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Can this be explained in a skeptical secular way without referring to religion?


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As some know, I struggle with religious dread. What I described here at the beginning scared me (I perceive it as the possibility of God), but I am writing this after I have calmed down my thoughts, more out of curiosity than fear, and in order to learn to look at these things from a different perspective.


Yesterday I was browsing Youtube just like that and it was pointless. There was a video (I will spare myself and you sticking it here) that this weekend is suitable for a healthy diet (I had just finished reading a book about the gut and was planning to eat healthier, I was also thinking about the weekend).


For a long time, I was reluctant to pursue a healthy diet because I was afraid it would distract me from religion (in the sense of studying religion). Once, while still in the church, I had a dilemma whether God would allow me if I started to take care of myself more, eat healthily and lose weight, or it is not a sin. I prayed and looked for confirmation - friends from the church said that I was doing nothing wrong if it didn't distract me from God, that it was not a sin and I had a right to dislike myself and change myself, but my feelings were different, so I was constantly combat (something similar to how I fight and struggle here). In addition, I received as a gift from someone from another church who did not know me (I drew a gift) a pad with the quote that God miraculously created me, which only managed to get me and mixed feelings - am I doing right or not? Friends and the pastor say yes, but this quote pad seems to be directed at me and says something else - maybe God doesn't like it, what am I doing? How am I going to find out?


Out of curiosity, I clicked on the video, which (despite the fact that I have been avoiding such videos for a long time), despite the apparent title, contained a message that you should take care of your diet at the weekend - which at the same time became my answer and confirmation of my old fears that I could control with his nutrition and appearance that God doesn't mind (I guess).


There was also another similar video with a problem that I struggle with a bit - it was about addictions (I'm starting to have a problem with alcohol), that God warns me about the devil and my addiction comes from the devil.


Then I saw a video with 7 signs that means that God chose me and these features also suited me (e.g. disagreement with the world, isolation - that's what I am).

I am also struggling with the existence of God and some time ago (maybe a month ago) I even ventured to pray that God would give me some proof of His existence. While searching the Internet for information about cognitive dissonance and religion (something like that) at the bottom, the last page about evidence for God was displayed to me (I don't know if it matters, but I was looking for it in English, not on Polish websites).


Given all these things, is it possible that:


A. there is God and he has just answered my prayers in this way
B. is God and he is trying to communicate with me in this way or he wants to draw my attention to himself
C. there is no God - there is a different explanation for those things that happened to me on the Internet that fit my plans and desires


I tend to answer C, but don't know how to explain it. I found out about the so-called Forer effect, but it doesn't fit very well here. I am looking for an answer without referring to religion. If God does not exist, there must be an explanation for this. And if it exists, that's another problem.




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On 7/22/2022 at 1:16 PM, Aibao said:

As some know, I struggle with religious dread. What I described here at the beginning scared me (I perceive it as the possibility of God), but I am writing this after I have calmed down my thoughts, more out of curiosity than fear, and in order to learn to look at these things from a different perspective.


Yesterday I was browsing Youtube just like that and it was pointless. There was a video (I will spare myself and you sticking it here) that this weekend is suitable for a healthy diet (I had just finished reading a book about the gut and was planning to eat healthier, I was also thinking about the weekend).


For a long time, I was reluctant to pursue a healthy diet because I was afraid it would distract me from religion (in the sense of studying religion). Once, while still in the church, I had a dilemma whether God would allow me if I started to take care of myself more, eat healthily and lose weight, or it is not a sin. I prayed and looked for confirmation - friends from the church said that I was doing nothing wrong if it didn't distract me from God, that it was not a sin and I had a right to dislike myself and change myself, but my feelings were different, so I was constantly combat (something similar to how I fight and struggle here). In addition, I received as a gift from someone from another church who did not know me (I drew a gift) a pad with the quote that God miraculously created me, which only managed to get me and mixed feelings - am I doing right or not? Friends and the pastor say yes, but this quote pad seems to be directed at me and says something else - maybe God doesn't like it, what am I doing? How am I going to find out?


Out of curiosity, I clicked on the video, which (despite the fact that I have been avoiding such videos for a long time), despite the apparent title, contained a message that you should take care of your diet at the weekend - which at the same time became my answer and confirmation of my old fears that I could control with his nutrition and appearance that God doesn't mind (I guess).


