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My America


by Christine Smith


I have written a number of political pieces regarding issues in our society, but there remains far more topics upon which I have developed an opinion based on extensive reading and listening to intelligent thoughtful discussions.


Thus, I decided to create a list of ideas I believe are attainable, expressing my opinion on a number of issues. The list, of course, is not exhaustive, nor does it (for brevity sake) develop the path by which these outcomes might be achieved (though links for further reading/research are provided). Agree or disagree with my opinions, may this list provoke its readers to unemotionally think about and explore different perspectives regarding the serious problems our nation is struggling with.


Thus, I share a few of my opinions which I envision would create the America deserved by the people; an America, as Lincoln expressed, with a "government of the people, by the people, for the people":


1. Bush and Cheney impeached.


2. Elimination of the "Patriot Act"; restoration of the American civil liberties we have lost; return to a republic governed/guided by Constitutional law with citizen rights upheld.


3. Immediate withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.


4. Focus on security of our nation including stockpiling of antibiotics and other medical supplies for the people in case of national disaster (natural or terrorism). Due to threat of bio-terrorism, emphasis on preparation/provision of needed supplies for American people in worst case scenario.


5. Defending our nation against terrorism by elimination of the "War on Terror." American lives and billions of dollars will not be used for imperialistic powergrabs; our military and military budget will be used for self-defense of our nation on our soil. Protecting America will be the priority, not invading sovereign nations, losing American military men and women, and slaughtering innocent civilians in the name of self-defense or in the name of spreading "democracy." Neither outright war (or covert actions) will be engaged in against nations posing no direct threat to our nation. We will focus on rebuilding democracy in our nation, and other nations will be left to the fate of whatever form of government they choose--their civil wars are theirs to fight--not ours. Similarly, no arms dealings with countries that abuse human rights and/or engage in aggression. Our priority will be America and Americans. We will adopt an isolationist policy so as to build a strong military defense. Security of the "homeland" in the "homeland" including air safety, ports, borders, etc. against foreign terrorists. When it is necessary for defense of our nation, we will fight with a well-trained well equipped military, but we will not engage in needless aggressive battles as we have for years.


6. Maintain a strong well-equipped and well-trained military; always ensure adequate financial (and medical) benefits to active-duty military men and women and their families and to veterans for their service. Maintain a strong National Guard for security at home/domestic emergencies to protect life and property within our nation; its deployment internationally to conduct overseas combat limited to extreme cases when a legitimate war requires additional soldiers.


7. Decrease military budget by ending unnecessary foreign interventions and waste, with some of that money applied toward immediate overhaul of the American education system--education becoming one of the top priorities of the nation, as well as social welfare-provision of basic necessities to our people.


8. A constitutional convention.


9. Recognized and respected business leaders of our nation selected to negotiate/oversee foreign trade polices and treaties.


10. Accountability at all levels of government enforced by criminal not civil law; thereby giving citizens with grievances/evidence/suspicion about illegalities of any government official a means to hold them legally accountable under criminal law. Entity formed to receive citizen complaints and evidence of possible governmental corruption with the legal power to bring charges against elected officials when sufficient evidence justifying prosecution is provided, or if adequate evidence to justify further investigation is offered, investigation of citizen complaint will happen. It should not be up to citizens to enforce the laws when it comes to use of their tax money and conduct of elected officials. Thus laws regarding elected offices, their powers and accountability to the public would become enforceable under criminal law.


11. Respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . Violations committed by Americans subject to the International Criminal Court . International law respected and abided by. No support (due to political expediency) to world leaders who themselves violate human rights of their people.


12. Abolish the death penalty.


13. Lift all restrictions imposed upon Cuban-American relations and commerce; respect Cuban sovereignty.


14. Leave the Middle East alone. End our enormous degree of financial aid to Israel. Middle Eastern conflicts with Israel (a nation with a powerful army, and a nuclear power) is Israel's business to negotiate (or fight)...not America's. America will cease its quest to maintain/gain geopolitical control in Middle East. Arab territories and their natural resources are theirs to control and sell to whom they wish. America to focus on self-sufficiency; end dependency on Arab resources; with taxpayer money used for betterment of American lives and our security not foreign governments and their conflicts.


15. Campaign/electoral reform. Abolish the electoral college; make every American's vote count. Voting (and the process used to do so) one of this nation's top priorities...ensuring accurate just voting and vote tabulation. Elimination of private companies providing voting machinery. Verifiable voting. Fair voting. Television/radio political advertising given equally to all candidates and only during a limited set time prior to the election--all candidates will have access to equal time on television and radio advertising. The people will be exposed to all candidates whether federal, state, or local through equal presentation in media. Third party candidates provided the opportunity to compete and debate.


16. Income tax abolished; with states and federal government developing a flat taxation (taxation on commodities) and/or gambling enterprises/lotteries to raise funds for projects and public services. The American people receive very little in return for the taxes we pay, and even as the current way of taxation exists, the money generated doesn't get transformed into much benefit to the people as it should. One way or another, establishment of a fair tax.


