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Which Is The True Religion?


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How many religions are there in the world from which to locate the "true" one?


According to David Barrett and team, there are 19 major world religious groupings in the world which are subdivided into a total of about 10,000 distinct religions. Of the latter, there were 270 religions and para-religions which had over a half million adherents in the year 2000 CE. Within Christianity, they have identified 34,000 separate groups (denominations, sects, individual unaffiliated churches, para-church groups, etc) in the world. "Over half of them are independent churches that are not interested in linking with the big denominations."


Even considering a single religion, Christianity, within a single country, there are often thousands of individual "Christian confessions and denominations." For example, Barrett et al. states that there are:


4,684 groups in the U.S.

3,364 in South Africa.

2,079 in Nigeria.

1,581 in Brazil.

1,327 in South-central Asia.


Among other English-speaking countries, there are:


828 groups in the UK.

469 in Canada.

267 in Australia

175 in New Zealand.


Differences in the beliefs and practices of various faith groups:

Probably the one area where religions differ the most is over the nature of deity. Various groups teach Agnosticism, Animism, Atheism, Strong Atheism, Deism, Duotheism, Henotheism, Monism, Monotheism, Panentheism, Pantheism, Polytheism, the Trinity, and probably some others that we have missed. More details.


Perhaps the next greatest range of beliefs are about the fate of people after death: whether there is simple annihilation, some form of energy-less existence as taught by the ancient Hebrews, Purgatory as taught by the Roman Catholic Church, Heaven or Paradise as taught by many religions, Hell which is also taught by many faiths, Limbo, reincarnation, transmigration of the soul, nirvana, an alternative world much like Earth, and probably some other places or states that we have missed.


There is also a great range of beliefs and practices among different religions over other theological beliefs, ritual, organization, family structure, personal sexual behavior, and other topics. For example, differences exist on matters such as: abortion access, adult celibacy, animal sacrifices. appearance factors (shaving, jewelry), birth control usage, calendar, clergy celibacy, clergy gender, clergy organization, meeting day, documentation, family power sharing, family types, gender of deities, homosexual rights, meeting place, nature of deities, nature of humanity, new year date, number of deities, origin of the universe, prayer, pre-marital sex, role of women, sacred texts, suicide, surgical modifications to the body, special clothing, symbols, etc. More details


To our knowledge, no two religions teach the same message or expect the same practices from their followers. One would be hard pressed to find two faith groups within the same religion which have identical teachings and practices.


If a "true religion" exists, then it would probably have to be one or a few faith groups within one of the 10,000 religions. All of the other religions and faith groups would be in error.



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Ok, so why do you believe that you found the correct religion? As I understand it, it's based on your subjective interpretation of your joss stick burning out.


At the very least I hope you can see how silly that sounds to us who all once believed based on evidence that was equally as subjective.

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Your point being...?

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So Pug, is this your acknowledging that there is no single truth about God? Are you seeing that "truth" is not the domain of religion, since those who say they have it can't demonstrate it anywhere in all the ranks? Are you becoming one of us now?

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the one thing every believer from every religion will always agree upon is which religion is the true one. They all agree "My religion" is the true religion.

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How many of those 10,000 religions are based upon the Judeo-Christian God?

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The only true religion is not to have one.

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If a "true religion" exists, then it would probably have to be one or a few faith groups within one of the 10,000 religions. All of the other religions and faith groups would be in error.



Pay close attention to this part...


If a "true religion" exists, then it would probably have to be one or a few faith groups within one of the 10,000 religions.


A blind assumption is being made. That assumption is that out of 10,000 religions, one or a few must be right. Why? Based on what evidence do any of them have to be right?


The odds of one of the 10,000 religions being right, is the same as all 10,000 religions being right.


I say HanSolo is right. "The only true religion is not to have one"



(I've missed you Han!!!!)

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(I've missed you Han!!!!)