There was also another similar video with a problem that I struggle with a bit - it was about addictions (I'm starting to have a problem with alcohol), that God warns me about the devil and my addiction comes from the devil.


Then I saw a video with 7 signs that means that God chose me and these features also suited me (e.g. disagreement with the world, isolation - that's what I am).

I am also struggling with the existence of God and some time ago (maybe a month ago) I even ventured to pray that God would give me some proof of His existence. While searching the Internet for information about cognitive dissonance and religion (something like that) at the bottom, the last page about evidence for God was displayed to me (I don't know if it matters, but I was looking for it in English, not on Polish websites).


Given all these things, is it possible that:


A. there is God and he has just answered my prayers in this way
B. is God and he is trying to communicate with me in this way or he wants to draw my attention to himself
C. there is no God - there is a different explanation for those things that happened to me on the Internet that fit my plans and desires


I tend to answer C, but don't know how to explain it. I found out about the so-called Forer effect, but it doesn't fit very well here. I am looking for an answer without referring to religion. If God does not exist, there must be an explanation for this. And if it exists, that's another problem.



I agree with your answer C above. And if you want to eat more healthy foods, just do it.  Make a diet plan and follow it. It's that simple :)  Find out what works best for you concerning your chosen healthy foods diet. The hardest part of any diet for most people is simply being able to follow it. In the long run eating healthy and not being overweight can lead to a healthier,  happier, and longer life, as many know.

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2 hours ago, Aibao said:

A. there is God and he has just answered my prayers in this way
B. is God and he is trying to communicate with me in this way or he wants to draw my attention to himself
C. there is no God - there is a different explanation for those things that happened to me on the Internet that fit my plans and desires

You can't base anything on what you find online.  Between ads tracking your internet usage, YouTube finding related content to what you have already viewed, tracking cookies and the like, it is normal to have subjects pop up constantly around things you are interested in or have researched before.


A - You are looking for a pattern and making that pattern be god when prayer is nothing but talking to yourself

B - If god wished to communicate, to let us know that He existed then He could do so without the smoke and mirrors.  He could convince everyone who searched for Him in an instant.  The fact He doesn't is the problem of divine hiddenness.  He either won't, which conflicts with the claimed goal of having everyone know Him, or can't, which conflicts with the claim that He is all-powerful or that He exists at all.

C - There is no god.


Even if god was real, He would have no problem with people taking care of themselves, eating well, exercising and being the best they can be.  You need to take care of your health, your health is critical to your happiness and quality of life.

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On 22.07.2022 at 23:03, pantheory said:


Zgadzam się z Twoją odpowiedzią C powyżej. A jeśli chcesz jeść więcej zdrowej żywności, po prostu to zrób. Przygotuj plan diety i postępuj zgodnie z nim. To takie proste :)  Dowiedz się, co jest dla Ciebie najlepsze, jeśli chodzi o wybraną przez Ciebie dietę zdrowej żywności. Najtrudniejszą częścią każdej diety dla większości ludzi jest po prostu możliwość jej przestrzegania. Na dłuższą metę zdrowe odżywianie i brak nadwagi może prowadzić do zdrowszego, szczęśliwszego i dłuższego życia, o czym wielu wie.

Thank you for your response.🙂 I was also more inclined to answer C, but now I don't know, because these videos contain some answers to my life problems. This gives me the impression that some mind (maybe God?) Follows my thoughts and sends answers this way, because this way (videos on the Internet) is available and easy for me.

I can't find alternative explanations to my answer C either, but I'm still looking.

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On 23.07.2022 at 00:44, Wertbag said:

Nie możesz opierać niczego na tym, co znajdziesz w Internecie. Pomiędzy reklamami śledzącymi korzystanie z Internetu, znajdowaniem przez YouTube treści powiązanych z tym, co już oglądałeś, śledzącymi pliki cookie i tym podobnymi, normalne jest, że tematy stale pojawiają się wokół rzeczy, które Cię interesują lub badałeś wcześniej.


