatever pans out, happens"


Too much to worry about this go-around to worry about what may lie in the next should one exist..


Not gonna spend any more coffee house, fill baldder until brain busts time making mankee-munkee worry time on subject.


"Pannism, works for daFatman"



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I'd like to think that we are reincarnated and that, over the course of many lives, we become more of what we were intended to be. When we are finally "complete", we join the universal consciousness/energy. I do not believe in Hell, as Hell is in one's mind and of one's own making.


This is just my beliefs and nothing more. I don't claim it as a certainty.

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Hello everbody!

I come back with some other curious questions to ask you.


When you die what do you think will happen to you?


Not gonna go into the Heaven/Hell thing. Just wondering what you believe in






Thank you!


Personally, I believe there is an afterlife, but I do not know what that existence is, outside of time. We may even be able to be re-incarnated. Who knows.


In my studies of Scientific NDE/OBE Research by Ring, Sabom, Moody, etc., it would appear to be the case that these can be culturally or conceptually influenced, but are not religion-dependent. Veridical testimony regarding accurate descriptions of events, objects, and individuals by those whose physical bodies were non-functional or clinically dead, to me demonstrates that there is more to human existence than just the physical, and that an after-life may indeed be possible. Scientific Research in this area also extends into the field of Neurotheology, pioneered by Persinger and others.


Testimonies of those who have been at what would appear to be the Dimensional Gates, and have come back to relate what they experienced can be read here:

http://www.near-death.com This is basically a New Age site, but they do believe in adherance to the Scientific Method as much as possible.


My assumption with your question is that it is a round-about attempt to get us to start fidgeting about Xtian "hell". I hate to disappoint you, but very pleasant NDEs have been had by total atheists. You can read about those here: http://www.near-death.com/atheists.html


As we have illustrated time and again here, with regard to Xtian exclusionist claims of "the only way to be saved", etc, the errancy (both prophetic and historical), incongruity and self-contradiction of biblical Myths, constructs and pseudepigraphs can not possibly be the "divinely inspired" "word" of "perfect" biblegod (not to mention the atrocities and butchery of the OT), and are thus not a valid foundation upon which to base anything, especially dogmatic threats of "damnation" and "hellfire".


We are asked to believe that "the 10 commandments" (and others totalling 613) in the bible are a "divine" utterance, despite, as per the work of historians such as Cantor, etc. that illustrate that there is no empirical historical or archeaological foundation for the first 1,000 years of alleged Hebrew biblical history. There is also not one shred of extra-biblical evidence or corroboration for a god-man named "Jesus" of "Nazareth", nor any demonstration by believers that John 14:12, etc are true. Unfortunately for the fundie, the externalities of dogma, tradition, literalized Myth/Religious Drama and legalism are paramount, and Esoteric Truths are ignored. The brain-washed sheeple, having never investigated anything for themselves, are content with existence dominated by fear-based exclusionism, guilt/control-mongering and other doctrinal idiocy.


The sordid history of Xtianity, culminating with the present-day neo-con religio-statist theocratic mindset (those who have deluded themselves into believing that they can foist their baseless dogmatic bullshit on the entire populace) and associated hypocrisy, corruption, election fraud and greed illustrate the evil that it is. Incidents such as the Deanna Laney tragedy, the Mancini child-sacrifice lunacy and the violence perpetrated against Pagan teen India Tracy by brown-shirt Xtian Nazi thugs are enough to convince anyone that Xtian dogma is a negative and destructive force.


I do not claim that my Nature-based Pagan Path is "absolute truth", "the only way to be saved", "going to hell" if they don't subscribe to it, etc. My Spiritual Experiences and what I perceive as Vibratory At-Onement with the Living Universe and the Polarities which Flow in it Afford me what I Seek, and Health in mind and body as well...i.e The Essence Of Life.


There are many differing views and perspectives here. I am in my 11th year of bliss without Xtianity. Others here are newly decoverted, and are still trying to sort things out in their struggling with the hurt and abuse suffered under the dogmatic bondage of religionism. One thing is for sure. We are for the most part, pretty much "atheists" as far as biblegod is concerned. Our common bond is that we have left Xtianity. I'm not really all that concerned about an after-life right now. One area of focus for me right now is on saving our Republic and Constitution from the most corrupt administration in the history of this country, and the vile religio-statists who desire to turn this great nation into a theocratic hell-hole.


The "turn-or-burn" crap isn't going to fly in here, and neither is pre-supp BS, or "end-time" lunatics who want to make "Armageddon" happen, etc. You're going to have to PROVE that your claims of ""Jesus" is the only way to be saved" are indeed true. We have yet to see any Xtian come in here and do that.


That is my answer. You may not like it, but you have it.



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I either :1. become worm food.


