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You Know You're An Ex-c When...


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You know you're an Ex-C when...


1. You imply you are a Christian... but also a non-Christian.


(thinking of you Open Minded)


2. A leap into the unknown is... a leap into the unknown.


3. Any response not pleasing to you must be mocked or refuted violently or else you'll be less honest to yourself.


(thinking of V and CT)


4. You need not thow a fit when a Christian-like response (which is always bad) is directed at you - you respond like Mr. A and HanSolo - commendable to the nth degree.


5. You are not terrified (anymore) to curse any god properly in its/their proper name(s).


6. You don't need to ask any body to pray on your (or your relative's) behalf.


7. You have no religion to speak of, but God, so proud of your new found freedom.


8. You self-appoint yourself to defend all Ex-Cs.


9. You wait and demand for a reply from non-Ex-Cs.


10. You love fundies to bits, because without them to make fun of, hey, what else is there?

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3. Any response not pleasing to you must be mocked or refuted violently or else you'll be less honest to yourself.


(thinking of V and CT)

Boy, you really are trying to re-write history, aren't you...


In case you hadn't noticed, most of my posts are polite, calm and peaceful. It's just when people decide to ignore reality and post utter shite that I start mocking. (and it took over a year for me to start ridiculing you...)




Either you're trying sarcasm again, or this is a thinly-veiled attack on certain people here... not that it matters Pug, since we're thicker-skinned than you think.

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You know you're an Ex-C when...


11. ...we're thicker-skinned than you think.
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You know you're an ex-c when...


12....most of my posts are polite, calm and peaceful. It's just when people decide to ignore reality and post utter shite that I start mocking. (and it took over a year for me to start ridiculing you...)
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You know you're an ex-c when...


13. You need at least a year to ridicule non ex-c.

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You know you're an Ex-C when...


Christians start mocking your posts for the sole purpose of getting you riled up.





Pity it's not working Pug...

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Guest Rosso Dolore

Who do you think you are Pug?


I´m maybe new here but as an Ex-X I´m an old case. And you are a stereotypical xian. You try to be sooo humble but you´re an arrogant and know-it-all type which is so typical all xians. I´m so fed up with you people, xians.


Your humbleness and turning-other-cheek is see-through and you don´t raise your master by your mails. Au contraire. It makes me increasingly more sure that leaving that cult (christianity) was definitely a right choice.


And BTW: this is forum for EX-christians. Why do you keep coming here to get punched time after time? Martyr? Masochist?


Nooo. I think you are just one arrogant bastard who get his(?) kicks from condemning others to hell. I.E. an ordinary christian. :3: Way to go!

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14. You get banned from every christian forum that you used to post on just for implying that you might be apostate.

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15. You just can't let christian theology go. 3:00 in the morning - wakes up - "and that's another thing, why does god have this thing about blood sacrifices? eeuw!" falls asleep again

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16. When you have to find yourself a new hobby to fill the time that used to be taken up with church services, prayer meetings, bible study etc.


Ironically tho' the bible study has INCREASED lol

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17. You shudder in embarrasment as you remember church terminology, like "blessed", "witness", "walking in the spirit", "travel mercies"


"I just want to witness how the Lord blessed us with travel mercies"


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18. When you can hijack a "you know you're a . . ." thread that is supposed to mock ex-christians, but you can turn it around to show how being a christian sucked.

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You know you're an Ex-C when...


1. You imply you are a Christian... but also a non-Christian.


(thinking of you Open Minded)


2. A leap into the unknown is... a leap into the unknown.


3. Any response not pleasing to you must be mocked or refuted violently or else you'll be less honest to yourself.


(thinking of V and CT)


4. You need not thow a fit when a Christian-like response (which is always bad) is directed at you - you respond like Mr. A and HanSolo - commendable to the nth degree.


5. You are not terrified (anymore) to curse any god properly in its/their proper name(s).


6. You don't need to ask any body to pray on your (or your relative's) behalf.


7. You have no religion to speak of, but God, so proud of your new found freedom.


8. You self-appoint yourself to defend all Ex-Cs.


9. You wait and demand for a reply from non-Ex-Cs.


10. You love fundies to bits, because without them to make fun of, hey, what else is there?


You know he's a fraud when:


1. He claims to be Chinese but talks like a native-born American.

2. He claims to be oh-so-humble but doesn't bat an eye at ridiculing non-Christians from atop his high-and-mighty Black Steed.

3. He has nothing but religion to give his life meaning.

4. He self-appoints himself to defend all xians most of whom disagree with his own brand of xianity.

5. He uses the name of the Lord his God in vain (Point 7 above) while all the time pretending to honour Him.

6. All he does in a crisis is disregard Jesus' command to use his talents, but instead he stops all work, hangs his head, and sits/kneels/lies down to pray to a non-existent invisible entity to deliver him and give him wisdom rather than use his own "god-given" brain to solve the problem.

7. Pretends to be ever so virtuous all the while mocking, ridiculing, deriding exChristians for responding to the Light of Truth.

8. He steps unthinkingly into an unknown and alien religion because the flame went out on his Monkey God's prayer stick.

9. He claims to be a xian but still believes in his Monkey God i.e. he says his monkey god tried to pull him back from the xian god. Real xians believe in only One God.

10. His life is so empty that in order to give his life meaning he has to to take on the guise of Missionary and go into an exC forum to bug the Enlightened People.