A - Szukasz wzorca i czynisz go bogiem, kiedy modlitwa to tylko rozmowa z samym sobą

B - Gdyby Bóg chciał się porozumieć, dać nam znać, że istnieje, to mógłby to zrobić bez dymu i luster. Potrafił w jednej chwili przekonać każdego, kto Go szukał. Fakt, że On tego nie robi, jest problemem boskiego ukrycia. Albo tego nie zrobi, co jest sprzeczne z deklarowanym celem, aby wszyscy Go znali, albo nie może, co jest sprzeczne z twierdzeniem, że jest On wszechmocny lub że w ogóle istnieje.

C - Nie ma boga.


Nawet gdyby bóg był prawdziwy, nie miałby problemu, gdyby ludzie dbali o siebie, dobrze się odżywiali, ćwiczyli i byli najlepszymi, jakimi mogą być. Musisz dbać o swoje zdrowie, twoje zdrowie ma kluczowe znaczenie dla twojego szczęścia i jakości życia.

Yes, I have never actually relied on information found on the Internet regarding God and religion.


However, I noticed a strange thing: the content of the videos is consistent with my experiences, that is, it responds to my problems so far, for example, six months ago my brother made debts for my data without my knowledge. Then I watched a video where there was a message allegedly from God saying that there would be a lot of money in my life and that the debts would be paid. I ignored it. But recently I paid off the debt my brother owed on my data. I also made more money. Then I remembered that video. It seems that was some kind of prediction.


I had a few things that worked out from these videos. I know that Youtube and the Internet use so-called "cookies" to track information, but it doesn't matter here, because the videos contain some answers. If I cannot find another explanation, it will probably be a strong proof for the existence of God.

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If the video had provided the exact amount of zlotys you would be getting, then I might be impressed.  Otherwise, "you will have money coming unto your life" is a vague enough statement that it could apply to almost anybody in almost any situation.  It's the kind of "reading" you could have just as easily gotten from a psychic or medium.  Most "prophecies" fall into the same category.

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35 minutes ago, Aibao said:

Then I watched a video where there was a message allegedly from God saying that there would be a lot of money in my life and that the debts would be paid.

The problem with such a claim it that it applies universally to billions of people.  How many people have debts?  How many people work hard to get themselves out of debt?  Its an event that happens constantly to thousands of people, so is mundane in nature.  The tracking cookies and YouTube tracking may well have seen you search on terms like money, debt, bankruptcy etc, and so the video is feed to you that has topics that relate to earlier searches.


There is also a thing that humans do which is noticing the hits and ignoring the misses.  For example a video could make a dozen claims, of those 11 out of 12 do not match you, but the last one does.  It is quite natural for us to focus in on the one success while ignoring all of the failures.  Then you have a video watched by thousands of people, each aligning the pieces of the article with their own life, while ignoring the parts that don't match.

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Thanks for those answers. This is a clue for me - although the video did not contain the title, neither about money nor about debts (I don't know if cookies have access to tracking content in such videos or just tracking titles), it gives me a bit of food for thought. I will look for more information on the medium to find similarities.


It is interesting that when I was researching atheistic arguments, I found websites that corresponded to a given religious problem. But I ignored it as a sign from Satan. I also need to read about Satan, I think Josh once mentioned something to me about the evolution of Satan in the Bible.


Anyway, I was going through Quor to find out if other people had these events too. It turns out that many people are similar to me, but some suggest that these are signs either from God or the Universe and that there are no coincidences, but everything is related and planned - this points to the biblical God, because he I associate it with any plans.


I was reminded that there were times when God would answer my prayers when I was a Christian. But it was also the case that he did not answer. But Christians have an explanation for that, I know. But it feels like some powerful all-knowing mind is following me. The more so because more people have experiences similar to mine, e.g. a man described that before he met his wife they were together in school photos. He couldn't believe the girl in the photos was his wife, so he consulted her parents. it turned out to be true that they knew each other from school. It was not about God at all, but some may see God acting here and say that it was God who brought them together. As a believer I had no problem with such things, it was obvious to me that God works miracles in the world. Now these things scare me and I need an explanation why this is so if it is not God -  so thank you  very much for the answers.🙏

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On 7/22/2022 at 1:16 PM, Aibao said:

As some know, I struggle with religious dread. What I described here at the beginning scared me (I perceive it as the possibility of God), but I am writing this after I have calmed down my thoughts, more out of curiosity than fear, and in order to learn to look at these things from a different perspective.