17. Travel (not directly related to business of the office politician elected to) by any politician eliminated at taxpayer expense (i.e.: expense for transportation, security, accommodations, etc. to be paid for by elected official if trip is not a necessary and direct duty of position held). Similarly, no tax monies used for propaganda or trips campaigning (No media to receive money from the government, and no government-produced propaganda presented as "news" stories to be made and distributed by media. Major examination/re-evaluation/and changes at all levels of government for what are permitted expenditures at taxpayer expense.


18. The government will not regulate the private lives of citizens--all laws regarding sexual activities between consenting adults stricken from the books.


19. Universal healthcare with freedom of choice; socialized medicine for all American citizens. Again, private enterprise medical care still available, but people would have choice.


20. Abolishment of property taxes; private property rights respected not only be eliminating property tax but also by severely restricted use of seizure of personal property by government for commercial use/profit versus public necessity or best interest (which would be determined democratically by the people in the area).


21. An end to the tax-free status of churches and clergy. (I favor abolishment of the federal and state taxation of income entirely; but as the current system is set up, I do not think churches/clergy should be given tax-free status. True charitable work and perhaps community churches engaged in charitable works would be an exception.)


22. Equal treatment under the law for all--no discriminatory practices permitted by the military, etc. (such as against homosexual behavior.) Likewise, no laws making some crimes worse than others based on assumed motives-- every crime to be judged on the law broken not who committed the crime, who a victim was, or why. Equality under law for all; strong enforcement of the existing laws we have protecting all individuals of our nation.


23. Give states more sovereignty; states responsible unto themselves for taxation and the economic needs unique to and for their state.


24. Basic necessities such as electricity not controlled by capitalists; as well as other areas such as insurance coverage--an alternative insurance program for home, auto, etc. available to those who wish to participate. People would have choice whether to purchase private insurance or government-funded/affordable insurance and other such necessities. The private sector would still compete and offer services and products, but consumers would have an alternative. The free market is excellent for most/many goods and services; but the for-profit motive of uncontrolled capitalism must be removed from essential needs of human life. A blend of socialism and capitalism to maintain the free market economy in most areas of our lives giving us the ingenuity of creative endeavors and achievements and the rewards for those who produce and create, while simultaneously providing for all the basic necessities of life such as food, housing, healthcare, education, and areas such as water, electricity, etc. We are a wealthy nation; I believe that at the current rate of taxation, we as citizens should receive far more benefits back than we do--untreated illness, poverty, homelessness are social ills we could eliminate.


25. Every state to have a strong legal self defense system/services for the indigent charged with a criminal violation.


26. Remove existing censorship (radio, tv); this would include prohibiting schools who receive federal government funding from banning literary-recognized and educational books from their library shelves and curriculum due to language, prejudices against homosexual content, discrimination against certain writers, or any other non-educational based bias. Any institution receiving federal funding would be unable to engage in such censorship.


27. Gun ownership protected for citizens; any "checking" prior to firearm sales automated via Internet for quick access so that waiting periods are minimal.


28. Legalization of drugs. End the "war on drugs,"; the government could even sell drugs reaping the financial benefit; use proceeds to fund abuse centers (voluntary) for those who seek assistance in ending addictions.


29. Legalization of prostitution.


30. Prisons transformed into places of learning, growth, with every opportunity for those who seek knowledge, skills, and education provided; abolishment of excessive telephone charges for families to stay in touch with loved ones in prison; Emphasis on programs to help former prisoners re-enter/transition into society. Every prison staffed with an independent advocate office to receive, investigate, and take action for any report of abuse or other grievances from inmates. Abolish for-profit prisons. Also, elimination of all profit-making from prisoner's needs--basic necessities such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, antiperspirant, etc. provided to inmates at no charge; similarly, inmate labor will not be exploited--any labor performed on a volunteer basis by inmates choosing to participate in work programs will be paid a fair wage.


31. Prisoners given the right to vote.


32. Workers rights protected; increased health and safety provisions/requirements for all employers--safety of the worker paramount; all workers have right to form unions and strike. Minimum wage greatly increased (economist to examine to determine true living wage proportionate to economy and inflation.)


33. Access to our public lands to remain free; with federal lands and protection of their ecosystems a priority. Federally protected lands not subject to sale to commercial interests unless the people of the state choose so.


34. Counseling centers available--open to all--including youth with intervention available on behalf of any youth with emotional problems, disturbance, or unhappiness due to their "family" or "home" life...giving the youth of our nation the power and ability to choose to leave their "home" to be raised in/by special homes/schools when their family life is unbearable and psychologically unhealthy. The mental and emotional abuse of minors to be addressed just as seriously as physical and sexual abuse.


35. Public schools: No school-sponsored religious activities such as prayer and posting of religious articles, neither will religion be taught as science. Religion offered as an objective study in class such as in a historical context or comparative religions of the world, but no religious sectarian instruction will be permitted.


