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I have no idea why the poster of the vid alternated between normal type case words and full caps. Maybe he's related to Trump?


Regardless... hold onto your seats ladies and gents - Hush Whispers has found the REAL (TM) (c) location of the GARDEN of EDEN.


He called into The Atheist Experience to announce his discovery. Filled with excitement I went to his referenced youtube channel and watched the video below. I am converted. Eden was real, Genesis was real. IS REAL. I will spend the rest of my life proving this to you until you see the truth that I see.


Behold I give you... EDEN!!!!







Ok I admit I only made it to 1:55 before all my brain cells died. Did you do better?

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Wow... If I didn't know the Earth was flat, I might trust Google satellite images 😏

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Well they "see" all kinds of stuff in and coming from the clouds, so they might as well "see" it on the ground too. 

Imagination is a great thing....right up to the point that the gullible take it all literally. :Doh::crazy::HaHa:


(And no, I didn't make it past 2 minutes)

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But - the flood reshaped the earth’s surface, so we don’t know where anything was before the flood, including the garden of eden.  It could have been in south america.

(Someone once told me this in all seriousness.)

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LOL, I forget you BG generation like to joke.    


It is sad it one can't look out their window and see Eden especially when they taught themself how to read.  


But I guess if man has the ability to teach himself how to read then it is easy to see why those who couldn't  might not see the humor in the flat earth.

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Thank God for global warming or that pork chop wouldn't be cooked, you do know were salamanders come from...

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That 3 minutes would have been better spent watching grass grow...

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4 minutes ago, TheRedneckProfessor said:

That 3 minutes would have been better spent watching grass grow...


Haha - I did say that I only made it to 1:55 before suffering complete brain shutdown.


@Justus You look out the window and see Eden do you? I'd like to meet the talking snake, ask that forked tongue serpent what he thought he was doing.


BTW I could swear that the Garden of Eden was locked and man cast out of it... hence I am cufuzzebubbled as to how anyone could find Eden, let alone look out and see it.


Hmm lemme see... where was it now.... oh yes here tis!


24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. Gen 3:24


Hmm now thinking about this, maybe my Church doctrine was wrong. The doctrine was that the Cherubims stopped anyone getting back to the garden of Eden. However they are only placed at the east of the garden. Therefore I propose we could get in from the north, west or south and get to the tree of life that way.  

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Why does "Adam's rib" look more like another part of the male anatomy? 

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8 hours ago, TEG said:

But - the flood reshaped the earth’s surface, so we don’t know where anything was before the flood, including the garden of eden.  It could have been in south america.

(Someone once told me this in all seriousness.)


That's what I "learned" when I was steeped in Creationism. 

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29 minutes ago, Citsonga said:

Why does "Adam's rib" look more like another part of the male anatomy? 


I would say because you are gay if you don't say finger....not that there is anything wrong with that.....

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Note that the strip "More Videos" along the bottom includes Susan Boyle, Victor Borge, How To Remove a Stump Cheaply and Effectively, and The Top 20 Greatest Drum Intros of All Time!

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28 minutes ago, older said:



Note that the strip "More Videos" along the bottom includes Susan Boyle, Victor Borge, How To Remove a Stump Cheaply and Effectively, and The Top 20 Greatest Drum Intros of All Time!


Can't see it.


The one thing I notice is nearly 100k views! Looks like all the AXP listeners like me went and checked it out and shared it lol. We will be giving him add money and a boost in ego. God is getting the message out through atheists lol!

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11 hours ago, LogicalFallacy said:

The one thing I notice is nearly 100k views! Looks like all the AXP listeners like me went and checked it out and shared it lol. We will be giving him add money and a boost in ego. God is getting the message out through atheists lol!


So how do I get a piece of the action?  Gotta come up with a kooky religious video that everyone will want to watch.  Hmm . . . .

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10 hours ago, TEG said:

Gotta come up with a kooky religious video that everyone will want to watch.

Many years ago there was a supermarket tabloid called The Weekly World News. It's only on line now at http://weeklyworldnews.com  Their stories center around the Bat Boy, and UFOs, Bigfoot, and more. A great time waster.


Some of their stories might be an inspiration for you. In their print days there were classified ads in the back for various cults and nutter religions, all of which were much farther out than Christianity. As a practical joke birthday present for my dad, I sent in his name and address and the few bucks some of them asked for. He got a huge pile of all this stuff and had a great laugh over it. Some of them kept sending him stuff for years. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/16/2019 at 5:55 PM, LogicalFallacy said:

@Justus You look out the window and see Eden do you? 


What do you see?  I see it is written in Genesis that man was made from dust and I know of at least three well known astrophysicists that affirm this is indeed the truth, you might even say they even sing the praises of this fact.***


So if it is written that man was formed from dust then wouldn't  it logically follow that if it says a garden was planted in a place called Eden and that man was put there that there then there is a high degree of probability that place actually exists?  Especially if they claim that in the garden one would find something that couldn't be found anywhere else in the universe. I should say something like don't let your mind be troubled for if you believe in the universe believe in me also but that would be too friggin corny don't you think?


So what is that empirical proof of the garden that those ignorant sheep herders who taught themselves how to read and write said that could be found in the garden in Eden, my hypothesis is that they are called books.  :yelrotflmao:



*** LINK  to source cited above. 


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     Well, I just watched the video.  I'm now convinced that for this reason the US must invade Iran.  If only we had this evidence before we mistakenly went into Iraq.  Hindsight's 20/20.  To the Promised Land.




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On 9/16/2019 at 5:55 PM, LogicalFallacy said:

Hmm now thinking about this, maybe my Church doctrine was wrong.

Did you mean to say that your doctrine wasn't  your doctrine but the doctrine of the Church you belonged to?  So didn't your Church teach you about the doctrine of Christ? 


If you don't know what the doctrine of Christ is then they left it behind.  [See Heb 6:1]


Just wondering....




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2 hours ago, mwc said:

Hindsight's 20/20.  To the Promised Land.


Actually a person's hindsight is no better nor worse than their foresight.  However, only time will teach those without insight how farsighted they were in hindsight




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