Thanks. Everyone have been so nice to me since I came back it's touching. :HappyCry:



Pug, I hope you find the right "belief" that fits you. I know many here get aggressive and give you a hard time, and sometimes even I join that bunch, but you've been with us here for some odd months and that I see as a sign (from Non-God ;) ) that you probably needs the conversation with us, not because you really believe you can convert us, but because you need the conversation. And one reason to this could be that you are not 100% certain about your own beliefs. Why else comparing your belief to other beliefs, unless you need to find that little thing, that little extra, that "proves" to you that your faith is right. And why would you need that, unless there's something missing. I hope for your own sake and sanity that you will keep on searching and one day you might join our ranks and be part of bashing other Christians visiting our site. :)

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That's easy...they're all right and they're all wrong. The truth is in the paradox. :grin:

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The only true religion is not to have one.


Well-put :D


If a "true religion" exists, then it would probably have to be one or a few faith groups within one of the 10,000 religions.


A blind assumption is being made. That assumption is that out of 10,000 religions, one or a few must be right. Why? Based on what evidence do any of them have to be right?


Yeah, I love that. One heck of a wild assumption is made there, that we've discovered all possible religious truths that there are to discover, and that nothing new is ever to be learnt.


Then again, what do you expect from the same people who claim Atheism is a religious faith? :jerkit:

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Pay close attention to this part...
IF a "true religion" exists, then it would probably have to be one or a few faith groups within one of the 10,000 religions.
Yes... Pay VERY Close attention - the beginning of the statement is IF.


And - to boot -

  • The article is titled: WHICH, IF ANY, OF THE WORLD'S 10,000 RELIGIONS IS THE "TRUE" ONE?
  • The article is on the http://www.religioustolerance.org website. A site known for it's promotion of understanding and tollerance between religions. The make up of the Religious tolerance team is described as follows: http://www.religioustolerance.org/purpose.htm

    Unlike almost all other religious WWW sites, we do not advocate any one religion. We are a group whose members follow five different theological beliefs (Agnosticism, Atheism, Christianity, Wicca, and Zen Buddhism). It would be difficult for us to promote any one belief system, even if we wanted to.

So.... Pug ..... Please do not make the assumption that the people who wrote that article are advocating that there is ANY TRUE religion. As they said, IF. :Hmm:


And given the fact that there are 10,000 religions to choose from, it is a pretty whopping big IF

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The fact that there are 1000's of religions out there was one of the reasons I deconverted. How logically can any supposedly kind and loving deity torture someone for all of eternity just because they happened to pick the wrong religion to join? I can't worship any deity like that. Don't know how someone could, aside from the brainwashing.


I do have to say religioustolerance.org is a decent site, but only because they are *fair*. They have gotten hate mail from fundies for promoting tolerance for Pagans and Atheists, as well as Christians, Buddhists, and Muslims.

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Yes, if 1000's of religions exist and one of them were correct (note the if), the chances of you picking the right one is very slim. It seems more likely to me, from my point of view, that since 1000's of religions exist, none of them are from God (or any kind of all powerful being).


I currently use the following quote as my signature. I think when contemplating on the existence and nature of God, it is good to remember:

"Is God willing to prevent evil but not able? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Then where does evil come from? Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God?"

-- Epicurus, Greek philosopher


So God is either not omnipotent or is malevolent (we can rule out the other two because we observe evil and the last does not deal with a true God). Well, maybe the Christian God matches the malevolent part, but that contradicts the whole God is love notion (which is probably not based on the bible).

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Thats funny, this is usually a question geared towards Christians not vise versa. I wonder why Pug is asking us this when we generally ask him this?


Could Pug be on the verge of crossing over to our side? :scratch: This is out of the ordinary for Pug.....


This is funny I was talking about this on another thread...

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"True religion" is an oxymoron.


That was my initial impression, but to expand upon it: Religion is subjective, not objective. Everyone views the gods from different GPS coordinates. No one sees exactly the same thing; therefore, from an objective POV, truth is not possible.