36. Super-rail transit between major American cities; emphasis on transportation availability between/within cities.


37. Humane treatment of all animals such as those raised for meat production; abolishment of factory farms where animals are severely confined, overcrowded, or otherwise treated inhumanely; an end to speciest cruelties inflicted upon animals in the name of research.


38. Adults may refuse medical treatment (though no adult may do so on behalf of a minor).


39. Sex education to begin in elementary school with age-appropriate materials; with contraception, disease prevention, and all sexual partnerships examined as part of curriculum.


40. I would want to see a true leader as President. One who loves our nation and places its Constitution and democratic values as the guiding principle. Around that president I would want an advisory board of objective experts regarding matters of economy, environment, defense, and Constitutional law. I believe major electoral reform may eventually provide us with true leaders from the presidency to senate and congress and all other offices throughout our nation. We need individuals who will rebuild the republic, uphold our Constitution, and who truly love America and want us to be a true light not by forcing our will onto others, but by example within our own nation providing for our own people.


Christine Smith is a writer, author of an internationally popular book, social justice activist, and singer, now developing a career as a model/actress. She was recipient of The 2002 Outstanding American Award and the 2000 Amigas Peace Prize. Read more at her website http://www.christinesmith.us



Note: The original text of this article contained live links to informative websites regarding topics discussed, but this format could not reproduce those embedded links automatically. Visit http://www.christinesmith.us to read article in entirety including links for further research/reading.

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Sounds nice, but it's not going to happen anytime soon. Not with the fundies in power.

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Didn't read everything by far, but what I read makes much sense I think ;)

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Hmm... Some of that stuff is good, and I can agree with it... But some (like the "isolationist policies" crap) is ignorant, immature, nationalist bullshit that would never, realistically, work. In an ideal world, maybe, where nations don't depend on others for trade and other economical activities - but, as we all know, this is far from an ideal world.


Instead of being "isolationist", we need to strike a balance between what we export, and what we import. That is more realistic and economically viable.

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Lady Feline:


See idea/opinion #9...I'm not saying "isolationist" about trade...but "isolationist" about use of our military and our tax money currently used for foreign aid, etc.







Hmm... Some of that stuff is good, and I can agree with it... But some (like the "isolationist policies" crap) is ignorant, immature, nationalist bullshit that would never, realistically, work. In an ideal world, maybe, where nations don't depend on others for trade and other economical activities - but, as we all know, this is far from an ideal world.


Instead of being "isolationist", we need to strike a balance between what we export, and what we import. That is more realistic and economically viable.

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Great Suff, I want to live in the country you so desire, but you've gotta keep the death penalty. I am a flaming liberal who loves the death penalty. Take Timothy McVeigh for instance. He's off the planet, never to be interviewed by Stone Phillips or heard from again.

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That's quit a hodgepodge of Stances there.



The Libertarian stances I agree with for the most part. On the down note there are also some big government ideas that make zero sense realistically or if they do make sense there is no feasible way to pay for it with out gouging the tax payer further. .


15. Campaign/electoral reform. Abolish the electoral college;
:twitch: This is one of the most absurd things I've read in a long time. The Electoral college is set up to represent the small states on equal footing as the large states. If the EC was to be done away with the major cities would run the entire country. Each state gets fair say no matter how many people reside in that state based upon Number of senators and Representatives which vary according to population of the state. It's not a perfect system but why should cities get say how the entire country is run?



19. Universal healthcare with freedom of choice;
Perfect in a dream world but not realistically. I also notice in other paragraphs to cut back major sources of taxes. How is it you can have your cake and eat it too? Look at places like Europe where a gallon of gas is 12 bucks, (Appox) and buying a burger is 5/10 bucks. American people would Never go for it. Taxes would go up in every way shape and form to cover the cost like it does in other places. Look how Medicare and other government run health programs create major red tape, minimal choice in Dr and medication and expand that by millions of people. No one would go to school for 8 years to become a dr for a government paycheck which would cause a huge shortage of Dr's like it does in Canada where you have to be a waiting list for an obscene amount of time to even see the DR.



24. Basic necessities such as electricity not controlled by capitalists;
Again, please see all other government agency's and just imagine. Power line down? It would take an act of congress to get it fixed, they diddle around and drag their feet as they will be paid NO MATTER what. Please view the Big dig in Boston and look how much government waste was spent there. This would not make it cheaper for Citizens it would just give the government another tool to control and the quality of service would go down hill as well.


25. Every state to have a strong legal self defense system/services for the indigent charged with a criminal violation;
This already exists its what's called a court appointed attorney if you can't afford one compliments of Joe Q Tax payer.


30. Prisons transformed into places of learning, growth;
:twitch: Are you kidding me? Again this will require money from the working non-criminal tax payers. These people are CRIMINALS not children. I'd rather invest in good schools and let the criminals stay in a small cell with no TV. Criminals are already excused and pampered enough as it is, lets not encourage people to rape and pillage so they can get a free college education. I'd like to know this persons stance on what things the Victims should receive?



