It's been almost a month since I posted my first blog entry on this site. That's a long time for me, I posted quite regularly on the site I used to hang out on before it closed.
I'll tell you what has been on my mind lately-my wife. She is still a believer and she gave me hell when I first told her 2 years ago that I didn't believe the bible anymore because she was and is embarrassed. She was (and is) more concerned about what her friends would say than she is about my "eternal soul". In fa
I saw this blog entry and connected article on Facebook ( and I was amazed that an organization that is committed to "Science And Faith In Dialogue" would admit that we evolved and that Genesis 1 is a story. Of course, for fundamentalist like I was, this is earth-shattering because if we take away creation the whole thing falls apart. God's headship, man's dominion, the fall, sin and ultimately salvation. If ther