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Boiling Mad..


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This is here in the uS just a few days ago.


Will leave rant on "off" mode for a bit while my brain vents steam.


k, fucking mad, L

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Goodbye Jesus

And they wonder why people hate immigrants...


Good, I hope that every illegal immigrant gets tossed out on his or her ass. This country was founded by immigrants, but not illegal ones who mooch off the system and take jobs from the people who live here and ought to have first crack at things.


If they don't like it here, then they should just go crawl back down that shithole they came from...


Oh wait, they won't - because no matter how they complain, they know it's always better here than there. Their "protesting" kinda seems thin after considering that little factoid, eh?

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Even as I'm not so much a person to be gung-ho on the flag, that image makes me sick.


Yeah, brilliant way to show you love america: disrespect it and say Mexico's better! COOL!



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Actually this reminds me of a funny story.....


*this is you cue to run away if not interested*


Once, when I was a kid, my parents took me to the Zoo as part of out 4th of July celebration. Lots of people were there that day.....but as we stood in line at admissions it was only my father who looked up...... and immediately rushed for the front counter out of line.


When my father returned to us, he pointed upt at the Zoo flagpole. The US flag was flying upside down! Which was bad enough, but on the 4th of July!!?? Employees rushed quickly to correct the oops of course.


Years later, when I worked at the Zoo myself, my dad occasionally reminded me of the incident and it became a kind of in family joke. Needless to say, this error never took place while I worked there.

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You know, an American flag flown upside-down is also supposed to indicate a situation of distress. Well, considering all the problems illegal immigrants (who are mainly from Mexico) tend to cause, it's almost an accurate photo after all...

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Upside down can be a sign of disrespect, and is also an international signal of distress.


However, flying one country's flag higher than another, unless it is a time of war (and then you really don't care) is a pretty big insult, essentially it is a way of saying "we just 0wn3d you."

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Adding in my own opinion...

I can understand wanting to stay here once you got here, especially if your home conditions sucked big time. Desperation is understandable. But to get here and then shit all over the place (such as being disrespectful to the place where you are seeking to start a new life or find sactuary) should never be permissable.

Sort of "don't bite the hand that feeds you". I mean, I'm all for disagreeing and protesting, but only if it's to better the place, not try to remake it into the shithole you just dragged yourself from.

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Well, I'm afraid we got "0wn3d" a long time ago. This is only a more recent indication. But the people who're doing the "0wning" aren't doing it without help.


Not that I'm patriotic as I've never felt at home in America.....but most other countries I've researched have immigration laws that make it much harder for foreigners to get jobs. They feel it's essential to protect the job market so that citizens have first dibs at getting employed therefore protecting their economy.


Canada, Australia, New Zealand and such don't allow companies to sponsor immigrants unless they can prove a citizen with equal credentials couldn't be found to fill the position. If the U.S. enforced similar laws, we wouldn't have to worry about employment agencies who exclusively hire Mexican workers for contruction jobs (If you're anything but Hispanic, you haven't got a chance at getting a placement where I live.) Also, we wouldn't have the same reluctance to raise the minimum wage because employers wouldn't have the alternative of paying people under the table.


I think this is the real reason why illegal aliens are allowed in this country, so these corporations can have someone who can't speak up when they're blantently exploited. If this government cared anything about its people, they would make sure their own people had jobs before importing workers.......or exporting jobs overseas for that matter.

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This looks like a job for Sigourney Weaver.


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Upside down can be a sign of disrespect, and is also an international signal of distress.

There was a house in my area that was flying the flag upside down. This was before the immigration flap, so I assume they were doing it as a protest against the administration, or the war, etc.


I'm not much of a nationalist myself.

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Upside down can be a sign of disrespect, and is also an international signal of distress.

There was a house in my area that was flying the flag upside down. This was before the immigration flap, so I assume they were doing it as a protest against the administration, or the war, etc.


I'm not much of a nationalist myself.


Yep. If the flag is pinned upside down to a wall, bush, rock, or tree....it's a personal S.O.S.


If flown upside down from a flagpole it's expressing an opinion that the COUNTRY is in distress.


And it's hard to disagree when jobs are outsourced to take advantage of lower wages, and then illegal immigrants are hired to do the jobs that are here that "Americans don't want to do" (that's what they called these jobs on the news....gee doesn't make us sound like elitist snobs or anything....does it?).


Sooo good jobs are outsourced, low paying shit jobs are taken up by illegal immigrants.


What jobs are left?

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If these assholes or anyone else does not love America, then they are cordially invited to GET THE FUCK OUT! I haven't seen my homeland for almost 8 months, and I miss it!!! I encourage anyone to go live in a 3rd world shithole for a while, only then they will realize how good they have it in the USA

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I'm sorry, I didn't know that people hate immigrants...