32. Workers rights protected;
Unions are a legalized mafia, 20/20 did a segment on the Teachers unions and forget it. Teachers that are convicted CRIMINALS can not be fired and show up and put in a room away from children. I'm against Unions as well. People should be kept based upon job performance, not guaranteed a job just because they pay dues or what ever.



34. Counseling centers available--open to all--;
These also already exists.


36. Super-rail transit between major American cities;
Who's going to fund this? The US Tax payer again? Again please see the Big dig in Boston as an example.
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Yes, it would be a much better country for us...I think many of us want such a country...our country. Note: Regarding your stance on the death penalty, wanted to let you know I once was a very strong supporter of the death penalty, also. I once thought it provided justice. I invite you to read an article I wrote regarding the reasons for my change of view on the subject. http://www.christinesmith.us/id18.html



Great Suff, I want to live in the country you so desire, but you've gotta keep the death penalty. I am a flaming liberal who loves the death penalty. Take Timothy McVeigh for instance. He's off the planet, never to be interviewed by Stone Phillips or heard from again.

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love it all.


there would be plenty of money to pay for everything mentioned, if we would do everything mentioned.

1. if one has ever worked for a company like mine you'd be screaming for the help of a union. where one cant just go get another job because they're all the same way..thats no stretch! i was just told that i have to work sunday, that gives me a total of 70 hours this week. they could have easily found someone else to work in my place, but since i called of for the first time in a year 3 weeks ago they are pissed about it. my company are vindictive assholes and im fed up. so i go job searching, back to square one when i found this job. they all pay less and less by the year and they all end up treating you like shit. you work your ass off, have a good attitude about it and find out some guy whos 5 years younger than you just walked in a got 4 more an hour than you even though you have years of experience and they are right out of high school. employeers are arbitrary, they could care less if you are a good worker.

2. if you ever get accused of something that you didnt do like i have you would appreciate that court appointed attorney.

3. eurpoes gas isnt 12 bucks its around half that and its only beacuse they are taxed higher.

4. please see "enron: the smartest guys in the room"

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love it all.


there would be plenty of money to pay for everything mentioned, if we would do everything mentioned.


How do you figure?



if anyone has ever worked for a company like mine you'd be screaming for the help of a union. where one cant just go get another job because they're all the same way..thats no stretch! i was just told that i have to work sunday, that gives me a total of 70 hours this week. they could have easily found someone else to work in my place, but since i called of for the first time in a year 3 weeks ago they are pissed about it. my company are vindictive assholes and im fed up. so i go job searching, back to square one when i found this job. they all pay less and less by the year and they all end up treating you like shit. you work your ass off, have a good attitude about it and find out some guy whos 5 years younger than you just walked in a got 4 more an hour than you even though you have years of experience and they are right out of high school. employeers are arbitrary, they could care less if you are a good worker.



Unions aren't the answer either. As in the example of the teachers how do you fire someone worth deserving firing?


if you ever get accused of something that you didnt do like i have you would appreciate that court appointed attorney.



Are you saying you had zero Representation in a court of law?


eurpoes gas isnt 12 bucks. in fact it probably close to what we pay, they are just taxed higher.

please see "enron: the smartest guys in the room"



Uhhh, No kidding, regardless who it's divided out to.. its still the cost to the consumer. Gas really isn't 3 bucks a gallon either, think that matters to those of us paying?


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Yes, it would be a much better country for us...I think many of us want such a country...our country. Note: Regarding your stance on the death penalty, wanted to let you know I once was a very strong supporter of the death penalty, also. I once thought it provided justice. I invite you to read an article I wrote regarding the reasons for my change of view on the subject. http://www.christinesmith.us/id18.html



Great Suff, I want to live in the country you so desire, but you've gotta keep the death penalty. I am a flaming liberal who loves the death penalty. Take Timothy McVeigh for instance. He's off the planet, never to be interviewed by Stone Phillips or heard from again.



Truth Seeker,

I read your link, and it makes some fair points, but I would have been right with the crowd cheering Bundy's execution. There is a very simple solution for not receiving the death penalty. Don't murder someone. Yes it is about revenge and sometimes it is sweet.

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love it all.


there would be plenty of money to pay for everything mentioned, if we would do everything mentioned.


How do you figure?

well its a loose figure. but we spend a ton on foreign aid and war for instance.



if anyone has ever worked for a company like mine you'd be screaming for the help of a union. where one cant just go get another job because they're all the same way..thats no stretch! i was just told that i have to work sunday, that gives me a total of 70 hours this week. they could have easily found someone else to work in my place, but since i called of for the first time in a year 3 weeks ago they are pissed about it. my company are vindictive assholes and im fed up. so i go job searching, back to square one when i found this job. they all pay less and less by the year and they all end up treating you like shit. you work your ass off, have a good attitude about it and find out some guy whos 5 years younger than you just walked in a got 4 more an hour than you even though you have years of experience and they are right out of high school. employeers are arbitrary, they could care less if you are a good worker.



