Goodbye Jesus
Anyone ever had that feeling of walking on ice or on egg shells, even when there's no reason to be feeling like that?
I've come to the conclusion that my brain is possibly wired to deal with crisis every second of every day....
The majority of my life has been extremely stressful and not all that pleasant, the last two weeks I've had a rather calm life minus my kids running away and my other (real) mum being really fucking sick .. All of that I can deal with.. Apparently what I struggle
I guess the title of this entry says it all really.
I have a tendency to run from positive relationships, and I'm trying to break that habit. My biggest issue right now is that I feel numb, as in, I cannot feel my emotions, whether I care deeply for someone, love them, or simply feel deep respect for them. The only exception to this is my children, whom I know I love unconditionally as any parent should.
All I want right now is to feel again, it appears as though this is goi
I So, as usual I'm awake in the middle of the night. Except this time it's somewhat ironic, I don't currently own a journal and haven't kept one for several years now, I figured a blog would fulfill the same purpose.
Thinking about my life in general currently and trying to work out where too from here. Tomorrow, or rather today now, seeing as it's after midnight is going to be yet another major milestone, I guess I could call it that.., .
Mother is going to arrive to watch
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