Viewing the matter from within one's own subjectivity, we tend to experience religion with the "spiritual" aspect of our emotions. Whatever we feel, we feel. Externally it may be so divorced from reality as to be utter steaming crap; but internally we experience what we experience and therefore feel it to be emotional truth.


For this reason I feel that "spiritual" experiences are true for ourselves and ourselves only; but organized religions are false for everyone.

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You know Pug, I'm going to have to restate what Hans said. He and I often wind up circling around the same thoughts together and this is one of those times. I've been thinking you are on the verge of deconverting. I think you are finding something lacking in your beliefs, and you spend a lot of time here with people who are indepent thinkers. We are understading of the beliefs you are in, and we have come out of it with an informed insight into it. Is it that which you come here trying to access for yourself?


So what's up with your beliefs right now?

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You know Pug, I'm going to have to restate what Hans said. He and I often wind up circling around the same thoughts together and this is one of those times.

It must be the Unholy Spirit guiding us. Hehe...


Back to the subject thou, if there is a true religion, and this true religion does exist today, what do we really mean with the word "religion"? Do we mean what the religion supposedly is teaching or how the followers interpret the teachings? Take Islam, there's two majority versions of it, so it's not enough to say Islam is the "true" religion, but one has to pick one of the groups. When you pick the group you most likely will follow the tenets only to certain extent. Some states require a full implementation of the strict laws and other states are more liberal. And yet in all of it you will end up with personal opinions about the religion anyway, so most likely you would not be a true follower of this true religion. In the end, everyone is screwed even if they think they follow the absolutely correct faith.

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You know I have often heard it said that because Christianity is the largest religion, it must be true. How could so many people be wrong? But, by that same logic, all religions can be dismissed. For the 2+ billion Christians out there there are 5+ billion who disagree. Among the 1 billion Catholics there are another billion who disagree. The same can be said for all religions. So, it is not a question of how many are right, but rather how many are wrong. If only one is wrong, they all are. So, to rephrase the truth of Han Solo, the only true theism is atheism.

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That was my initial impression, but to expand upon it: Religion is subjective, not objective. Everyone views the gods from different GPS coordinates. No one sees exactly the same thing; therefore, from an objective POV, truth is not possible.


Nicely put :)


All religion is personal, and ought to be :D

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...yet in all of it you will end up with personal opinions about the religion anyway, so most likely you would not be a true follower of this true religion. In the end, everyone is screwed even if they think they follow the absolutely correct faith.


Han, NBBTL, OP, CT and every body...


This new thread is not about me going to the other side. Heck, even in my religion, the squabbles are aplenty, from the many ways to interpret the Bible to blah, blah.


Han has put it right there... i'm comfortable with that statement. The jury is still out on which is the "true" religion. And, frankly, it's not that important (to me).


My objective was just "food for thought". The guys who put it up are from 5 separate religions (thanks for that detail OP).

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...yet in all of it you will end up with personal opinions about the religion anyway, so most likely you would not be a true follower of this true religion. In the end, everyone is screwed even if they think they follow the absolutely correct faith.


Han, NBBTL, OP, CT and every body...


This new thread is not about me going to the other side. Heck, even in my religion, the squabbles are aplenty, from the many ways to interpret the Bible to blah, blah.


Han has put it right there... i'm comfortable with that statement. The jury is still out on which is the "true" religion. And, frankly, it's not that important (to me).


My objective was just "food for thought". The guys who put it up are from 5 separate religions (thanks for that detail OP).


Why is it not important to you that you know which the "true religion" is? Doesn't the destiny of your soul depend on it? I do not say that in jest.

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Doesn't the destiny of your soul depend on it? I do not say that in jest.


Overall, i'm with the Bible God. As you know there are thousands of denominations. I'm of the Assemblies of God and that is actually an off shoot of Pentecostal denomination. Then i found out the Charismatics (from this d) is quite extreme in the US. Here in Malaysia, it's not.


Oooh err. rambling... i can't possibly answer each newcomer, please excuse me. Well, ok, i can't explain it but my God do answer prayers. Not just mine, but the folks at my church - Faith Charismatic Centre.

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