Unions aren't the answer either. As in the example of the teachers how do you fire someone worth deserving firing?

well true1 maybe legislation. whats the answer?


if you ever get accused of something that you didnt do like i have you would appreciate that court appointed attorney.



Are you saying you had zero Representation in a court of law?


only by a court appointed attorney, even they the judge tells me im a heathen and i should be locked up. i was a minor and got accused of stealing cigarettes at a wal-mart when we were camping far from home. way far from home. i couldnt at the time leave them to get smoked by everyone so i took them to the store with me. so lady said she seen me take them.... :nono: had me arrested and thrown in jail on her word. no review of security tapes ..nothing. well after about 1.5 days in jail, when my mom finally was able to make the three hour drive i was told my court date. i went to court, my appointed attorney presented my case, no wal-mart rep was present. charges dropped, ultra-republican judge basically spites in my face, and i have to pay 75 dollars in court costs. all the while wal-mart actually stole 10 buck worth of smokes from me. (this was years ago btw) hope this makes at least a decent case.

eurpoes gas isnt 12 bucks. in fact it probably close to what we pay, they are just taxed higher.

please see "enron: the smartest guys in the room"



Uhhh, No kidding, regardless who it's divided out to.. its still the cost to the consumer. Gas really isn't 3 bucks a gallon either, think that matters to those of us paying?

true. but they have a killer transit system to rely on as well. :grin:

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"Unions aren't the answer either. As in the example of the teachers how do you fire someone worth deserving firing?"


Unions can't always protect "bad" teachers, Japedo. Teachers can be fired for the three I's regardless of whether they belong to a union. The three I's are as follows:





Immorality (or Moral Turpitude)


That leaves plenty of room for ridding the system of losers IF THE SYSTEM HAS BALLS.

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15. Campaign/electoral reform. Abolish the electoral college;
:twitch: This is one of the most absurd things I've read in a long time. The Electoral college is set up to represent the small states on equal footing as the large states. If the EC was to be done away with the major cities would run the entire country. Each state gets fair say no matter how many people reside in that state based upon Number of senators and Representatives which vary according to population of the state. It's not a perfect system but why should cities get say how the entire country is run?


I suffer first-hand from one of the flaws in the electoral system every four years (voting anything other than Republican on the Utah presidentail ballet quite literally makes one's vote meaningless), but even I have to agree with this. The Electoral College isn't perfect, but I don't have any better ideas, and half a solution is better than no solution at all.

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On the surface all of that sounds warm and fuzzy, good for mass consumption.


Ms. Smith, and I like the lady and her writings, has not planned well enoough for the economic realities of the systems she wishes to do with.


When goobermint was small and functional, the fees and taxes as mandated by Constitutional measures not only worked, but made *revenue*, a surplus, for the Fuds.


I suspect that a return to honest money (a harsh pipe dream) and Senators appointed by their respective States (Repeal the 17th), would go a long way to making things start to a recovery rather than revolution.


Understand folks, I don't want the slugs to start flying, I am a big, slow moving bullet sponge, however seeing things as they are collapse isn't that far off.

When things start to happen, they will fall fast.


Be prepared.


Remember, Points.... Go.... Out.....



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Maintain a strong well-equipped and well-trained military


Whoa, now wait just a minute. What exactly is a "strong well-equipped and well-trained military"?


Because let me tell you, America has it. Bad. Too bad. Just look at how much money has gone into the military and "defense" every year out of American taxpayer's pockets. Not just during the Bush administration, not just during the Cold War. The arsenal is terrifyingly impressive. We've poured billions of dollars into research on biological and nuclear weapons. (The government insists it isn't developing biological weapons, but has merely "researched their effects" - but I'm willing to bet there's a nice Andromeda strain in a vial somewhere.) Every day the US government costs citizens more and more billions and trillions as it develops more and more efficient ways to kill the most people in the fastest amount of time.


And then we go and rewrite Japan's constitution in 1945 so that military personnel are kept "for defense purposes only". Typical.


The US gov needs to get off its rediculously hypocritical stand that the Middle East and North Korea, and pretty much every other nation on earth, should disarm itself of nuclear and other deadly weapons - and still insist on keeping the biggest collection in existence for themselves.


Nope. Sorry. "Defense purposes only". We should learn from the Japanese?


Criminals are already excused and pampered enough as it is, lets not encourage people to rape and pillage so they can get a free college education. I'd like to know this persons stance on what things the Victims should receive?


Criminals and prisons are really such a controversial thing, and rightfully so. It seriously pisses me off to know that I can't move out of my parents' house because I'm stuck in a minimum-wage job market that cuts a good $120 out of each one of my paychecks, which goes to pay for cable in prisons for criminals to watch for free. I don't claim to have a solution, except perhaps to create a system in which every prisoner would be allowed to see the benefits of becoming a useful member of society - and then having the choice to go along with it, or rebel. The facilities and aids will be available to him should he choose to mend his ways; if not, he can stay in his cell for all eternity for all I care.