Yesterday I was browsing Youtube just like that and it was pointless. There was a video (I will spare myself and you sticking it here) that this weekend is suitable for a healthy diet (I had just finished reading a book about the gut and was planning to eat healthier, I was also thinking about the weekend).


For a long time, I was reluctant to pursue a healthy diet because I was afraid it would distract me from religion (in the sense of studying religion). Once, while still in the church, I had a dilemma whether God would allow me if I started to take care of myself more, eat healthily and lose weight, or it is not a sin. I prayed and looked for confirmation - friends from the church said that I was doing nothing wrong if it didn't distract me from God, that it was not a sin and I had a right to dislike myself and change myself, but my feelings were different, so I was constantly combat (something similar to how I fight and struggle here). In addition, I received as a gift from someone from another church who did not know me (I drew a gift) a pad with the quote that God miraculously created me, which only managed to get me and mixed feelings - am I doing right or not? Friends and the pastor say yes, but this quote pad seems to be directed at me and says something else - maybe God doesn't like it, what am I doing? How am I going to find out?


Out of curiosity, I clicked on the video, which (despite the fact that I have been avoiding such videos for a long time), despite the apparent title, contained a message that you should take care of your diet at the weekend - which at the same time became my answer and confirmation of my old fears that I could control with his nutrition and appearance that God doesn't mind (I guess).


There was also another similar video with a problem that I struggle with a bit - it was about addictions (I'm starting to have a problem with alcohol), that God warns me about the devil and my addiction comes from the devil.


Then I saw a video with 7 signs that means that God chose me and these features also suited me (e.g. disagreement with the world, isolation - that's what I am).

I am also struggling with the existence of God and some time ago (maybe a month ago) I even ventured to pray that God would give me some proof of His existence. While searching the Internet for information about cognitive dissonance and religion (something like that) at the bottom, the last page about evidence for God was displayed to me (I don't know if it matters, but I was looking for it in English, not on Polish websites).


Given all these things, is it possible that:


A. there is God and he has just answered my prayers in this way
B. is God and he is trying to communicate with me in this way or he wants to draw my attention to himself
C. there is no God - there is a different explanation for those things that happened to me on the Internet that fit my plans and desires


I tend to answer C, but don't know how to explain it. I found out about the so-called Forer effect, but it doesn't fit very well here. I am looking for an answer without referring to religion. If God does not exist, there must be an explanation for this. And if it exists, that's another problem.





Why would the God that supposedly parted the Red Sea give you some possible vague sign that leaves you just as befuddled as before?


If God does not exist then maybe it's a coincidence that you found something that you had been looking for. 


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17 hours ago, Aibao said:

If I cannot find another explanation, it will probably be a strong proof for the existence of God.

You seek a particular and certain outcome, and you shall have it. It's called "confirmation bias" and religious folks live by it.

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5 hours ago, florduh said:

Poszukujesz konkretnego i pewnego wyniku i będziesz go mieć. Nazywa się to „stronniczością potwierdzania” i żyją nią ludzie religijni.

It may be so. I have to read about it.


Yesterday, a video appeared again, with the words in the title that I would regret if I did not watch it. The video suited my life again - my mother talked about not thinking negatively etc., she warned me about toxic people etc. The video relates to this - it seems that someone is watching over me by sending such things. So how can I not get the feeling that God is not watching me and responding to my hidden thoughts? It scares me. It doesn't comfort you, but it scares you because I don't want Christianity to be real. But those videos that still fit my situation seem to be proof of God. How else can I explain it? I do not know how.



If I am wrong that it is not God or any supernatural power, I want to know what it is and how it happens, that some random things do not seem to be random at all. Thanks for the tip. So I will look in this direction.



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16 hours ago, midniterider said:


Dlaczego Bóg, który rzekomo rozdzielił Morze Czerwone, miałby dać ci jakiś możliwy niejasny znak, który pozostawia cię tak samo oszołomionym jak wcześniej?


Jeśli Bóg nie istnieje, to może to przypadek, że znalazłeś coś, czego szukałeś. 


