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Christians...why Bother Us?


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Did we piss in your cornflakes? Did we call you in the middle of dinner? Did we rat you out for having an illegal cable subscription?


I am all for freedom of speech and religion, yet I am also for the freedom of leaving my neighbors alone.


We have minds and we've used them to understand why Christianity is not a viable system of belief and living one's life.


How does my existence threaten yours? Is it just the thought that is offensive, much like the thought of two homosexuals being intimate behind closed doors?


I sincerely don't understand why you come into our tent and try to inject your noxious "Christian insanity" into our bloodstreams?


It gets annoying reading your inane defenses of a tribal sky beast that hasn't done anything useful for humanity since...ever.

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We both know the answer don't we?


They've become Good Krystchens™ by making themselves slaves of their cult's dogma and shutting down their brains. They have no life anymore. Their cult is their life. You say or even think anything against their cult, to them it's a personal insult.


Morons, all of them.

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A few weeks ago, when I was riding the Greyhound into Seattle for Winter break, I was just barely on the Washington side of the Columbia when a passenger across the aisle from me started mumbling to me "Being Chwischin is the vewy best ting." Over and over and over again. Milton from Office Space was more coherent. I was just ignoring this phrase, but he kept on repeating it ad nauseum hoping I would respond favorably to him.


You know, I have this theory. Those particular Christians who go out of their way to spread the word must have some degree of Asperger's Syndrome. Just like I have certain fixations (Star Trek, anybody?), they just gotta go out of their way to spread The Word to others just I sometimes want to talk about Star Trek to somebody. No, I don't mean those ones who more or less passively believe and don't preach to the world like its some seven-year itch that needs to be scratched.

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They HAVE to bother us. They're on a Mission From God™.

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Based on the overabundance of them in the last couple of weeks, I think it was their New Year’s resolution to get back on the “save the heathens” treadmill!!! Unfortunately, from what I’ve been reading, they’ve let themselves get so far out of shape; they’re not even capable of turning on the machine.


Or maybe Caretaker is correct and this is really what’s going on: :lmao:


Those particular Christians who go out of their way to spread the word must have some degree of Asperger's Syndrome.


I had to force myself to read a couple of these threads. I find them incredibly distasteful. So, why do I persist? For the very reason iskerbibel stated last night in the “Hi… I’m a Christian” thread.


ThreeD, I'd just like to say howdy and welcome to the forum. Glad you're here- you're helping people out in ways that you can't possibly understand (yet?).


Oh, it helps. It helps a lot!!!!

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They HAVE to bother us. They're on a Mission From God™.


*sigh* Unfortunately true.


I don't know about the rest of you, but when I was a Xian I would often post on various forums (Xian and non-Xian) truly believing that "God had sent me there". Especially if I would meet a new friend that needed help or got in an argument with someone over some trivial bit of doctrine.


So, I would dump my steaming spiritual load and if it wasn't accepted I would "shake the (virtual) dust from my feet" and move on with my arrogant head shoved up my ass feeling that I'd done what the Lard asked me to do...



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Personally I think those who come here with their doctrines in hand are mostly doing so for reasons of their own doubt. They come to test their abilities to bolster the idea that they "understand" it; it being the cheap little arsenal of arguments they've been supplied with by those brightest of leaders in their midst, which they wield, I believe, in the hope that they will see a gleam on their wooden swords through which they can gain confidence and "really believe" when they see its power.


This all is motivated out of their doubt, and rightly so. How in looking to the quality of their leaders, despite their bluster and cocky confidences, can they hold them in genuine respect when the content of their confidence rests in flat out denials? How can any half-educated person in this culture reconcile a world of far-reaching knowledge take true confidence in the opinions of those who don't address that knowledge, but rather dismiss it on the sole basis it doesn't agree with their ideas?


So, doubt. That's why they come. To test their faith. All I can say to that with kindness, we should cleft their swords of wood with surgical precision, by which they can wonder at the whole of their confidence in their leaders. I welcome them to test their mettle for their own harsh confrontation with their doubt.

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Theres also the ones who truly believe that the power of the Holy Spirit will rain down on their words or they believe that the word has power DYNAMIS enough to change peoples minds, remember how the bible said that the word is living and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword...and they wer to go out casting down imagination and any false thing that sets itself against the knowledge of god??