Unions are a legalized mafia, 20/20 did a segment on the Teachers unions and forget it. Teachers that are convicted CRIMINALS can not be fired and show up and put in a room away from children. I'm against Unions as well. People should be kept based upon job performance, not guaranteed a job just because they pay dues or what ever.


Unions are also a very delicate matter. Personally I feel they're unlawfully allowed to do whatever they damn well please. They should be regulated by the government at all times so that such rediculous circumstances are not allowed to pass. I can tell you by working in the shit job market, a union is often the only thing that makes sure you're paid enough to feed yourself.


9. Recognized and respected business leaders of our nation selected to negotiate/oversee foreign trade polices and treaties.


Because we all know the respected business leaders of our nation would never, ever endorse child or slave labor to save a buck. :Wendywhatever: Such matters should be regulated internationally, and every single treaty made to conform to those strict international guidelines. The trade treaty should be immediately burned and null and void if there is one iota of immoral or illegal practices or agreements in it.


16. Income tax abolished; with states and federal government developing a flat taxation (taxation on commodities) and/or gambling enterprises/lotteries to raise funds for projects and public services. The American people receive very little in return for the taxes we pay, and even as the current way of taxation exists, the money generated doesn't get transformed into much benefit to the people as it should. One way or another, establishment of a fair tax.


I sorta agree, but then again I don't quite get what is being said. I agree income tax should be abolished - as I said before, I'd be able to live on my own if the gov didn't rip over a hundred bucks from each measly paycheck I get. But at the same time, I certainly do not hate the rich. Let them enjoy their earnings. So I guess it all depends on what a "fair tax" is. If it's seriously taxing the rich in order to "punish" them for being "unequal", I don't want anything to do with it.


21. An end to the tax-free status of churches and clergy.


Doesn't this counteract the above statement 16? This is the way I look at - all or nothing. I pretty much agree with TS here.


26. Remove existing censorship (radio, tv);


Ah, but how far? I don't care if somebody wants to say "shit" on TV. As for sex, actually I prefer the less-sexual American stuff to what European fare I see (watching the BBC is like neverending dick and tit jokes for me, and it gets old after a while). But it could use some lightening up - come on, a naked ass here and there is good comedy and a giant black bar just ruins it. But what if TV producers were allowed to portray a person getting his face shot off at point-blanc range while being simultaneously disemboweled with a rusty bayonet? I really don't want that on my TV. You have to put limits somewhere.


27. Gun ownership protected for citizens; any "checking" prior to firearm sales automated via Internet for quick access so that waiting periods are minimal.


No. There is no reason for anybody to own anything which serves the sole purpose of maiming and killing. It's that simple. All gun manufacture and ownership should be abolished in the United States; using a gun should be punishable by life in prison.


28. Legalization of drugs. End the "war on drugs,"; the government could even sell drugs reaping the financial benefit; use proceeds to fund abuse centers (voluntary) for those who seek assistance in ending addictions.


29. Legalization of prostitution.


Now this is downright half-assed. I don't care about marijuana - I find it pretty harmless most of the time. But there is absolutely no good reason to allow drugs like heroin, cocaine, crystal meth, etc. to be legalized. Anybody who adopts the view that whoever gets hooked onto them (obviously the minority, since the gov lies to us about their addictive qualities - obviously) "deserves" it and that it's easy as pie with addiction centers is full of shit. Having been in a mental hospital setting three times I can tell you that nothing can fuck up your entire existence more than drugs. People see somebody who claims to have a perfect life do crack without seemingly any cares, then they get hooked and it's all over. People don't realize the literal insanity people get when they're on this shit. I've seen kids in their teens and early twenties, who are probably going to be in mental hospitals for the rest of their lives because they just can't beat the addiction - and their lives are probably mercifully going to be short. They'd already seriously weakened their hearts and organs with more than one medical emergency.


As for prostitution, I just ask: Why? The only reason women ever really go into it is lack of money, and what with all these wonderful reforms, that should solve that problem. As for men and women needing to sate their sexual desires, that's really nothing you can't do with somebody at a bar if you're single, and if you're in a relationship or married, do you really think your lover or spouse won't mind because it was just a one-time thing with a hooker?


37. Humane treatment of all animals such as those raised for meat production; abolishment of factory farms where animals are severely confined, overcrowded, or otherwise treated inhumanely; an end to speciest cruelties inflicted upon animals in the name of research.


A-FUCKING-MEN. And, abolishment of the fur trade.

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Good discussion going on regading "My America"... will address a few points which have been brought up in several posts, here are a few more of my opinions regarding/clarifying the ideas being discussed:


If the billions our government spends for aggressive imperialistic military actions worldwide were ceased; if the billions given to other nations in foreign aid was reduced/eliminated...Pentagon expenditures could be greatly reduced while still maintaining a strong defense...we would then have billions of dollars to create a better America. Those billions of dollars could transform American lives if it was spent on us and our society. Again, I emphasize "defense" not offense. I think the military/Pentagon budget could be cut dramatically, and we'd still be a strong nation for our self defense.