Let me guess why, probably to keep some part of my free will, because deep down I don't want Christianity to be true - maybe that's why. This is terrible

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I wonder if it was in the New Testament that those who did not want to believe in Jesus actually had no evidence, no signs, etc., and those who wanted and wanted to know the truth got signs. If those who refused to believe got signs, then what I wrote above is refuted, in any case, non-bible, and at least here the apologists would be wrong. But to verify this, I have to remind myself whether in the Bible, especially in the New Testament, it was the case that someone who did not want to believe in God received the proof despite his free will. But there is probably no such story.

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9 minutes ago, Aibao said:

If I am wrong that it is not God or any supernatural power, I want to know what it is and how it happens

Only if Google is your god.  You are being fed religious videos because that is what the tracking system believes you want to see.  It bases its recommendations on what you have viewed previously, on the search terms you have used or on what content you engage with.  At this point I'd be more surprised if you didn't have a constant flow of such videos recommended to you.  Once you stop engaging with this rubbish then your feed will change to follow what you are viewing.  Watch more fuzzy animals, comedy skits and "like a boss" compilations and those are the types of videos you will see more of (and will be better for your state of mind).  If you want to stress less then focus on the content that achieves that for you.  If you want to get away from the constant Christian flow, then stop engaging with it.  Maybe stick to watching atheist channels like Vice Rhino, Logicked, Sir Sic, Holy coolaid, cosmic skeptic or genetically modified skeptic (all English channels so I don't know if you can follow the content, but at least take the idea of modifying what you are watching for your own mental benefit). 


The title of the video is pure click bait.  Its screams of someone wanting attention, money and views.  They will say some generic junk that could relate to anyone, anywhere at anytime, and you will link it to your own common situation.  I see a title like that and I click away because I know its going to be rubbish and not worth the time to watch.

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15 minutes ago, Aibao said:

I wonder if it was in the New Testament that those who did not want to believe in Jesus actually had no evidence, no signs, etc., and those who wanted and wanted to know the truth got signs. If those who refused to believe got signs, then what I wrote above is refuted, in any case, non-bible, and at least here the apologists would be wrong. But to verify this, I have to remind myself whether in the Bible, especially in the New Testament, it was the case that someone who did not want to believe in God received the proof despite his free will. But there is probably no such story.

Isn't that the story of Paul?  He didn't want to believe, had no belief and with a sudden vision was converted.

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2 hours ago, Aibao said:

I wonder if it was in the New Testament that those who did not want to believe in Jesus actually had no evidence, no signs, etc., and those who wanted and wanted to know the truth got signs. If those who refused to believe got signs, then what I wrote above is refuted, in any case, non-bible, and at least here the apologists would be wrong. But to verify this, I have to remind myself whether in the Bible, especially in the New Testament, it was the case that someone who did not want to believe in God received the proof despite his free will. But there is probably no such story.


Why not believe in God? Probably all of us would like to believe in God and go to heaven after death if the Bible was not such a extremely ridiculous book. The important parts of it can totally be proven wrong, and for most of it there is no evidence at all for it. It's only a book of stories and fables like Greek Mythology.There is absolutely zero chance that the God of the bible ever existed IMHO.

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You can't save a drowning man who insists on picking up every rock he can possibly reach. Done here.

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Jesus: If you aren't with me, you are against me. Matthew 12:30.


So right now, you're against him, Aibao. So just call yourself an ex-Christian and stop watching videos.

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2 hours ago, midniterider said:

Jezus: Jeśli nie jesteś ze mną, jesteś przeciwko mnie. Mateusza 12:30.


Więc teraz jesteś przeciwko niemu, Aibao. Więc po prostu nazywaj siebie byłym chrześcijaninem i przestań oglądać filmy.

Being against Jesus - I don't know why but it sounds terrible, it feels like I'm a murderer and killed Jesus. But wait a minute - isn't this the impression that evangelizers try to make in people?


There was a time when I stopped watching these movies. But after 2 or 3 months they appeared on Youtube by themselves - so I watched them out of curiosity.


Also, there is something like this that even if you go away you have religious thoughts and doubts - even though you are against Jesus, these thoughts may point to the Holy Spirit calling you back to Christianity or you can become a "prodigal son" - at least that's what they explain they are apologists. And that's it - I used to know nothing of apologetics, so it was easy for me to break with religion.


