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Mennonites in Central America? Who knew?


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...and then at 14:15, the devil creeps in: the internet!!!




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Interesting video.  In the USA these isolated groups are considered more as Amish.  There is a very wide variety of "Mennonites".  More than any other "denomination" I know of.  Most in Kansas you can't tell from the Baptists and Methodists.  And whether they are conservative or liberal, they tend to be successful at whatever they do.  And although they don't openly show it, the liberals look down their noses at the horse and buggy groups.  I grew up around them, and the group in the video are the most conservative I have seen.  One interesting thing about all of them is that the % of criminals in their groups are extremely low.  Family and nurturing of children is very important.  And if you haven't heard of it, read about the "Rumspringa" that adolescents go through in some groups.  There should be a video about that.  We saw it on PBS several years ago.

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What I find fascinating about the Amish and Mennonites is how arbitrary are the rules for determining which aspects of the "modern world" are acceptable and which are not.


Many won't have electricity, but they will purchase and use finished goods made using electricity, and so forth.


Years ago I worked with a Mennonite electrical engineer in New York, a very fine individual.



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I wonder if the ones in Central America call people outside their group "The English" like those people did on Breaking Amish. :)

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What goes, "clippity-clop, clippity-clop, bang bang bang, clippity-clop..."?



















An Amish drive-by.

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On 11/9/2021 at 7:36 AM, alreadyGone said:

What I find fascinating about the Amish and Mennonites is how arbitrary are the rules for determining which aspects of the "modern world" are acceptable and which are not.


Many won't have electricity, but they will purchase and use finished goods made using electricity, and so forth.


Years ago I worked with an electrical engineer in New York, a very fine individual.



In Oklahoma several years ago a group decided to buy pickups.  But they had to be a base model, could only be black, and they had to remove all the chrome.  Nothing "flashy".


By the way, I made a mistake.  The group in the video were more like the Kansas "Holderman" Mennonites.  The Amish wear black clothing and use the old fashion black buggies with wood spoke wheels.  Not many of those around anymore.  And some have given up horses for tractors.  Take their families shopping and to church in a wagon, pulled behind the tractor.


The guy I use for roofing is Mennonite "Brethren".  They are pretty progressive, and he drives a nice pickup, but guess what color it is?  Black.


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@Weezer,  I, for one, am glad to see you're still lurking about 🙂

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31 minutes ago, Krowb said:

@Weezer,  I, for one, am glad to see you're still lurking about 🙂


Thanks.  The last 6 months have been pretty rough, but Im still hanging on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was down in the country of Belize just below Mexico, about 10 years ago. I Knew of the Mennonites down there but don't recall seeing any of them because they don't go out and about much. I saw the program and link from alreadyGone. Interesting ! A group went to eastern Peru in the video, a totally wild area that just had been cleared from the jungle. Although it will be much harder in their new home area since it is totally unsettled, they no longer will be in hurricane alley as they were in Belize, but they will face new jungle predictors, and hope they are not anti-vaccers since there are many more diseases in the jungle.

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  • Super Moderator
2 hours ago, pantheory said:

but they will face new jungle predictors

I predict you're right.

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