No one should have to live from paycheck to paycheck, often without health insurance, in fear of what will happen if they lose that job.


America is made up many hard workers...whose families are suffering. On average, one out of every three Americans are living in poverty at least 2 months out of the year...with the total number of Americans living below the official poverty level approx. 36 million (stats from 2003). This is disgraceful...if only our tax money was spent only for the American people and American society, we may could end such an obscenity completely or to a large degree.


Based on my reading/research as well as I what I see in our nation, it is my opinion, many American workers are exploited by capitalist greed, and victimized by their own government who takes their hard-earned money and gives little comparatively in return.


As for tax on commodities, it may be higher...but neither would we have to struggle to pay for essential needs (or pay taxes on our income and property). I'm not for "punishing the rich" at all...I admire men and women who have through their work earned a good living for themselves--but I believe basic human needs could be provided to all. Equitable taxation--singling out no one--but equal for all.


Regarding defense attorneys and prisons...adequate provision for good representation and opportunities for inmates is not inconsistent with victim rights. There should be major overhaul on all those fronts. Civil courts are filled with victims who to protect themselves must pay to get their justice; likewise victims in criminal courts must be supported. But those who have broken the law need support as well. Most will return to our society, and based upon their treatment may either be ready to create a better life or will be bitter. "Justice" should never be something that only those with money can afford...but something victim and accused are guaranteed. A just society would want all to be helped who sought it.


Regarding gun ownership...guns in the hands of trained law abiding citizens is a good thing. I believe in self-defense on a national level as well as for the individual. One can believe in love, peace...and not be a Pacifist. I believe self-defense is justified.


Regarding the counseling centers and alternative living arrangements for youth I suggested: Much crime (and confusion) might be eliminated if our youth living under control of emotionally abusive parents had a way to escape that hell of a situation. Where can a child or teenager go who knows that a parent is mistreating them...where a parent behaves like a little tyrant? That type of situation can lead to rebellion, anger, and rage...predecessors to criminal activity. As strictly as we view and reject physical/sexual abuse, we should respect any youth who feels living at "home" is intolerable due to psychological abuse.


Too many love power...and not one another...thus the despair, poverty, crime, etc. Ours should and I believe could be a nation whose citizens could create much if they did not have to be concerned about how to pay for their basic necessities. A step toward that I believe is to use our tax money for us...not spending billions worldwide in "wars" and "foreign aid" which does nothing to benefit the average American's daily life. I want to see those billions used for American youth, used for American education, used for programs to assist those who seek to make new choices in their lives (regardless of the mistakes they may have made in the past), used for American transportation, American medical care...not spent in other countries. I want to see our money used for us...and let's just see how many improvements could be made.


Elections and the electoral college...I do not think the electoral college does any good. It was created at a different time... I would like to see every American's vote count...let the people choose. In this day and age of technology, we know who the candidates are...so let the people, by popular vote, choose.


I agree with several of Nivek's sentiments (and like his reality check)...Frankly, I think it is highly probable America will soon suffer a major economic collapse...and agree with his governmental changes he suggested. As for economic feasibility of my suggestions, I'd sure go for giving it a try rather than the way it is now...in my opinion we need more control over how our tax monies are used...and more voice in what our nation does abroad.


I believe there is no scarcity in America, only a lack of love. (I like Gore Vidal's definition of "love" as he gave to me in an interview in which he defined both love and wisdom with one word : "Acceptance.")

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Equitable taxation--singling out no one--but equal for all.


Someone needs to get off the Netbus at Lew Rockwell Dot Com and pick up on Austrian Economics.





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Has politics ever made anyone's life better?


Whatever ideas you have for each other, let it go. The rite of passage into adulthood involves taking responsibility for yourself; chest thumping and pecking orders haven't accomplished a damn thing, save for securing methods to make one man slave to another. A solution that destroys the individual is no solution.


I ask you only to think about what you are robbing others of when you force your solutions upon even those who do not want them.


If you want universal healthcare, form a group. Pool your funds and share with each other. Minimize your costs by promising to yourself and your association that you will take better care of your own body. Hire your own medical professionals and treat them well.


If you want a militia and a strong defense, start one. Train yourself in the use of armaments and self-discipline. Meet a couple of times a year to ensure all is well; then return to normal life. Thus, the nation is protected and there is no need for a standing army.


If you want to do drugs, do drugs and associate with others who will protect your choice.


Why can we not just make associations voluntary, so the individual can move from one paradigm to another at will? Why, when America has a time and place for everything, do you want to blanket it as a time and place for nothing, where no one is respected?


This is volutary society. Everyone can get what they want. Nothing and no one is excluded.


If you think this is a bad idea, this is how the world works in spite of government. It happens anyhow, because it's the nature of man.