When I started to read about religion by my mother again, I came across the term apologetics - things that seemed absurd and stupid about this religion began to make sense through apologetic explanations. But others see errors in apologetics and can point out where apologists are wrong - I don't know why I can't. Now it's hard for me to just let go of religious topics, because I don't know where the truth is. It is such a paradoxical absurdity that when I left the church all Christianity "evaporated" from me, and a few years after leaving, when I started reading and learning more about Christianity, I suddenly began to fear that it might be true.

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On 26.07.2022 at 01:14, pantheory said:


Dlaczego nie wierzyć w Boga? Chyba każdy z nas chciałby uwierzyć w Boga i po śmierci pójść do nieba, gdyby Biblia nie była tak skrajnie śmieszną księgą. Można udowodnić, że ważne części tego są błędne, a dla większości z nich nie ma na to żadnych dowodów. To tylko księga opowiadań i bajek, takich jak mitologia grecka. Nie ma absolutnie żadnej szansy, że Bóg Biblii kiedykolwiek istniał IMHO.

I agree with you - at first glance, the Bible is a ridiculous, absurd book. But there is one catch - apologetics. Apologists will make any absurd story metaphorically true, or explain it in such a way that you have doubts - I have lost confidence in my own mind. To make matters worse, it spread to other areas of my life, where, at one point, my mother began to wonder at my split thinking and questioning reality.


If apologists explained Greek mythology in a similar way as the Bibles explain, perhaps I would have the same problem as to whether the Greek gods are not real.


I was looking for arguments that could challenge the apologetic explanations of the Bible. I haven't found many, although there is such a thing as counterrapology, I have hardly found anything so far. but maybe I will find it and then everything will brighten up and explain itself to me.

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On 25.07.2022 at 22:42, Wertbag said:

Czy to nie jest historia Paula? Nie chciał wierzyć, nie miał wiary i nagle nawrócił się.

Actually! yes, i think so. He persecuted the Christians, so he had to know them, he had to know their religion, he had to know what he hated them for. So here's the argument that those who wish to find God, those who do not wish will not find themselves falling apart. Paul's story is proof of this. Thanks, it was probably Paul. I have the impression that the Bible is self-defeating, but I will not make such a theory based on a single argument. However, if there were more examples, I would have to admit that the Bible was not inspired by God. I still have my doubts, I'm not ready to admit it 100 percent, but 50 percent.



Does anyone know how to delete a quote that was accidentally pasted twice?

On 25.07.2022 at 22:42, Wertbag said:

Czy to nie jest historia Paula? Nie chciał wierzyć, nie miał wiary i nagle nawrócił się.

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On 25.07.2022 at 22:41, Wertbag said:

Tylko jeśli Google jest twoim bogiem. Jesteś karmiony religijnymi filmami wideo, ponieważ według systemu śledzenia to właśnie chcesz zobaczyć. Opiera swoje rekomendacje na tym, co oglądałeś wcześniej, na wyszukiwanych hasłach, których użyłeś lub na jakich treściach się angażujesz. W tym momencie byłbym bardziej zdziwiony, gdybyś nie miał stałego napływu takich polecanych filmów. Gdy przestaniesz angażować się w te śmieci, Twój kanał zmieni się, aby podążać za tym, co oglądasz. Oglądaj więcej rozmytych zwierzątek, skeczy komediowych i kompilacji „jak szef” i to są typy filmów, które zobaczysz więcej (i będą lepsze dla twojego stanu umysłu). Jeśli chcesz się mniej stresować, skup się na treściach, które to dla Ciebie osiągną. Jeśli chcesz uciec od ciągłego przepływu chrześcijańskiego, przestań się z nim angażować. 


Tytuł filmu to czysta przynęta na klikanie. Krzyki kogoś, kto domaga się uwagi, pieniędzy i widoków. Będą mówić jakieś ogólne śmieci, które mogą odnosić się do każdego, w dowolnym miejscu i czasie, a ty połączysz je z własną wspólną sytuacją. Widzę taki tytuł i klikam, bo wiem, że to będzie bzdura i niewarto czasu na oglądanie.

Actually, it was like that for about two months. I haven't watched these movies for about 2 or 3 months. Suddenly they started showing up. Why? Is it possible? That's why I was surprised.