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all of our ancestors were in their shoes at one point. me and my conspiracy theory mind would say it has more to do with not being able to keep these guys under big brothers watchful eyes.

hell everytime you buy a burger, salad, etc.. thank these guys for keeping the produce cheap. mainly, the only jobs these guys are taking are construction jobs, dont blame them for being able to get the work, blame people who hire them. blame pro-corporate america for giving incentive to outsource. my pontiac is made 90% from mexican and canandian parts. its the ones in the old country taking the jobs, its radical free market politicians allowing it, and its CEO's who buy from them all so they can still market cars and keep their billion(s) dollar bottom line.

we are constantly hearing about globalization, global economy. well when these guys come here and then send back money to their families.. thats global economics on the ground. that money is either spent or saved, either way it has a tremendous ripple effect to the mexican economy.

i hang flags upside down all the time, why..

1. its about 'america the reality' at the moment. not america the idea.

2. its to combat nationalism, america is a great country in idea, its up in the top in compared to other countries, but like most things in life its nowhere near as good as it could be. things arent black or white and so your patriotism shouldnt be either. therefore i dont get mad at an upside down flag even if it is a serious thinker flying it. i get mad at people who actually DO things that are bad for this country, especially when its our own people/politicians knowingly or half-knowingly doing it.

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I'm sorry, I didn't know that people hate immigrants...


I don't think it's the immigrants that really bug folks....it's the illegal immigrants.

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Please, let's not jump on this push-button immigration issue the politicos have foisted on us for the sake of distraction. Like gay marriage, this is largely a non-issue that has little effect on the major quandaries we should be arguing about.


A much bigger problem we should be asking our elected officials about is Iraq. We're pumping billions per week down that god-forsaken money pit and getting jack in return (except another huge deficit).


Personally I could care less if some jackass disses our flag. Will it fool anyone into thinking Mexico is a better place to live than America? :scratch:

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I don't think it's the immigrants that really bug folks....it's the illegal immigrants.


Damned straight! ~90% of my ancestors were immigrants to this nation and they had to processed just like everyone else. I've got no problem with immigration, it's one of the things that makes our country great. But the extent to which ILLEGAL immigration is tolerated in the west simply astounds me.


You want to be an american? Great! Get in line like everyone else! :shrug:

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Saddly, it's one of those things that has no easy answer. I just wish the leaders of Mexico would look at themselves as part of the reason why there are so many illegal immigrants. Many of these people leave because of the crappy condition many of these lower class people have to go through in Mexico. If things were better for the poor, less would get into the country illegally. At least it would be a step.

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I don't think it's the immigrants that really bug folks....it's the illegal immigrants.


Damned straight! ~90% of my ancestors were immigrants to this nation and they had to processed just like everyone else. I've got no problem with immigration, it's one of the things that makes our country great. But the extent to which ILLEGAL immigration is tolerated in the west simply astounds me.


You want to be an american? Great! Get in line like everyone else! :shrug:


What about those of us who are decended from illegal immigrants, hmm? I know for a fact that my maternal grandfather's father immigrated legally, however his mother and eldest sister were both illegal immigrants.

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I have a question for those in the forums.... Why do we get dogged for stiffening our immigration laws but places like the UK and Asia and Russia do not let people stay -- and have much more stringent laws regarding immigration but no one says a word? The same thing with Canada. You can't just go up there and get in without any problems with immigration. You are not allowed to work up there... you are not allowed to do anything but spend money. When you do work, you stand at the Canadian border for five hours (I've been there) being detained while they fill out a mile of paperwork that would choke an army.


A friend of mine wanted to relocate to the UK and was told by the embassy it was better to be rich before making the move. Getting companies over there to give the "immigration paperwork" is a royal pain in the ass and most will not hire Americans. It is very rare for an American to have a legal permanent job in the UK period. Even the BBC - which hires very specialized tradespeople - will only hire Americans as a very last resort...


So why does America get heat for the same fucking thing that every other country in this world does? You don't see a lot of illegal Americans living in Europe having the balls to march for citizenship. That just shows me, these immigrants - illegal or not -- have more balls than brains!

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J, to answer you, this country was settled by people who sought refuge. That's what makes America different. My parents came to America (legally) 30 years ago to escape communism. From what I understand 30 years ago thing were different when people considered moving to America. For my family it was easy to become citizens. All of my family, minus some distant reletives, are in America now. The people who came in the 70's all came legally. The ones who came after 1995 came not so legally. I don't think any of them would say that they have it worse in America, but they do complain, it's their right. This quicher' bitchin stuff is annoying, especially when we are a society that cherishes free speech. Anyone in this country, legal, illegal, visitors, has the right to free speech. Do I sometimes want to slap people when they come to this country and complain, yes, but these people are not to blame.