It's time to stop fighting gravity.

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Next time any discussion on this board turns to the topic of "absolute truth" and "absolute morality", I'm going to link to this thread. The wide array of agreements and diisagreements here serves to demonstrate that right and wrong, good and evil, are all internal constructs.

Which is the greater necessity, or tyhe greater evil? A well prepared military? legalized prostitution? Diplomatic isolationism? The death penalty?


Morality is entirely relative.

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There is also the difficult definition of "religion", or rather, religion and charity, temple/synagogue/church/mosque/shrine, etc.


The current one accepts Scientology as a bona-fide tax-free faith. :ugh: So it could use a rehaul, yes. But IMO the best system would be one that judged each "religion" on an individual basis, but then comes again the definination of "religion".


Suppose a Buddhist organizationed started a charity to rebuild villages destroyed by war in Sri Lanka. This would include rebuilding temples, but also rebuilding homes, schools, etc. The Buddhists in the volunteer group are not aggressive about their faith, but will readily answer any questions and provide materials for anyone who asks them about it.


Does it warrant taxation as a religious organization? Do people who donate money to it have the right to write it off on their tax forms? Are religious groups who do not own permanent sanctuary buildings, who meet informally on a non-regular basis, exempt from taxation? Does a meditation study group qualify as a religious group? Etc.

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Unions can't always protect "bad" teachers, Japedo. Teachers can be fired for the three I's regardless of whether they belong to a union. The three I's are as follows:





Immorality (or Moral Turpitude)


That leaves plenty of room for ridding the system of losers IF THE SYSTEM HAS BALLS.




I'm not sure what particular Teachers Union was on 20/20, but I do know that the public schools had a room full of teachers in NY City that were not allowed to be around children for various different reasons, as it was to costly to fire them due to the unions. The teachers showed up to this particular room (Blue room maybe ?) I forget now what they called it. They were kept away from the kids as long as they showed up that's all that was required of them. Regardless I found it horrifying that teachers who were abusive or just plain to lazy to teach had their jobs protected no matter what they did. Don't get me wrong I have great respect and admiration for teachers, I'm just pointing out the down side to getting rid of someone needing to be fired.

The 20/20 episode I saw this on was The Dumbing down of America I think was the name?

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well its a loose figure. but we spend a ton on foreign aid and war for instance.


Oh I understand, however In other points in the essay it talks about abolishing various taxes. 16. Income tax abolished, 20. Abolishment of property taxes; Already stated that the WOT was done with,#5 The war in Iraq #3, and the # 7 military budget decreased. How to pay for all the socialism? It's like I said, You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't abolish taxes then ask a government to fund utopia, Who funds the government?




well true1 maybe legislation. whats the answer?


I wish I had a simple answer. I'm a capitalist by Nature, however I'm very much against the Corporate world. I think they influence unfair policy's with government and shit on the people like you stated. Rarely are they held accountable due to the fact they have major pull with government, its a vicious circle. Not only that.. I don't like the fact they go to a 3rd world country and have slave labor. That's a whole another ball of wax. There is no simple answer but it is worth taking ideas of how to improve life for the average Joe.



only by a court appointed attorney, even they the judge tells me im a heathen and i should be locked up. i was a minor and got accused of stealing cigarettes at a wal-mart when we were camping far from home. way far from home. i couldnt at the time leave them to get smoked by everyone so i took them to the store with me. so lady said she seen me take them.... :nono: had me arrested and thrown in jail on her word. no review of security tapes ..nothing. well after about 1.5 days in jail, when my mom finally was able to make the three hour drive i was told my court date. i went to court, my appointed attorney presented my case, no wal-mart rep was present. charges dropped, ultra-republican judge basically spites in my face, and i have to pay 75 dollars in court costs. all the while wal-mart actually stole 10 buck worth of smokes from me. (this was years ago btw) hope this makes at least a decent case.



That suxs and I'm deeply sorry you had to endure such a horrific experience! Wal-Mart should have covered the court costs they failed to make an appearance and it was because of them there were any costs to begin with.


eurpoes gas isnt 12 bucks. in fact it probably close to what we pay, they are just taxed higher.

please see "enron: the smartest guys in the room"



Uhhh, No kidding, regardless who it's divided out to.. its still the cost to the consumer. Gas really isn't 3 bucks a gallon either, think that matters to those of us paying?

true. but they have a killer transit system to rely on as well. :grin:


No argument here! :)


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39. Sex education to begin in elementary school with age-appropriate materials; with contraception, disease prevention, and all sexual partnerships examined as part of curriculum.


yeah, we should trust the public schools to teach our kids about sexuality cuz they've done such a great job teaching our kids math and science, right? :rolleyes:


Didn't Mary Letourneau pioneer this awhile back? :lmao:


I'm sure Christine means well, but her plans would only work if all people were exactly like her, with her values and her vision of a perfect world. The only way to get to that point is to kill everyone who disagrees with you, like they did in China. I personally don't think that's a good way to go.

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