I also wanted to check if these videos would fit my situation, so I dared to watch them - and because they did fit my situation, I took them as a sign from God or some other force if the biblical God does not exist.


If only I knew who and how makes these things. How does the person who makes such videos know that the content will fit someone's situation? This is strange for me, it worries me because it points to some supernatural power.


But I'm still looking for answers. I am constantly trying to find a rational explanation for it all.

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1 hour ago, Aibao said:

Suddenly they started showing up. Why? Is it possible?

Yes.  The videos can come up from any device that you have on the same Google/Microsoft account.  So your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop can all hold data for future content.  So maybe you didn't watch videos but browsed books on religion, or websites about apologetics or perhaps you searched on words related to the subject.  Any usage, on any device, can all link back to feed you more of that type of content.  Once the system knows that you engage with that content in the past, then it will pop up in you feed to see if that still interests you.  So even old usage can relate to new videos being recommended.


1 hour ago, Aibao said:

How does the person who makes such videos know that the content will fit someone's situation?

The common ways is to keep the content vague, to keep to subjects that effect the majority of people and to speak with authority on subjects they cannot know.  Its the exact same pattern you see with horoscopes or with fortune cookies.  I'm hoping you don't put any faith in horoscopes?


1 hour ago, Aibao said:

I was looking for arguments that could challenge the apologetic explanations of the Bible. I haven't found many, although there is such a thing as counter apology, I have hardly found anything so far. but maybe I will find it and then everything will brighten up and explain itself to me.

There is a ton of atheist content talking about biblical problems, problems with Christianity, the conflicting messages and how the most famous apologists get things wrong.  The question is do you watch atheist videos or only apologetic ones?  If you stay within the bubble you will keep getting one side of the story, you need to get the counter view.  

There are plenty of reasons not to believe the bible is anything other than just a man made book.  Firstly Christians cannot agree on which books should be included (there are different protestant verse Catholic verse Orthodox bibles) with each denomination claiming their version is the one true bible and that they were lead to the answer by the holy spirit, while coming to completely different answers to each other.  You have the fact that we have no original texts, no clue who the authors are (the books are mostly anonymous), only guesses at when they were written and obvious copying between sources (its not divinely written if its copied).

You have the stories that don't match the science (global flood being the obvious example), you have claims of miracles, angels and direct contact with god, none of which has ever been repeated in the real world.  

You have earlier stories like the Epic of Gilgamesh, were the story of Noah's flood obviously comes from.  You have conflicting details such as what were Jesus's last words?  Or what was written on the cross?  

And you have the hard to reconcile differences between the war god of the OT (kill disobedient children, kill witches, kill sabbath breakers, send bears to kill kids who insult the prophet, kill Egypt's first born, kill the guy who just tried to save the Ark from falling) with the more loving god of the NT ("do unto others", "turn the other cheek").  These are opposite stances and cannot be the same guy.

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4 hours ago, Aibao said:

I agree with you - at first glance, the Bible is a ridiculous, absurd book. But there is one catch - apologetics. Apologists will make any absurd story metaphorically true, or explain it in such a way that you have doubts - I have lost confidence in my own mind. To make matters worse, it spread to other areas of my life, where, at one point, my mother began to wonder at my split thinking and questioning reality.


If apologists explained Greek mythology in a similar way as the Bibles explain, perhaps I would have the same problem as to whether the Greek gods are not real.


I was looking for arguments that could challenge the apologetic explanations of the Bible. I haven't found many, although there is such a thing as counterrapology, I have hardly found anything so far. but maybe I will find it and then everything will brighten up and explain itself to me.

Hi again Albaok Maybe you may have doubts when you read apologetics, but for me it all sounds like the same BS as the Bible. And as I said before. it's OK to be a agnostic if that's easier for you :)  But to blindly believe is worse IMHO.

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17 hours ago, Wertbag said:

Yes.  The videos can come up from any device that you have on the same Google/Microsoft account.  So your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop can all hold data for future content.  So maybe you didn't watch videos but browsed books on religion, or websites about apologetics or perhaps you searched on words related to the subject.  Any usage, on any device, can all link back to feed you more of that type of content.  Once the system knows that you engage with that content in the past, then it will pop up in you feed to see if that still interests you.  So even old usage can relate to new videos being recommended.