I used to think that even though they werent believing at the time, I had sown good seed and it would someday convict some of them, maybe just one, so they go out like johnny rotten apple-seed with the intention that the very WORD itself will do its magic in our hearts.

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Duh guys, it's because we are scary. Everybody has a dragon to slay...and I happen to breathe fire. :lol:

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Come on, squiddies!!!!


Not a single one wants to comment here.


Wow, I am not shocked at all by their lack of moxie.

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This is one of the things I was never able to do for the "cause"...I just couldn't bring myselft to "testify"! I much preferred to keep my christianity to myself...but then I of course carried the guilt of not preaching the gospel!! What a load of crap...

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We are decieved! We have been led astray by Satan. They desperately want to convert us back onto the true path... and in the process earn brownie points with the magical sky daddy.

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Personally I think those who come here with their doctrines in hand are mostly doing so for reasons of their own doubt. They come to test their abilities to bolster the idea that they "understand" it; it being the cheap little arsenal of arguments they've been supplied with by those brightest of leaders in their midst, which they wield, I believe, in the hope that they will see a gleam on their wooden swords through which they can gain confidence and "really believe" when they see its power.


Well said A-man, my thoughts exactly!

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I like it when they bug me. It's cheap entertainment. Especially when I inform them I am a Luciferian, and that their God can kiss my ass.

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Maybe the Christians bother us because they need to get laid?

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Maybe the Christians bother us because they need to get laid?


LMAO! It'd probably do them a world of good :)

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Come on, squiddies!!!!


Not a single one wants to comment here.


Wow, I am not shocked at all by their lack of moxie.


Really there aren't that many around anymore. Way back in the olden days when I could still sort of see my toes, there were many more testing their skills of apology. The board has become almost Christian free.

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This very thread is what keeps me coming back to defend a position that I think is worthy of defense, that is, defending folks crapped upon by the resident ilk. There is NO enlightenment out of Christianity for these "enlightened" ex-ers, only crappy behavior and more hatred. Again, save me the whining.

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THE REAL WORLD IS MORE THAN ENLIGHTENING end3. You are defending "ropes of sand", that couldn't save you from the death you are falling to.

The harder you grasp your faith, the more life slips away through your fingers.

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I like to pick a fight !!!!!!!!!! :dumbo: Cause I'm bloody Irish!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo:


Why do you come here?

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No. Seriously though. You did piss in my flakes man!!!!!! :grin:


Ok. Your existence does not threaten mine. And how is Christianity not viable? It's as simple as you want to make it.

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I like to pick a fight !!!!!!!!!! :dumbo: Cause I'm bloody Irish!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo:


Why do you come here?


Hey Yo,


I came looking for you.


I always thought that you were Chinese, like Yoyo Ma.


What brings you around?

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What brings you around?


I must defend my brethren :grin: And teach them many thing to know, young grasshoppers, they will learn.

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Seriously, won't there be more room in heaven without us? :grin:


Christianity is not a viable option because I refuse to bow down and worship a god who is:


1. Cruel and sadistic


To send his own children to hell when he was the one who created them with inherent curiousity and flaws. There's no way out of this one--God created us and Satan, and God blames US for fucking up? Uh, I don't think so. God knows everything. Either he MADE us in such a way KNOWING anyone with a rational mind would not be able to blindly obey him, KNOWING that anyone with empathy would realize that a relationship based on reward/punishment is not love, OR God screwed up in making us and therefore isn't all powerful.


2. Not there for me ever, let alone when I need him


3. Unable or unwilling to keep his promises



I believe that Christians bother us out of fear. It's based on their flawed "just world" hypothesis (which I'll make another thread about later). In reality, the world is not just. Bad guys get away. People get hurt. But you make do with the time you know you have, and YOU give it meaning yourself. When you are the person who decides how and why your life has meaning (or even if it doesn't), it is so much more fulfilling that giving it away to an abusive sadistic being who can't even prove he exists.

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What brings you around?


I must defend my brethren :grin: And teach them many thing to know, young grasshoppers, they will learn.



You guys spoiled my bad mood....

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