2. go back to my planet of origin.

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To the best of my knowledge, I'll cease to exist. I don't recall existing before I was born, and I doubt I'll know about existing after I die.

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Hello everbody!

I come back with some other curious questions to ask you.


When you die what do you think will happen to you?


Not gonna go into the Heaven/Hell thing. Just wondering what you believe in






Thank you!


You do not have eternal consciousness, or as a minimum, no memory of it. This is a staement of verifiable fact, not merely speculation. You have no memories before your birth. In fact, you don't even remember your birth. Your first memory is likely sometime well after your first birthday. You can not account for all the time while you slept last night. Either you've forgotten, or your consciousness ceased to exist for parts of the night, and you entered a lower level of consciousness during your dreams.


What use is eternal consciousness if you can't remember it? For all practical purposes, you didn't exist if you can't remember existing. Really, if your body does not continue, and neither do your memories, then in what sense is it "you"?


Have you ever been put under for surgery? It's the most bizarre experience. One moment your lying there with an IV in your arm and the doctor is asking "do you feel sleepy yet?", the next moment you're in recovery. There's no sense of the passage of time, no dreams, nothing. Your consciousness does not exist.


I place post-death existence in the same category as god, aliens, fairies, etc. I can not falsify it, but then again, the premise has been intentionally designed to prevent falsification, i.e., it's irrational to accept it.

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Hello everbody!

I come back with some other curious questions to ask you.


When you die what do you think will happen to you?


Not gonna go into the Heaven/Hell thing. Just wondering what you believe in






Thank you!


When I die I believe that it will be the end of me. I will no where, I will know nothing. I won't even know that I am dead.


Now do I want it to be this way? No I don't. But it's the truth I must face.

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"Belief" in itself is presumptuous, egocentric and arrogant. When most people use the term "I believe in such and such," what they actually mean is "Wouldn't it be very nice if such and such were so?" A more productive attitude to life, learning and reality in general would be to critically consider all possibilities until one can rationally either put them aside as redundant, or denote them as worthy of further analysis.

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Hello everbody!

I come back with some other curious questions to ask you.


When you die what do you think will happen to you?


Not gonna go into the Heaven/Hell thing. Just wondering what you believe in






Thank you!

If everyone on this planet actually answered you truthfully, no matter what their "beliefs" were, the answer would be " I don't know". For some reason I do "believe" it is important to be "truthful" to yourself and no "religion" is even remotely "truthful"; that is why they rely on "faith". Faith has absolutely nothing to do with Truth.

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I'll live on in my works and in the memories of those with whom I've engaged while alive.


Plenty enough.


All else is idle (and sometimes counter-productive) supposition.

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nothingness seems more likely, So might as well ejoy life while you can. Im not saying go max out all your credit cards but just live a responsible life.

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When you die what do you think will happen to you?


Not gonna go into the Heaven/Hell thing. Just wondering what you believe in




What do you mean by the word, believe? If I understand your use of the word correctly, to believe is to have enough knowledge of something that one adheres to that belief in such a way and to a degree that it has an effect on one's life. Using that definition, I don't believe in anything. I don't know anything more than the fact that death should occur eventually. I live life with that in mind. I want to die with no regrets.


As you call yourself a Christian, Noah Webster's original entries for the word, believe, may be of interest to you. This is from his dictionary as it was first published in 1828.


BELIE'VE, v.t. 1. To credit upon the authority or testimony of another; to be persuaded of the truth of something upon the declaration of another, or upon evidence furnished by reasons, arguments, and deductions of the mind, or by other circumstances, than personal knowledge. When we believe upon the authority of another, we always put confidence in his veracity.


When we believe upon the authority of reasoning, arguments, or a concurrence of facts and circumstances, we rest our conclusions upon their strength or probability, their agreement with our own experience, &c.


2. To expect or hope with confidence; to trust.


I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Ps.27.


BELIE'VE, v.i. To have a firm persuasion of any thing. In some cases, to have full persuasion, approaching to certainty; in others, more doubt is implied. It is often followed by in or on, especially in the scriptures. To believe in, is to hold as the object of faith. "Ye believe in God, believe also in me." John 14. To believe on, is to trust, to place full confidence in, to rest upon with faith. "To them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." John 1. -Johnson. But there is no ground for much distinction.


In theology, to believe sometimes expresses a mere assent of the understanding to the truths of the gospel; as in the case of Simon. Act.8. In others, the word implies, with this assent of the mind, a yielding of the will and affections, accompanied with a humble reliance on Christ for salvation. John 1:12, 3:15.


In popular use and familiar discourse, to believe often expresses an opinion in a vague manner, without a very exact estimate of evidence, noting a mere preponderance of opinion, and is nearly equivalent to think or suppose.



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