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Goodbye Jesus

Sorry To Disappoint You Guys...


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Ok...here is the news for all my valued friends that I have made on this site over this past year. Wow, what a journey. I have made the decision to turn back to God.

"WHAT???" I can hear you all shrieking.

I know its a shock for you all. Its my decision and I am happy about it. It was a very complex decision. I have far more peace now and am more settled. I would like to stay around on the forums if you would have me though. I probably won't post much though. I was never a good debater and I don't intend to start now. I have no desire whatsoever to preach, convert, yada yada. Whatever anyone believes is their own personal story and frankly none of my business.


I thought out of respect for all the wonderful people I have met on here I would tell you my news. I would have to say that the people on this site have become far more than just words on a screen for me. Thankyou for all the support you guys have shown and given me these past months. I hope to still connect with you in some way still. I would hate to think that my change of beliefs would sever friendships.


Kind regards,



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If this decision makes your life easier for you and gives you peace and happiness, then I can't have much to say about that except I am glad it works that way for you.

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  • Super Moderator

Hey, whatever makes you happy. Good luck.

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Hey,whatever rocks your boat. But I'm afraid you'll have to turn in your "skeptic" badge.


So,all the wonderful people here are on a highway to hell or something? :)

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I would hate to think that my change of beliefs would sever friendships.

hey,this isn't a church or something.

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  • Super Moderator

You have to do what's best for you. I hope, for your sake, that you're not part of a group of calvinists. Take care.

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I hope to still connect with you in some way still. I would hate to think that my change of beliefs would sever friendships.


Kind regards,



Stick around. I suspect we may have something to learn from you, even if it's not about Christianity. I would like to know if you now see some of the posts as disrespectful of Christianity and if that now affects you differently than before your return to belief.


Lots of other questions in fact, but maybe later if you decide to stick around.

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No disapppointment here, I wish you the best.


If one can maintain friendships/relationships to non believers as a believer, I respect that.

The problem I see with many of the believers I know, is that they cannot have any decent kind of relationship with people "of the world". I am treated like a leper by some of the people in my wife's church, but frankly I don't care.

Most of these people I wouldn't hang with anyway.


I hope you don't limit yourself like some christians do with regard to socializing, etc. I wish you the best..

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I for one hate to see anyone join the sheep, especially a former free-thinker. Think hard about the fairy tales you're now regaling as true again. Santa is still Santa, The easter bunny ;still hops, and god is still a man-made entity.


Wish ;you the best.

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Kathlene, sorry to hear that. Well, these things happen. You're still welcome to post.



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Each of us have our own path to walk, you don't owe anyone an explanation for what you believe or what you don't! Much luck to you Kathlene, I hope you find the peace you're looking for.

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I'm not disappointed; I only hope you're doing this for the right reasons for your own sakes. Be true to yourself, Kathlene. Don't sell yourself out for the promise of the lifestyle you've been seeking. What seems like the easier road today can lead you to where others want you to go for their own benefit.


I wish you all the best.

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Kathlene - why should we be disappointed? You're doing what you feel you need to do, and what makes you feel free, at peace, and happy. That's all anyone could ask for a friend. I, for one, am not disappointed at all.


Now the fact that Disney is buying Marvel comics - that's disappointing! :ugh:


Since you don't like to debate, I'd suggest you stick to the lighter threads and just lurk on the heavy-duty slugfests. I wouldn't want you to feel beat up here, ever.





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Good luck and don't be a stranger here.


Spirituality is one's own personal experience. Good luck.

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Hey, it's about deciding for yourself, not making us happy. If it's your choice, we'll back you - even if we don't agree.

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Do what makes you happy. We're not gonna run you off.

Take care

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I don't really know you well and it's kind of a personal question...but do you mind if I ask what led up to the decision?

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"To thine own self be true"


Good luck,



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Kathlene, when I tell friends that I no longer believe in god and they get all freaked out, I ask them why it bothers them. I am still the same person that I was when I believed. So, to you, I say that your belief in god does not bother me a bit. You are still the Kathlene that we have come to know and love. Stick with us. I am sure that learning will take place on both sides. :kiss:

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I don't really know you well and it's kind of a personal question...but do you mind if I ask what led up to the decision?


Me too. Well, I am very interested in learning about whether someone who truly stops believing in god and becomes a sceptic can go back and how. I don't know if that fits you, as I am fairly new here, but I would be interested to hear your story if you ever feel like sharing it.


I also admit, I am curious to see how it goes. Having read some of your old posts it sounds like we have a fair bit in common in terms of Christian background and experience, and I wonder if you can go back in a new way and not get sucked back into the problems of before.


Sorry, I know I sound like I am prying, but this stuff is very much on my mind at the moment, admittedly more out of fear of what might happen to me, than because I want to go back.

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  • Super Moderator

Don't lose your sense of humor.



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I wish you peace and contentment, whatever path you choose to travel.

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Sometimes quitting religion is like quitting smoking. It is just easier to light up.



It would be interesting to hear sometime how your objections have been answered.

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