I am ashamed to admit, but I did not know that despite the passage of time and not watching something, suddenly a forgotten movie may appear. Thanks! Maybe that's it


17 hours ago, Wertbag said:



The common ways is to keep the content vague, to keep to subjects that effect the majority of people and to speak with authority on subjects they cannot know.  Its the exact same pattern you see with horoscopes or with fortune cookies.  I'm hoping you don't put any faith in horoscopes?



No, I don't believe in horoscopes. It's so strange that when my mother reads my horoscope and it actually fits my character and life situation, I am prone to laugh at it and I treat it with a lot of skepticism, but when it comes to religion, I don't laugh anymore but I wonder: maybe god is? or is it a message from God? - I do not have such thoughts in the case of horoscopes, which I can not worry about.


Maybe it's because of fear. Yesterday night I passed out (I will skip the details). Lying on the floor, I felt very dizzy, unable to breathe. I felt a fear that this is how I might feel in Hell and that Hell was real. In my mind I started to shout: God, save me! - something like that. In the face of malaise, it seems to me that God exists, especially when I am mentally and emotionally weak. maybe it is my fear that makes me believe? I do not know.


I can't resist clicking on these videos because I want to see that not everyone will suit me. For now, however, each video fits my current situation, even details such as the fact that I wanted to start setting some goals today - in this video it was said that I must watch it because it is a personal message from God and that today is the right moment to set goals. The rest of the other things matched too.


Just like you say that people stick to topics that affect most people and a similar pattern is in the horoscopes, so far every topic in the video fits me. I would have to find the wrong video for my situation to stop worrying about it or gain more knowledge of exactly how they are made. I know that there may be so-called the Forer effect, but religious people do not focus on techniques how to manipulate a human, rather unconsciously create content, believing that God inspired them to do it, and they stick to subjectivity, so the Forer effect probably does not fit well here.


18 hours ago, Wertbag said:



There is a ton of atheist content talking about biblical problems, problems with Christianity, the conflicting messages and how the most famous apologists get things wrong.  The question is do you watch atheist videos or only apologetic ones?  If you stay within the bubble you will keep getting one side of the story, you need to get the counter view.  

There are plenty of reasons not to believe the bible is anything other than just a man made book.  Firstly Christians cannot agree on which books should be included (there are different protestant verse Catholic verse Orthodox bibles) with each denomination claiming their version is the one true bible and that they were lead to the answer by the holy spirit, while coming to completely different answers to each other.  You have the fact that we have no original texts, no clue who the authors are (the books are mostly anonymous), only guesses at when they were written and obvious copying between sources (its not divinely written if its copied).

You have the stories that don't match the science (global flood being the obvious example), you have claims of miracles, angels and direct contact with god, none of which has ever been repeated in the real world.  

You have earlier stories like the Epic of Gilgamesh, were the story of Noah's flood obviously comes from.  You have conflicting details such as what were Jesus's last words?  Or what was written on the cross?  

And you have the hard to reconcile differences between the war god of the OT (kill disobedient children, kill witches, kill sabbath breakers, send bears to kill kids who insult the prophet, kill Egypt's first born, kill the guy who just tried to save the Ark from falling) with the more loving god of the NT ("do unto others", "turn the other cheek").  These are opposite stances and cannot be the same guy.

Yes, the Bible contains contradictions that apologists try to explain and connect to make the Bible appear consistent. But there has to be a mind that leads someone to create the videos I mentioned, since they are a perfect fit for me. So it is very strange that science can refute the existence of God, but on the other hand you have other things like wonderful conversion stories, wonderful mystical experiences, and wonderful videos that can point to God. I hope you understand what I mean - I am between 2 contradictions: between the illogical Bible and videos that tell about my life and are supposedly from God - which seems to indicate that maybe God exists, so you have to somehow reconcile the inconsistencies biblical leading back to apologetics.


I know it's annoying - I'm irritated and terrified by it all myself. It's like you know that UFOs don't exist, but suddenly every day you start to see some strange saucer flying in the sky every day, so you start to have doubts and then start to wonder that maybe a UFO does exist? - this is the analogy to my attempt to come out of Christianity.

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