11. He appropriately (from a fundy perspective) laments that the "world has gone to the dogs."

12. He counts every imagined disagreement from non-Christians as "persecution for the sake of Christ."


Haven't reached 15 yet but I'm sure others will come to mind........

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You know you're an ex-Christian when:


19. You have to endure hours of proselytizing from your Christian friends and family, but 5 minutes of you talking about why you disagree with Christianity and have left it in the first place is "inappropriate" for open discussion or, worse, merely a sign of rebellion rather than a heartfelt and painstaking decision that you did not make overnight. In either case, your genuine feelings on the matter are completely ignored in favour of a pack mentality.

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You're so cute, puggie. I'm pretty sure you're one of Jesus' favorites.

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You know you're an ExChristian when:


- You no longer have to fear that if you don't give 10 percent of you income to God's appointed ministers, He will dry up the windows of heaven in you life and you shall suffer eating dust and locusts for breakfast.


- You are free to true to yourself and not conform to some priest's interpretation of the Bible, which strangely looks a lot like himself


- You are free to respect everyone because you know that we are all equals and no one has any inside track to ultimate knowledge


- Your love is more meaninful to others and yourself because you are not obligated to act like you love someone because some God commands it


- Your mind is free to grow in knowledge, not limited by boundries of knowledge imposed by a bunch of ignorant priests with sticks in their butts


I'd offer more, but time to go.... :close:

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You know you're an ex-Christian when:


19. You have to endure hours of proselytizing from your Christian friends and family, but 5 minutes of you talking about why you disagree with Christianity and have left it in the first place is "inappropriate" for open discussion or, worse, merely a sign of rebellion rather than a heartfelt and painstaking decision that you did not make overnight. In either case, your genuine feelings on the matter are completely ignored in favour of a pack mentality.


Bravo! :woohoo:

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21. You have to begin intellectually all over again and you do lots of research, reading, questioning on both sides of all life's issues because you want to be informed and think for yourself.


22. You have little patience for people who don't


23. You don't believe something just because you hear it, even if you agree with it, you want proof.


24. You've actually read the Bible, which is why you don't believe it.


25. You've researched Christian history and know what the Church says about it's history and what the history books say are not the same things.


26. You offer others real empathy instead of snide and callous remarks and insisting all they need is an imaginary Jesus band-aid discounting the tragedy they have gone through.


27. You get upset when clueless Christians dismiss your friends at Ex-C's tragedy's and instead offer snide and callous remarks.

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28. When you discover the intent behind the message.


29. Then you discover the original intent behind the message, e.g., the discovery of the bastardization of the word hell by the Roman Catholic Church.


30. The discovery that myths are what they are...myths.


31. The dicovery that myths are everything...to the society that wrote them.


31. That said myths are very profound once understood.


32. And, that all myths are stories of the gods.


33. That no one has any inside information regarding any particular myth as being more true.




Not going quite as well as you planned is it pug? ;)

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You know you're an Ex-C when...


1. You imply you are a Christian... but also a non-Christian.


(thinking of you Open Minded)

Why Pugster.... I'm honored... A sister thread to "You know you're a fundy...." It should be fun to watch this one develop.... Do you think we can make it to 666 indicators?????? Maybe the mods will pin both threads and we can play dueling threads...... :wicked:


Again telling me I'm a "non-Christian", even after these heart-felt words of wisdom.


Should a Christian even need to know if he/she is a true Christian? Man need not judge man. The true judgement God's priviledge. Why be bothered by what the other Christian see in their eyes? What is Christian enough anyway? Thousands of denominations you know? Which is which? Just seek God. Let Him tell you. And may His grace be upon you.


As I said before, "sincerity is not one of your strong suites".


But.... continuing on....


34. You know you're an Ex-C (or heretic - in my case) when your on-line sport is playing headgames with literalist fundies.


35. You know you're an Ex-C (or heretic - in my case) when you don't have to hide what you're really feeling or defend an understanding of God that really doesn't work.


36. You know you're an Ex-C (or heretic - in my case) when you're free to read any book you want, consider the validity of any view you want and think rationally - because there is no system putting constraints on your mind and heart and soul.

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37. You know you are on the track to becoming an ex-christian when you begin to wonder, "If god is all-powerful, why does he need me, a mere human, to defend and/or fight for him?"

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Ok Pug I see exactly what you are doing. I see this thread getting locked soon . That is what this now you are trying to do full blown attacks on us. It isn't going to work buddy.


Wow it took a year for Pug just to snap :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:


Anyway I will contribute since I am in a good mood.


38. You actually read the Bible and see the hypocracy


39. You question and do not believe blindly


40. You are a member of ExChristian.net


41. You no longer give your money to the church :wicked:


42. You use to dislike Sunday but now its the greatest day ever because of no church.


43. You think Pug is like all the other Christians who post here


44. You spell Jesus and Jebus or Cheezus just to offend Pug


45. You laugh at the pastor every time he says he knows the truth.

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You know you're an ExChistian when:


46. You can live your life sincerely - Period

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47. You do good works because its the right thing to do, not because the Bible told you so.


48. You read the Adam and Eve story and say "wait a minute, God is all powerful and knowing and yet he let humanity fail?"


49. You finally get pleasures in life instead of living by a book.


50. You actually see that the conservatives are doing more harm than good.



WOOT WE ARE AT 50! Pug I see the tables have turned on this thread. What was suppose to be insult and mockery of us is going backwards at you.

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