Malkin likes to show pictures of fake ID's but gives no press to Vicente Fox for allowing his people to come into America, I see that as kind of stupid if not publicity mongering. Instead of holding Fox accountable she shoots for the easy target, hurray. I'm sure if Illegals had a better option at home they would stay there. They don't. America will pay them $4 an hour for the same job they do in Mexico for $.65. Meanwhile, Mexico does nothing to stop this. It would cost a pretty penny to keep people in the country to pay them, school their children, and offer healthcare. Also, a lot of people move to America without their family and send money home, even better.


Blaming/hating illegal immigrants does nothing useful. We're all descendent of "illegal" immigrants. Shooting them down at the border is not a deterant, criminalizing illegals will not make a huge difference either. Forget about the national level, if we were to criminalize illegal immigration what would happen to the jail system of just one state? Where will the funds come from to build the jails that will be needed, and what happens to these people when they get out. It will now be our responsibility to get them out of America. All of this will be insanely expensive. What of illegal children? DCFS doesn't have room and the states don't have the funds to keep them. This bill is beyond a doubt the worst way to address our problem, and it's born of the ignorant position that we should combat our immigration problem by punishing the people who come into this country.

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FWIMBW to discussions:






Dear President Bush:


I'm about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family,

and I would like to ask you to assist me. I'm going to walk across

the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and I need to make a few

arrangements. I know you can help with this.


I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports,

immigration quotas and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the

same way you do here.


So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Vicente Fox, that

I'm on my way over? Please let him know that I will be expecting

the following:


1. Free medical care for my entire family.



2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might

need, whether I use them or not.



3. All government forms need to be printed in English.



4. I want my kids to be taught by English-speaking teachers.



5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.



6. I want my kids to see the American flag flying on the top of the

flag pole at their school with the Mexican flag flying lower down.



7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and




8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy

access to government services.



9. I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won't make any

effort to learn local traffic laws.



10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the

memo from Pres. Fox to leave me alone, please be sure that all

police officers speak English.


11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put flag decals

on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not

want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.



12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes,

and don't enforce any labor laws or tax laws.



13. Please tell all the people in the country to be extremely nice

and never say a critical word about me, or about the strain I might

place on the economy.




I know this is an easy request because you already do all these

things for all the people who come to the U.S. from Mexico. I am

sure that Pres. Fox won't mind returning the favor if you ask him



However, if he gives you any trouble, just invite him to go quail

hunting with your V.P.


Thank you so much for your kind help.



David M. Bresnahan



David M. Bresnahan has over 30 years of experience as an

award-winning journalist, broadcaster, radio station owner, talk show

host, and business owner. David has been a prominent writer for many

Internet newspapers.

Web Site http://www.ThatPRGuy.com

E-Mail: nwv@Bresnahan.org

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Nice post, nivek. And it is a gross example of hypocrisy - everyone expects America to pony up and feed the world, but that's because everyone believes the myth of America being paved with gold.


Actually, virtually every country in the world started with immigrants. Virtually every nation on earth, and those who are extinct, were begun by nomadic peoples who decided to go agrarian one day. So the argument that America was a country founded by immigrants seeking refuge and thus we owe freebies to all the world because we are a "success" requires as much ignorance of basic human history as it takes to believe Xianity is full of brand new concepts that therefore prove its veracity.


It would be nice to be able to hook up the whole world, but it's not reasonable to expect it. America isn't full of matter/energy replicators like in Star Trek and we can't just snap our fingers and make bread fall from heaven. We have to work and struggle, basically the same as any other human is required to do by nature, and we've got a shitload of problems over here. Until and unless America does somehow become a utopia full of freebies for everyone, the rest of the world will just have to pony up and fix up their own countries and wipe their own asses, because every country was established by people who migrated to those areas, and everyone cannot therefore owe everyone a handout :vent:

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I understand this country was settled by people seeking refuge but so were a lot of other countries, but they don't get chastized when they don't let people come in carte blanc. We can't even afford to house and employ all the people we have here now. Look at what Katrina revealed to the country... A whole section of this country that is riddled with poverty. People who need jobs, cash, places to live.... Yet, we can't afford as a country to support them yet now people want us to open the flood gates to Mexico and let all those immigrants in, too? That makes no sense.


Do you realize how much crime in Los Angeles and San Diego is perpetrated by the Mexican populations in those two cities? We are not talking non-violent crimes either. We're talking hardcore violence. The numbers are insane and they have continued to escalate at a rapid rate ever since the early 90s.


Did you know that Florida has in EXCESS of 850,000 illegal immigrants coming from Mexico and Cuba every YEAR? Where are all these people going to work and live?


Apartment complexes - even in states like Virginia -- are experiencing big problems renting to Mexicans because they will rent to two people and find that twelve are living there and the original leaseholders are no where to be found. Not to mention the apartments are completely trashed -- and the crime in the neighborhoods go up substantially. Now I know everyone wants to be politically correct but it can't be a coincidence ALL the time.


Nivek, I loved Dave's letter. That was great that you posted it. Bravo... And Var, on this subject it looks like we're on the same fucking page.

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